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教育公平是社会公平的重要组成部分,义务教育公平是教育公平的基础。本文从教育公平的视角出发,对城市中的农民工子女即流动儿童的义务教育,在入学、升学等方面存在的问题及原因进行了分析,并对如何解决这一问题提出探讨性对策。  相似文献   

周序 《城市观察》2014,(3):18-25
通过发行教育券来解决流动儿童的入学问题是当前一种较流行的主张。但这一主张只是从表面上使中央政府、地方政府和流动人口家庭之间达成了一定程度的妥协,能够在一定程度上缓解流动儿童的入学难题,却无法触及到问题的根源,无法从根本上解决流动儿童的义务教育问题。其根源在于对弗里德曼教育券理论的一种错误理解和运用。在美国,教育券要解决的是促使不同类型的学校尤其是私立学校通过竞争得到发展的问题,而不是要解决谁应该为学生的义务教育买单的问题。只有将义务教育经费划拨从以县为主上升为以省为主,才有望从根本上解决流动儿童接受义务教育的经费问题。  相似文献   

活力社区是一家成立于2006年的公益机构,通过扎根流动人口聚居的社区并开放社区活动中心的模式为流动人口家庭及流动儿童服务。它的创始人何乐先生是一位美国人。作为一个外国人,为什么要建立一个针对中国流动儿童的公益机构?何乐表示,与中国孩子结缘源于一个巧合。  相似文献   

本文基于对上海市流动儿童义务教育状况的访谈,分析了上海市流动儿童受教育状况的基本特点、影响流动儿童义务教育的因素以及流动儿童义务教育存在的矛盾和问题,提出了对解决流动儿童义务教育问题的初步建议与思考.  相似文献   

本文采用问卷调查与个案访谈相结合的方法,对武汉市流动儿童的家庭教育状况进行了研究探讨.文章从家庭教育行为、家庭教育观念和家庭教育效果三个方面对流动儿童的家庭教育状况进行了全面分析,并在此基础上指出了流动儿童家庭教育中存在的主要问题.  相似文献   

留守儿童已经成为社会关注的热点,但也有研究证明:留守儿童的心理特征与普通儿童并无差异,甚至在某些方面优于普通儿童。所以目前我们应该适时的把目光转向流动儿童。这些随打工的父母生活在城市,城市的不认可,和其自身对农村的不认同,给身处其中的城市流动儿童成长带来了深刻的影响,本文皆在通过留守儿童和流动儿童的比较,证明流动儿童的问题其实更加严重,同时分析他们所处的环境对其的影响,从而唤起人们对流动儿童的关注。  相似文献   

自改革开放以来,随着工业化、城市化的推行,随着经济的高速发展与产业结构的不断调整,我国出现了自农村向城市的大规模人口迁徙,产生了全世界都极其罕见的,数量巨大的“流动人口”,并且人口的流动形式从单一的劳动力转移类型向举家迁移而转变。而其中流动人口的子女(流动儿童)的教育问题一直被社会普遍关注。虽然近年来相关的法规、政策不断出台,但流动儿童的教育权仍然是一直处于被不平等对待的情况之下。因此,我们必须对于现有的体制进行改革。  相似文献   

流动儿童作为一个特殊的儿童群体,他们伴随着父母一起流入到其父母务工经商的所在地,大多生活在城市的边缘地带,由于特殊的生活环境,他们“自我”概念形成过程呈现出特殊性。本文将围绕流动儿童的“自我”概念的形成,分别对这个过程中存在的利弊进行探讨,并提供相应的对策,以期最终达致对流动儿童群体的清晰认识,并为他们创造更好的成长环境。  相似文献   

文化资本视角:流动儿童教育公平化策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
家庭文化资本是影响儿童学业的重要因素。农民工三种类型的文化资本均十分薄弱,对流动儿童学业产生不平等性影响。要促进流动儿童教育公平化,必须采取以下策略:推进社会公平,促进农民工家庭文化资本建设;从教育方面为流动儿童提供非家庭的文化资本。  相似文献   

流动儿童是跟随农民工父母或其他监护人进入城市生活或学习的0-16岁农村户籍儿童。我国流动儿童的各项社会福利已取得显著进展,包括营养与健康、教育机会与教育质量、家庭与社会支持等。但是,流动儿童的社会福利水平仍有待提高,许多福利不平等问题亟待解决。为此,需建立新型的以“常住人口”为服务对象的管理模式,建立流动儿童登记管理制度,建立健全流动儿童社会福利工作协作机制等。  相似文献   

关注进城农民工子女的学龄前教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以60户有0—6岁儿童的来沪务工家庭为样本.采用问卷调查法与座谈会方式,了解进城农民工子女的学龄前教育。结果显示。进城农民工普遍重视子女的学龄前教育,责任心强,教育投资和期望都与上海本地家庭相当:但由于他们的年龄、受教育程度及职业等社会经济状况相对不利,所以在亲子时间、养育知识与技能、幼儿园教育认同与社区参与等方面存在不足,进而影响到他们对子女的照料投入、教养方式、控制感、成效感、投入度以及与幼儿园和社区教育的配合。  相似文献   

当前,对农民工基督徒随迁子女的家庭教育研究鲜见.基督教信仰教育作为"属灵的生命",对农民工基督徒随迁子女的教育认知和价值取向产生深刻影响.农民工基督徒注重基督教教育的双重影响:一方面,它强调信仰意义,注重培育"爱"与"感恩",这有利于下一代的城市融入;另一方面,将"信"与"不信"划分为"正路"和"邪路",这种简单的二分法夸大基督教育价值,必然对后代的社会认知产生负面效应,容易使其对外在的现实社会产生认知失调,甚至造成身份认同的混乱,无助于下一代的城市融入.  相似文献   

