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Books reviewed in this article:
The New Industrial State. By J ohn K enneth G albraith .
Jurimetrics, Edited by H ans W. B aade . Contributors: L ayman E. A llen , W alter B erns , M ary E. C aldwell , S ally F. D ennis , R eed D ickersons , W illiam B. E ldridge , D jangir A. K erimov , F red K ort , L ee L oevinger , G lendon S chuber , J oseph J. S pengler , S. S idney U lmer .
The American University: How It Runs, Where It Is Going. By J acques B arzun .
Children of Crisis: A Study of Courage and Fear. By R obert C oles .
Dialectical Society: An Analysis of the Sociology of Georges Gurvitch. By P hillip B osserman .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Behavioral Sciences Today. Edited by B ernard B erelson .
A Short History of Sociology. By H einz M aus .
Sociological Theory, Values, and Sociocultural Change: Essays in Honor of Pitirim A. Sorokin. Edited by E dward A. T iryakian .
Informal Sociology: A Casual Introduction to Sociological Thinking. By W illiam B. C ameron , with a Foreward by C harles H. P age .
Ethnic Patterns in American Cities. By S tanley L ieberson .
American Community Behavior. By J essie B ernard .
Governing the Metropolis. By S cott G reer .
Theory of Collective Behavior. By N eil J. S melser .
Race Relations in International Affairs. By R obert S. B rowne . R oger N. B aldwin .
Intergroup Relations and Leadership: Approaches and Research in Industrial, Ethnic, Cultural, and Political Areas. Edited by M uzafer S herif .
The Radical Right. Edited by D aniel B ell .
These Rights They Seek: A Comparison of the Goals and Techniques of Local Civil Rights Organizations. By J acquelyne J. C larke .
Society and the Law: New Meanings for an Old Profession. By F. J ames D avis , H enry H. F oster , J r ., C. R ay J effery , and E. E ugene D avis .
Home, School, and Work: A Study of the Education and Employment of Young People in Britain. By M. P. C arter .
Young Germany: A History of the German Youth Movement. By W alter Z. L aqueur .
Two Generations of Soviet Man: A Study in the Psychology of Communism. By J ohn K osa .
Work and Leisure. By N els A nderson .  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Family-Planning Programs. Edited by B ernard B erelson .
The Politics of School Desegregation: Comparative Case Studies of Community Structure and Policy-Making. By R obert L. C rain , with the assistance of M orton I nger , G erald M cworter , and J ames J. V anecko .
The Marijuana Smokers. By E rich G oode .
The Pursuit of Loneliness: American Culture at the Breaking Point. By P hilip s later .
Farm Information for Modernizing Agriculture: The Taiwan System. By H erbert F. L ionberger and H. C. C hange .
Religion in Social Context: Tradition and Transitition. By N. J. D emerath iii and P hillip E. H ammond .
Explanations. By G wynn N ettler .
Rural Sociology in India. By A. R. D esai .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Family Structure in Jamaica: The Social Context of Reproduction. By J udith B lake .
The Politics of Urban Renewal. The Chicago Findings. By P eter H. R ossi and R obert A. D entler .
Anatomy of a Metropolis: The Changing Distribution of People and Jobs within the New York Metropolitan Region. By E dgar M. H oover and R aymond V ernon .
Who Governs? Democracy and Power in an American City. By R obert A. D ahl .
Criminal Law: Problems for Decision in the Promulgation, Invocation, and Administration of a Law of Crimes. Edited by R ichard C. D onnelly , J oseph G oldstein , and R ichard D. S chwartz .
Collective Dynamics. By K urt L ang and G ladys E ngel L ang .
Occupations and Social Status. By A lbert J. R eiss , J r . With the collaboration of O tis D udley D uncan , P aul K. H att , and C ecil C. N orth .
Religion in Chinese Society: A Study of Contemporary Social Functions of Religion and Some of Their Historical Factors. By C. K. Y ang .
German Catholics and Hitler's Wars. By G ordon Z ahn .
Aging and Personality: A Study of Eighty-Seven Older Men. By S uzanne R eichard , F lorine , L ivson , and P aul G. P etersen .
The American Funeral: A Study in Guilt, Extravagance, and Sublimity. By L e R oy B owman , with an Introduction by H arry A. O verstreet .
The Church and the Older Person. By R obert M. G ray and D avid O. M oberg , with a Foreword by E rnest W. B urgess .
Handbook of Small Group Research. By A. P aul H are .
