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丈夫外出务工、妻子留守家乡的现象使得农村社会性别分工第一次脱离了地域限制,并由性别分工变化引起性别关系变化。以性别主义和家庭策略理论为分析视角,讨论“男工女耕”引起的农村社会性别关系变化,可以发现,在性别资源占有不平等基础上产生的丈夫流动、妻子留守的家庭策略,因地域割裂、妇女行动自主性、夫妻双方的主观评价等原因促进了妇女家庭决策权的提高,农村性别关系趋于平等,并且在日益撼动我国农村传统的性别规范。  相似文献   

Using two waves of data from the National Survey of Families and Households, I examined how domestic labor tasks including daily grind tasks, female-type and male-type tasks affected the earnings of workers in professional, managerial, and technical occupations in the short and long term. The results show that performing daily grind tasks reduces the earnings of college-educated workers in high prestige occupations immediately and over time. Further, domestic labor explained an additional 19 percent of the gap between the earnings of women and men in professional, managerial, and technical occupations. These results suggest that despite having jobs that offer higher pay and more autonomy, the time spent doing the daily grind, negatively affects earnings, especially for women in professional, managerial, and technical occupations. Rebecca S. Powers ia an assistant professor at East Carolina University. Her research interests include social inequality, gender, immigration, and work. Currently, she is examining differences in gender norms and studying relationships between employers and Hispanic workers in new destination sites.  相似文献   

Pink-collar medicine: Women and the future of medicine   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The number of women in medicine is increasing. There is evidence that women practice in different ways than men; are interested in different aspects of medicine; work fewer hours; and receive less pay for equivalent hours than men. Women are also less likely to be represented in the higher echelons of power within academic medicine. Women’s carrers are adversely affected by pregnancy, childcare, family responsibilities, and gender role conflict although there is evidence that this does not need to be the case. This article reviews the current literature on gender differences in medicine and makes recommendations to ensure women have a voice to determine their place in medicine in the future. The positive changes that women bring to medicine are highlighted and the barriers for women in the profession are outlined. She received her medical degree from Glasgow University and her psychiatric training in Edinburgh, Scotland; Kingston, Jamaica; and Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. She may be reached at aheru@butler.org.  相似文献   

In what has become known as the Family Investment Model, several scholars have hypothesized that financing investment in host-country skills by immigrant husbands is a factor affecting the labor force decisions and human capital investment of immigrant married women. This paper reviews empirical evidence from one stream of research on the family investment model. I also formalize the family investment hypothesis and incorporate it into a traditional model of female labor force participation. The formalization provides a simple way to conceptualize the family investment hypothesis. Including it in a conventional model of female labor force participation emphasizes that the effect of a family investment strategy on the work behavior of immigrant women must be understood in the context of a woman's level of host country-specific skills, as well as all other factors generally included in models of female labor force participation.  相似文献   

男人“休产假”与性别平等   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
传统的性别角色和两性分工导致的不平等分担责任是妇女充分进入劳动力市场的一个障碍,也使男性承担了过重的经济负担和心理压力。男人“休产假”的法理基础在于男女平等分担家庭责任和建立男女两性平等伙伴关系。妇女争取权利平等需要男性的参与,国家应通过立法形式确保男子对其子女和家庭负责。男人“休产假”是促进性别平等和两性和谐发展的重要举措。  相似文献   

论在劳动和社会保险领域的立法和执法中存在的性别盲点   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以社会性别视角审视劳动和社会保险领域,发现存在诸多性别盲点,构成对女性的性别歧视。在立法中,存在以男性为标准,以女性为客体的误区,导致怀孕女工的特殊权利被忽视,形成女性参与市场竞争的额外障碍。在执法中,有人片面强调企业的用工自主权,剥夺了部分女工的劳动权利。  相似文献   

