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Yaakov Roll  Yeshayahu Cohen 《Omega》1983,11(2):143-146
A procedure for computing productivity indices in a complex case is demonstrated. When reliable data on the internal flow of materials is not available, external flows only are taken into account, assuming standard internal material proportions. The resulting indices point to the overall productivity and may serve as indicators of areas where a more detailed analysis is called for.  相似文献   

Flexible manufacturing cells (FMCs) often operate with increasing failure rate due to extensive utilization and wear-outs of equipment. While maintenance plans can eliminate wear-out failures, random failures are still unavoidable. This paper discusses a procedure that combines simulation and analytical models to analyze the effects of corrective, preventive, and opportunistic maintenance policies on productivity of a flexible manufacturing cell. The production output rate of an FMC, which is a function of availability, is determined under different maintenance policies and mean time between failures.  相似文献   

The discussion of productivity is usually dominated by considerations of the productivity of labour, but in general terms a productivity ratio may be defined as the number of physical units of output per unit of resource input. This gives rise to many productivity ratios and it can be shown that they are inter-connected, so that an improvement in one ratio can be achieved at the expense of others. Furthermore, an improvement in labour productivity need not always result in reduced unit costs and increased profitability. The relationships between all these measures need to be explored through a modelling approach to determine the conditions under which productivity contributes to improved corporate performance. Some examples demonstrate the use of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

Japanese direct investment is assuming an increasing importance in the U.K. economy, especially in the manufacturing sector where Japanese management and manufacturing techniques have aroused particular interest. Until recently this investment in manufacturing has been primarily restricted to plants of an assembly-based nature and Japanese companies have sought out labour markets which best satisfy the needs of this type of operation. However, early signs are appearing which suggest that new Japanese manufacturing investment is becoming increasingly sophisticated. In the light of this emergent trend, this paper uses recent research to draw attention to the labour market problems that are likely to occur as the skill requirements of Japanese employers increase. The paper then concludes by discussing strategies which individual firms should adopt to protect themselves from any consequent labour market disruption.  相似文献   

An Input-Output model is used to analyze price pass-through effects of a minimum wage increase on prices of the food and kindred product and food-service industry. Although these sectors employ a disproportionate share of minimum wage workers, our results suggest a $0.50 increase in the minimum wage would minimally affect food prices.  相似文献   

Samuel Eilon  Judith Teague 《Omega》1973,1(5):565-576
The welfare of an individual enterprise, as well as that of the national economy, very much depends on productivity. But it appears that methods for determining measures of productivity are lamentably unsophisticated and lead to many ambiguities and inconsistencies. It is generally suggested that productivity represents some ratio of output to input, but existing measures of inputs and outputs are unsatisfactory, largely because they gloss over the difficulties of reducing multi-inputs and multi-outputs to single denominators. This paper examines certain approaches that may be developed to handle some of the measurement problems involved in this area.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the meaning and measurement of potential productivity. Potential productivity is the difference between the actual and most efficient (optimal) productivity level. A number of concepts of potential productivity are outlined and their managerial implications discussed. Measures based on operating and lost time, peak output levels, estimating a capacity production function and work study (percentage utilisation of labour) are compared for the envelope-making division of a UK manufacturing company.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of labor unionization on monitoring costs. Our findings show that monitoring costs are significantly higher for unionized firms. We demonstrate that the more complex, industrial relations structures that characterize unionized firms increase monitoring risks and corporate costs. We further show that monitoring agents consider political ideology supportive to labor unions as a parameter that enhances relevant costs. Additionally, we demonstrate that monitoring costs are lower in the presence of employee share ownership. We conclude that labor unionization increases the costs of monitoring agents, a burden which is amplified or mitigated depending on the structure of industrial relations.  相似文献   

During the last two decades, productivity research and applications have not been given adequate importance when trying to attain excellence in the management of manufacturing enterprises. Recent developments in managerial philosophies Total Quality Management and Business Process Re-engineering , manufacturing technologies Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Computer Integrated Manufacturing, etc. and Information Technology innovations have made the traditional productivity improvement techniques obsolete. This article presents a review consisting of analyses of literature on productivity and a survey of manufacturing enterprises. A five-step preview strategy on productivity is enumerated which provides a meaningful direction towards future productivity research and application. The article is concluded by briefly describing the current research that is being carried out based on the preview strategy evolved.  相似文献   

Friction between medical education faculty members and other physicians at St. Vincent Medical Center, Toledo, Ohio, led to a program to assess both the costs and the contribution of the teaching faculty to the overall goals of the institution. Because the existing information system proved to be unequal to the task, a specially designed spreadsheet system was developed to be used for medical education physicians. The computer-based system that was developed permits a detailed analysis of the productivity of these physicians. More important, it allowed the medical education function to provide solid justification of its efforts on behalf of the medical center.  相似文献   

Bela Gold 《Omega》1973,1(1):5-24
A commonly held view is that innovation, deriving directly from expenditure on research and development, brings increased productivity, lower costs, increased profitability and growth, and that these relationships form a economically virtuous circle.However, this view is not supported either by the research results reported here or by other empirical findings. A richer and deeper framework of analysis than this “mythology” provides is required for management decision making in innovation and in this and the subsequent paper the author outlines the necessary features of such a framework.A model of a “network of productivity relationships” with six components is described which traces the effects of innovation, at any point in the network, on input productivities. The model points up the futility of single input measures of innovatory effects. This network is then combined with cost factors to show the effect on categories of unit costs and on total unit cost. Finally, profitability is related to the physical and cost factors to provide managerial control ratios which offer the relevent criteria by which innovation many be appraised.The history of innovation in the U.S. Basic Steel Industry is examined in the light of the model described above and hypotheses are proposed to identify possible productivity and cost effects of innovation with a view ot improving general predictive capability of the results of any given type of innovation.  相似文献   