The Effects of Federal Programs on Higher Education: A Study of Thirty-six Universities and Colleges. By H arold O rlans .
Field Studies in the Mental Disorders. Edited by J oseph Z ubin .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Social Research to Test Ideas. Selected Writings of S amuel A. S touffer , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
The Birth of the Gods. The Origin of Primitive Beliefs. By G uy E. S wanson .
Variations in Value Orientation. By F lorence R ockwood K luckhohn and F red L. S trodtbeck , with the assistance of J ohn M. R oberts , A. K imball R omney , C lyde K luckhohn , and H arry A. S carr .
Fights, Games, and Debates. By A natol R apoport .
Persuasion and Healing: A Comparative Study of Psychotherapy. By J erome D. F rank , with a Foreword by J ohn C. W hithorn .
Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach. By P eter M. B lau and W. R ichard S ott .
Organizational Measurement and Its Bearing on the Study of College Environments. By A llen H. B arton , with an Introduction by P aul F. L azarsfeld .
Urban Research Methods. Edited by J ack P. G ibbs .
A General Pattern for American Public Higher Education. By T. R. McC onnell .
Social Disorganization in America. By R eece M c G ee .
The Planning of Change: Readings in the Applied Behavioral Sciences. Edited by W arren G. B ennis , K enneth D. B enne , and R obert C hin .
Reconstruction in Religion: A Symposium. Edited by A lfred E. K uenzli .
The Churches and Rapid Social Change. By P aul A brecht .
U.S. Senators and Their World. By D onald R. M atthews .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Philosophical Aspects of Culture. By B ertram M orris .
Science and the New Nations. Edited by R uth G ruber .
Complex Organizations: A Sociological Reader. Edited by A mitai E tzioni .
Parents without Partners. A Guide for Divorced, Widowed, or Separated Parents. By J im E gleson and J anet F rank E gleson .
Unmarried Mothers. By C lark E. V incent .
Man Takes Control: Cultural Development and American Aid. By C harles J. E rasmus .
Norway's Families: Trends, Problems, Programs. By T homas D. E liot , A rthur H illman , and Others.
Public Opinion and American Democracy. By V. O. K ey , J r .
Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. By J ames N. R osenan .
Newer Dimensions of Patient Care: The Use of the Physical and Social Environment of the General Hospital for Therapeutic Purposes. By E sther L ucille B rown .
Public Leadership. By W endell B ell , R ichard J. H ill , and C harles R. W right .
The Effects of Leadership, By H anan C. S elvin .
Leadership and Organization. By R obert T annenbaum , I rving R. W eschler , and F red M assarik .
Social Structure and Personality: A Case Book. By Y ehudi A. C ohen .
Love and Conflict: New Patterns in Family Life. By G ibson W inter .
Race Relations in Virginia, 1870–1902. By C harles E. W ynes .
Race Prejudice and Education. By C yril B ibby .
The Precarious Vision: A Sociologist Looks at Social Fictions and Christian Faith. By P eter L. B erger .  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Violence and the Police: A Sociological Study of Law, Custom, and Morality. By W illiam A. W estley .
Institutional Racism in America. Edited by L ouis L. K nowles and K enneth P rewitt .
Mexican Americans. By J oan W. M oore with A lfredo C uéllar .
Points of Rebellion. By W illiam O. D ouglas .
Protest, Refor, and Revolt: A Reader in Social Movements. Edited by J oseph R. G usfield .
Political Violence: The Behavioral Process. By H. L. N ieburg .
Nothing Left But Murder. By J ames M. R einhardt .
Mexican-Americans in the United States: A Reader. Edited by J ohn H. B urma .
The American Enlisted Man. By C harles M oskos , J r .
The Research Act: A Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods. By N orman K. D enzin .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mental Illness and Social Processes. Edited by T11 homas J. S cheff .
Revolutionary Change. By C halmers J ohnson .
Sociology and Philosophy: A Centenary Collection of Essays and Articles. By L. T. H obhouse . Preface by S ir S ydney C aine . Intro-duction by M orris G insberg .
Engineers: The Anatomy of a Profession. By J. E. G erstl and S. P. H utton .
Organization for Treatment: A Comparative Study of Institutions for Delinquents. By D avid S treet , R obert D. V inter , and C harles P errow .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Japan's Invisible Race. Caste in Culture and Personality. Edited by G eorge D e V os and H iroshi W agatsuma
Lawyers in the Making. By S eymour W arkov , with a chapter by J oseph Z elan
Student Culture: Social Structure and Continuity in a Liberal Arts College. By W alter L. W allace .
