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This study examines the relationship between employed wives' preferences for household production time, employment time, leisure, and their actual time use. A random sample of 235 employed, married women estimate their time use on an average weekday and weekend day in 13 activities and indicate their preferences for time in those activities. Hierarchical multiple regression procedures are used to examine the relationships between actual and preferred time use. Weekday employment time is not related to preferences for more or less time in household production but wives allocating more time to employment want to spend less time at that employment and more time in leisure. Weekend employment time is related to preferences for more time in leisure, child care, and other household work. Time spent performing household work is not related to preferences for more or less time in any activity except the desire for more leisure time on weekends.Ann Renigar Hiatt is Assistant Professor in the Department of Human Services, College of Education and Allied Professions at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. Her research interests include employed women's time allocation, time pressures, and use of time management strategies. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.Deborah D. Godwin is Associate Professor in the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Her research has focused on husbands' and wives' time allocation to household production, the effects of women's employment on family economic functioning, and family financial management. She received her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensbore.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study reported here is to identify domains which explain the life quality of dairy farm husbands and wives. A further purpose is to identify domains which would explain life quality when the domain unique to farming is deleted. One hundred sixteen dairy farm couples were interviewed in 1986, when a financial crisis in agriculture had reached the western states. The analysis is done by stepwise regression. Satisfaction with farm work is an important explanation of husbands' and wives' life quality. When farm work is omitted from the equations, satisfaction with self is among important domains explaining life quality.Research reported in this paper was partially funded by the Utah Agricultural Experiment Station, Utah State University, Logan, UT.Norleen M. Ackerman received her Ph.D. from Michigan State University. She is an Assistant Professor, Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-2910. Her research interests include the well being of farm families, consumer information, and consumer purchase behavior.Glen O. Jensen received his Ph.D. from Utah State University. He is a Professor in the Department of Family and Human Development, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-2905. His research interests include the rural family, teen pregnancy, and marriage enrichment.DeeVon Bailey received his Ph.D. from Texas A & M. He is an Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-3530. His research interests include economic issues related to farm families, agricultural marketing and farm efficiency.  相似文献   

Using the 1981 Time Use Longitudinal Panel Study data, this study examines factors which influence children's time use in leisure activities. More time is spent in unstructured than structured leisure activities. Analysis of variance is performed on 32 categories of leisure time, including total leisure, to determine the influence of characteristics of the child and the mother and other socioeconomic characteristics. Males spend significantly more time than females in active sports, playing games, and passive leisure especially watching television on weekends. Females spend significantly more time than males socializing on weekends. The amount of time spent socializing increases with age but decreases with employment. Time spent playing games decreases with age, increases with number of children, and decreases as family income increases. Given the large number of children who do not participate in a given set of leisure activities, future research should examine the probability of participation.The data used in this article were made available by the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research. The data for Time Use Longitudinal Panel Study, 1975–1981 were originally collected by F. Thomas Juster, Martha S. Hill, Frank P. Stafford, and Jacquelynne Eccles Parsons of the Survey Research Center, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan. Neither the collector of the original data nor the Consortium bear any responsibility for the analysis or interpretation presented here.Carol B. Meeks is a Professor and Teresa Mauldin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics, The University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Dr. Meeks' research interests include time use, family structure, and economic aspects of housing. She received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University. Dr. Mauldin, who also received her Ph.D. from Ohio State University, is interested in time use, economic well being of individuals and families, and family structure.  相似文献   

This study reviews the concepts of complementarity and substitutability and the theoretical representations of these concepts used in demand analysis. It highlights difficulties encountered in empirical estimation of these relationships in the absence of adequate price data. A procedure for investigating these relationships in demand analysis under the assumption of constant relative prices is proposed. A model is formulated to test these relationships in family members' time allocated to household production activities. The data used in this analysis were collected in the Interstate Regional Research Project (NE-113), U.S.D.A. A simultaneous regression procedure is used. Results indicate that time of homemakers and their spouses are weakly complementary in several household maintenance activities, unpaid work, eating, shopping, recreation, organizational participation, physical and non-physical care of family members, and physical care of self. Homemaker's time in food preparation and spouse's time in physical care of self are found to be weakly substitutable. Relationships of substitutability are identified for each family member individually in his/her own discretionary activities. Discussion centers on implications of the model assumptions and use of residual analysis in applications other than demand analysis.Rosemary Key is an Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Economics & Housing, 103 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. In addition to time management, her research interests include the psychological foundations of managerial activity, and how time use impacts consumer behavior. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.  相似文献   

