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Objective. Throughout the course of the Iraq War, the Bush Administration has consistently framed its war policy in religious language. Therefore, we investigate the extent to which public religiosity predicts neoconservative foreign policy attitudes. Method. We use the 2005 Baylor Religion Survey to estimate OLS models predicting the effects of religious measures on support for a neoconservative Middle East foreign policy. Findings. We find that support for U.S. Iraq policy is partially an outcome of what we call “sacralization ideology,” as measured by the belief that religious and secular institutions should be more closely in collaboration. Conclusion. We argue that the religious framing of U.S. foreign policy appeals to a certain religious type who is not fully Republican or conservative evangelical.  相似文献   

虎饰品:虎虎生威的另类童话 过去每年进入腊月,窗外寒风怒吼或白雪皑皑.入夜,儿女们都甜甜地睡了,母亲却在盏盏灯下,穿针引线,忙着为孩子们绣制出一件件春节礼物--虎头鞋、虎头帽,虎形玩具等等,室外虽然寒风刺骨,室内母亲的心却是温暖如春.  相似文献   

Under successive New Labour administrations British law and order policy experienced a significant shift. The literature, however, falls short to empirically substantiate whether this change can be attributed to the ideological preferences of the party in power – neither on the aggregate-level nor in terms of a causal mechanism. This study develops a novel partisan effects mechanism linking the notion of policy-seeking party elites with the notion of policy entrepreneurship. The applied mixed-method research design confirms a partisan link in two ways: On the aggregate-level, the first systematic analysis of the complete law and order legislation from 1990 to 2014 allows to assess the significant policy change as well as its correlation with partisan effects. On the micro-level, a qualitative analysis traces these effects within the political process of a single piece of legislation highlighting policy entrepreneurs as a causal mechanism of partisan effects.  相似文献   

IThereweremanydramatictwistsandturnsinSino-U-S.relationsinthe40yearsfromthe1911revolutionledbyDr.SunYat-sen,whichbroughttoanendthe267-yearruleoftheQingdynasty,to1949whenChiangKaisheklefttheChinesemainlandforTaiwan.Chinawasgoingthroughaperiodofgreatchangeandtransformationunprecedentedinitsmodernhistory,andtherewasheateddebateandconflictamongChinesefromallwalksoflife,includingintellectuals,overthequestionofhowtoregardtheUnitedStates.Inthelightoftheirdifferentpositions,viewpointsandattitude…  相似文献   

据苏联《心理学问题》杂志1982年第4期报道,苏联心理学界举行活动庆祝苏联著名心理学家、苏联科学院心理研究所副所长、苏联《心理学问题》杂志编委E.肖洛霍娃教授60寿辰。报道说,肖洛霍娃的科学研究课题相当广泛,包括哲学、心理学和生理学之间的联系问题;心理学的哲学问题;心理学的辩证唯物主义的方法论等。她始终围绕心理学的最迫切问题从事科研工作和科研组织活动,如,意识问题、个性问题、人发展中的生物方面和社会方  相似文献   

苏联《心理学问题》1988年第6期发表文章祝贺苏联著名心理学家Н.И.丘普里科娃教授60岁寿辰。丘普里科娃1928年11月27日出生于莫斯科。1951年毕业于莫斯科大学心理学系。毕业后在全苏国立图书馆学院教育学教研室任编外教员、在中学教过心理学和逻辑学。1953年起进入苏联教育科学院普通和教育心理学研究所。1957年获副博士学位,论文是《人体神经过程的扩散和集  相似文献   

据苏联《苏维埃国家与法》杂志1988年第2期报道,著名的社会主义国家与法理论家、苏联科学院国家与法研究所副所长、《苏维埃国家与法》杂志编委、俄罗斯联邦功勋法学家、俄罗斯联邦功勋科学家、苏联部长会议哲学和法问题最高学位评定委员会副主任、法学博士、教授A.M.瓦西利耶夫逝世。瓦西利耶夫1923年10月24日生于莫斯科。1947年以优等生成绩毕业于莫斯科法学院。1948—1950年在该院研究生部学习并通过了副博士论文答辩。1950—1956年在喀山大学法律系等高校任教。1956—1980年在全苏法律函授学院工作,任教研室主任和副院长等职。1976年6  相似文献   