Poverty amid Affluence. Edited by L eo F ishman .
Poverty in the Affluent Society. Edited by H anna H. M eissner .
The Human Perspective in Sociology: The Methodology of Participant Observation. By S everyn T. B ruyn .
Brief Mention
Minority Problems: a Textbook of Readings in Intergroup Relations , ed. by Arnold M. Rose and Caroline B. Rose
War and Revolution , by Nicholas S. Timasheff, edited by Joseph F. Scheurer  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
Chicago:Growth of a Metropolis. By H arlod M. M ayer and R ichard C. W ade , with the assitance of G len E. H olt .
Theodor Geiger: On Social Order and Mass Society. Edited and with an introduction by R enate M ayntz .
Power, Participation, and Ideology: Readings In The Sociology Of American Political Life. Edited by C alvin J. L arson and P hilo C. W ashburn .
The Spanish-American of New Mexico: A Heritage of Pride. By N ancie L. G onzalez .
Forgotten People: A Study of New Mexicans. By G eorge I. S anchez .
To Comfort and To Challenge. By C harles Y. G lock , B enjamin R. R inger and E arl R. B abbie .
A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural. By P eter L. B erger .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
The Psychology of Vocational Choice: A Theory of Personality Types and Model Environments. By J ohn L. H olland .
The Social System of Science. By N orman W. S torer .
The Social Psychology of Organizations. By D aniel K atz and R obert L. K ahn .
Brief Mention
Racketville, Slumtown, Haulburg. An Exploratory Study of Delinquency Subcultures , by Irving Spergel
Population: The Vital Revolution , edited by Ronald Freedman  相似文献   

book reviewed in this article:
The Tenacity of Prejudice: Anti-Semitism in Contemporary America. By G ertrude J. S elznick and S tephen S teinberg .
Indicators of Change in the American Family. By A bbott L. F erris .
Among the People: Encounters with the Poor. Edited by IRWIN DEUTSCHER and E lizabeth J. T hompson .
Sociological Theory, An Introduction. By W alter L. W allace .
The Age of Protest. Edited by W alt A nderson .
The University and Revolution. Edited by G ary R. W eaver and J ames W eaver  相似文献   

The Mental Patient: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance. Edited by S tephan P. S pitzer and N orman K. D enzin .
Occupations and the Social Structure. By R ichard H. H all.
Race and the Social Sciences. Edited by I rwin K atz and P atricia G urin.
Patterns of Local Community Leadership. By L inton C. F reeman.
The Urban Neighborhood: A Sociological Perspective. By S uzanne K eller .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: People and Plans. Essays on Urban Problems and Solutions.By Herbert J. Gans . The Structure of Community Power. Edited By Michael Aiken and Paul E. Mott . Ferdinand Töennies on Sociology: Pure, Applied, and Empirical. Selected Writings. Edited and with an Introduction by Werner J. Cahnman and Rudolf Heberle . Campus Power Struggle. Edited by Howard S. Becker . Kinship and Class: A Midwestern Study. By Bernard Farber . Social Relationships. By George J. Mc Call , Michal M. Mc Call , Norman K. Denzin , Gerald D. Suttles and Suzanne B. Kurth .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: People, Plants and Patents. The Impact of Intellectual Property on Biodiversity, Conservation, Trade, and Rural Society. By the Crucible Group Biodiversity and Landscapes: A Paradox of Humanity. Edited by K. E. Chung Kim and R. Weaver The Flexible Economy: Causes and Consequences of the Adaptability of National Economies. Edited by Tony Killick Inducing Food Insecurity: Perspectives on Food Policies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Edited by M. A. Mohammed Salih How Developing Countries Trade: The Institutional Constraints. By Sheila Page Research with a View to Implementation. By D. J. Gouws Case Studies in Research with a View to Implementation. Edited by D. J. Gouws Energy Taxation and Economic Growth. By Adam Seymour and Robert Mabro Africa: The Challenge of Transformation. By Stephen McCarthy Privatisation Experiences in African and Asian Countries. Edited by Miene Pieter van Dijk and Nico G. Schulte Nordholt The Nile: Sharing a Scarce Resource. A Historical and Technical Review of Water Management and of Economic and Legal Issues. Edited by P. P. Howell and J. A. Allan Sharing the Ganges: the Politics and Technology of River Development. By Ben Crow, with Alan Lindquist and David Wilson