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This study seeks to highlight construct measurement issues in information systems (IS) research. It describes the normative process of construct measurement and identifies the difficult problems involved in measurement and some ways in which these difficulties may be overcome. An illustrative construct-operationalization study in the area of strategic systems outlines how the normative guidelines may be applied to IS. Some specific recommendations for IS include developing a preliminary model of the construct even if there is little previous measurement research, devoting greater attention to predictive validity because a lack of theories in IS precludes the examination of nomological validity, verifying the assumptions underlying the computation of an overall index, and examining the measurement properties of the index.  相似文献   

将企业生产经营中涉及的不同绩效评价对象简化成共同的基本评价单元,并借助平衡计分卡的战略地图进行分析,创建战略性绩效评价模型;该评价模型可以量化非财务指标,联系员工日常行为,用于标杆比较和改进,适应企业战略变化.以一家软件企业为例详细介绍了如何创建战略性绩效评价模型以及评价实现方法.  相似文献   

基于能力的公司规划与信息系统规划战略关系实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于第五代战略管理理论--"资源能力现",研究影响公司规划(BP)与信息系统规划(ISP)战略关系的关键因素,并采用结构方程模型,利用中国企业调研数据进行了实证分析.结果表明外部市场环境主要影响信息系统规划的战略地位,而形成公司独特能力的企业内部环境,才是BP-ISP战略关系的重要影响因素,它直接决定着IT投资的效益.  相似文献   

供应链绩效评价指标体系与评价方法研究   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
供应链管理(SCM)与现行企业模式有较大区别,其绩效评价指标体系的建立与评价方法也就有其特殊性,目前这方面的研究还略显不足。本文在综合分析现有的SCM评价指标体系的基础上,初步建立了一套适合我国SCM绩效评价的指标体系。同时,给出了SCM绩效评价的多级动态模糊综合评价方法。  相似文献   

Public Organization Review - This paper focuses on the contribution provided by stakeholder analysis to local strategic planning. The aim of the paper is to deal with the issue, emerging from both...  相似文献   

Although many process‐based studies appear in the strategic management literature, little attention has been devoted to the formation process of marketing strategies. Drawing on enactment and information‐processing theories, this study views the external environment as a source of information (i.e. enacted) and organizations as information‐processing entities. We propose a conceptual framework of antecedents and market performance consequences of emergent marketing strategies and test it with a sample of 214 UK enterprises. The results suggest that dimensions of market uncertainty (i.e. dynamism and complexity) and strategic feedback systems influence the formation of emergent marketing strategy. Furthermore, the data reveal that market uncertainty aspects condition the association between emergent marketing strategies and market performance in different ways. These findings provide new insights into how emergent marketing strategies evolve and influence organizational outcomes.  相似文献   

Organizations facing the need for significant change must determine both adirection for change and a means to realize the strategy. Implementing astrategy for change is dependent upon aligning organizational parametersproperly at the system level: structure, culture, training and development,recruitment and hiring, resource allocation, leadership, information systems,reward systems, coordination mechanisms, and control systems. The chiefexecutive officer must be the catalyst for strategic alignment. Four clustersof behavior are particularly important for the chief executive officer toexhibit in implementing strategic change: Communication, StrategicInteraction, Resource Utilization, and Leadership. Specific behaviors withinthese clusters are identified. The chief executive officer has an importantrole to play as the catalyst for strategic alignment, but the ultimate purposeof that role is to make it possible for the organization to see itself as abroader community responsible for the long-term success of the organization.  相似文献   

Recognizing the importance of interfirm collaboration and recent advancement of information technology (IT) to enhance joint decision making between firms, this study conceptualizes systems collaboration and strategic collaboration as two essential types of interfirm collaboration. The study then simultaneously examines the multiple roles of systems collaboration and strategic collaboration, and how they directly and indirectly influence a firm's supply chain responsiveness and market performance. Hypotheses are tested on survey data collected from 184 firms. Results suggest that the sequential relationships among IT competency, interfirm collaboration, and supply chain responsiveness have significant market performance implications.  相似文献   

陈国青  任明  卫强  郭迅华  易成 《管理世界》2022,38(1):180-195
在大数据和人工智能技术飞速进步及其与社会经济活动的融合持续深化的同时,数据治理,高阶智能以及数智赋能正在成为数字经济发展的关注焦点,进而引发信息系统研究的新跃迁。本文首先刻画了我国信息系统研究的阶段演化框架,讨论研究的“造”与“用”视角、主题跃迁、价值创造特点、方法论范式等。接着,通过凝练对于大数据的认识,揭示管理决策要素转变,探讨了现阶段信息系统研究的若干前沿方向,包括“大数据驱动”研究方法论范式、智能方法创新、人机融合行为等方面的研究进展,并概述了相应的建模思路和求解路径。最后,从数据、算法、赋能的层面,阐释数智化新跃迁的新特征、新挑战、新课题,以期为我国信息系统学界提供前沿探索和研究创新的启发。  相似文献   