农村女性的职业流动与中国的城市化进程是一致的,农村女性获得了职业流动的机会,但在她们的职业流动过程中,存在着职业的性别隔离、收入低于男性、就业风险大等不和谐因素。劳动力市场对农村劳动力,尤其是文化水平不高的劳动力以及对农村女性的排斥是农村女性劳动力流动中不和谐现象形成的主要原因。这种不和谐因素的存在,需要政府、社会以及农村女性等多种合力的共同作用来解决。  相似文献   

Gender role attitudes and college students’ work and family expectations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Work and family issues are becoming increasingly important for both women and men. This study examines college students' plans and attitudes concerning work and family, gender differences in attitudes and expectations, and the effect of gender role attitudes on future expectations. Findings indicate that a majority of men and women expect to marry, have children, and work full-time. While men expect to work more hours at a job, there are no gender differences in ideal work hours. Women who hold more egalitarian gender role attitudes are less definitive in their plans to marry and have children. Egalitarian men expect to work fewer hours and are more willing to stay at home than their traditional counterparts. Her research interests include gender, family, demography, aging, and the life course. She is currently working on a study of fathers' experiences with work-family conflict and adaptive strategies for balancing the two domains, which is being funded by the American Sociological Association.  相似文献   

社会性别视角下闽西农村女性家庭地位分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据实地调查研究发现,闽西农村女性积极参与社会化大生产,家庭中出现了"男女同工"和"农业生产女性化"的新型分工模式。随着女性经济地位的提高,其家庭地位相应提高,具体表现为女性自主权、决策权和支配权的地位提升。然而,从社会性别视角分析发现,男性仍然占据家庭的主导地位,新型的两性分工模式依然存在隐性的不平等。  相似文献   

在当前中国农村地区,男女两性在获取土地资源、继承财产、就业机会与经济收入以及参与家庭决策等方面仍存在一定差距。农村男女经济地位的差异受到多重因素的影响,其中,歧视和贬低妇女的传统文化观念、男女不平等的性别劳动分工以及人力资本等因素发挥着十分重要的作用。缩小农村男女两性在参与经济发展、共享社会发展成果方面的差距,需要进一步完善保障妇女权利的法律政策,积极宣传和倡导男女平等的先进性别文化,提高农村妇女的受教育程度和技能水平,同时推动城乡公共服务均等化。  相似文献   

市场经济转型促进了整个国民经济的快速发展,农村贫困人口大幅下降,但因缺乏社会性别敏感性,相对男性而言,农村妇女陷入更加贫困的境地。农村土地承包制使妇女不得不挑起原本由夫妻两个肩膀分担的责任田和家务劳动,“一孩半”的计划生育政策强化了农村“重男轻女”的传统思维,以政府主导的城市空间高速扩张剥离了农村妇女对土地的维系,把她们推入市场主导的劳动力市场竞争中,弱化了农村妇女的经济社会利益,使她们成为贫困家庭中的最贫困者。  相似文献   

在四川省大样本农户调查数据基础上,利用Probit模型分析了家庭结构特征对农村年轻劳动力迁移的影响。研究发现在控制个人特征的前提下:三代同堂家庭显著支持了年轻劳动力外出,而核心家庭对劳动力的外出有显著负面影响;家庭中有未成年人会限制年轻劳动力的外出;年轻配偶的重大疾病显著地影响了年轻人的外出老年人的严重疾病反而促使年轻劳动力外出,但如果家庭中存在未成年人,则老年人的严重疾病会对年轻劳动力迁移产生显著负面影响。研究结果突出体现了当前中国农村劳动力迁移在很大程度上是一种家庭内部的分工行为,在制定社会保障政策时应该予以重视。  相似文献   

通过建立理论模型,并用2014年湖南省5县区20个城乡社区的调查数据,从家务劳动时间的视角分析湖南劳动力市场的性别工资差异及其影响因素。结果发现,家务劳动时间是影响湖南劳动力市场性别工资差异的重要因素,同时其他影响因素还有月工资收入、受教育程度、行业等,但职务职称对性别工资差异的影响存在不确定性。因此,政府应大力发展家庭服务业,建立健全覆盖城乡的家庭服务体系,基本满足家庭的服务需求,使女性从家务劳动中解脱出来,同时应通过政策倾斜确保女性培训比例,增强就业竞争实力;规范劳动合同,维护私有及民营企业女性从业者在劳动就业、社会保障等方面的合法权益。  相似文献   

