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刍议农村留守儿童的社会支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村留守儿童问题引起了社会的广泛关注。本文对农村留守儿童的社会支持的现状和问题进行了分析,提出一个由政府、群体和个体组成的农村留守儿童的社会支持体系,对于缓解农村留守儿童问题具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

唐美静 《社会工作》2014,(1):128-134
农村留守儿童作为一个特殊的弱势群体,自2004年后被社会广泛关注。由于主客观条件限制,农村留守儿童的需求难以被满足,从而妨碍其成长与发展,甚至连个人生存都受到威胁。本文应用社会支持网络理论,认为造成农村留守儿童问题的一大因素在于其社会支持网络的残缺。社会工作要充分发挥专业所长,为农村留守儿童构建一个安全、有效、完备的社会支持网络,具体行动则应该从个人内部和个人外部两个层面进行介入。  相似文献   

本文对甘肃省的176名农村留守儿童进行问卷调查,分析农村留守儿童的情感需求,研究表明,农村留守儿童的情感需求主要有:安全感的需求、亲情的需求、与同辈群体平等交往的需求、表扬和鼓励的需求、自主成长的需求等,解决农村留守儿童的情感需求问题需要加强亲子互动,发挥家庭的支持作用;加强学校的建设,发挥学校教育的重要作用;吸纳社会力量,构建留守儿童的社会支持网络。  相似文献   

黄诚 《社会工作》2013,(5):128-133
关爱和服务留守儿童,为他们健康成长创造良好的环境和必要的条件,是全社会义不容辞的责任。学界近十来年来关于关爱和服务留守儿童的研究,主要从如下三个视角逐步展开:即关于留守儿童教育监护体系的研究、关于留守儿童社会支持体系的研究和关于留守儿童关爱服务体系的研究。在进行综述和评价的基础上,认为社会互构论为构建关爱和服务留守儿童体系研究提供了一个新的分析视角。  相似文献   

中华慈善总会(以下简称总会)"为了明天关爱儿童"项目实施对象为国家高度关注的留守困境儿童,符合中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务范畴.为拓宽项目筹款渠道,切实解决留守儿童实际困难,总会申请了2020年度中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务项目补助资金150万元,加上配套18万元,在四川、湖北、湖南、江西、西藏五个省(自治区)...  相似文献   

农村留守儿童心理问题研究——以徐州地区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从调查的实证数据出发,通过数据分析发现留守儿童在焦虑、偏激、孤僻、自卑、忧虑感等十二个方面出现较多的心理问题。留守儿童的越界适应不良,角色冲突,以及社会支持网络的缺失是造成留守儿童心理问题的主要原因。需要建立有效的疏解通道和新的公共机构,帮助留守儿童解决心理问题。  相似文献   

农村"留守儿童"社会支持网络模式探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村"留守儿童"作为人口不断流动态势之中一种常见的和必然的社会现象,已经引起社会各界的广泛关注.社会支持网络理论强调弱势群体问题并不是因其自身原因所造成,而是缺乏必要的社会支持.基于此,应着眼于整合社会资源,通过支持与被支持双方的平等互动,使农村留守儿童弱势群体拥有自己的社会支持体系,并形成相互联系的社会支持网络.  相似文献   

12月19日,2021年中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务项目——"碚爱童行"农村留守儿童与困境儿童关爱帮扶社会工作服务示范项目举办了一场乡村儿童城市体验主题活动.重庆市江北区新扬社会工作服务中心的工作人员带领着北碚区17名农村留守儿童与困境儿童一起体验"搭乘一次地铁、吃一次快餐、看一场电影",近距离感受城市文化与生活.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童社会保护体系建构:福利治理视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村留守儿童是中国社会转型时期产生的特殊群体,具有深刻的结构根源.留守儿童是风险最大、自我保护能力最弱、最容易受到伤害的群体,亟需社会关爱和保护.研究者从福利治理的视角出发,结合实践经验研究发现,农村留守儿童社会保护政策体系不完善,组织架构不清晰,留守儿童社会保护资源短缺.政府部门需要注重国家基本责任承担,强化家庭主要责任主体的意识,通过社区资源的有效整合及社会组织力量的有效参与,完善多元主体参与的留守儿童社会保护服务传导机制,才能有效应对留守儿童社会保护的问题.  相似文献   

自第六次人口普查以后,国家和社会高度重视留守儿童问题。关爱留守儿童的生活环境、心理健康和教育成长成为重中之重。我国进入新媒体时代以来,留守儿童有了更多接触媒体的机会,传统媒介和新媒介在民族地区的留守儿童生活中占据了重要地位,然而面对网络媒介,留守儿童本就存在的心理健康问题在互联网环境中得到放大,留守儿童的在线心理健康和安全教育值得关注。  相似文献   

This article examines mothers' support for children's interests and, specifically, emotional processes in mothers that may explain why they display different levels of support with children of different temperaments. We observed 114 mothers and their 14–27 month-old children during a laboratory interaction. Mothers rated children on three dimensions of temperament: activity, anger proneness, and social fearfulness. As expected, activity predicted mothers' anger, disappointment, and low support for children's interests. Social fearfulness predicted mothers' worry, low anger, low disappointment, and high support for children's interests. Mediational tests verified that (1) mothers' emotions often mediated the relation of child temperament to mothers' supportive behavior, and (2) children's compliance often mediated the relation of child temperament to mothers' emotions. Mothers tended to report negative emotion and to display relatively unsupportive behavior with children whose temperaments corresponded to attributes considered relatively undesirable for their sex.  相似文献   

