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Aim of the study was to assess the relationship between social participation and Sense of Community in a sample of University students and the impact of such variables on Social well being. A further aim was to assess the generality of the relationships between these constructs across different countries, and specifically, the USA, Italy and Iran. The sample includes 200 Italian, 125 American and 214 Iranian University students, male and female. Results show higher levels of social participation, Sense of Community and Social well being among American students. Sense of Community is positively correlated with social participation in all three samples; however, only among Italian students social participation positively predicts Social well being. Implications of results will be discussed.  相似文献   

梁柠欣 《南方人口》2009,24(4):19-26
使用广州和兰州的实证数据,在对贫困居民的社会资本测量的基础上,对贫困居民所拥有的各种资本包括社会资本、人力资本和传统体制资本与贫困居民的贫困缓解关系进行探讨。结果表明,个体的社会资本对居民的贫困缓解具有显著意义,但是人力资本、体制资本对个体生活机遇建构无显著意义。文后对市场转型论进行回应,并对城市贫困居民主要资本类型作用的制度环境进行了解释与讨论。  相似文献   

利用多个高校的第一手调查资料,从工资水平、就业单位类型和主观满意度等三个方面测量毕业生的就业质量,并把大学生的人力资本分解为学术性人力资本和实践性人力资本,他们的社会资本分解为家庭经济性资本和家庭社会性资本,具体考察人力资本和社会资本是否以及如何影响大学毕业生的就业质量.研究发现,大学生的人力资本和社会资本对他们工资水平和就业单位类型产生正向作用,但对就业的满意度则呈负面影响;另外,与社会资本相比,人力资本对大学生就业质量的影响更显著,结合大学生就业质量现状,本文也讨论了研究结论的政策含义.  相似文献   

As a sexually transmitted disease, AIDS spreads along social networks; consequently,it is reasonable to propose to utilize these networks in teaching people to avoid practices that put them at increased risk of contracting AIDS. Most obviously, homosexual men are both at relatively high risk of contracting AIDS, and in many urban areas have well crystallized community structures and high social connectivity. We present evidence suggesting that using such social networks can have the unanticipated consequence of reaching a set of men who are at relatively low risk. Evidently, there is great unobserved heterogeneity among the population in terms of risk, and while this heterogeneity is not captured by conventional measures of risk behavior, it is closely linked to network processes.  相似文献   

英国的社区照顾及启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
祁峰 《西北人口》2010,31(6):20-24,28
社区照顾是英国社会福利发展进程中出现的社会化养老服务方式,主要由"由社区照顾"和"社区内照顾"两部分构成,经过几十年的变迁,英国的社区照顾愈加成熟,具有鲜明的特点,我国老人的养老可从中获得有益的启示。  相似文献   

There is a small but growing literature on the determinants of social capital. Most of these studies use a measure of trust to define social capital empirically. In this paper we use three different measures of social capital: the size of the individual’s social network, the extent of their social safety net and membership of unions or associations. A second contribution to the literature is that we analyze what social capital contributes to our well-being. Based on this, we calculate the compensating income variation of social capital. We find differences in social capital when we differentiate according to individual characteristics such as education, age, place of residence, household composition and health. Household income generally has a statistically significant effect. We find a significant effect of social capital on␣life␣satisfaction. Consequently, the compensating income variation of social capital is substantial. Thanks to Tijl Woortman for his research assistance.  相似文献   

在东北老工业基地振兴过程中,人力资本存在着较为严重的问题,其中突出的就是人力资本的分化和老化问题,造成这种情况的重要原因之一就是东北老工业基地国有企业干部职工群体社会资本较为严重的差异性。从消除社会资本群体性的差异出发,我们应该积极发挥社会资本的正效功能,利用社会资本多角度地促进人力资本的提升和发展,促进东北老工业基地个人人力资本的提升与企业群体性人力资本的提高。只有充分利用社会资本并获得社会资本的社会性支持,才能够保障人力资本在东北老工业基地振兴过程中的核心推动力,促进东北老工业基地的快速和谐发展。  相似文献   