寻求平等就业机会——透视女大学生就业难   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于当前女大学生求职难的现象,人们的认识和看法是不同的,性别人力资本理论和统计性歧视理论认为女大学生求职难源于劳动力市场性别歧视,因此营造两性平等竞争、就业机会平等的劳动力市场环境是十分必要的.  相似文献   

Drawing on relative resources and gender construction theories, we examined economic and psychological factors that affect married parents’ domestic labor. Married parents from the United States (N = 801) reported whether they earned less, equal, or more income than their spouses, as well as the proportion of housework and childcare they performed. In line with a relative resources perspective, participants reported doing less domestic labor as their relative income increased. Yet, in line with gender construction theories, women reported doing more domestic labor than their spouses, regardless of their relative income. Moreover, support for traditional gender roles mediated the effect of income on domestic labor for women, but not men. In contrast, perceived domestic entitlement (feeling justified doing less domestic labor than one’s spouse) mediated the effect of income on domestic labor for men, but not women. The implications for the future of gender equality are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze how the gender division of labour has been embodied in the social expectation of women’s roles in urban settings, mainly with respect to married people in contemporary Japan. Especially among Japanese feminist researchers it is much discussed how gender role consciousness and the traditional division of labour have fettered the behaviour of the Japanese—both men and women. I start my discussion by examining the distinction between public and private spheres that seems to be used in different ways by researchers. The gender division of labour functions as a “vicious circle” in hindering possibilities for change, making it more difficult for women to obtain the same primary positions in working life as men and, at the same time, preventing men from enjoying family life as much as women.  相似文献   

In this paper, we look into how country-specific factors shape the interrelationship between childbearing and women’s labor supply. To this end, we compare Italy and Poland, two low-fertility countries where the country-specific obstacles to work and family reconciliation are similarly strong but which differ in the history of women’s labor supply and the extent to which couples’ material aspirations are satisfied by men’s earnings. Our findings show that women’s employment clearly conflicts with childbearing in Italy, while in Poland women tend to combine the two activities, despite the similar difficulties they face. These results challenged the standard microeconomic explanations and point to the importance of other country-specific factors, apart from conditions for work and family reconciliation, in shaping women’s employment and fertility decisions, such as economic incentives or culturally rooted behavioral patterns. Overall, our study provides thus foundations for explaining the variation in the relationship between women’s employment and fertility in an enlarged Europe.  相似文献   

近年来,我国女性在就业竞争中已明显处于劣势,出现了边缘化的趋势。它表现在性别职业及部分女性职业下沉,女性就业和再就业困难,男女两性收入和社会保障差距的扩大。造成此局势的主要原因是就业制度存在缺陷,男女雇佣成本和培训成本的差异,女性主体意识低下和就业动机的不足。在就业竞争日趋激烈的今天,要改变女性在劳动力市场中的劣势,就必须促进劳动力市场性别平等意识社会决策主流化,完善保护妇女劳动权益的法律体系和劳动力市场监督机制,有针对性地发展职业教育和职业技能培训,促进女性自我意识觉醒,不断提高自身素质。  相似文献   

In this article the authors examine different ways of organizing and financing pension systems in China, France, Ghana, Jordan, Mexico, Poland, and Sweden. They explore the advantages and disadvantages of the combinations of different features with special reference to gender differences. Men and women have different patterns of work history, with women usually having a lower participation rate in the formal labor market, including interrupted career in response to child rearing, as well as lower wages in general. Women have a longer life expectancy than men and are more likely to become widows than men are to become widowers. These differences influence the financial resources available to women in old age, depending on how a pension system is designed.  相似文献   

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