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冷战结束后,在新自由主义、社会建构主义、批判理论以及后现代主义等理论的影响下,国际安全研究逐渐改变原来单一的政治学和客观主义方法,向国际政治经济学和社会学方法转变。这股新安全研究潮流在一定程度上反映了国际安全理论的社会学回归。本文以"社会世界"本体论假设为基础,对安全的社会学本质进行解读。从社会本体性生存出发,安全问题本质上是个体或社会群体对他者行为可预期性程序的社会信任,体现了社会互动基础上的一种主体间认知;安全的主体与指涉对象最初是以个人为参照的,尔后推及到由个人组成的各层次政治、社会群体。从社会学视角解读安全本质有利于促使对国家安全的研究走向多层次、多议题与机制化的发展轨道。  相似文献   

郭台辉 《社会》2013,33(5):1-28
关键词:公民身份认同公民身份认同合法化构建的拒斥性的重新规划的  相似文献   

自我的解放与背谬--吉登斯现代性思想的深层解读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文旨在从社会心理学角度对吉登斯的现代性思想进行深层解读.在吉登斯看来,自我心理系统由本体性安全、实践意识和话语意识所组成.本体性安全是个体日常生活的基础,它以个体的生存环境具有确定性为条件.在这一理论前提下,他认为,启蒙运动以来的社会发展本质上是人类追求确定性的表现,它旨在以一种人为设计的方式在未来建立起确定性的社会.但是,20世纪晚期反思现代性社会现实表明,这种确定性追求反而导致了其背谬性后果,人类的解放追求不仅没有能够建立一个可以自我控制的社会,反而导致高风险社会的出现.在反思现代性的社会条件下,自我经受着一系列张力和磨难.  相似文献   

特殊的电影艺术观给法国电影带来的人文精神与深度模式成为法国电影在北美乃至世界电影市场竞争力的重要因素。法国电影始终立足于建构微观的个体世界,以特殊的叙事方式、文化逻辑充分实现假定性叙事,形成了可持续性的竞争力。但是,法国电影专注个体心理世界,回避尖锐的现实问题,忽视国家、集体的认同与归属。这种囿于自我的电影叙事失去了作为公众媒体的集中放大、设置议题等社会功能、政治功能,导致电影介入现实的程度明显不够,这在很大程度上影响到政治意义上的法国形象。  相似文献   

身份认同的研究经历了从关注个体自身的同一性问题到个体对于群体的归属问题,再到强调个体身份认同的社会范畴化问题,并同时伴随身份认同研究的多元嬗变与分化过程。其中,关注以族群/民族、宗教等文化身份为分界的认同问题成为学者们应对世界冲突难题下的研究焦点。由此,对于身份认同问题的研究,最终目的应是为了分析身份之间的复杂互动过程以及在身份互动过程中的认同分化与整合进程,为寻求化解和消除群体与社会在互动过程中国对民族、宗教等单一文化身份的强调而产生的偏见、排斥与对抗的方法与机制提供理论与现实的依据。  相似文献   

文化认同与国家安全初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化认同是指个体与外部世界、个体与个体以及个体与群体之间的一致性确认,它主要包括身份文化认同、民族文化认同、政治文化认同、国际文化认同等几个方面的内容。文化认同对于民族国家的生存和发展具有重大意义,是国家主权独立的基础、国家安全的重要内容、综合国力的组成部分。在全球化和信息化的进程中,我国的文化认同面临严峻挑战,需要不断进行文化创新、积极进行文化建设、注重对外文化交流,更为有效地维护和重建我国的文化认同。  相似文献   

本文首次从国际移民的涵化理论视角对农民工的社会认同方式及决定因素进行探讨,通过对上海市农民工抽样调查数据的实证分析发现,农民工作为国家内部城乡移民的重要组成部分,其社会认同存在以户籍为基础的制度性约束和以资源匮乏为特征的能动性限制。农民工社会认同主要受文化态度、社会交往、经济成功和社会环境四类变量的影响,农民工的个体人口统计特征也会影响城市认同的意愿。当地语言的熟练程度、与当地人交朋友的意愿(而非与外省市的农民工交朋友)、类似群体的收入地位水平、感知到的社会歧视程度和参与保险的程度都成为重要的决定因素。因此,公共政策的制定与执行应该要有助于农民工的心理层面的社会认同的转变,尤其是从“外地人”向“本地人”的认知转型。  相似文献   