Sociology, Anthropology and Development: An Annotated Bibliography of World Bank Publications 1975–1993. By Michael Cernea Third World Democratization? A Partly Annotated Bibliography of Recent Literature. By Svend Erik Lindberg-Hansen Finance for the Poor Man's Business. Edited by Maria Otero and Elizabeth Rhyne The Reality of Aid 1995. Edited by Judith Randel and Tony German GATT Uruguay Round, Developing Countries and Trade in Services. By Neela Mukherjee The Experience of Poverty: Fighting for Respect and Resources in Village India. By Tony Beck Introduction to Development Economics, 3rd edition. By Subrata Ghatak Privatisation Policy and Performance: International Perspectives. Edited by P. Cook and C. Kirkpatrick Countrysides at Risk, The Political Geography of Sustainable Agriculture. By R. L. Paarlberg Environment, Development, Agriculture: Integrated Policy through Human Ecology. By Bernhard Glaeser  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: The Economic Theory of Agrarian Institutions. Edited by Pranab Bardhan Agricultural Pricing Policy for Developing Countries. Edited by J. W. Mellor and R. Ahmed Agricultural Pricing Policy in Africa. Edited by Charles Harvey Natural Gas: Governments and Oil Companies in the Third World. By Ann Davison Alternative Solutions to Developing-Country Debt Problems. Edited by R. Dornbusch, J. H. Makin and D. Zlowe Growing out of Debt. Edited by Adrian Hewitt and Bowen Wells The World Economy in the 20th Century. By Angus Maddison Issues and Developments in International Trade Policy. By Margaret Kelly, Naheed Kirmani, Miranda Xafa, Clemens Boonekamp and Peter Wingle Sub-Saharan Africa: From Crisis to Sustainable Growth. A Long-Term Perspective Study. Washington Seed Planning and Policy for Agricultural Production. By A. Fenwick Kelly Comparative Advantage, Trade Policy and Economic Development. By Bela Balassa New Directions in the World Economy. By Bela Balassa Natural Endowments: Financing Resource Conservation for Development. By the World Resources Institute Gabon: The Development of a Nation. By Marc Aicardi de Saint-Paul Fragile Coalitions: the Politics of Economic Adjustment. Edited by Joan M. Nelson Policy Reform and Equity: Extending the Benefits of Development. Edited by Elliot Berg Comparative Advantage and Growth: Trade and Development in Theory and Practice. By H. D. Evans Economics, Natural Resource Scarcity and Development: Conventional and Alternative Views. By Edward B. Barbier Seasonal Variability in Third World Agriculture: the Consequences for Food Security. Edited by D. E. Sahn  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Development Economics. Edited by Deepak Lal Providing Food Security for All. By Mohiuddin Alamgir and Poonam Arora Bangladesh Faces the Future. Edited by Koht Ole David Norbye Chile's Middle Class: A Struggle for Survival in the Face of Neoliberalism. By Larissa Lomnitz and Ana Melnick The Apartheid City and Beyond: Urbanization and Social Change in South Africa. Edited by D. M. Smith Urban and Regional Change in Southern Africa. Edited by D. Drakakis-Smith Malaysia – Sustaining Industrial Investment Momentum China – Towards Sustainable Industrial Growth The Greening of World Trade Issues. Edited by Kym Anderson and Richard Blackhurst Agricultural Extension: Worldwide Institutional Evolution and Forces for Change. Edited by D. J. Gustafson and W. M. Rivera Maasailand Ecology: Pastoralist Development and Wildlife Conservation in Ngorongoro, Tanzania. By K. M. Homewood and W. A. Rodgers Liberalization in the Process of Economic Development. Edited by Lawrence B. Krause and Kim Kihwan Elusive Development: From Dependence to Self-Reliance in the Arab Region. By Yusef A. Sayigh Conflict over Natural Resources in South-East Asia and the Pacific. Edited by Lim Teck Ghee and Mark J. Valencia  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Structural Adjustment and the Environment. Edited by David Reed, WWF-International South-South Trade Preferences: The GSTP and Trade in Manufactures. Edited by Hans Linnemann. Indo-Dutch Studies on Development Alternatives 9. New Delhi The Changing Geography of China. By Frank Leeming. Institute of British Geographers Studies in Geography The CGIAR in Transition: Implications for the Poor, Sustainability and the National Research Systems. By Helle Munk Ravnborg The Nature of Development – A Report from the Rural Tropics on the Quest for Sustainable Economic