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It is suggested that there is a syndrome of reactions elicited by stimuli people define as obscene and that these reactions can be explained within a symbolic interactionist framework. More specifically, it is argued that they are reactions to the denial or destruction of a person's ability to achieve and/or maintain an identity that is socially acceptable to him within a particular situation.  相似文献   

Community service often involves sustained prosocial actions by individuals. This article focuses on one kind of such actions, volunteerism. Volunteerism involves long–term, planned, prosocial behaviors that benefit strangers, and usually occur in an organizational setting. A selective review of the literature on the correlates of volunteerism is presented. One part of the review concerns the relationship between dispositional variables and volunteerism; it includes new data from an on–line survey that show significant relationships among personality traits, religiosity, and volunteer activities. The other part concerns how organizational variables, alone and in combination with dispositional variables, are related to volunteerism. A theoretical model of the causes of sustained volunteerism is presented and the practical implications of this model are discussed.  相似文献   

We review research that connects depression and depressive symptoms to employment and economic factors for low-income women. Women who have low incomes and are unemployed or underemployed are vulnerable to mental health distress. The strain of balancing work and family life can be exacerbated by poor psychological health or nonsufficient economic resources. Research on the barriers that impede self-sufficiency can lead to policies that improve the economic and psychological health of low-income populations.
The discussion is framed by contrasting evidence for three theoretical perspectives: the social causation, social selection, and interactionist (bidirectional) hypotheses. The only causal relation reported is an effect of increased income on reduced depressive symptoms. Yet strong associations are found among psychological distress, earnings, employment stability, income, and job characteristics. The effects of programs to increase employment and the benefits of (and barriers to) depression treatment are also discussed. A bidirectional or interactionist perspective best conceptualizes the relationship between depression and economic factors. The reported negative effects of both poor mental well-being and low-quality employment suggest the need for stronger policies in the areas of mental health and work supports. We present policy recommendations addressing mental health treatment and outreach, employment placement, and workplace flexibility.  相似文献   

从政治哲学视域看,公共领域是一个与公共权力、市民社会、私人领域等诸多概念重合且具有多重意蕴的复合概念.它是一个介于国家与社会之间并调和沟通二者的意见地带;是以公众为主体,以维护公共利益为目的,以自由和公开的表达为保障的社会交往空间;它通过公共舆论对公共权力进行批评和监督,以实现国家与社会之间的良性互动达到维护公共权力合理性和合法性的根本目的.这种政治哲学的解读对于解决学术界长期存在的对公共领域理解的歧义、混乱和矛盾具有多方面的理论意义.  相似文献   

China has a long tradition of legal codification. In looking at the unification of private law, we need to follow three historical threads: the historicity of law, the rationality of private law and the rules governing the growth of private rights. Following on from and amending the Draft Civil Law of 2002, we can use restorative methods to formulate a nine-part civil code suited to China’s national circumstances. The nine parts comprise the General Principles of Civil Law; Marriage and Family Law; the Law of Succession; Real Rights Law; Intellectual Property Law; Contract Law; Employment Contract Law; Tort Liability Law; and the Law of the Application of Law for Foreign-related Civil Relations. With this goal in mind, we can adopt a four-step legislative process: firstly, integrate the Marriage Law and the Adoption Law to form a unified Marriage and Family Law; secondly, include Employment Contract Law as a separate section of the civil code; thirdly, include Intellectual Property Rights Law as a separate section of the civil code; and fourthly, amend the General Principles of Civil Law so as to integrate Personal Rights, the General Principles of Property Rights (the General Principles of Obligation), the General Principles of Commercial Law, etc. The civil code formed on this basis possesses historicity, flexibility and contemporaneity, and would become an important constituent in the restatement of Chinese civil life and the remolding of the Chinese system of law.  相似文献   

I. M. W. Harvey, Jack Cade's Rebellion of 1450 (1991), xiv + 220 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £30.00).

Philippa C. Maddern, Violence and Social Order in East Anglia 1422–1442 (1992), 270 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £35.00).

David Harris Sacks, The Widening Gate: Bristol and the Atlantic Economy, 1450–1700 (1991), xxvii + 464 (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, $45.00).