The long-term stability of social participation was investigated in a representative urban population of 415 men and 579 women who had taken part in the nationwide Mini-Finland Health Survey in the years 1978–1980 and were re-examined 20 years later. Stability was assessed by means of the following tracking coefficients: kappa, proportion of stability, Spearman correlation, and stability coefficient (odds ratio) for engagement in clubs and voluntary societies, cultural and sports attendance, congregational activity, outdoor and productive activity, cultural interests, and hobby activity. The tracking results showed fair to moderate stability for the above measures of social participation, varying from the highest weighted kappa (0.43) for congregational activity in women to the lowest weighted kappa (0.22) for cultural and sports attendance in men. Migration from rural to urban community did not affect the stability of social participation. The underlying latent construct ‘social participation’ based on a two-wave multi-variable model showed good stability (r = 0.65). We conclude that social participation rests on a fairly stable foundation making it a useful tool for long-term epidemiological studies.  相似文献   

人力资本梯度升级是指人力资本由低至高逐步跃迁的高级化过程,其可能通过促进产业结构升级、技术创新作用于经济增长。利用2000—2015年全国30个省级行政区面板数据,实证分析了人力资本梯度升级的经济增长效应。研究发现:人力资本梯度升级对经济增长有显著的促进效应,第三梯度人力资本对经济增长促进效应最强。人力资本梯度升级的经济增长效应存在时间和地区异质性:随时间的推进,人力资本梯度升级对经济增长的促进效应逐渐增强;东部和高经济发展地区人力资本梯度升级的经济增长效应要高于西部和低经济发展地区。基于以上结论,为推动经济长期增长进一步提出可行的对策建议。  相似文献   

Using the General Social Survey on Social Engagement conducted by Statistics Canada in 2003, this paper examines social capital derived from informal networks and its variation among men categorized as: (1) men with no children, and (2) men living with children in (a) intact, (b) step, and (c) lone parent families. The focus on men stems from a concern that their role in families has not been as extensively studied as that of women. The results show that married men living with children have higher social capital – measured in terms of the number of friends, relatives, and neighbors, and in their level of trust in them – than lone fathers or step fathers in cohabiting unions. Compared to child-free men, married fathers have higher social capital but also tend to have friends who are more similar to themselves in age, education, or income.  相似文献   

熊波  石人炳 《南方人口》2012,27(5):17-23
本文运用半结构式访谈的研究方法,从需要长期照料即长期失能老人的视角出发,引入林南的个人资本理论来分析老人的长期照料决策。通过对武汉市和广州市13名居家和21名居住在养老院的长期失能老人的访谈,发现对于城市长期失能老人的照料决策而言:第一,长期照料决策受到资本不平等的影响;第二,长期照料决策受到资源收益最大化的影响。  相似文献   

任锋  杜海峰 《西北人口》2012,33(3):61-65,69
本文以空位竞争模型中对劳动力市场中工作结构与奖励结构的假定为基础,进一步地在理论上推演出了社会资本对农民工职业地位获得作用的假设。对实地调查数据的分析发现:尽管职业流动的频率越高越不利于农民工获得专业技术或管理等较高职业地位,但对于社会关系的广度高的个体,职业流动频率对职业地位的晋升具有正向作用。该结果意味着职业流动频率高并不一定不利于农民工职业地位的获得,在缺乏社会关系广度下的频繁职业流动才是导致农民工水平职业流动的原因。  相似文献   

合理的人力资本空间结构是实现区域人力资本可持续发展的重要因素。本文选取山东省人均GDP、GDP增速、非农产业比重、每万人医生数、每万人病床数、平均受教育年限、教育投入占GDP的比重、人均教育投入、每万人学校数、高中入学率、每万人科技人员数等对人力资本影响较大的指标 ,利用GIS方法分析了山东省 1 990~ 2 0 0 0年人力资本空间结构的重心转移过程 ,揭示了人力资本空间差异的形成机制。  相似文献   