Li Shu on Study     
The essence of Li Shu's statements on study, an importantcomponent among his ideas, rests on his advocacy of mental emancipation and the rejection of modern superstitions, new obscurantism, newslavishness, and old and new dogmatism, in order to maintain a freeatmosphere for academic study, holding practice as the criterion fortruth, so that new problems can be recognized, studied and settled in anew context.The Core of Li Shu's Statements onStudy - Mental EmancipationA successful scholar mu…  相似文献   

俄罗斯科学院远东研究所于2 0 0 4年1月19日举行会议,祝贺著名中国学家、社会活动家、主任研究员、经济学博士И.Н.瑙莫夫80岁寿辰。会上,瑙莫夫作了关于当代中国经济状况的学术报告。俄罗斯科学院远东所所务委员会、学术委员会和全体到会专家学者衷心祝愿瑙莫夫健康、幸福和长寿,并指出了瑙莫夫对俄罗斯中国学的发展所作出的巨大贡献。瑙莫夫有论著15 0余部,如《中国的粮食问题》(专著,1973)、《中国经济:运输、贸易、财政》(合著,1979)、《发展中国家的人口状况和经济增长》(合著,1981)、《东方的劳动资源:人口经济问题》(合著,1987)、《…  相似文献   

段雨吟  毕春伟  刘立辉 《社科纵横》2010,25(12):167-169
D.H.劳伦斯写了许多优秀短篇小说,例如:《菊馨》、《玫瑰园中的影子》、《肉中刺》、《马贩子的女儿》及《普鲁士军官》,而评论界忽视了这5部小说的之间的共性。这5部小说都从不同角度体现了弗里德里希.威廉.尼采的酒神精神。本文认为,这5部小说的酒神精神主要依据尼采《悲剧的诞生》中关于酒、音乐、幻象这三个主题来表达人类现代文明对人性的泯灭。  相似文献   

我与《天津社会保险》杂志结缘于1996年,当时,我刚刚调到社保机构工作,既是员工,又是读者,后因工作需要,又做了几年相当于执行主编的工作,让我进一步与它相知。那时没有专门的编辑机构和专业人员,杂志的编辑出版与发行只是宣传调研  相似文献   

苏联科学院1986年10月16日-17日院务会议通过不记名投票选举Г.И.马尔丘克院士为苏联科学院院长.马尔丘克生于1925年,是计算数学、大气物理学、地球物理学和核反应堆物理学方面有影响的学者,他的著作在苏联及世界科学界都享有好评.他曾任苏联科学院西伯利亚分院计算中心主任、分院  相似文献   

据苏联《经济问题》杂志1985年第3期报道:苏联经济学家、《经济问题》杂志编委会成员、代理副主编  相似文献   

Although many of the basic tenets of Harry Stack Sullivan’s interpersonal theory have been incorporated into the Relational School of psychoanalysis, Sullivan’s original ideas about clinical practice are, in many respects, distinct from the intersubjective perspective of relational psychotherapists. Using three case examples that addressed a similar clinical problem, Sullivan’s approach to clinical practice will be contrasted with contemporary relational approaches.  相似文献   

In a recent article, Machina (Am Econ Rev forthcoming, 2008) suggested choice problems in the spirit of Ellsberg (Q J Econ 75:643–669, 1961), which challenge tail-separability, an implication of Choquet expected utility (CEU), to a similar extent as the Ellsberg paradox challenged the sure-thing principle implied by subjective expected utility (SEU). We have tested choice behavior for bets on one of Machina’s choice problems, the reflection example. Our results indicate that tail-separability is violated by a large majority of subjects (over 70% of the sample). These empirical findings complement the theoretical analysis of Machina (Am Econ Rev forthcoming, 2008) and, together, they confirm the need for new approaches in the analysis of ambiguity for decision making.  相似文献   

Thisarticlewaspresentedatthesymposiumtocelebratethe20thanniversaryofCASSin1997.Ⅰ.TheDevelopmentofMarxistPhilosophyintheNewEraSincethethirdplenarysessionofthe11thCentralCommitteeoftheCPC,researchontheprinciplesofMarxistphilosophybyChinesescholarshasgonethroughthreestages.Inthefirststage,asaresultofthedebateoverwhetherornotpracticeistherealarbiteroftruth,mostscholarsreturnedtogenuineMarxism,whichtheydistinguishedfromthephilosophicdogmasthatservedasthetheoreticalfoundationforleftistpoliti…  相似文献   

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