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The Pearson chi‐squared statistic for testing the equality of two multinomial populations when the categories are nominal is much less appropriate for ordinal categories. Test statistics typically used in this context are based on scorings of the ordinal levels, but the results of these tests are highly dependent on the choice of scores. The authors propose a test which naturally modifies the Pearson chi‐squared statistic to incorporate the ordinal information. The proposed test statistic does not depend on the scores and under the null hypothesis of equality of populations, it is asymptotically equivalent to the likelihood ratio test against the alternative of two‐sided likelihood ratio ordering.  相似文献   

In this paper, tests for the skewness parameter of the two-piece double exponential distribution are derived when the location parameter is unknown. Classical tests like Neyman structure test and likelihood ratio test (LRT), that are generally used to test hypotheses in the presence of nuisance parameters, are not feasible for this distribution since the exact distributions of the test statistics become very complicated. As an alternative, we identify a set of statistics that are ancillary for the location parameter. When the scale parameter is known, Neyman–Pearson's lemma is used, and when the scale parameter is unknown, the LRT is applied to the joint density function of ancillary statistics, in order to obtain a test for the skewness parameter of the distribution. Test for symmetry of the distribution can be deduced as a special case. It is found that power of the proposed tests for symmetry is only marginally less than the power of corresponding classical optimum tests when the location parameter is known, especially for moderate and large sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper a new family of test statistics is presented for testing the independence between the binary response Y and an ordered categorical explanatory variable X (doses) against the alternative hypothesis of an increase dose-response relationship between a response variable Y and X (doses). The properties of these test statistics are studied. This new family of test statistics is based on the family of φ-divergence measures and contains as a particular case the likelihood ratio test. We pay special attention to the family of test statistics associated with the power divergence family. A simulation study is included in order to analyze the behavior of the power divergence family of test statistics.  相似文献   

In this note, we present alternative derivations for the probability that an individual order statistic is closest to the target parameter among all order statistics from a complete random sample. This approach is simpler than the geometric arguments used earlier. We also provide a simple direct proof for the symmetry property of the simultaneous closeness probabilities among order statistics for the estimation of percentiles from a symmetric family. Finally, we offer an alternative simpler proof for the result that sample medians from larger odd sample sizes are Pitman closer to the population median than sample medians from smaller odd sample sizes.  相似文献   

This article presents a new goodness-of-fit (GOF) test statistic for multiply Type II censored Exponential data. The new test also applies to ordinary Type II censored samples and complete samples, since those cases are special cases of multiply Type II censoring. This test statistic is based on a ratio of linear functions of order statistics. Empirical power studies confirm that this ratio test compares favorably to currently available GOF tests for ordinary Type II censored data. Three data analysis examples are provided that demonstrate the usefulness of this new test statistic.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce first a new family of empirical test statistics for testing a simple null hypothesis when the vector of parameters of interest is defined through a specific set of unbiased estimating functions. This family of test statistics is based on a distance between two probability vectors, with the first probability vector obtained by maximizing the empirical likelihood (EL) on the vector of parameters, and the second vector defined from the fixed vector of parameters under the simple null hypothesis. The distance considered for this purpose is the phi-divergence measure. The asymptotic distribution is then derived for this family of test statistics. The proposed methodology is illustrated through the well-known data of Newcomb's measurements on the passage time for light. A simulation study is carried out to compare its performance with that of the EL ratio test when confidence intervals are constructed based on the respective statistics for small sample sizes. The results suggest that the ‘empirical modified likelihood ratio test statistic’ provides a competitive alternative to the EL ratio test statistic, and is also more robust than the EL ratio test statistic in the presence of contamination in the data. Finally, we propose empirical phi-divergence test statistics for testing a composite null hypothesis and present some asymptotic as well as simulation results for evaluating the performance of these test procedures.  相似文献   

Tests for normality can be divided into two groups - those based upon a function of the empirical distribution function and those based upon a function of the original observations. The latter group of statistics test spherical symmetry and not necessarily normality. If the distribution is completely specified then the first group can be used to test for ‘spherical’ normality. However, if the distribution is incompletely specified and F‘‘xi - x’/s’ is used these test statistics also test sphericity rather than normality. A Monte Carlo study was conducted for the completely specified case, to investigate the sensitivity of the distance tests to departures from normality when the alternative distributions are non-normal spherically symmetric laws. A “new” test statistic is proposed for testing a completely specified normal distribution  相似文献   