韦璞 《南方人口》2008,23(2):30-36
村落社会资本是一个群体概念,是指村落作为一个整体所拥有的社会资本状况,村民之间和村落内部的信任水平、团结互惠状况、集体行动能力等是衡量村落社会资本的主要指标。本文首先考察了黄果树社区的村落社会资本状况,然后利用多元回归分析模型检验村落社会资本的10个指标对老年人生活质量的影响。得出的结论是:在控制其他变量不变的情况下,只有村民之间的互惠状况影响老年人的生活质量。  相似文献   

廖桂蓉 《西北人口》2009,30(4):93-96
四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会资本特征表现为社会网络的封闭性和同质性。并呈现不断弱化的趋势。狭小的关系网络和高同质的认知导致了四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会锁定状态。并进一步固化了其经济上的贫困状态。因此,需要提高社会资本的异质性,以打破四川藏区贫困农牧民的社会锁定状态。从而实现减轻和消除贫困的目的。  相似文献   

中国人力资本空间分布差异的实证分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘晶 《西北人口》2012,33(3):33-37,44
教育是人力资本形成的重要途径,在研究人力资本空间分布差异时分别用中国东、中、西部地区人口的平均受教育年限、人力资本基尼系数、不同学历层次的人口比例和教育投资反映人力资本状况。文中采用1994-2009年的时序数据,分别从人力资本存量、人力资本结构和人力资本投资三个角度,对中国东、中、西部地区人力资本差异进行系统的分析和比较;并就如何缩小区域间人力资本差距协调区域经济发展,促进人力资源丰富的西部地区经济发展给出政策建议。  相似文献   

Generalized trust features as the most prominent attitudinal element of social capital, and as such the concept is widely used in comparative research. In this article we investigate the cross-cultural equivalence of the three-item scale on generalized trust that is included in the European Social Survey 2002 and 2004 waves. The use of metric equivalence tests demonstrates that these tree items can be considered as a reliable and cross-culturally valid concept. If we apply the stricter scalar equivalence test, however, the result is that the scale is not sufficiently equivalent across European societies, with especially the item on expecting help from others showing major problems in a number of countries. We close this article by offering some suggestions on how the generalized trust scale might be used in a (sufficiently) reliable manner in cross-cultural research across Europe.
Marc HoogheEmail:

谢勇  赵亚普 《南方人口》2009,24(3):49-56
文章使用南京市部分高校的微观调查数据,对人力资本、社会资本与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平和就业部门之间的关系进行了实证研究。发现:人力资本因素与大学生的就业概率、起薪水平之间均存在着非常显著的正相关关系。但是对于大学生能否进人政府机关、事业单位等公共部门就业却没有显著影响;社会资本与大学生的就业概率之间没有显著关系,对于起薪的高低具有一定的积极影响,但对于大学生进入公共部门内就业具有重要作用。  相似文献   

中国省际间人力资本和物质资本的相互关系分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
人力资本和物质资本是否存在相互影响、相互作用的关系?影响程度如何?本文通过建立关于人力资本和物质资本的联立方程模型,对中国省际间人力资本与物质资本的相互关系进行实证分析,结果表明两种资本是相互内生的,一种资本存量的增加有利于另一种资本存量的增长。  相似文献   

Role diversity is an important feature of individuals’ social networks that is reflected in the amount of time spent in the company of different role relationships. Time-use data is used to derive an index of dispersion measuring the diversity of one’s social contact among different role relationships. Patterns of social engagement are specialized when large investments of time are allocated to a small number of role relationships, while patterns are diverse when relatively equal amounts of time are spent among all possible role relationships. Tobit estimation of models indicates significant social context, time-use, and attitudinal effects on the diversity of role relationships. Findings indicate that role diversity is a complex phenomenon shaped by one’s existing social context, individual preferences, and present constraints on the use of time.  相似文献   

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