如何保障流动人口子女接受平等的免费义务教育权利,是流入地政府面临的一个新问题。2006年新修订的《中华人民共和国义务教育法》以法律的形式保障流动人口子女在流入地平等接受义务教育的权利,2008年我国又实现了城乡义务教育全部免除学杂费。在这些新背景下,经过各流入地政府的努力,我国流动人口子女接受义务教育状况得到很大改善。作为我国流动人口主要集聚地之一的上海,也是如此。据统计,2008年在上海接受义务教育的外来人口子女超过了40万,其中六成以上在公办中小学就读;2009年已有九成符合条件的在沪农民工同住子女享受免费义务教育。但随着外来人口子女规模的不断扩大,上海面临义务教育资源紧缺、管理难度加大等一系列问题。如何保障流动人口子女接受平等的免费义务教育权利,是上海面临的一个新问题。本文在分析上海流动人口子女接受义务教育现状、存在问题的基础上,探讨进一步的对策建议,以期为上海有关部门保障外来人口子女接受平等的义务教育提供参考。  相似文献   

This article discusses the statement of the UN International Office of Migration (IOM) delivered at the Fourth World Congress on Women held in Beijing in 1995. The Beijing Platform of Action identified migrants as comprising an estimated 125 million people. Half of the international migrants live in developing countries, and at least 50 million are women. Another 500 million are internal female migrants. Migration programs tend to marginalize female migrants and to ignore women's special needs and experiences. The Third World Conference in Nairobi in 1985 indicated that women migrants were more likely to suffer deprivation, hardship, isolation, loss of status, and discrimination. Women bear the burden of a family's daily life, are more vulnerable than men, and face additional problems in the work force. Women migrants are identified as dependents and must be sponsored for admission to the host country; they are often subjected to physical and sexual abuse and must face discrimination in a foreign environment. The special needs of migrant women must be addressed at every stage of the migration process: the decision making stage, the integration into host communities, and the reintegration upon return. Women must be empowered. IOM recently established the International Center for Migration and Health. This center will focus on special problems faced by women migrants and on migrants' rights. Between the Nairobi and Beijing conferences the plight of migrant women was not prominently addressed. Migration references were made in Beijing's Platform of Action in scattered places in the text. Governments need to provide gender-sensitive human rights education and training for public officials in order to fulfill the Beijing Platform. The IOM technical assistance to Argentina illustrates what cooperative ventures are possible. IOM has made important progress in implementing Beijing's Platform.  相似文献   

韩慧  张萌萌  黄聚云  郑家琨 《城市观察》2015,(3):170-177,184
采用问卷调查法对上海市1626名学龄农民工随迁子女进行了调查。结果表明,农民工随迁子女城市认同感不高;与上海本地学生认同感差距较大;不同性别、年级的农民工随迁子女的城市认同感具有显著差异。必须培育并提高农民工随迁子女对城市的认同感,这样才能使其认同城市,并最终融入城市。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代,进城务工的农村人员开始出现举家随迁的流动模式,农民工随迁子女群体也由此产生。随着时间的推移,这一群体在步入成年后,出现了内部较大差异的分化;但无论作为新生代农民工留驻城市或返乡就业、创业,都是当前国家战略发展所需的现代劳动力。对916位农民工随迁子女的研究发现,农民工随迁子女在完成其义务阶段教育后,能继续留驻流入地的人员超过了一半;完成义务阶段教育后去向不明的,多为社会特征水平偏低者;城市返乡农民工子女在家长特征水平上偏低。因此,应以国家宏观需求和个体微观分化的特征为立足点,对该群体后义务阶段的管理与教育作出思考。  相似文献   

Recently, crises seem to predominate migration policymaking. They are commonly seen as critical junctures which precipitate major policy change. However, rather than creation of something new, crises can instead be vehicles for restoring the order of the past. This article examines the case of asylum-seeking unaccompanied minors in Sweden, where drastic changes have been made in the aftermath of the perceived “migration crisis” of 2015. Employing historical institutionalist theory, it examines decades of Swedish migration policymaking through analysis of state inquiries, law proposals and court rulings. It argues that the changes introduced 2015 were not qualitatively new, but rather a result of long-simmering tensions. These tensions lie between state attempts to control migration, particularly of “unidentifiable” individuals, and the rights accorded to migrants. The article shows that Sweden's migration framework of bounded universalism has gradually been altered by tools that categorize migrants, with implications for migration policy as a whole.  相似文献   

Ethnic differences in leaving and returning home may reflect varying cultural norms regarding intergenerational coresidence, but also differences in transitions in linked domains, for example, employment and partnership transitions. This study uses Dutch population register data to compare returning home among second‐generation Turks, Moroccans, Surinamese, and Antilleans with native Dutch who had left the parental home between age 16 and 28 in the period 1999 to 2011 (N = 194,020). All second‐generation groups were found to be more likely to return home than native Dutch. A large part of these differences was related to the timing and occurrence of other key events in the life course, such as age at leaving home and partnership dissolution. Although the impact of partnership dissolution on returning home was found to be strong among all origin groups, it was less pronounced among second‐generation youth, particularly Turks and Moroccans, than native Dutch youth. Possible explanations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to identify the difficulties faced by the Mexican migrant students when incorporated into the Mexican education system after having studied in the United States of America. Thirty migrant middle school students, two principals, two social workers and one teacher participated in the study. The study (conducted in two phases) collected information regarding: school admission, adjustment to the school organization, adaptation to learning situations and the perception of school belonging. The main problems found during the admission and enrolment procedures in Mexican schools are: language use, diagnostic assessment, didactic processes that take place in the classroom, complementary support activities, grade repetition, very little family involvement and the separation of the students from their migrant parents.  相似文献   

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