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城市精神、大众文化与青年社会化   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
现代化不仅伴生了大众文化也伴生了城市化。青年的主体部分集中在城市,城市恰恰又是大众文化的天下,而以商业文化为本质的大众文化由于它的平面化、世俗化,成为青年社会化的文化环境恶化的主要因素。因此如何在城市化进程中提高大众文化的品质,以改善青年社会化的文化环境,成为一个需要迫切解决的课题。笔者认为可以以塑造代表先进文化、体现社会主导型价值观的城市精神,来提高大众文化的品质,从而为青年的社会化创造一个良好的文化环境。  相似文献   


This article critically reviews diverse representations of bullying of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in contemporary media: cinema, television, journals, Web sites, fiction, children's books, comics, music, advertising, and pornography.  相似文献   

大众文化将把青少年引向何方?   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一 中国已经进入了一个大众文化的时代。大众文化在西方的产生是与现代化的进程相一致的,它产生于工业革命以来生产方式和交换方式变革所带来的文化与经济一体化的结合过程。我们知道,进入本世纪以来,随着世界经济的持续快速增长,大众消费时代也接踵而至。在大规模的物质刺激、物质享受、物质消费的引导和支配下,文化消费由初露锋芒到逐步上升为一个独立的层次,在市场需求的刺激下,以赢利为目的的文化工业便应运而生;现代科学技术的飞速发展和大众传媒的兴起则为文化工业的发展提供了必要的科学基础与技术支撑;而现代化进程中文化…  相似文献   

Abstract Fish consumption advisories fail to adequately help communities address the benefits and risks of eating potentially contaminated fish. We engaged community members and relevant institutions in identifying and implementing more effective risk communication in Michigan's rural Upper Peninsula. In 2004–2005, we collected data in four Michigan counties through focus groups, community dinners, public meetings and angler interviews. Residents express a strong affinity toward eating Great Lakes fish, though a minority of participants have read the official fish advisory. Participants lack an understanding of how bioaccumulation affects consumption risk depending on the type of contaminant. We attribute the situation to conditions of post‐normal risk that emerge through interaction of the structural dimensions of science and bureaucracy with a strong natural resource‐based culture that affects the agency of residents. The implications loom large as Michigan's Department of Community Health no longer distributes hard copies of the Michigan Fish Advisory.  相似文献   

流行文化对青年农民工城市化历程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对某高校从事服务业的农民工群体的经验研究,探讨流行文化对青年农民工城市化历程的影响.本文认为,由于近年来中国农村流行文化新的发展特点以及青年农民工务工性质的变化,城市流行文化对青年农民工产生了双重影响.一方面,流行文化作为城市生活的表征,可以部分地弥合和消解城乡间生活方式及文化的巨大落差,而另一方面,由于工作时间、经济收入的限制,流行文化又在相当程度上阻碍着青年农民工的城市化历程.而就本文的经验研究而言,目前以城市人口为主要受众的高速发展的流行文化使得后者的影响作用更加明显.  相似文献   

This article seeks to reframe debates in the sphere of youth justice in order to move away from narrow and one‐sided conceptualisations of young people who offend and appropriate forms of intervention with them. Whilst different positions have been adopted within the field of youth justice, largely around ‘justice’ or ‘welfare’ models of practice, the apparent polarisation of this conflict has obscured an underlying consensus, namely that the ‘problem’ is the child or young offender, and he/she needs either to be helped or coerced into becoming a conforming adult citizen. Largely absent from the field of youth justice have been other theoretical influences such as consideration of the nature of ‘agency’ and the construction of childhood. These alternative perspectives could offer us some insight into the limitations of historical debates in youth justice policy and practice, as will as pointing the way towards innovative and progressive alternative forms of practice. The strengths and shortcomings of contemporary developments, such as restorative interventions, will be discussed in this context, and the article will conclude that there is scope for developing positive, young person‐centred models of youth justice practice if we base these on a proper understanding of childhood and children’s agency.  相似文献   

伴随着大众文化在中国的兴起和发展,中国青年文化经过了由文化迷惘、文化盲从到文化反省、文化自觉的发展过程。社会主义市场经济的发展、社会主义制度优越性的时代体现、红色文化的兴起与民族文化的复兴以及社会主义产业文化的大发展、大繁荣对青年的文化自觉、文化自信、文化选择都有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Using social cognitive theory and structural regression modeling, we examined pathways between early adolescents' music media consumption, involvement with music media, and 3 domains of self‐concept (physical appearance, romantic appeal, and global self‐worth; N=124). A mediational model was supported for 2 domains of self‐concept. Music media consumption was positively associated with adolescents' involvement with media focusing on music personae. Higher involvement was associated with perceiving the self as less physically attractive and having lower overall self‐worth. Music media consumption was directly related to adolescents' evaluations of their own romantic appeal. Results suggest that through involvement processes with music media characters, adolescents may use music media as a venue for social comparison against which they evaluate their own physical attractiveness and self‐worth. Music media consumption may also provide social modeling for normative expectations about romantic relationships regardless of the level of involvement. Gender differences were nonsignificant in the mediational model.  相似文献   