Contraceptive choices made by sexually active teenagers are considered in this study. The idea that teenagers are rational decision-makers who weigh the perceived costs and benefits of specific contraceptive methods along with the option to not contracept guides the analysis. A regression model is estimated using observations of teenage women from the 1982 National Survey of Family Growth. Results generally support the rational decision-making hypothesis. Perceptions of pregnancy risks, resulting from knowledge of reproductive biology and contraceptive options or from a previous pregnancy, appear particularly important in determining contraceptive choices.James Reschovsky is Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Apart from teenage contraceptive choices, his research interests include investigation of housing decisions by elderly households and implications for the delivery of long-term care.Jennifer Gerner is Associate Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Her research interests include family and household economics and household organization. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin.The authors thank Soog Hong Gong, Catherine Montalto, and Sarah Stone for their research assistance. We also thank Carol Kramer for her contributions during the early phases of this study and Linda Jacobsen, W. Keith Bryant, and Robert Avery for their comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

The number of households headed by single mothers has been increasing in recent years. Yet, little is known about how this growing segment of the population differs, if at all, from married mothers in their time allocation patterns. In the study reported here, a system of time allocation equations based on household production theory is estimated for both married and single mothers. The results indicate that married and single mothers make different decisions about how to allocate their time to household production, child care, leisure, and paid work. Specifically, single and married mothers responded differently to a change in their shadow wage rates, unearned income, paid child care, and the ages of the children in each of the estimated equations.A portion of this project was funded by the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station. W. Keith Bryant, Jutta M. Joesch, Robert N. Mayer, Ken R. Smith and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful insights at several stages of this research. Sarah Stiefvater and Susan Bruns provided valuable research assistance on this project. All remaining errors are the responsibility of the authors.Direct all correspondence to Robin Douthitt, Family Resources and Consumer Science, 1300 Linden Drive, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706. The authors are Associate Professors at the University of Wisconsin, University of Utah, and Utah State University, respectively.  相似文献   

The impact of marital status changes on the lives of adults and children has increased importance as marriage, divorce, and remarriage have become more frequent patterns of family composition change. These events can often be predicted by the family members involved so that they may be accompanied by changes in labor market activity prior to the events themselves. The study reported here uses panel data to examine the labor market activity changes that precede marital status changes. Women who become divorced increase hours of work in the year or two before the divorce occurs, and women who become remarried decrease hours of work in the year of the remarriage and thereafter. For men there seems to be little change in labor supply during these years. However, hours of housework for men do seem to change.This research has been supported by the United States Department of Agriculture through the New York Agricultural Experiment Station under Southern Regional Project S-206. The data utilized in this work were made available in part by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. The data were originally collected by James N. Morgan, et al. The contents of this article do not necessarily reflect the view of the Inter-University Consortium or the institutions with which the researchers are affiliated. We wish to especially thank Robert Avery for his helpful comments throughout this research and Veronica Abel for her able research assistance.Jennifer L. Gerner is Associate Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, 137 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Her research interests include the economics of the family and family organization. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. Catherine Phillips Montalto is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Her research interests include the economic behavior of households. W. Keith Bryant is Professor and Chair of the Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, 117D Martha Van Rensselaer, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. He received his Ph.D. from Michigan State University.  相似文献   

This article explores the integration of time perception theory from various root disciplines related to family resource management. It includes anthropological models of time perception and sociological and psychological concepts related to time measure and usage. Examples of issues appropriate to the exploration of time use in the home and instrumentation that may assist in its understanding and measurement are included.This research was supported in part by Lincoln University Cooperative Research.Alma J. Owen is Associate Professor and Small Farm Family Program Leader for Lincoln University Cooperative Extension, 900 Moreau Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Her research interests include measuring household production, at-home income generation, and rural families. She received her Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  相似文献   

This study compares the effect of homemaker's employment status on children's time allocation in single- and two-parent families. Specifically under investigation is the effect of living in a family in which the mother is employed professionally, employed non-professionally, or not employed outside the home on older child's time allocated to household work, school work, and recreation in single- and two-parent families. Age and sex of older children and constraints on their time, such as school attendance, are controlled for in the analysis. The data are from a California study. A two-step multiple regression procedure is used. The effect of homemaker's employment status on older child's time allocated to household work, school work, and recreation is not found to differ by family structure. Homemaker's employment status does not explain a significant amount of variance in older child's time allocation.Rosemary J. Key is Assistant Professor, Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, 103 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, New York 14850. Her research interests include substitutability between family members' time in household production, and sequencing techniques used in household production activities. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.Margaret Mietus Sanik is Associate Professor, Department of Family Resource Management, The Ohio State University, 1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Her research interests include time use among family members and household production. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University.  相似文献   