国际政治文化研究范式及其评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际政治文化研究范式是冷战后出现的极具发展潜力的理论范式,它以非物质性本体论、文化因素来塑造国际政治体系结构与体系单位等基本命题为主要特征.冷战后具有较大影响力的文化范式主要有两类,一类是文明范式,一类是社会建构主义的共有观念范式.两者共同具备文化研究范式的基本特征,但在文化语境、论证方法、未来展望等方面各具特色.共有观念范式较之文明范式更加规范与系统化,标志着国际政治研究文化范式的转向.国际政治文化研究范式的兴起体现了国际政治研究视角从政治人、经济人到社会人(文化人)的逐渐丰富与成熟,代表着未来国际政治理论研究的主流趋势.  相似文献   

本文对“五四”个性主义文学中的深层文化心理作了剖视。由于“五四”文学中的个性主义思想,并非出自中国社会内部经济文化机制发展到充分成熟的一种自然选择,而主要是先觉者们从西方“拿来”的。故而在其选择、汲纳过程中,必然受到选择主体原有精神文化形态的制约,形成选择主体和被选择客体之间的互渗或同构。文章置“五四”个性主义文学于东西方两种文化、文学观念的比较研究中进行宏观透视和微观分析,较系统地论证了:“五四”作家观念中的个性主义,在其哲学本体意义上,往往是“群”和“类”的个体显现,他们显意识层次中的单数的“自我”,往往就是他们潜意识层次中的复数的“我们”。当他们把自我从传统社会中分离出来,追寻个体价值的完成的同时,其本质却是以走出社会的方式介入社会。  相似文献   

政治认同作为认同主体对自己所处政治体制的一种从内到外的主观反映,其产生、发展、演变的机理如何,特别是作为未来政治力量和社会建设代表的高校学生政治认同的状况和影响因素,必将对整个社会的政治认同状况产生直接影响。本文紧扣主体与环境两条主线力图以客观的立场、理性的角度来揭示目前影响高校大学生政治认同多元现状的因素。  相似文献   

我国海上执法主体以海警为主,海事、海军为辅。一般来说,海上执法时如遇有以下情形可以使用武力:行使自卫权、行使执法权受阻和打击海上犯罪。海上执法中的武力使用应当符合“必要且合理”的原则,并按照国际通常程序进行,即使用武力的警告、进行警示性射击直至对船体的武力打击。武力使用必须根据有关授权、依照国家的法律法规、军队的条令和条例进行,并按照规定程序请示报告。同时,海上执法中的武力使用还要受我国批准或加入的国际条约、国际习惯和联合国安理会决议的约束,使用武力不当造成损害的,由国家承担相应的法律责任。  相似文献   

Breakthroughs in the global governance of terrorism depend mainly on the development on the part of the international community of thorough and effective mechanisms. At present, global governance targets terrorism via four regimes: hegemonic governance; governance by international organizations; hybrid governance; and coordinated governance by major powers. These strategies have made a contribution to counter-terrorism, but they do have shortcomings. We start with the judgment that governance entities should adhere to the logic of consequences, the logic of appropriateness, the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus, and on this basis make a preliminary assessment of the global governance of terrorism. Present terrorism governance regimes tend to be based on the thinking of the logic of consequences with only partial implementation of the logic of appropriateness and no use, so far, of counterterrorism measures based on the logic of emotion and the logic of habitus. To address both the symptoms and root causes of terrorism, international society should encourage governance strategies that implement counter-terrorism measures based on the four types of logic above and should promote coordination and cooperation based on this platform. In this course, China could promote a more significant role in global terrorism governance for such counter-terrorism platforms as the United Nations, including the Security Council, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.  相似文献   

杨振姣  周孟 《太平洋学报》2010,18(12):91-99
在全球化背景下,海洋生态安全作为国家安全的重要组成部分,受到前所未有的挑战,成为影响未来国际关系、重塑全球政治和发展格局的因素之一,更是国家实现可持续发展战略目标的关键。基于此,本文从海洋生态安全的基础性地位出发,介绍了当前海洋生态安全的现状,分析海洋生态安全对国家安全的影响,力图从海洋生态安全的角度审视国际关系和国家安全,并在此基础上提出保障海洋生态安全的相关对策。  相似文献   

In the last decade and particularly since the publication of the Millennium Development Goals, social pensions have captured the interest of those concerned with the well-being of older people across that large part of the world where formal, contributions-financed, old-age benefit systems cover only a minority of the population. International organizations have turned their attention to such schemes and some see them as having a valuable role to play. However, information about what they are and how they work, and about their efficacy in meeting the objectives set for them, is still limited. Learning has been taking place not only in the international organizations but also in the region where they are most prominent – southern Africa. Such learning should be encouraged and the International Social Security Association has a part to play in this learning process.  相似文献   

