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Ranked set sampling is applicable whenever ranking of a set of sampling units can be done easily by a judgement method or based on the measurement of an auxiliary variable on the units selected. In this work, we derive different estimators of a parameter associated with the distribution of the study variate Y, based on a ranked-set sample obtained by using an auxiliary variable X correlated with Y for ranking the sample units, when (X, Y) follows a bivariate Pareto distribution. Efficiency comparisons among these estimators are also made. Real-life data have been used to illustrate the application of the results obtained.  相似文献   

Let G=(V,E) be a regular graph of valency d. A (v,k,λ,μ)-design over G is a pair , where is a family of k-subsets of V (blocks) such that for any distinct vertices x and y, the number of blocks containing {x,y} is equal to λ if {x,y} is an edge and is equal to μ if {x,y} is not an edge. We will prove that the number of vertices does not exceed the number of blocks (Fisher's Inequality) under the following condition: (r−μ)/(μ−λ) is not a multiple eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of the graph (r is the replication number of the design). We also give examples showing that this restriction is essential.  相似文献   

《Econometric Reviews》2007,26(2):439-468
This paper generalizes the cointegrating model of Phillips (1991) to allow for I (0), I (1) and I (2) processes. The model has a simple form that permits a wider range of I (2) processes than are usually considered, including a more flexible form of polynomial cointegration. Further, the specification relaxes restrictions identified by Phillips (1991) on the I (1) and I (2) cointegrating vectors and restrictions on how the stochastic trends enter the system. To date there has been little work on Bayesian I (2) analysis and so this paper attempts to address this gap in the literature. A method of Bayesian inference in potentially I (2) processes is presented with application to Australian money demand using a Jeffreys prior and a shrinkage prior.  相似文献   

Consider a stochastic process (X,A), where X represents the evolution of a system over time, and A is an associated point process that has stationary independent increments. Suppose we are interested in estimating the time average frequency of the process X being in a set of states. Often it is more convenient to have a sampling procedure for estimating the time average based on averaging the observed values of X(Tn) (Tn being a point of A) over a long period of time: the event average of the process. In this paper we examine the situation when the two procedures—event averaging and time averaging—produce the same estimate (the ASTA property: Arrivals See Time Averages). We prove a result stronger than ASTA. Under a lack-of-anticipation assumption we prove that the point process, A, restricted to any set of states, has the same probabilistic structure as the original point process. In particular, if the original point process is Poisson the new point process is still Poisson with the same parameter as the original point process. We develop our results in the more general setting of a stochastic process (X,A), that is, a process with an imbedded cumulative process, A={A(t),t0}, which is assumed to be a Levy process with non-decreasing sample paths. This framework allows for modeling fluid processes, as well as compound Poisson processes with non-integer increments. First, we state the result in discrete time; the discrete-time result is then extended to the continuous-time case using limiting arguments and weak-convergence theory. As a corollary we give a proof of ASTA under weak conditions and a simple, intuitive proof of (Poisson Arrivals See Time Averages) under the standard conditions. The results are useful in queueing and statistical sampling theory.  相似文献   

Assume that in independent two-dimensional random vectors (X11),…,(Xnn), each θi is distributed according to some unknown prior density function g. Also, given θi=θ, Xi has the conditional density function q(x−θ), x,θ(−∞,∞) (a location parameter case), or θ−1q(x/θ), x,θ(0,∞) (a scale parameter case). In each pair the first component is observable, but the second is not. After the (n+1)th pair (Xn+1n+1) is obtained, the objective is to construct an empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of θ. In this paper we derive the EB estimators of θ based on a wavelet approximation with Meyer-type wavelets. We show that these estimators provide adaptation not only in the case when g belongs to the Sobolev space H with an unknown , but also when g is supersmooth.  相似文献   

The determinant of a generalized Hadamard matrix over its group ring factored out by the relation ΣgεG G = 0 is shown to have certain number theoretic properties. These are exploited to prove the non-existence of many generalised Hadamard matrices for groups whose orders are divisible by 3, 5 or 7. For example the GH(15, C15), GH(15, C3) and GH(15, C5) do not exist. Also for certain n and G we find the set of determinants of the GH(n, G) matrices.  相似文献   

Responses to a drug treatment can differ among subgroups of the population, including demographic subgroups, groups with different disease characteristics, and groups with different metabolic or excretory functions. The differences can be pharmacokinetic (PK) or pharmacodynamic (PD) affecting toxicity or effectiveness. In recent years wide availability of drug blood level data, including metabolite data, has made PK differences in subgroups very readily detectable, but PD differences are more difficult to detect and need to be carefully examined by assessment of effectiveness and toxicity in demographic and other subgroups, as illustrated by the forest plots examining multiple subgroups typically presented for cardiovascular outcome studies. Such examinations and presentations would probably be more broadly useful and informative if used to examine pooled outcome and toxicity data for symptomatic treatments.  相似文献   