In this article, we describe a new approach to compare the power of different tests for normality. This approach provides the researcher with a practical tool for evaluating which test at their disposal is the most appropriate for their sampling problem. Using the Johnson systems of distribution, we estimate the power of a test for normality for any mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis. Using this characterization and an innovative graphical representation, we validate our method by comparing three well-known tests for normality: the Pearson χ2 test, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and the D'Agostino–Pearson K 2 test. We obtain such comparison for a broad range of skewness, kurtosis, and sample sizes. We demonstrate that the D'Agostino–Pearson test gives greater power than the others against most of the alternative distributions and at most sample sizes. We also find that the Pearson χ2 test gives greater power than Kolmogorov–Smirnov against most of the alternative distributions for sample sizes between 18 and 330.  相似文献   

Generally, confidence regions for the probabilities of a multinomial population are constructed based on the Pearson χ2 statistic. Morales et al. (Bootstrap confidence regions in multinomial sampling. Appl Math Comput. 2004;155:295–315) considered the bootstrap and asymptotic confidence regions based on a broader family of test statistics known as power-divergence test statistics. In this study, we extend their work and propose penalized power-divergence test statistics-based confidence regions. We only consider small sample sizes where asymptotic properties fail and alternative methods are needed. Both bootstrap and asymptotic confidence regions are constructed. We consider the percentile and the bias corrected and accelerated bootstrap confidence regions. The latter confidence region has not been studied previously for the power-divergence statistics much less for the penalized ones. Designed simulation studies are carried out to calculate average coverage probabilities. Mean absolute deviation between actual and nominal coverage probabilities is used to compare the proposed confidence regions.  相似文献   

In this paper new families of test-statistics are introduced and studied for the problem of comparing two treatments in terms of the likelihood ratio order. The considered families are based on φ-divergence measures and arise as natural extensions of the classical likelihood ratio test and Pearson test-statistics. It is proven that their asymptotic distribution is a common chi-bar random variable. An illustrative example is presented and the performance of these statistics is analysed through a simulation study. Through a simulation study it is shown that, for most of the proposed scenarios adjusted to be small or moderate, some members of this new family of test-statistic display clearly better performance with respect to the power in comparison to the classical likelihood ratio and the Pearson's chi-square test while the exact size remains closed to the nominal size. In view of the exact powers and significance levels, the study also shows that the Wilcoxon test-statistic is not as good as the two classical test-statistics.  相似文献   

We propose a measure of divergence in failure rates of a system from the constant failure rate model for a grouped data situation. We use this measure to compare the divergences of several systems from the constant failure rate model and find the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics. Several applications are discussed to illustrate the procedure. In the context of testing the goodness-of-fit with the constant failure rate model, we conduct a simulation study which shows that this procedure compares favorably with the Pearson chi-square test and the likelihood ratio test procedures.  相似文献   

It is well known that the Pearson statistic \(\chi ^{2}\) can perform poorly in studying the association between ordinal categorical variables. Taguchi’s and Hirotsu’s statistics have been introduced in the literature as simple alternatives to Pearson’s chi-squared test for contingency tables with ordered categorical variables. The aim of this paper is to shed new light on these statistics, stressing their interpretations and characteristics, providing in this way new and different interpretations of these statistics. Moreover, a theoretical scheme is developed showing the links between the different proposals and classes of cumulative chi-squared statistical tests, starting from a unifying index of heterogeneity, unalikeability and variability measures. Users of statistics may find it attractive to understand well the different proposals. Some decompositions of both statistics are also highlighted. This paper presents a case study of optimizing the polysilicon deposition process in a very large-scale integrated circuit, to identify the optimal combination of factor levels. It is obtained by means of the information coming from a correspondence analysis based on Taguchi’s statistic and regression models for binary dependent variables. A new optimal combination of factor levels is obtained, different from many others proposed in the literature for this data.  相似文献   

Results from a power study of six statistics for testing that a sample is from a uniform distribution on the unit interval (0,1) are reported. The test statistics are all well-known and each of them was originally proposed because they should have high power against some alternative distributions. The tests considered are the Pearson probability product test, the Neyman smooth test, the Sukhatme test, the Durbin-Kolmogorov test, the Kuiper test, and the Sherman test. Results are given for each of these tests against each of four classes of alternatives. Also, the most powerful test against each member of the first three alternatives is obtained, and the powers of these tests are given for the same sample sizes as for the six general "omnibus" test statistics. These values constitute a "power envelope" against which all tests can be compared. The Neyman smooth tests with 2nd and 4th degree polynomials are found to have good power and are recommended as general tests for uniformity.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hypothesis test of the parametric component in partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) model with random censorship. We construct two test statistics based on the difference of the corrected residual sum of squares and empirical likelihood ratio under the null and alternative hypotheses. It is shown that the limiting distributions of the proposed test statistics are both weighted sum of independent standard chi-squared distribution with one degree of freedom under the null hypothesis. Based on the adjusted test statistics, we further develop two new types of test procedures. Finite sample performance of the proposed test procedures is evaluated by extensive simulation studies.  相似文献   


