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This research examines the application of theories of organizational birth and death in transitional and undemocratic political settings. Through the case study of the birth and death of the Ministry of Supplies and Marketing in Kenya, the author determines that theoretical explanations of organizational formation and demise do not necessarily fit a uniform profile. Under unstable and undemocratic environments, public organizations that are brought to life through decrees may also be unexpectedly vanished without following a logical and predictable cyclical sequence.
Eric E. OtenyoEmail:

Dr. Eric E. Otenyo   is Assistant Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Northern Arizona University. His most recent books are Comparative Public Administration: The Essential Readings, (with Nancy Lind), (Oxford, UK: Elsevier 2006) and Managerial Discretion in Government Decision Making: Beyond the Street Level, (with Jacqueline Vaughn). (Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2007). His work appeared in numerous journals including Public Administration and Management: An Interactive Journal, International Journal of Public Administration, and the International Journal of Services, Economics and Management.  相似文献   

This study enhances the network-based approach, which is a novel method to increase discrimination in data envelopment analysis. The enhancements include removing the bias caused by a scale difference among organizations and highlighting the approach's ability to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each organization. The former makes the approach applicable to both the constant returns of scale (CRS) and the variable returns of scale (VRS) models. The network-based approach applies the centrality concept developed in social network analysis to discriminate efficient decision making organizations as determined by standard data envelopment analysis (DEA). More specifically, the results of data envelopment analysis are transformed into a directed and weighted network in which each node represents a decision making organization and the link between a pair of node represents the referencing relationship between the pair. The centrality value for each efficient organization provides the base for discrimination and ranking. This network-based approach suggests aggregating DEA results of different input/output combinations such that the merits of each organization under various situations can be considered. The final ranking of this approach favors organizations that have their strengths evenly spread and tends to screen out specialized efficient organizations. As a real world example, the approach is applied to evaluate and rank the R&D (research and development) performance of Taiwan's government-supported research institutes. The cross-organizations and within-organization strengths for each efficient research institute are identified after applying the approach. A two-stage R&D evaluation model separates the R&D process into the technology development and technology diffusion stage. The resulting performance map differentiates the research institutes into four categories—Achievers, Marketers, Innovators, and Underdogs.  相似文献   

This paper considers the application of methodology for the multivariant design and multiple criteria analysis of the life cycle of a building. The theoretical basis of the methodology is developed. A proposed methodology allows everyone (i.e. client, investor, contractor, etc.), who has to make the decisions, to design alternatives of the building life cycle and to evaluate its qualitative and quantitative aspects. This approach, in which various criteria can be employed, is intended to support the decision making on a building's life cycle selection and increase the efficiency of the resolution process. The procedure of the evaluating of a building's life cycle is discussed using an example.  相似文献   

Conducting an early warning forecast to detect potential cost overrun is essential for timely and effective decision-making in project control. This paper presents a forecast combination model that adaptively identifies the best forecast and optimises various combinations of commonly used project cost forecasting models. To do so, a forecast error simulator is formulated to visualise and quantify likely error profiles of forecast models and their combinations. The adaptive cost combination (ACC) model was applied to a pilot project for numerical illustration as well as to real world projects for practical implementation. The results provide three valuable insights into more effective project control and forecasting. First, the best forecasting model may change in individual projects according to the project progress and the management priority (i.e. accuracy, outperformance or large errors). Second, adaptive combination of simple, index-based forecasts tends to improve forecast accuracy, while mitigating the risk of large errors. Third, a post-mortem analysis of seven real projects indicated that the simple average of two most commonly used cost forecasts can be 31.2% more accurate, on average, than the most accurate alternative forecasts.  相似文献   

The availability of traditional self-report instruments for measuring work stressors may have diverted attention from exploring the way in which different stressors relate to one another. In order to develop a better understanding of the nature of the stressor experience a study was undertaken to explore the stressor-strain relationship using sequential tree analysis, a stepwise procedure that provides a “visual display” of the patterns and associations between stressors and strains. The study employed a sample of 695 principals and deputy principal teachers of secondary schools in New Zealand, who received a questionnaire measuring stressors and strains. SPSS AnswerTree® (version 2.0.1) was used to identify the patterns of association. The patterns of stressors that emerge from this analysis were used in a didactic or illustrative way to identify issues of measurement that may need to be resolved in order to derive a better understanding of the stressor experience. Different stressor patterns were associated with different levels of, but lower levels of strain were not simply the obverse of those stressors that cause higher levels of strain. Two not mutually exclusive issues emerge from the results, suggesting that stressor measurement practices may need to be reviewed. The first includes structural level issues such as considering the number, type, and potency of different stressors. The second includes issues best described as conditions of association. These concern understanding why different stressor patterns form, the relationship between stressors in those patterns, and the potency of patterns.  相似文献   