Carla Hesse, Publishing and Cultural Politics in Revolutionary Paris, 1789–1810 (1991), xvi + 540 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $29.95).

Marc Baer, Theatre and Disorder in Late Georgian London (1992), xv + 291 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £37.50).

John Russell Stephens, The Profession of the Playwright: British Theatre 1800–1990 (1992), xix + 254 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £32.50).

Jonathan Sperber, Rhineland Radicals: The Democratic Movement and the Revolution of 1848–1849 (1991), xvi + 528 (Princeton University Press, Princeton, £27.50).

Donald Reid, Paris Sewers and Sewermen: Realities and Representations (1991), 235 (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, £31.95).

Lenard Berlanstein, Big Business and Industrial Conflict in Nineteenth‐Century France: A Social History of the Parisian Gas Company (1991), xiv + 348 (University of California Press, Berkeley, $42.50).

Angela V. John, Our Mother's Land: Chapters in Welsh Women's History, 1830–1939 (1991), xiv + 216 (University of Wales Press, Cardiff £25.00, paperback £10.95).

Philip Jenkins, A History of Modern Wales, 1536–1990 (1992), x + 451 (Longman, £28.00, paperback £13.99).

David Ward, Poverty, Ethnicity, and the American City, 1840–1925. Changing Conceptions of the Slum and the Ghetto (1989), xiv + 263 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, paperback £9.95).

Temma Kaplan, Red City, Blue Period: Social Movements in Picasso's Barcelona (1992), xiv + 266 (University of California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, $30.00).

Elizabeth Faue, Community of Suffering and Struggle: Women, Men, and the Labor Movement in Minneapolis, 1915–1945 (1991), xviii + 295 (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, $42.95, paperback $16.45).

Kathryn Bernhardt, Rents, Taxes, and Peasant Resistance: The Lower Yangzi Region, 1840–1950 (1992), 326 (Stanford University Press, Stanford, $37.50).

Susan Archer Mann, Agrarian Capitalism in Theory and Practice (1990), xiv + 211 (University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, $32.95).  相似文献   

This paper examines the activities and perceptions of 41 spouses and adult daughters seeking psychological and social intervention with a frail spouse/parent. Findings indicate that spouses were involved in more "hands-on" care and identified the marital relationship or their own physical abilities as sources of caregiver stress. Daughters were less involved in direct care, although overall levels of care remained comparable, and identified responsibilities outside the caregiving relationship as their primary source of stress. The significance of the caregiver's familial status in developing treatment strategies that address caregiver stress are examined.  相似文献   

在生态环境损害救济场域,当前我国业已形成以行政权为主导的公法机制,以及以审判权为主导的私法机制.实践表明,单独依赖或偏好某类救济机制,不足以实现对生态环境损害问题的周延应对.故此,公私协动就成为生态环境损害救济机制之应然选择.未来,我国应遵循"多元救济、尊重专长""政府主导、依法实施"以及"执法优先、司法补充"之原则,通过立法赋予政府主管部门更多环境保护职权,充分发挥"赔偿磋商+责令修复+代履行"机制之功效,将"穷尽行政执法方式"作为政府提起生态环境损害民事索赔的前提条件.同时,为避免政府出现怠于履行职责之情形,应建立健全环境行政公益诉讼与环境保护督察制度,并辅之以环境民事公益诉讼作为兜底选项,最终实现生态环境损害救济机制的体系化构建与协同化运作.  相似文献   

社会分类与群体符号边界——以农民工社会分类问题为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
潘泽泉 《社会》2007,27(4):48-48
农民工社会分类的生成源于制度性的安排,一种基于城乡二元户籍分割制度的社会安排,包括先赋性的制度安排,后致性的教育水平、个人职业选择以及日常生活中的消费品味,其动力机制表现为最初的社会化和先天的类别化安排,这是群体符号边界的生成的最初动力;其次,这种社会分类形成于某种社会心理过程和心理机制,即通过社会认知系统、社会比较和自我类别化,完成再社会化或自我类别化运作,并通过行为的互动模式,进一步内化这种群体符号边界,实现这种群体符号边界的再生产;最后,社会分类是一种叙事逻辑、话语系统和符号指称进一步强化的结果,叙事逻辑、话语系统和符号指称通过社会建构和知识的再生产,达成了群体符号边界的“内固”和“强化”的过程。  相似文献   