Homicide is a rare event, but depictions of it are quite common in our culture and discourse. Commercially successful rappers have appropriated homicide as a central theme in their lyrical compositions. The tremendous success of rap music is indicative of its increasing popular appeal and cultural impact. We reveal the ways homicide is constructed within rap music and its frequency of occurrence across time. Employing a cultural criminology framework, we analyze the most popular rap songs over the period 1989–2000, as determined by Billboard music charts, for references to homicide. Using content analysis we explore the emergent themes associated with homicide scenarios in rap lyrics. Results show violent death was constructed in glorified ways, incorporated cautionary tales, or used as an analogy for powerful rhyming. The major themes found in these homicide‐related rap lyrics were the normalization of killing, respect maintenance, confrontation with the power structure, vengeance, and masculine confrontation. Gender patterns of killing were surprising and distinct. Homicide was almost always male on male. Careful consideration is given to the multiple meanings of homicide, particularly the ways rappers have appropriated the word “killing” and transformed it into a term that indicates creative success.  相似文献   

中国奢侈品消费者日益年轻化,奢侈品消费不仅是青年文化的表现,更是青年发展中困惑的表现.对上海青年的调查发现,青年对奢侈品的认识水平和关注度高,实际购买力较强,但是炫耀消费和从众消费特征明显,有些收入不高的青年崇尚和消费奢侈品以"提高"身份.青年奢侈品消费的合理有序对青年发展有重要的影响,应该优化青年价值体系建设,将消费同文化安全结合起来,使得青年消费者能够拥有正确的商品消费价值观和长期持久的品牌信任度.  相似文献   

Drug use among Latino youth in the United States is a persistent problem which has been examined from a variety of academic disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and social work. These share significant overlap with mainstream criminological approaches to explaining delinquency and drug use, which have virtually ignored these issues or investigated them exclusively from an ethnocentric perspective. The naturally multidisciplinary topics of Latino youth, culture, and drug use can be readily situated within two popular frameworks (social control and strain), and these can also be enriched with core aspects of Latino culture. Complimentary cultural values enhance these two perspectives and significantly contribute to our criminological understanding of some of the reasons why Latino youth become involved in drug use. After reviewing our current knowledge on this subject, suggestions are made for ways future criminological research can more deeply explore these rich cultural reasons related to why some Latino youth use drugs. This can ultimately help inform more relevant drug use reduction strategies and also decrease the proportion of Latino youth who come into contact with the criminal justice system for drug‐related offenses.  相似文献   

Drawing on data from an Economic and Social Research Council‐funded project, this article explores the implications of different occupational cultures for men's masculine identity. With a focus on embodiment and individual agency, it explores the argument that it is within ‘scenes of constraint’ that gendered identities are both ‘done’ and ‘undone’. In this article we examine embodied experience in occupational cultures commonly stereotyped as ‘masculine’ or ‘feminine’ (hairdressing, estate agency and firefighting), showing how men conform to, draw upon and resist the gendered stereotypes associated with these occupations. What we argue is that gendered conceptions of ‘the body’ need to be differentiated from individual men's embodiment. Instead, processes of identification can be shown to emerge via embodied experiences of particular kinds of gendered body, and in the ways in which men negotiate the perception of these bodies in different occupational contexts.  相似文献   

In many African countries, youths' participation in the public sphere is still limited despite the creation of legal instruments such as the African Youth Charter and myriad youth-centered national policies. Across the continent, marginalized youths face various constraints in accessing the public sphere. This article examines how one voluntary sports association, the Mathare Youth Sports Association, uses sports as an alternative public sphere to engage with government actors and the community on social justice issues.  相似文献   

This article uses Manchester (England) as a case study to examine some relationships between the city and the popular culture that emerges from, or seeks to represent, this city. We focus on post-war popular culture that has been widely disseminated such as film, television and popular music. The article considers whether these examples of popular culture reflect wider urban, social and cultural change and discuss what impact this popular culture has had on changing the landscape and fortunes of the city. In particular, we discuss the case study of Manchester's popular culture in terms of ideas about place-based identities and social class. We consider popular culture in terms of de-industrialising Manchester through to regenerated Manchester. The paper concludes by discussing the possibility that the city centre of Manchester has become gentrified and considers the impact that this is having on popular culture.  相似文献   

Aesthetic innovation in symphony orchestras and art museums is strongly influenced by the fundamental structure of the art forms with which each institution is associated. Music depends on time, visual art on space; while music is ephemeral, painting and sculpture consist of concrete objects. These structural differences have implications for the organizations: costs, expectations of growth and patronage sources. Most important, just as museums are constrained to feature innovative works, performed music institutions are constrained to avoid them. Examining orchestras and art museums reveals the connections among specific art forms, organizational structures and aesthetic outcomes.  相似文献   

青年亚文化与流行音乐有深远的渊源。后亚文化理论观照下的流行音乐生产机制,在音乐文本生产方式、音乐视觉生产方式、音乐明星生产方式等许多方面都发生了新的变革。古典、民族与流行音乐元素的混搭,是新的音乐文本生产方式的特点;与当代视觉艺术相融合,是新的音乐视觉生产方式的特点;在互联网上发现未来的明星,并在网上推广,已经成为明星生产中重要的传播策略;后亚文化语境下的流行音乐出现了回归纯粹的人声、干净的配乐和质朴的形象的趋势。  相似文献   

青年文化:诠释与批评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青年的定义随着一定社会的经济、政治、文化、环境的变化相应地发生着变化。从青年文化的概念、青年文化的结构和文化批评范式入手,理解青年、理解青年文化,自觉反思青年文化的现代性困境。  相似文献   

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