The intent of this empirical research is to identify the critical factors that are potentially fatal to productivity improvement programs and to analyze these factors relative to management leadership concepts. From this analysis we determine that these “fatal” factors can be prevented by the pre-existence of a leadership-based program that requires participative involvement of all members of an organization through good performance measurement and a sound reward system.  相似文献   

The option of pre-emption seems to have escaped the attention of existing literature on scheduling problems with earliness and tardiness costs. This note presents an attempt to accommodate pre-emption in such settings. The focus is on models with a common due date for all jobs under different cost structures ( job dependent versus job independent), and different objectives ( minsum and minmax). It appears that only one of these cases is not polynomially solvable: the case of minsum objective and job-dependent ( linear) cost. An exact dynamic programming algorithm is introduced for this problem, as well as an efficient heuristic, which is shown to perform extremely well in our numerical tests.  相似文献   

作为一个内生因素,企业中的代理问题可能会恶化企业的信用风险.通过将代理人与股东之间的最优合约模型嵌入到Leland-Toft内生违约框架中,研究了道德风险这一具体的代理问题对信用风险及信用价差的影响机制.结论表明:企业中的道德风险问题对企业信用风险产生明显影响,并且显著增加信用价差;对于描述道德风险的关键参数,论文建立的模型明确了它们在影响信用价差中起到的作用.由此,论文从代理问题的角度对“信用价差之谜”给出了合理解释.此外,文中也给出了债券价值、股权价值和内生违约边界的显性表达式.  相似文献   

Jürgen Meckl 《LABOUR》2001,15(4):579-602
This paper examines positive and normative implications of efficiency‐wage‐induced unemployment within a model of endogenous growth. Sector‐specific impacts of the wage rate on labour efficiency establish a correlation between the growth rate and the rate of unemployment. The sign of this correlation is determined by the intersectoral wage differential. Despite the existence of unemployment, decisive positive properties of the full‐employment model are preserved. However, welfare implications of the full‐employment model may be reversed. The optimal policy can be to reduce growth, while at the same time raising unemployment.  相似文献   

David J Nicol 《Omega》1978,6(1):15-24
Many previous studies have shown that there are probably no economies of scale in the airline industry directly attributable to firm size. Scale effects within the firm, however, have often been suggested, particularly for example with regard to such firm-size independent factors as market density, route length, or aircraft size. The focus of this paper is the effect of aircraft size on an airline's unit cost. Though much of the previous evidence appears to be at variance with a priori expectations, the empirical results presented here suggest that most of the divergence is probably due to a conceptually inadequate basis of comparison. Appropriately compared, actual unit costs were generally found to decrease at a decreasing rate with aircraft size, though as the route length parameter is reduced some mild diseconomies appeared. Of further interest, the behavior with size of the underlying cost components was found to be quite diverse, the (far from uniform) decreases with size in unit crew, fuel, and maintenance costs being offset somewhat by increases in unit capital costs, insurance plus other costs, and landing fees.  相似文献   


Recent research on productivity finds that best management practices are a crucial but neglected element in explaining firm productivity. This stream of research also focuses on why a large number of firms may not implement best management practices despite their apparent benefits. In this paper, we examine the adoption of best management practices in small leveraged buyout (LBO) firms. Our choice of small LBO is motivated by the fact that these firms undergo extensive restructuring and, therefore, there is an opportunity to study the adoption process of best management practices. The findings show that buyout companies introduce best management practices (operations, monitoring, targets and incentive-related practices) at different stages of their development, and more importantly, these practices evolve in response to changes in various firm-level characteristics. For example, companies emphasizing cost leadership tend to follow targets and monitoring related practices while firms following a differentiation strategy are more likely to implement incentives and operations related management practices. Buyout sponsors’ board representatives and new CEO also play a critical role in the adoption of these best management practices which are linked to superior firm performance, measured as growth in revenues, productivity and return on assets.  相似文献   


In some occupations, particularly in the service sector, dealing with patients or clients may require an employee to pretend to have emotions that they do not really have, or to actually experience required emotions. The regulation of emotion can be either automatic or controlled. This study extends research on the consequences and processes of emotional labour in two ways. First, it examines how the use of different emotion regulation strategies with patients relates to doctors’ emotional exhaustion. Second, it tests two mechanisms that may explain those relationships. A survey of 345 general practitioners (GPs) working in a large urban community in Spain was conducted for the study. Based on Côté's (2005) social interaction model, GP satisfaction with the responses of their patients was tested as a potential interpersonal mediator between their use of automatic, surface, and deep emotion regulation strategies and their emotional exhaustion. Psychological effort was tested as a potential intrapersonal mediator in the same pathway. Regression analysis indicated that emotion regulation was associated with GP emotional exhaustion when it was performed automatically, but that it had a positive and a neutral association when it was performed using surface and deep acting respectively. The mediating role of interpersonal and intrapersonal factors helped explain the differential associations between the GPs’ emotion regulation strategies and their emotional exhaustion.  相似文献   

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