Building and deploying network capabilities of firms are crucial for sustaining competitive advantage. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are useful to enhance such network capabilities thorough effective information flows. Their intended goals are measured in terms of production costs, operational flexibility and supply chain performance outcomes. However, the impact of ERP system implementation on firm performance has been reported as somewhat inconclusive. This study contends that a missing link in the story is the scope and extent of ERP system implementation after investigating how the extent of ERP integration is associated with the performance outcomes of manufacturing firms. The study also posits that restructuring in the organisation and supply chains are positively associated with manufacturing performance. Since ERP often entails restructuring in an organisation and supply chains, it is anticipated that restructuring plays an important role in inducing positive impact of ERP implementation to the firm. Using a global sample of 641 manufacturers, this research identifies four distinct ERP systems integration patterns, epitomised by different extents and directions of integration, and finds a significant association among the broadest degree of ERP systems integration, restructuring and plant performance improvement. The empirical results also show that restructuring takes place most actively in a firm that implement ERP with widest scope and scale.  相似文献   

Porter's framework of generic strategies conceptualizes key elements of firms' strategic positions in their industry. Research on these generic strategies has been challenged by the complexity of capturing relations between generic strategies (i.e., cost leadership, differentiation, and focus) and their interdependencies with other strategic commitments for performance outcomes. We address these challenges by utilizing fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) to explore the causal complexity underlying the links between generic strategies and firm performance. Specifically, we study combinations of firms' generic strategies and other strategy attributes as paths to high or low performance in the U.S. and Canadian airline industry. We find six equifinal configurations that are consistently linked to high performance and nine configurations that are consistently linked to the absence of high performance. Our findings shed light on the contingencies underlying performance consequences of generic strategies. Consequently they redirect theoretical debates on the links between generic strategies and firm performance as well as on the superiority of pure versus hybrid generic strategies towards relations of set-theoretic of necessity and sufficiency. Specifically, we show that having a generic strategy advantage is not sufficient for high performance but that it is a vital ingredient in recipes for success. Similarly, our findings suggest that a generic strategy disadvantage is not sufficient for low performance, but is a key ingredient in all paths to poor performance. We conclude with a discussion of our study's contributions to the literature, suggestions for future research, and implications for managerial practice.  相似文献   


This paper addresses the construct and predictive validity of two methods for classifying respondents as victims of workplace bullying. Although bullying is conceived as a complex phenomenon, the dominant method used in bullying surveys, the operational classification method, only distinguishes two groups: victims versus non-victims. Hence, the complex nature of workplace bullying may not be accounted for. Therefore a latent class cluster approach is suggested to model the data, which was obtained by using the Negative Acts Questionnaire (NAQ) administered to employees in Belgium (n=6,175). Latent class modelling is a method of analysis that does not appear to have been used in occupational health psychology before. In this study, six latent classes emerged: “not bullied,” “limited work criticism,” “limited negative encounters,” “sometimes bullied,” “work related bullied,” and “victims.” The results show that compared to the traditional operational classification method, the latent class cluster approach shows higher construct and higher predictive validity with respect to self-assessments and indicators of strain and well-being at work. The consequences of these results for theory, future research, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

DEA is used in this paper to investigate target achievements of the operational units of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (NPRA) charged with traffic safety services. The DEA framework applied corresponds to a BCC model with a unique constant input, or equivalently, with no inputs. This framework is further extended to a DEA-based Malmquist index to measure productivity growth in target achievements. Finally, we use a bootstrapping method to ascertain confidence intervals for efficiency scores derived and to test hypotheses on the extent of productivity growth or regress. The mean efficiency scores by which targets are achieved across the sample years are in the range 0.81–0.93 and significant at the 5% level. Total productivity in target achievements shows progress with significance, on average at 7%. Much of the progress is attributed to technological progress. The results illustrate the usefulness of using a decomposable index for productivity measurement, and the use of bootstrapping for sensitivity tests.  相似文献   