Remarried couples, especially those with children from a previous marriage, face financial complexities unknown to couples in their first marriages. The few empirical investigations which have explored this feature of stepfamily life have revealed that couples often have a difficult time with the financial functioning aspect of their remarriage. While further research is needed to examine the dynamics of the financial aspects of remarriage, educators and counselors need to begin to help remarried couples to develop management strategies for coping with their unique situations. Recommendations for a workshop are made and resources are listed.Supported in part by Utah State University Vice President for Research. Scientific contribution Number 1480 from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station.Jean M. Lown received her Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Family Economics and Consumer Studies. Currently Dr. Lown is assistant professor, Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education, UMC-2910, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322.Elizabeth M. Dolan is associate professor, Department of Family and Consumer Studies, Pettee Hall, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824. Drs. Lown and Dolan are collaborating on a research investigation into the dynamics of financial management in remarried families.  相似文献   

This article identifies shopping styles, information use, and decision-making differences by family life cycle stage in a purchase of a durable good. Data were collected using mailed questionnaires. The sample consists of 378 cases. Data are analyzed using factor analyses, analysis of variance, and cross tabulations. The shopping style factor indicates younger adults are brand conscious. The consumer factor indicates that people in older life cycle stages read more than people in younger life cycle stages. The inexperience factor indicates single parents, younger families, and younger adults are more inexperienced. The decision-making variable indicates that younger adults and single parents make decisions by themselves and younger families make decisions with their spouses. Reasons for purchases indicate that single parents do not own the product, older families are replacing, and retirees want new product characteristics.Leona K. Hawks is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-2910. She received her Ed.D. from Brigham Young University. Her current research interests include consumer decision-making and behavior.Norleen M. Ackerman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Home Economics and Consumer Education, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-2910. She received her Ph.D. from Michigan State University. Her current research interests include consumer purchase behavior, family financial security, and life quality of farm families.  相似文献   

Factors related to time spent in work roles are investigated for a sample of 685 wives living on family farms in seven southern and midwestern states. Data were collected in a comprehensive mail survey. Results show that variables reflecting management are the most important predictors of wife's time use satisfaction. Wife's satisfaction is also significantly related to her education and nonfarm employment. Conclusions indicate that, although wives on family farms experience work-role overload relative to their husbands, they are satisfied with their time contributions to the home/farm situation.Jeanne L. Hafstrom is Associate Professor, Consumer Sciences Division, University of Illinois, 161 Bevier Hall, 905 So. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois. Her current research interests include economic well-being and the quality of life.MaryAnn Paynter is Assistant Professor and Family Economics Extension Specialist, Consumer Sciences Division, University of Illinois, 547 Bevier Hall, 905 So. Goodwin, Urbana, IL 61801. She received her Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University. Her current research interests include family resource management strategies.This study was part of S-191 Regional Research Project Farm Wife's External Employment, Family Economic Productivity and Family Functioning, and Project No. 60-0366 supported by the Agricultural Experiment Station, College of Agriculture, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  相似文献   

The presence of special early retirement incentives has changed the work environment for older workers. It is of interest to know how existing models of the timing of the pension acceptance decision function in an incentive environment. Furthermore, it is of interest to note the similarities or differences between males and females with regard to retirement behaviors. In this study, a basic utility maximization model, an expanded model, and an interactive model are applied to the acceptance of an early retirement pension incentive; probabilities of acceptance range from .18 to .39. Acceptance behavior without the incentive is simulated, with probabilities of acceptance ranging from .11 to .33. Addition of a set of socioeconomic and psychological variables and a vector of interactive variables is found to improve the basic model.The author would like to thank W. Keith Bryant, Olivia Mitchell and several anonymous reviewers for comments on earlier drafts. Any remaining errors are, of course, my own. Acknowledgement is also given to the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station for funding assistance.Jeanne M. Hogarth is an associate professor in the Department of Consumer Economics and Housing, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. Dr. Hogarth received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University, Department of Family Resource Management and includes retirement decision making, such as the timing of retirement and use of financial resources during retirement, among her current research interests.  相似文献   

This study investigates time spent in household management, an important “missing ingredient” in time use studies, using data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). These data indicate that adults spend an average of just over 1.5 h per week in this function. This figure likely underestimates total management time because (1) management is often done in small blocks, and hence, may be missed; and (2) the ATUS generally fails to capture secondary activities. Thus, efforts to value time spent in household management using these data will similarly produce a low valuation of the household manager role. Notably, measured management time is found to be much more equally distributed among spouses than time spent in core housework tasks.
Thomas R. IrelandEmail:

Anne E. Winkler   is Professor of Economics and Public Policy Administration at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She is also a research affiliate of the National Poverty Center, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. She received her Ph.D. in economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Among her publications, she is co-author (with Francine D. Blau and Marianne A. Ferber) of the third through sixth editions of The Economics of Women, Men and Work, published by Prentice Hall (Pearson). Thomas R. Ireland   is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Virginia in 1968 and has been a practicing forensic economist since 1974. He has published a number of books and papers in journals in the field forensic economics. He is a past president of the American Academy of Economic and Financial Experts, and past vice president of the National Association of Forensic Economics.  相似文献   

Using data from one- and two-parent households with two children in rural and urban areas of California, this study analyzes time allocation decisions in market work, household work, and leisure activities among single and married mothers. Results of the seemingly unrelated regression procedures indicate that family structure affects time in household work but not market work or leisure activities. Of the socio-demographic variables, only day of the week explains time allocation to household work, market work, and leisure activities among single and married mothers.This research has been supported by the United States Department of Agriculture through the Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station under Southern Regional Project S-206.Teresa Mauldin is an Assistant Professor and Carol B. Meeks is an Associate Professor in the Department of Housing and Consumer Economics, the University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Dr. Mauldin received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and is interested in time use, economic well-being of individuals and families, and family structure. Dr. Meeks also received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University and her research interests include time use, family structure, and economic aspects of housing.  相似文献   

It's about time and gender: spousal employment and health   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article considers the effect of husbands' and wives' hours of work on each others' health. Theoretical analysis focuses on gendering of health-related behavior, the needed to promote a spouse's salubrious behavior, and the effects of work hours on the availability of time for nonwork activities. Empirical analyses are based on 1986 and 1989 longitudinal U.S. data. Fewer than 40 hours of work per week by wives has no effect on husbands' health, but more than 40 hours has substantial negative effect. Long work hours by husbands are not detrimental to wives' health. Wives' work hours shows no effect on their own health, but husbands' work hours show strong positive effect on their own health. Methodological issues are considered.  相似文献   

The purposes of this article are threefold. First, there is a brief review of current and historical research on home-based business with special emphasis on female home-based employment and the impact of such employment on family life. Second, a conceptual model for family work activities is advanced. Finally, concepts related to home-based employment that could be used to frame and describe the empirical study are specified.This article reports results from the Cooperative Regional Research Project, NE-167, entitled At-Home Income Generation: Impact on Management, Productivity and Stability in Rural/Urban Families, partially supported by the Cooperative States Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture and the Experiment Stations at the University of Hawaii, Iowa State University, Lincoln University (Missouri), Michigan State University, Cornell University (New York), The Ohio State University, The Pennsylvania State University, Utah State University, and the University of Vermont.Her research interests include measuring household production, at-home income generation, and rural families. She received her Ph.D. in Family and Consumer Economics from the University of Missouri-Columbia.Her research interests include home-based business and consumer behavior. She received her Ph.D from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.Her research interests include consumer behavior and family economic issues. She received her Ph.D. from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.  相似文献   

This article presents the elements of a theory to explain the dynamic construction and execution of production processes. The theory takes into account both the cognitive underpinnings and observable streams of purposive action necessary for managerial behavior. It attempts to explain both the consciously planned and executed action of individuals and the more routine, repetitive activities which dominate most resource allocation behavior. Further, it provides a framework within which goal directed actions of individuals may be translated into goal directed actions of groups of individuals.The authors wish to thank two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this article.Rosemary J. Avery is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Consumer Economics and Housing at Cornell University, 103 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853. She received her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University in 1988. Her research areas include family management and time use, family decision making, and family formation via adoption.Kathryn Stafford is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family Resource Management at The Ohio State University, Campbell Hall, Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210. Her research focuses upon management by families who generate income at home, and she has also done work in the areas of family time use and household production. She received her Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1978.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to use analysis of covariance to examine variations in time use among single-parent, one-earner, and two-earner families and to assess the effects of two covariates, Age of the Younger Child and Hours of Employment of the Homemaker, on total family time spent on household tasks. Data were collected from 81 single-parent and 210 two-parent California households using a questionnaire, time chart, and personal interviews. The greatest discrepancy between single-parent and two-parent families is that single-parent families spend significantly less time than two-parent families on Maintenance of the home and yard and on Nonphysical Care (social interaction with family members). One-earner families spend almost as much time as two-earner families on Nonphysical Care, but only when Secondary Time is included. Two household activities, Clothing Care and Management, are not affected by either family type or the covariates.This study utilized data from USDA Regional Research Project NE-113, An Urban-Rural Comparison of Families' Time Use.Jeanne M. Hilton is an Assistant Professor of Family Economics and Management, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557. She received her Ph.D. from Oregon State University. Her current research interests include work and family issues within the context of family structure.  相似文献   

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