The concept of pairwise orthogonal Latin square design is applied to r row by c column experiment designs which are called pairwise orthogonal F-rectangle designs. These designs are useful in designing successive and/or simulataneous experiments on the same set of rc experimental units, in constructing codes, and in constructing orthogonal arrays. A pair of orthogonal F-rectangle designs exists for any set of v treatment (symbols), whereas no pair of orthogonal Latin square designs of order two and six exists; one of the two construction methods presented does not rely on any previous knowledge about the existence of a pair of orthogonal Latin square designs, whereas the second one does. It is shown how to extend the methods to r=pv row by c=qv column designs and how to obtain t pairwise orthogonal F-rectangle design. When the maximum possible number of pairwise orthogonal F-rectangle designs is attained the set is said to be complete. Complete sets are obtained for all v for which v is a prime power. The construction method makes use of the existence of a complete set of pairwise orthogonal Latin square designs and of an orthogonal array with vn columns, (vn−1)/(v−1) rows, v symbols, and of strength two.  相似文献   

Relative poverty lines are increasingly being used in poverty comparison studies. Existing methods assume that the distributions being compared are distinct with independent relative poverty lines. However, this practice may be problematic when comparing two subgroups of a population. We follow up on a recent proposal for the usage of common relative poverty lines in such cases, and develop a test for comparing poverty between subgroups of a single population, using inequality restrictions. Monte Carlo experiments are conducted in order to examine the size and power of our proposed test. We illustrate our procedure using some U.S. household income data.  相似文献   

The consistency and asymptotic normality of a linear least squares estimate of the form (X'X)-X'Y when the mean is not Xβ is investigated in this paper. The least squares estimate is a consistent estimate of the best linear approximation of the true mean function for the design chosen. The asymptotic normality of the least squares estimate depends on the design and the asymptotic mean may not be the best linear approximation of the true mean function. Choices of designs which allow large sample inferences to be made about the best linear approximation of the true mean function are discussed.  相似文献   

To increase the efficiency of comparisons between treatments in clinical trials, we may consider the use of a multiple matching design, in which, for each patient receiving the experimental treatment, we match with more than one patient receiving the standard treatment. To assess the efficacy of the experimental treatment, the risk ratio (RR) of patient responses between two treatments is certainly one of the most commonly used measures. Because the probability of patient responses in clinical trial is often not small, the odds ratio (OR), of which the practical interpretation is not easily understood, cannot approximate RR well. Thus, all sample size formulae in terms of OR for case-control studies with multiple matched controls per case can be of limited use here. In this paper, we develop three sample size formulae based on RR for randomized trials with multiple matching. We propose a test statistic for testing the equality of RR under multiple matching. On the basis of Monte Carlo simulation, we evaluate the performance of the proposed test statistic with respect to Type I error. To evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of the three sample size formulae developed in this paper, we further calculate their simulated powers and compare them with those of the sample size formula ignoring matching and the sample size formula based on OR for multiple matching published elsewhere. Finally, we include an example that employs the multiple matching study design about the use of the supplemental ascorbate in the supportive treatment of terminal cancer patients to illustrate the use of these formulae.  相似文献   

Bayesian classification of Neolithic tools   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The classification of Neolithic tools by using cluster analysis enables archaeologists to understand the function of the tools and the technological and cultural conditions of the societies that made them. In this paper, Bayesian classification is adopted to analyse data which raise the question whether the observed variability, e.g. the shape and dimensions of the tools, is related to their use. The data present technical difficulties for the practitioner, such as the presence of mixed mode data, missing data and errors in variables. These complications are overcome by employing a finite mixture model and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. The analysis uses prior information which expresses the archaeologist's belief that there are two tool groups that are similar to contemporary adzes and axes. The resulting mixing densities provide evidence that the morphological dimensional variability among tools is related to the existence of these two tool groups.  相似文献   

A partially balanced nested row-column design, referred to as PBNRC, is defined as an arrangement of v treatments in b p × q blocks for which, with the convention that p q, the information matrix for the estimation of treatment parameters is equal to that of the column component design which is itself a partially balanced incomplete block design. In this paper, previously known optimal incomplete block designs, and row-column and nested row-column designs are utilized to develop some methods of constructing optimal PBNRC designs. In particular, it is shown that an optimal group divisible PBNRC design for v = mn kn treatments in p × q blocks can be constructed whenever a balanced incomplete block design for m treatments in blocks of size k each and a group divisible PBNRC design for kn treatments in p × q blocks exist. A simple sufficient condition is given under which a group divisible PBNRC is Ψf-better for all f> 0 than the corresponding balanced nested row-column designs having binary blocks. It is also shown that the construction techniques developed particularly for group divisible designs can be generalized to obtain PBNRC designs based on rectangular association schemes.  相似文献   