Louis Anthony Cox  Jr. 《Risk analysis》2009,29(12):1664-1671
Do pollution emissions from livestock operations increase infant mortality rate (IMR)? A recent regression analysis of changes in IMR against changes in aggregate “animal units” (a weighted sum of cattle, pig, and poultry numbers) over time, for counties throughout the United States, suggested the provocative conclusion that they do: “[A] doubling of production leads to a 7.4% increase in infant mortality.” Yet, we find that regressing IMR changes against changes in specific components of “animal units” (cattle, pigs, and broilers) at the state level reveals statistically significant negative associations between changes in livestock production (especially, cattle production) and changes in IMR. We conclude that statistical associations between livestock variables and IMR variables are very sensitive to modeling choices (e.g., selection of explanatory variables, and use of specific animal types vs. aggregate “animal units). Such associations, whether positive or negative, do not warrant causal interpretation. We suggest that standard methods of quantitative risk assessment (QRA), including emissions release (source) models, fate and transport modeling, exposure assessment, and dose-response modeling, really are important—and indeed, perhaps, essential—for drawing valid causal inferences about health effects of exposures to guide sound, well-informed public health risk management policy. Reduced-form regression models, which skip most or all of these steps, can only quantify statistical associations (which may be due to model specification, variable selection, residual confounding, or other noncausal factors). Sound risk management requires the extra work needed to identify and model valid causal relations.  相似文献   

Li-Fei Chen 《Omega》2012,40(5):651-659
Since its introduction in the 1980s, Kano's two-dimensional model has become one of the most popular models with which to evaluate quality, finding a place in a wide range of industries. For decades, various approaches to regression analysis have been applied to explore asymmetric and non-linear relationships in the Kano model. Although a number of authors have questioned the use of these regression methods, there has been a lack of validity testing to evaluate their convergence with the results of the Kano questionnaire in classifying quality attributes. This study proposes a novel approach to regression analysis for the classification of quality attributes, including must-be, one-dimensional, attractive, and indifferent categories, as well as mixed-class distribution. Using popular tools and techniques for the measurement of customer satisfaction, the proposed approach is capable of simplifying the process of collecting data making it far easier to implement than the list of functional and dysfunctional questions initiated by Kano. An empirical study of a food and beverage chain showed that the proposed approach is capable of returning acceptable classification results, compared to the Kano questionnaire. A validity test indicated that the proposed approach significantly outperformed dummy variable regression and the moderated regression. In conclusion, the proposed approach provides a more practical implementation, while maintaining classification power on par with the Kano questionnaire.  相似文献   


This Type 4 (emic-and-etic) indigenous cross-case/cross-nation comparative study compares the results of two Type 3 (emic-as-emic) indigenous replication studies of effective and ineffective managerial behaviour carried out within private companies in India and South Korea respectively. The method used was ‘realist qualitative content analysis’ involving inductive open and axial coding. Of the Indian findings 100% were found to be convergent in meaning with 94.43% of the equivalent South Korean findings. This has led to the identification of a two-factor emergent Asian behavioural model of perceived managerial and leadership effectiveness comprised of 16 positive (effective) and 6 negative (ineffective) generic behavioural criteria. These criteria could be used in both countries to critically review and improve extant, or develop new, competency-based management/leadership development programmes. The research findings lend no support to claims that national culture has a major impact on managerial and leadership practices, styles, and effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper studies the influence of the demand–supply environment on the capacity scheduling performance of the logistics service supply chain. According to the key characteristics of the demand–supply environment, the cases of five Chinese companies were introduced and cross-analysed, then research hypotheses were developed. After receiving 154 valid questionnaires and testing our hypotheses, some key conclusions were obtained. From the aspect of demand, there is a positive correlation between the customised levels of demand and the scheduling cost of logistics service integrators but a negative correlation between the customised levels of demand and the scheduling flexibility; From the aspect of supply, a higher self-support ratio of logistics source and a higher sourcing integrity of logistics service integrators will lead to a higher scheduling cost and a lower scheduling flexibility; a whole-process performance evaluation is a moderator, which will positively improve the impact of the whole process scheduling performance.  相似文献   

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