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Ⅰ.Introduction The training of reading ability is very important in a comprehension lesson of English as asecond language teaching. It refers to many factors, some are inherent in the reading material(its linguistic difficulties, its contents, its length, its types, etc.); some are present in the readers  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

Ralph Ellison's novel,Invisible Man,has won high praise ever since its publication in 1952. A poll of literary critics in 1965 selected his book as the most distinguished novel of the previous twenty years. It tells about a Southern Negro who leaves the South,sickencd by racial prejudice and the hypocritical attitude towards whites of his Negro  相似文献   

The im age of Jane Eyre has been appealing to readers sinceshe was created in 1847 w ith her great courage to rebel againstthe upper c lass and the pressure of the soc ial conventions.Butshe is not perfect,for she is not ab le to overcom e the lim itation…  相似文献   

A remote object may reveal surprisingly new features when observed at close range. So is the case of the English mentality, which has long been characterized as being humorous, reserved and conservative. When this longstanding assumption is scrutinized in the tight of the realities of present-day England, one finds that much of it is open to contention or in need of clarification.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.THE DIAGRAM: ITS DEFINITION AND PURPOSE In the traditional grammar in the schools, though the structure of any sentence may be make clear by the direct analysis of the function of each of its words, phrases, and clauses, such an analysis may be make more vivid by the use of a diagram. A diagram is a visual device showing the grammatical relationships of words in a sentence. None of the forms of the structure of sentences is difficult, once you are able to identify the various parts of speech, phrases, and clauses; and practice in diagraming  相似文献   

Congratulations to the China International Public Relations Association on the launch of its first journal in public relations! The introduction of International Public Relations is well timed to coin- cide with the growing interest in public relations education and practice around the world. We in the United States are watching this new venture with great interest. The rapid development of China's economy and the vastness of its market both lead to high expectations for the development of…  相似文献   

A remarkable talent in American poetry,E.E.Cummings(1894—1962)is,of all qualities,best known for his radical experiment with the poetical langu-age.F.O.Matthiessen,a Harvard professor and incisive critic,described himas a ″romantic anarchist″, who made plain his contempt for authority by celeb-rating individuality.Cummings’s first book ″The Enormous Room″ (1922),hisname-making novel based on his bitter experience of being unjustly imprisonedin France for three months in World War I and devoted to a savage exposure  相似文献   

The tagmemic linguistic theo ry is one of the most influential schools of the present-day linguistic disciplines,With its emphasis on tagmemes as the basic grammatical unit.Developed out of the tradition of American Structuralism,it differs,however,considerably from its predecessor in a number of important ways.This article aims to explore the fundamental,yet important notions essential to tagmemic analysis relative to its past and present,and attempts to bring to light Some of the major points that are often difficult to come to grips with for beginners.  相似文献   

The analysis of test paper is greatly significant to the improvement of testing and English teaching. This paper evaluates a College English archievement test by examining its reliability and validity, both of which are of primary concern in testing. And item analysis is also conducted to find out the problems of the test itself. Based on the evaluation, the paper is to call for teachers' attention of enhancing the quality of arckievement test.  相似文献   

PREDICTION OF CONSUMPTION DEMAND FOR NATURAL GAS AND DEVELOPMENT MEASURES Abstract :Sichuan is rich in its natural gas resources and it is important to change the resources advantage into economic and development advantages. Taking the exploration and exploitation of natural gas, pipeline construction and terminal markets,this paper makes a prediction of consumption demand for natural gas by using quantitative research method. A further analysis of the trend of development of supply and demand based on the future demand and production capability is made then. After discussing the unfavorable factors in natural gas development the authors provide some policy related suggestions concerning safety in supply,  相似文献   

Sterilizing and drving Chinese traditional honey pills (diameter 20mm) and their packages with a Radio-Frepuency electronic field' The output of the Radio-Frequency source is 500 watt,the frequency is 35MHz,the process time is from 3 to 12 minutes. After a once-through treat ment, total of germs decreases from 13000 Per gram,sterilizing rate is 90% ; total of fungus de creases from 160 per gram to 20 per gram,sterilizing rate is 87. 5%,moisture content of honey pills decreases to below 15%,and the treated packages will not mould.Using Radio-Frequency electric field and Radio-Frequency magnetic field in the organic syn thesis, there are features such as temperature rising quickly & evenly,no sudden ebullition .reacting peacefully, utilizing reactants adequately,and no pollution to the environment,etc, it may be ex panded to be used in industrial manufactuing Make experiments as following:①Use parallel-piate capacitor to couple a Radio-Frequency electric field,its output power of Radio-Frequency is 500 watt and its frequency is 35MHz (megacycle),synthesizing PhNHCOCH3 with it, the productivity is 57. 2%,close to the that of the regular synthesis, 63. 3%,The produc tivity can be greatly improved if reaction container of better function is manufactured.②Use inductance to couple a Radio-Frequency magnetic field,its output power of Radio-Fre-quency is 500 watt,and its frequency is 34MHz(mega hertz),Adopt the Skraup reaction,to synthe size o-aminophenol (C5H7NO) and glycerol (C3H3O3 ) etc. into 8-hydroxynuinoline (C9H7NO), its productivity is 84. 6% .superior to that of the regular synthesis,68. 2%.  相似文献   