The two experimental methods most commonly used for reducing the effect of noise factors on a response of interest Y aim either to estimate a model of the variability (V(Y), or an associated function), that is transmitted by the noise factors, or to estimate a model of the ratio between the response (Y) and all the control and noise factors involved therein. Both methods aim to determine which control factor conditions minimise the noise factors' effect on the response of interest, and a series of analytical guidelines are established to reach this end. Product array designs allow robustness problems to be solved in both ways, but require a large number of experiments. Thus, practitioners tend to choose more economical designs that only allow them to model the surface response for Y. The general assumption is that both methods would lead to similar conclusions. In this article we present a case that utilises a design based on a product design and for which the conclusions yielded by the two analytical methods are quite different. This example casts doubt on the guidelines that experimental practice follows when using either of the two methods. Based on this example, we show the causes behind these discrepancies and we propose a number of guidelines to help researchers in the design and interpretation of robustness problems when using either of the two methods.  相似文献   

Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random vector and let be the regression function of Y on X that has to be estimated from a sample of i.i.d. random vectors (X1, Y1),…,(Xn, Yn) having the same distribution as (X, Y). In the present paper it is shown that the normalized integrated squared error of a kernel estimator with data-driven bandwidth is asymptotically normally distributed.  相似文献   

This paper develops a time domain score statistic for testing fractional integration at zero and seasonal frequencies in quarterly time series models. Further, it introduces the notion of fractional cointegration at different frequencies between two seasonally integrated, I(1) series. In testing problems involving seasonal fractional cointegration, it is argued that the alternative hypothesis is one-sided for which the usual score test may not be appropriate. Therefore, based on ideas in Silvapulle and Silvapulle (1995), a one-sided score statistic is constructed. A simulation study finds that the score statistic generally has desirable size and power properties in moderately sized samples. The score test is applied to the quarterly Australian consumption function. The income and consumption series are found to be I(1) at zero and seasonal frequencies and these two series are not cointegrated at any frequency.  相似文献   

Self-affine time series: measures of weak and strong persistence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this paper, we examine self-affine time series and their persistence. Time series are defined to be self-affine if their power-spectral density scales as a power of their frequency. Persistence can be classified in terms of range, short or long range, and in terms of strength, weak or strong. Self-affine time series are scale-invariant, thus they always exhibit long-range persistence. Synthetic self-affine time series are generated using the Fourier power-spectral method. We generate fractional Gaussian noises (fGns), −1β1, where β is the power-spectral exponent. These are summed to give fractional Brownian motions (fBms), 1β3, where the series are self-affine fractals with fractal dimension 1D2; β=2 is a Brownian motion. With β>1, the time series are non-stationary and moments of the time series depend upon its length; with β<1 the time series are stationary. We define self-affine time series with β>1 to have strong persistence and with β<1 to have weak persistence. We use a variety of techniques to quantify the strength of persistence of synthetic self-affine time series with −3β5. These techniques are effective in the following ranges: (1) semivariograms, 1β3, (2) rescaled-range (R/S) analyses, −1β1, (3) Fourier spectral techniques, all values of β, and (4) wavelet variance analyses, all values of β. Wavelet variance analyses lack many of the inherent problems that are found in Fourier power-spectral analysis.  相似文献   

徐蔼婷 《统计研究》2011,28(4):33-41
 基于SNA生产观,本文讨论了总生产负担、SNA生产负担和非SNA生产负担的不均等规律。理论分析表明,三类生产负担的具体分布取决于个人或家庭的生产时间分配模式,个人受实际SNA报酬率和总生产时间的影响较大,而家庭往往视性别因素为基本决策前提。本文据此实际测度了我国居民各类生产负担不均等现状并对形成总不均等的要素及子群来源进行了分解。研究表明:(1)与城乡区域因素相比,生产负担不均等更易受性别因素的影响,影响力度与生产负担的具体形式密切相关;(2)女性居民承担了更沉重的总生产负担,非SNA生产为其主要负担来源,男性居民的总生产负担较轻,其主要负担来源为SNA生产;(3)无论是居民总体还是各子群体,生产负担不均等主要归因于SNA生产负担,而子群内部不均等是造成总不均等的决定力量。  相似文献   

Consider predicting the integral of a diffusion process Z in a bounded interval A, based on the observations Z(t1n),…,Z(tnn), where t1n,…,tnn is a dense triangular array of points (the step of discretization tends to zero as n increases) in the bounded interval. The best linear predictor is generally not asymptotically optimal. Instead, we predict using the conditional expectation of the integral of the diffusion process, the optimal predictor in terms of minimizing the mean squared error, given the observed values of the process. We obtain that, conditioning on the observed values, the order of convergence in probability to zero of the mean squared prediction error is Op(n−2). We prove that the standardized conditional prediction error is approximately Gaussian with mean zero and unit variance, even though the underlying diffusion is generally non-Gaussian. Because the optimal predictor is hard to calculate exactly for most diffusions, we present an easily computed approximation that is asymptotically optimal. This approximation is a function of the diffusion coefficient.  相似文献   

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