Growth. By Roger D. Stone Reformism and Revisionism in Africa's Political Economy in the 1990s: The Dialectics of Adjustment. By Timothy M. Shaw Liberalizing Tanzania's Food Trade: Public and Private Faces of Urban Marketing Policy 1939–1988. By Deborah Fahy Bryceson Technological Innovation and Third World Multinationals. By Paz Estrella E. Tolentino Instruments of Economic Policy in Africa. London and Dakar: James Currey with the African Centre for Monetary Studies and the Association of African Central Banks Debt-Conversion Schemes in Africa: Lessons from the Experience of Developing Countries. London and Dakar: James Currey with the Association of African Central Banks Going-it Alone: Female-headed Households, Rights and Resources in Rural Bangladesh. By David J. Lewis with Marion Glaser, J. Allister McGregor, Sarah C. White and Geoffrey D. Wood International Current Awareness Services (ICAS): Economics, Political Science, Anthropology, Sociology. Compiled by the British Library of Political and Economic Science, London School of Economics The European Community and the Developing Countries. By Enzo R. Grilli Privatization and Liberalization in the Middle East. Edited by Iliya Harik and Denis J. Sullivan Economic Progress and Prospects in the Third World: Lessons of Development Experience since 1945. By H. W. Singer and Sumit Roy Trading with South Africa: The Policy Options for the EC. By Sheila Page and Christopher Stevens  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Economic Evaluation and the Environment. By Charles Cooper. Ecodevelopment. By Robert Riddell Explorations in Natural Resource Economics. Edited by V. Kerry Smith and John V. Krutilla. The Endless Day: Some Case Material on Asian Rural Women. Edited by T.S. Epstein and R. Watts. Village Women of Bangladesh: Prospect for Change. By T.A. Abdullah and S. Zeidenstein. Profiles in Female Poverty: A Study of Five Poor Working Women in Kerala. By Leela Gulati. International Economic Integration. Edited by Ali M. El-Agraa. David Livingstone Institute Series on Choice of Technique in Developing Countries. Edited by Eric Rahim. Vol. 1: Brewing in Developing Countries. By James Keddie and William Cleghorn. Vol. 2: Choice of Technique in Maize Milling. By S. J. Uhlig and B. A. Bhat. Vol. 3: Brick Manufacture in Developing Countries. By J. Keddie and W. Cleghorn. Vol. 4: Choice of Technique in Leather Manufacture. By M. M. Huq and H. Aragaw. Vol. 5: Choice of Technique in Bolt and Nut Manufacture. By N. S. McBain and S. J. Uhlig. Vol. 6: Choice of Technology in the Production of Cotton Cloth. By J. Pickett and R. Robson. Poverty and Famines: An Essay on Entitlement and Deprivation. By Amartya Sen. International Trade Regulation. By Edmond McGovern. RAMSES 1982, The State of the World Economy: Annual Report by the French Institute for International Relations. The Other Face of OPEC: Financial Assistance to the Third World. By Ibrahim F. I. Shihata. South-South Relations in a Changing World Order. Edited by Jerker Carlsson. Multinationals from Developing Countries. Edited by Krishna Kumar and Maxwell G. McLeod. Energy Planning for Developing Countries: A Study of Bangladesh. By R. J. de Lucia, H. D. Jacoby et al. Economic Development: An Introduction. By Clarence Zuvekas. Disparities in Economic Development Since the Industrial Revolution. Edited by Paul Bairoch and Maurice Levy-Leboyer. The Geography of Multinationals. Edited by Michael Taylor and Nigel Thrift.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this articles:
Modernization and the Structure of Societies: A Setting for International Affairs. By M arion J. L evy , J r.
India's Roots of Democracy. By C arl C. T aylor , D ouglas E nsminger , H elen W. J ohnson , and J ean J oyce .
The Established and the Outsiders: A Sociological Enquiry into Community Problems. By N orbert E lias and J. L. S cotson .
Industry and Labour in the USSR. Edited by G. V. O sipov , with an Introduction by M aurice H ookham .
The Economics of Delinquency. By B elton M. F leisher , with a Foreword by M orris J anowitz .
Marriage and Family among Negroes. By J essie B ernard .
The Arab Moslems in the United States: Religion and Assimilation. By A bdo E lkholy .
Brief Mention
Honour and Shame: The Values of Mediterranean Society . Edited by J. G. Peristiany
Political Systems: Some Sociological Approaches . By H. V. Wiseman  相似文献   

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