Food security policy making in India is at crossroads. India has emerged as a leading rice exporter. The Government of India has introduced the National Food Security Act which requires 33.6 million tons of rice per year for its public food distribution system. In this study, we modeled India’s rice market and analyzed policy implications of the long-term impact of India’s food security act on domestic and international rice market. We developed a structural economic demand and supply model for India’s rice market and further added subsidy equations to trace the consequence of National Food Security Act on domestic rice consumption and on the international market. We specifically focus on three different scenarios: subsidy as price effect, subsidy as inelastic income effect, and subsidy as elastic income effect under the broader framework of National Food Security Act. We found that at the end of the projection period (2024–2025), as a result of rice subsidy program, the consumption of rice increases significantly in the case of price effect while the inelastic income effect has no or less impact on production, consumption, and export of rice. Hence, the policy implication of our study is that if the objective of the National Food Security Act is to increase consumption then it needs to be implemented as price effect.  相似文献   

This article describes the differential mortality of Argentina’s disability pension beneficiaries during the 2015–16 period, based on National Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social – ANSES) payment records. It compares data for those with an assessed disability with overall population data, as well as with available international data (from Canada, Chile, Mexico, and the United States of America). In addition to breaking down mortality rates for people with disabilities by age and sex, it also factors in duration of benefit, establishing an inverse correlation between benefit duration and mortality.  相似文献   

Based on the study of welfare states, welfare regime theory (WRT) has been widely applied to international and regional welfare regimes and to specific‐policy comparative studies. However, the health care system has often been neglected in this area of study. The current study promotes a health care regime approach that is influenced by WRT and incorporates analysis of the level of health care de‐commodification and health equity. Three types of health care regimes were identified in the development of the health care system in urban China: the State Medical Security Model, the Selective Medical Security Model and the Selective + Residual Medical Security Model. This approach provides useful policy implications for the health care reform currently taking place in China. In addition, this analysis contributes to theories in the comparative health policy literature.  相似文献   

陈国恩 《学习与探索》2002,9(4):110-115
沈从文的湘西题材小说浸透了道家艺术精神。这体现在他的想像方式、自然观、命运观以及所展示的自然人性系统中 ,也包含在他的艺术观中三个极重要的范畴“童心”、“生命”和“神性”中。沈从文的道家观点 ,主要不是他潜心研究所得 ,而是他受大自然熏陶所涵养成的一种气质禀赋 ,从自然中悟得而应用于人事方面的一种智慧。  相似文献   

Gao Q, Yoo J, Yang S‐M, Zhai F. Welfare residualism: a comparative study of the Basic Livelihood Security systems in China and South Korea Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 113–124 © 2010 The Author(s), International Journal of Social Welfare © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and International Journal of Social Welfare. In this article, the Basic Livelihood Security (BLS) systems of China and South Korea are compared. The purpose of BLS is to provide a safety net for poor families, particularly the unemployed and the retired who were hard‐hit by recent economic reforms and crises. A common characteristic of the two systems is residual welfare marked by strict eligibility rules and limited coverage. Both systems are subordinate to the primary goal of economic growth and therefore only compensate for the very disadvantaged left behind by market competition. Neither system is particularly effective in achieving its original antipoverty goals. However, South Korea's provision of self‐support programs to supplement cash transfers has helped individuals to move from welfare to work, and thus has implications for China's BLS system. Both countries need to put more emphasis on equity and social justice in their ongoing reforms and expansions of BLS.  相似文献   

黄真 《太平洋学报》2012,20(3):48-57
互惠策略及其制度化被新自由主义者认为能够实现合作进化,本文是对这个基本认识的思考。互惠策略在理论上的意义,在于一定程度上突出了国家的能动性、适应性和"进程建构"的特征,使人对国际关系的进化持有审慎的乐观;但理论意义又是有限的,突出表现在互惠策略预定国家的理性利己本性,忽视了若干互惠是运作于非自利的动机和关系背景之下。互惠策略在政策上的意义,在于鼓励国家超越"霍布斯逻辑",敢于给予、敢于接受和敢于回报;不过其政策意义也是有限的,表现在使领导人和民众对重复博弈和确定性产生具有危险性的偏好。未来的互惠策略研究应该聚焦于三个方面:互惠的政策研究,即国家应该怎么给予、怎么接受和怎么回报;多元互惠研究,即多国的战略互惠研究;互惠实践与国际关系和国家动机的再造,明确互惠策略与合作进化或退化之间的机制。  相似文献   

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