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Aggressive behaviors in early childhood may indicate future violence, so effective intervention measures should be taken on time to promote children's physical and psychological health. Based on sampling survey data from Jintang County in Sichuan Province of China, this paper analyzes the mechanism of rural children's aggressive behaviors from the perspective of peer influences and examines the role of parent involvement in it. The results show that the deeper the degree of deviant peer affiliation, the poorer the psychosocial adaptation of rural children, which is more likely to lead to aggressive behaviors. Parent involvement can effectively inhibit the aggressive behaviors of rural children arising from deviant peer affiliation.  相似文献   

The increased popularity of casino games on social media platforms has prompted international jurisdictions to consider the extent to which these games may be similar to Internet gambling activities and therefore subject to regulatory action. Gambling themes are popular in video and computer games, and simulated-gambling activities are commonly offered by gambling operators as a way of enticing users to gamble online with money. However, little research has evaluated the impact of the digital convergence of gambling and gaming. The lack of a clear definition of online gambling-themed activities to guide such research undertakings represents a significant hurdle to the fields of gambling and gaming. Based on a review of the extant literature, this article proposes a taxonomy to distinguish between many types of online activities with gambling-themed content. This taxonomy suggests that the principal features that differentiate online gambling games include the requirement for payment, the role of skill, the type of platform and the centrality of the gambling theme. The proposed hierarchical framework aims to promote clear and consistent discussion to guide ongoing investigation of new and emerging Internet gambling and gaming technologies.  相似文献   


Cyber-safety behaviors are important in preventing the loss of an individual's digital assets and ensuring the safety of important daily online activities. Individuals’ cyber-safety is also critical for national cybersecurity. The issue is highly relevant for Israel, a country that relies on the digital capabilities of its workers for its major technology industries and is also often a target of cyberwarfare and cybercrime attacks. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of cyber-safety behavior. We investigate the role of age, gender and education in the use of safety-related digital skills and antivirus software. Using a 2014 survey of a national sample of Internet users in Israel (N?=?1850), we found that age, gender, education and quality of access are associated with the level of users’ digital security skills. In addition, these skills and the frequency of conducting financial activities online are the main determinants of antivirus behaviors. Our results expand the understanding of cyber-safety by showing that social and digital disparities are reproduced in the use of measures to prevent online threats, putting the digitally disadvantaged at greater risk of becoming victims of online threats.  相似文献   


Objective: This study aimed to assess the impact of a health education intervention on health behaviors, self-efficacy, and well-being among college students. Participants: Between March and October 2016, a total of 532 undergraduates participated. Methods: A theory-based intervention was conducted at Wuhan University, China. Participants were assigned to a control or intervention group (IG). The IG attended a 7-week health education class on knowledge, attitude, and practice of health behaviors. Results: Participants in the IG, compared with those in the control group (CG), reported significantly increased prevalence of high physical activity and regular breakfast, as well as lower screen time, sugar beverage intake, and Internet addiction tendency. Furthermore, intervention students improved in health behavior scores (p?=?0.040), compared with the CG, while the changes in subjective well-being and self-efficacy remained similar between the two groups. Conclusions: Health education may promote health behaviors among Chinese college students.  相似文献   

This study examines the ways in which different family processes and personal experiences of social contexts are related to the adjustment of adolescents in a subsample of 755 mother‐child dyads drawn from the National Survey of Families and Households. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine a model in which joint family contexts (socioeconomic resources), mothers’ and adolescents’ experiences of outside‐family contexts (perceived social network quality and experience of school stress, respectively), and individual characteristics of mothers (distress) were expected to relate to adolescents’ externalizing and internalizing behaviors through their association with within‐family contexts (mother‐adolescent conflict, family warmth). This conceptual model was supported by the data. Pathways were consistent for boys and girls.  相似文献   

Research has rarely considered intermediate variables in the association between attachment insecurities and relationship commitment. Based on attachment theory and Rusbult's Investment Model, we tested whether positive and negative partner behaviors explain this association in 91 distressed couples undergoing therapy. Path analyses based on the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model revealed that individuals with attachment avoidance reported perceiving fewer positive behaviors from their partner, which was associated with their own higher under-commitment. Partners of individuals with avoidance also reported perceiving fewer positive partner behaviors, which was in turn associated with their own higher under-commitment. Partners of individuals with attachment anxiety perceived more positive behaviors from their partner, which was associated to their own lower under-commitment. Perceived negative partner behaviors were only directly associated with higher under-commitment. These findings imply that perceived positive partner behaviors may be a key aspect to target in relationship therapy in couples who present with high attachment insecurities.  相似文献   