以小卫星龙头企业DFH为案例研究对象,探讨了航天复杂产品创新生态系统定义及其动态演化特征和实现机制.分析表明,航天产品研制要重点关注总体设计环节,其创新主体是由核心企业-供应商-科研单位三方构成的一个微生态系统;航天复杂产品创新生态系统从中心-轮辐式到共生式的动态演化主要结构特征是:参与者行动从围绕核心企业目标转化为围绕共同目标;组织边界由清晰向模糊转变;核心企业的组织角色从领导者到平台创造者.基于价值来源选择和制度稳定方式,深入剖析了航天核心企业游击队战略逻辑和交流型组织合作、复杂性战略逻辑和协同型组织合作间如何在创新生态系统的不同发展阶段进行动态适配,以打开航天复杂产品创新生态系统由中心-轮辐式向共生式转化过程的黑箱.  相似文献   

企业战略管理:"静态模式"与"动态模式"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文根据对中国企业环境动态化与动态竞争的分析,以整合两大战略管理流派的理论贡献为切入点以提高动态环境下企业战略管理的有效性和效率为目的试图提出一个新的战略管理模式--"动态模式".这个新的模式把战略管理行为看成是事前计划与事中反应的结合,"点决策"与"过程决策"的结合,理性决策与非理性决策的结合,强调速度与创新在动态竞争中的作用,关注战略管理三个阶段之间的内在联系与交叉影响.重视公司治理、组织结构、管理机制、控制万式、高层管理团队构成以及企业文化对战略管理有效性与效率的保证作用.  相似文献   

资源配置视角下战略调整测度及其对绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业战略理论认为战略调整显著影响公司绩效,然而就战略调整测度方法、战略调整对绩效的作用关系等问题的研究尚未达成一致结论。针对战略调整测度,提出基于关键资源配置向量的调整测度方法,通过关键战略资源配置向量的角度变化、变化模和变化弧度等来分别测度战略调整的角度、幅度和总量。运用我国沪深A股1317家上市公司2005-2012年的财务数据,建立动态面板数据回归模型,实证分析战略调整对企业绩效的影响。研究发现,战略调整对企业未来绩效的影响存在适应性和破坏性效应,随着战略调整程度的增大,适应性效应递减而破坏性效应递增,战略调整与绩效呈现倒U型关系,这为进一步探寻战略调整与绩效的函数关系和最优战略调整决策提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Configurational theories assume that organizational form has important implications for the degree of alignment between top and middle management on strategic priorities. Taken in combination, the structure, process and environment of an organization are thought to have a deep pervasive influence on top management’s attempts to achieve the coordination and control required to attain organizational goals. The preliminary analysis described in this article employs fuzzy c-means clustering to explore the relationship between middle managers’ perceptions of organizational form and strategic alignment within a large local authority. The results illustrate that the clustering of managers’ perceptions of organizational structure, process and environment reflect three organizational archetypes: machine bureaucracy, professional bureaucracy and professional adhocracy. Statistically significant differences in the degree of strategic alignment between each of these organizational forms are then examined to validate the established clustering. Finally, conclusions are drawn on the theoretical and practical implications of the findings.  相似文献   

本文对中国文化背景下团队心理授权维度结构与测量进行了探索性研究。研究首先对20个团队44名员工进行个别访谈,两个团队27名员工进行焦点小组访谈,以及17个团队96名员工进行开放式问卷调查,然后以18家企业的83个工作团队454名员工、32家企业的156个工作团队568名员工为被试,按照心理测量学程序,探讨了中国文化背景下团队心理授权的结构,并编制了相应的测量问卷。结果表明,中国文化背景下团队心理授权的维度结构包括工作导向授权体验与能力导向授权体验两个因素。  相似文献   

We propose that the purposeful sharing of strategic decisions and the process of making and taking those between the dominant coalition of an organization (Strategic Shared Leadership or SSL thereafter), initiated and supported by a focal strategic leader or small team, engenders Organizational Dynamic Capabilities (ODCs) though the transfer of individually-residing DCs within the SSL team, the transformation -co-creation of novel ones and their embeddedness-institutionalization within the organization. It also enhances organizational cognition which mediates the relationship by enriching co-created ODCs and their capacity to deliver reliably change through sensing, seizing and reconfiguring. Accordingly, SSL serves as a co-creator and key predictor of the emergence of ODCs. This helps address the challenges of DCs to marry stability with change, be predictable and to be capable of predicting.  相似文献   

基于DEA方法的集成化供应链整体绩效动态评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李冠  何明祥 《中国管理科学》2005,13(Z1):389-392
本文将数据包络分析(DEA)方法中的静态模型转化为动态模型,对集成化供应链绩效进行动态评价.同时对供应链绩效的有效性进行分析,为集成化供应链绩效的改善提供明确的改进方向和目标.  相似文献   

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