Abstract:Jinggangshan spirit, a product of its historical conditions, is a great spiritual monument in the history of the Communist Party of China. It has abundant connotation but it core content is the creative spirit that includes two basic senses: pioneering spirit and combination of theory with practice. The Jinggangsgan creative spirit expired the Communist Party of China in leading the Chinese people to overcome all dangers and difficulties, win the victory of the New Democratic Revolution, and establish the socialist system. In today' s situation of reforming and opening up to the outside world and in the effort to build up socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics, the Jing- gangshan creative spirit is still worth to inherit and carry forward.  相似文献   

Two developments in the methodology of English teaching have been seen. One is the transition from ELT(English Language Teaching) to ESP(English for Special Purposes)teaching. The other is the transition from linguistic forms and syntactic structures to communicative activities. This essay discusses the classification of ESP/EST, argues for the purpose of ESP/EST teaching and GPE(General Purpose English)teaching. It is then suggested that the characteristics of objectives between ESP/EST and GPE should be differentiated. In the second part, the essay takes as its starting point two kinds of EST courses offered in institutions of higher learning in China. One has the nature of in-service language teaching. The other deals with the EST-majoring programme. The essay seeks to identify what are the main features of the EST-majoring programme, and stresses its practical nature of training and the concern with the learners' communicative competence.  相似文献   

Historically, women have becn considered to be inferior to men. They have discriminated in one way or another. This unequal sexist phenomenon is reflected in language, too. Rccently, thcre has becn a noticeablc increase in the numberof articles and books on the subject of Language and Sexism. We have noticed sexism exists in language and women have a language of their own, which is different from and inferior to the language of men in socicty, This paper attempts to discuss such kind of inequality in English language.  相似文献   

Language testing is very important and necessary,and moreover as we all know,nowadays,in English language testing, the muhiple-choice item is most widely used and many users regard the multiple-choice item as the most flexible and probably the most effective of the objective item types.The multiple-choice item has its characteristics,advantages and disadvantages.We should bring out its strengths to make up for its weaknesses and use it appropriately.Although it has its limitations,it is suitable for large-scale tests and tests dealing with wide-range knowledge.We should correctly ap- ply testing principles and methods in order to make testing more effective and reliable.  相似文献   

John Boynton Priestley is one of great English writers in the first half of 20th century.He was good at novel,play and essay.At the tailors is a typical essay with apparent characteristics.Through making an analysis on its presentation,the author tries to find out the inner meaning of the words and lines.  相似文献   

This paper is about the philosophical and methodological foundation of artificial intelligence (AI). After discussing what is a good "working definition", "intelligence" is defined as "the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its environment with insuffcient knowledge and resources". Applying the definition to a reasoning system, we get the major components of Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) , which is a symbolic logic implemented in a computer system, and has many interesting properties that are closely related to intelligence. The definition also clarifies the difference and relationship between AI and other disciplines, such as computer science. Finally, the definition is compared with other popular definitions of intelligence, and its advantages are argued.  相似文献   

Short as it is,Silas Marner is regarded as one of George Eliot’s most popularnovels.This novel,with its c1ear stream of thought,compact structure and deepphilosophical and moral insight into human life,does great credit to its authoras a gifted novelist in 19th-century English literature.Like most of Eliot’s other works,Silas Marner is highly didactic,written witha method characterized by an overt presence of the author as a narrator andcommentator to express her own outlook on life and on the world.But the teach-  相似文献   

The German language is spoken by more than 118 million people worldwide.It is the national language of the Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany),the German Democratic Republic(East Germany),Austria and Switzerland, to onlyname a few. It is called by some to be "modern Latin", because its grammaticalcomplexities are similar to those found in Latin.In fact,German is derived fromthe Teutonic languages,not Latin.  相似文献   

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