In this article, we aim at expanding the event-based and protest-centered perspective that is typically adopted to study the nexus between social media and movements. To this aim, we propose a network-based approach to explore the changing role that these tools play during the dynamic unfolding of movement processes and, more particularly, over the course of their institutionalization. In the first part, we read the added value of social media as a function of the ‘integrative power’ of the networks they foster – a unique and evolving form of sociotechnical power that springs from the virtuous encounter between social media networking potential and social resources. In the second part, we investigate this form of power by focusing directly on online networks’ structure as well as on the type of communication and participation environments they host. We apply our proposed approach to the longitudinal exploration of the Twitter networks deployed in the period 2012–2014 during three annual editions of the transnational feminist campaign ‘Take Back The Tech!’ (TBTT). Results from our case study suggest that, over time, TBTT supporters do in fact make a differentiated use of social media affordances – progressively switching their communicative strategies to better sustain the campaign’s efforts inside and outside institutional venues. Thus, the exploration of the TBTT case provides evidence of the usefulness of the proposed approach to reflect on the different modes in which social media can be exploited in different mobilization stages and political terrains.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the role of cognitive distortions in the development of on-line game addiction among Chinese adolescents. In Study 1, the sample comprised 495 adolescents aged 12 to 19 who recruited from two middle schools in Guangzhou, China. They were administered questionnaires relating background variables, the Internet Addiction Scale (IAS), Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS) and Online Game Cognitive Addiction Scale (OGCAS). In Study 2, Twenty eight adolescents with excessive on-line game play recruited from a local mental hospital were randomly divided into to a CBT group (N = 14) and a clinical control group (N = 14). Measures of severity of on-line game playing, anxiety, depression, and cognitive distortions were assessed on baseline and after the 6 week intervention. Results of the present study showed that rumination and short-term thinking were the most predictors of online game addiction, and all-or-nothing thinking predict online game addiction at marginal significant levels. Males are at a greater risk of developing online game addiction than do females. CBT and basic counseling had different treatment effects on the all-or-nothing thinking scores, online comfort scores and short-term thinking scores, SDS scores and SAS scores. Interestingly, CBT and basic counseling had similar treatment effects on IAS scores and OGCAS scores. Applications of these findings to etiological research and clinical treatment programs are discussed.  相似文献   

The three studies presented here use four distinct samples that were gathered in mainland China, the United States, and Malaysia. We examined the persuasive effects of culturally congruent online advertising. We also explored the effects of interactions between ethnic identity and product category. Our findings showed that advertisements with collectivistic appeal, although they enhanced attitudes toward ads and brands across all samples, tended to diminish advertising recall. Furthermore, our results revealed that the level of ethnic identity and product category interacted with the main effects of culture on attitudes. Specifically, participants with high levels of ethnic identity had particularly strong reactions to culturally congruent advertisements. In addition, the attitudinal and cognitive effects of cultural appeal tended to diminish in high-involvement product advertisements, which may explain the decreased levels of recall observed in our initial inquiries. Our findings are presented in the contexts of global branding and future cross-cultural advertising research.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the role of specific network structures that enhance social capital and assess the extent to which gender, social ties, and communication interaction relate to content popularity within online social networks (OSNs). Our results are based on an extensive OSN data set, containing over 100,000 members, connected by over 1.7 million links. The findings indicate that content popularity inference is more accurate when considering activity interaction among users and that network structures known as advantageous for amassing social capital in the offline environment are relevant online as well. We conclude by discussing how gender mediates the correlation between some network measures and the growth of users’ content popularity and provide a potential explanation for the emergence of gender differences.  相似文献   

The article reports the development of a synchronous text-based online interviewing tool with a continuity of private discussion that is not achieved in open-ended questionnaires, email interviews and online discussion boards. The participants were women who had undergone a surgical or natural menopause, who in a pilot interview highlighted the potential sensitivity of this subject and inspired the implementation of this method. The overall feedback was positive with the main advantages centred on feelings of anonymity, convenience and a more comfortable interview environment. Disadvantages included lack of body language and technical issues with computers. This technique ensures a degree of confidentiality while still obtaining depth of enquiry, where other qualitative methods potentially risk invading a participant’s privacy. It can be offered both alongside other interviewing techniques to allow participant choice and on its own when exploring sensitive and personal topics or when extra participant anonymity is appropriate.  相似文献   