This study explores whether family and community social capital variables influence children's school status in Mexico. Additional predictors related to human and financial capital were included as control variables. Two hundred and four mothers were interviewed as part of a larger study on the impact of social capital on children's street work in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico. Logistic regression results suggest that family and community protective factors associated with children's academic achievement include parental help with homework, mothers' academic aspirations, extended family support and mothers' social support networks. The author reports on family- and community-based predictors of children's school status and discusses the social work profession's role in strengthening families and communities to enhance children's academic achievement.  相似文献   

许琪 《社会》2017,37(2):216-240
以往关于中国家庭代际关系的研究往往侧重于分析子女对父母的赡养,而很少讨论父母对成年子女的帮助,以及这种帮助对传统赡养关系的影响。本文在分析“中国老年社会追踪调查”在2012年的试调查数据后发现,现在中国父母正在从经济和小孩照料等方面向他们的成年子女提供各种形式的帮助,而且父母的帮助(特别是小孩照料)对是否能够得到子女赡养和赡养的水平均有显著影响。分城乡的比较研究发现,父母的帮助对子女赡养行为的影响在城市表现得更加明显,这在一定程度上说明,随着社会现代化程度的提高,中国家庭养老赖以维持的基础已经发生了改变。  相似文献   

In this study, children's attachment relationships with their professional caregivers in center day care were observed for 48 children. We explored whether more positive caregiving was associated with a more secure attachment relationship and whether this association was stronger for more temperamentally irritable children compared to less irritable children. Trained observers coded the attachment relationship in the day care setting using the attachment Q-sort. The observational record of the caregiving environment was used to assess children's individual experience of positive caregiver–child interaction in the classroom. When caregivers showed more frequent positive caregiving behavior, children showed more secure attachment behavior toward their primary professional caregiver. Temperament was not related to attachment security, nor did it serve as a moderator. Consequently, no support for Belsky's susceptibility hypothesis was found.  相似文献   

刘七生 《社会工作》2012,(10):19-23
留守儿童是当前我国一个庞大而特殊的弱势群体。解决留守儿童问题,有赖于养育儿童观念的改变;遵守联合国《儿童权利公约》,确保不违背儿童父母的意愿使儿童和父母分离;给予农民工"国民待遇",取消户籍差别。  相似文献   

Adult children's supportive behaviors were examined with respect to children's autonomy and social motivation towards parents, and with respect to longitudinal changes of parents' subjective well–being. In total, 115 adult children from 83 German families completed a questionnaire on supportive behaviors and social motivation. The children also reported what pleased or irritated their parents most. Findings suggest that filial autonomy was associated with resistance to strain. Older parents' satisfaction improved when children expressed affection or gave emotional support. However, informational support from children was associated with decreased satisfaction among parents. Findings suggest that filial autonomy may facilitate supportive behaviors that correspond to older parents' socioemotional needs.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童现象浅析及对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着大量剩余农村劳动力的转移,农村留守儿童成为和谐社会建设中一个不容忽视的现象。本文从留守儿童存在的主要问题入手,分析了该问题对和谐社会建设的影响,并提出了在和谐社会建设中关爱留守儿童的理性思考。  相似文献   

在保定市北市区弱势群体的抽样调查基础上,本文通过引入社会网络理论范式,对弱势群体的基本状况进行了具体的描述和深入分析,认为城市弱势群体社会支持网络存在着规模小、构成简单、同质性强、缺乏阶层内部整合等特征和问题,而引入社会工作专业支持,对培育和强化弱势群体社会支持网络至关重要。  相似文献   

谢桂华 《社会》2009,29(5):149-167
本文使用2006年全国社会综合调查的抽样数据,分析了老年人的居住模式、与子女的居住距离和儿女数量对子女赡养行为的影响。研究发现,老人的居住模式和居住距离并不明显影响子女给予的经济支持,但会影响子女在日常照料和情感慰藉方面给予的支持。有同住子女的父母可以得到子女更频繁的关心和照顾,而空巢家庭的父母从子女处获得的日常照料和经济支持则较少;子女居住得离父母越近,则越经常给予父母日常照料和情感慰藉。研究也发现,子女给予父母各方面照料的频繁程度不受兄弟姐妹数量的影响,独生子女并不比非独生子女更频繁地照顾父母。  相似文献   

Acculturation and Korean-American Children's Social and Play Behavior   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined how acculturation styles are related to Korean immigrant mothers' parenting and play attitudes and their young children's social and play behavior. 108 Korean-American and 52 European-American mothers completed the Parents as Teacher Inventory and a play questionnaire. Observers recorded children's social and play behavior during free play activities in their preschool, and teachers rated their social behavior. Korean-American mothers completed an acculturation measure. Results showed Korean-American mothers who had an 'assimilated' acculturation style, were more accepting and encouraging of children's creativity and play, and reported more parent-child play in the home than mothers with an integrated, marginal, or separated acculturation styles. Children of assimilated and integrated mothers engaged in more frequent pretend play and were rated by their teachers as being more difficult. The results suggest there are distinct cultures of family life and childhood that manifest themselves as Korean immigrant families individually adapt to life in the U.S. The findings support the importance of examining cultural differences that exist between people whose ancestry can be traced to the same nationality.  相似文献   

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