The one-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test was originally designed to test for a specified median, under the assumption that the distribution is symmetric, but it can also serve as a test for symmetry if the median is known. In this article we derive the Wilcoxon statistic as the first component of Pearson's X 2 statistic for independence in a particularly constructed contingency table. The second and third components are new test statistics for symmetry. In the second part of the article, the Wilcoxon test is extended so that symmetry around the median and symmetry in the tails can be examined seperately. A trimming proportion is used to split the observations in the tails from those around the median. We further extend the method so that no arbitrary choice for the trimming proportion has to be made. Finally, the new tests are compared to other tests for symmetry in a simulation study. It is concluded that our tests often have substantially greater powers than most other tests.  相似文献   

A new statistical procedure for testing normality is proposed. The Q statistic is derived as the ratio of two linear combinations of the ordered random observations. The coefficients of the linear combinations are utilizing the expected values of the order statistics from the standard normal distribution. This test is omnibus to detect the deviations from normality that result from either skewness or kurtosis. The statistic is independent of the origin and the scale under the null hypothesis of normality, and the null distribution of Q can be very well approximated by the Cornish-Fisher expansion. The powers for various alternative distributions were compared with several other test statistics by simulations.  相似文献   

Over the years many researchers have dealt with testing the hypotheses of symmetry in univariate and multivariate distributions in the parametric and nonparametric setup. In a multivariate setup, there are several formulations of symmetry, for example, symmetry about an axis, joint symmetry, marginal symmetry, radial symmetry, symmetry about a known point, spherical symmetry, and elliptical symmetry among others. In this paper, for the bivariate case, we formulate a concept of symmetry about a straight line passing through the origin in a plane and accordingly develop a simple nonparametric test for testing the hypothesis of symmetry about a straight line. The proposed test is based on a measure of deviance between observed counts of bivariate samples in suitably defined pairs of sets. The exact null distribution and non-null distribution, for specified classes of alternatives, of the test statistics are obtained. The null distribution is tabulated for sample size from n=5 up to n=30. The null mean, null variance and the asymptotic null distributions of the proposed test statistics are also obtained. The empirical power of the proposed test is evaluated by simulating samples from the suitable class of bivariate distributions. The empirical findings suggest that the test performs reasonably well against various classes of asymmetric bivariate distributions. Further, it is advocated that the basic idea developed in this work can be easily adopted to test the hypotheses of exchangeability of bivariate random variables and also bivariate symmetry about a given axis which have been considered by several authors in the past.  相似文献   

Fisher's exact test, difference in proportions, log odds ratio, Pearson's chi-squared, and likelihood ratio are compared as test statistics for testing independence of two dichotomous factors when the associated p values are computed by using the conditional distribution given the marginals. The statistics listed above that can be used for a one-sided alternative give identical p values. For a two-sided alternative, many of the above statistics lead to different p values. The p values are shown to differ only by which tables in the opposite tail from the observed table are considered more extreme than the observed table.  相似文献   

In this paper we first show that the k-sample Anderson–Darling test is basically an average of Pearson statistics in 2?×?k contingency tables that are induced by observation-based partitions of the sample space. As an extension, we construct a family of rank test statistics, indexed by c?∈??, which is based on similarly constructed c?×?k partitions. An extensive simulation study, in which we compare the new test with others, suggests that generally very high powers are obtained with the new tests. Finally we propose a decomposition of the test statistic in interpretable components.  相似文献   

Weighted symmetry is an extension of the classical notion of symmetry in which the tails of a distribution are similar, up to a scaling factor. The authors develop test statistics of weighted symmetry based on empirical processes. The finite‐dimensional distributions of the proposed statistics are either non‐parametric or conditionally nonparametric, according as the parameters of weighted symmetry are known or estimated. Asymptotically, the distributions of the processes behave like Brownian bridges or motions, leading to familiar distributions for the proposed test statistics. The authors also establish the asymptotic normality of Hodges‐Lehmann type estimators based on a generalization of the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Furthermore, they propose density estimators in mat setting.  相似文献   

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