The prevalence of psychological health problems experienced by young people living in Western societies is increasing. Evidence suggests the cultural dynamism of individualism may play a role in this, but this evidence is conflicting. Here, we focus on both the concepts of individualism and collectivism, distinguishing between their horizontal and vertical dimensions. We examine the influence of these dimensions on the psychological wellbeing of a sample of 507 Australian emerging adults (aged 18–25). We found that orientations towards vertical (but not horizontal) individualism predicted lower levels of psychological wellbeing, while orientations towards horizontal (but not vertical) collectivism predicted higher psychological wellbeing. These findings add clarity to the way in which key Western social values play an understated role in the increasing prevalence of psychological health problems experienced by young people today. They also provide an understanding of how various traits embedded within these concepts relate to psychological wellbeing.  相似文献   


This explorative case study investigates how the continuous publication cycle and the immediacy of online news affected the Swedish news media framing of the swine flu epidemic between April and May 2009. The findings suggest that media framing changes continuously, several times a day, effectively painting different frames of the crisis. Consequently, an organization involved in this crisis may face stakeholders that have encountered contrasting frames depending on when they accessed the latest news. Furthermore, the results show that the speed of modifications seems to be highest in the initial stages of reporting when the flu was perceived as more dangerous. Because the crisis frames change constantly, this provides both a challenging crisis communication environment and an opportunity to influence and shape the frames by organizations that are aware of them and act swiftly.  相似文献   


Objective: Understand from whom concussed football players seek and receive emotional support, and whether this support is associated with injury perceptions. Participants: Football players (N?=?26) from three NCAA Division I programs. Methods: With approval from the head athletic trainer, concussed athletes (2017 season) completed short surveys within 4–6?days of diagnosis and when cleared to return. Results: Concussed athletes perceived their injury as a normal consequence of playing football, not serious, and reported little, if any, depression and anxiety. Athletes reported the most support from athletic trainers; the least from coaches and teammates. Emotional support was associated with fewer adverse psychosocial reactions, more sport-injury related growth, and greater intentions to report future concussion symptoms. Conclusion: Results from this pilot study suggest that emotional support during the concussion recovery process should be understood and fostered by university officials charged with the health and well-being of collegiate football players.  相似文献   


A review of research reveals that the prevalence rates of depression, somatization, and posttraumatic stress disorder among Asian Americans are at least as high as those for White Americans, and, in many cases, higher rates are exhibited. Findings with respect to anxiety have been equivocal. The conclusion that is best supported by research at this time is that Asian Americans are not extraordinarily well adjusted, in contrast to their stereotype as a model ethnic minority group. What has hindered researchers in determining the rates and distributions of mental disorders among Asian Americans has been methodological and conceptual problems. These problems involve (a) making cross-cultural comparisons using assessment instruments that have been standardized on one group and applied to another and (b) phenomena unique to Asian Americans, including their population size, heterogeneity, and rapid demographic changes. Suggestions for research directions are given.  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a consumer-focused assessment of the accommodation and support needs of people with a mental illness living in a regional city. The study utilises a 'pathway to stability' approach to assess the phase-contingent accommodation and support needs of mental health consumers through interviews and focus groups with consumers, carers and service providers. The study identifies five broad phases of the life course impacted by mental illness—beginnings, long-term needs become clearer, instability as needs evolve, finding stability and ongoing. Five key issues—information, self-competence, comorbidity, coordination and flexibility were expanded upon in focus groups. Principles for planning future service delivery are identified. The implications of the findings and research methodology for social work practice and research are discussed.  相似文献   

The study surveyed 506 employees in the United States to test the effect of internal communication (i.e., corporate-level symmetrical and leadership-level responsive communications) on fostering a positive emotional culture characterized by companionate love, joy, pride, and gratitude. In addition, we tested the interplay between corporate internal communication and a positive emotional culture and its influence on supportive employee behaviors, specifically, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and employee advocacy. Results indicated that symmetrical communication and responsive leadership communication cultivated a positive emotional culture in organizations. Such culture also fostered employee OCB and advocacy. Moreover, corporate symmetrical communication directly and positively influenced employee OCB. Finally, this study found that employee OCB positively affected employee advocacy. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings for public relations scholars and practitioners were discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the news trustworthiness and media credibility of The Economist's news report on 9 July 2009, and the communicative roles of 846 readers' responses. Theoretically guided by news translation and cultural resistance and the online public sphere, we applied online field observation and discourse analysis and achieved two main findings: First, although the news report covered the Xinjiang riots with comprehensive and attractive details, it violated the core journalism value of media credibility and journalistic objectivity by providing misleading pictures and significant unreliable and biased coverage. Second, the major communicative roles of the online readers' responses generally match Dahlberg's six conditions of an ideal online public sphere, which is still challenging but promising to realize.  相似文献   

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