知识与行动:结构化凝视-   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭强 《社会》2005,1(5):18-38
一、社会行动视域:言语、举止、意义与知识社会行动的凝视结构和社会行动本原的呈现结构并不是完全相对应的。我进入他是一厢情愿,但是他永远不能是我,我根本代替不了他。原本行动的存活结构是凝视者的对象性在者。(一)社会行动的内容结构所显现的社会结构行动者在行动的时候,既有举止,又有言语。从理解社会学的角度分析,无论是举止还是言语都是表意的,也就是说两者都是行动意义的表达。所以,举止和言语是行动意义的覆盖性表达。单有举止,没有言语,可以表意;单有言语,也可以说明和表达行动的意义;但举止和言语共存,则更是意义的充分表达。这…  相似文献   

More than most medical procedures, abortion is embedded in a social context that has implications for psychological reactions of patients. Following a brief history of legislation and research on abortion, correlates of post-abortion reponses are reviewed. A social-psychological framework is suggested which views abortion as a stress experience. Responses to the experience will be a function of the nature and meaning of the pregnancy to the individual woman, her defensive and coping style, and the social environment surrounding the abortion experience. Psychological effects of the procedure on the partner and on health professionals who perform abortions are also considered.  相似文献   

《西游记》与道教:世俗性叙事观点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王学钧 《学术交流》2006,9(11):164-168
《西游记》虽然主要由佛教、道教形象及其情节构成,但统摄全书的基本叙事观点却并非道教观点,而是世俗观点。它不但对道教毫无敬意,而且内含反讽。这表明作者不是以道教立场,而是以世俗立场,借用道教题材来编自己的通俗故事,表达自己的世俗观念。《西游记》对道教社会特性的见解和反讽说明《西游记》的作者不可能是道教中人。  相似文献   

The cultural construction of 'lesbian' and 'heterosexual' women in late-nineteenth-century European cultures created both the possibility of conceiving the bisexual woman and the belief that bisexuality cannot exist. Social scientists have suggested several alternatives to dichotomous constructions of sexuality to facilitate the conceptualization of, and therefore empirical research on, bisexuality. This article reviews these alternatives and summarizes the current state of researchon bisexuality, including research on 'situational homosexuality' (behavioral bisexuality), recent national probability studies on sexual behaviors and identities in the United States, the meanings of bisexual self-identities among women, masculinist biases in methods of assessing and theorizing sexual self-identities, and prejudice against bisexuals. The article concludes with suggestions for future social scientific research on bisexuality.  相似文献   

The paper distinguishes between two kinds of products, `symbolic' and `substantive'. While substantive products confer welfare utility in the sense of pecuniary benefits, symbolic products accord self-regarding utility. Symbolic products enter the utility function in a way which differs from substantive ones. The paper distinguishes among three kinds of symbolic products and proposes that each has a distorted form. If symbolic products result from forward-looking evaluation, they act as `prestige goods' which please admiration or, when distorted, as `vanity goods' which satiate pretentiousness. When symbolic products originate from forward-looking action, they act as `pride goods' which satisfy respect or, when distorted, as `deference goods' which indulge pomposity. When symbolic products arise from backward-looking evaluation, they act as `identity goods' which enhance dignity or, when distorted, as `reification goods' which gratify reverence.  相似文献   

The development of symbolic and mentalising abilities was examined in 33 children whose security of attachment had been assessed in infancy. It was found that securely attached children: (i) were better able to incorporate an experimenter's play suggestions into their sequences of symbolic play at 31 months; and (ii) performed better on a version of Wimmer and Perner's (1983) unexpected transfer task at age 4. There was also evidence of superior mentalising abilities among the secure group at age 5, despite no group differences being found in general cognitive ability. We suggest that these security-related differences might be related to mothers' propensity to treat their securely attached children as individuals with minds. In support of this hypothesis, mothers in the secure group adopted more sensitive tutoring strategies, and were more likely to describe their children in terms of their mental characteristics. Possible developmental pathways linking security of attachment in infancy with subsequent development were investigated using path analyses.  相似文献   

循环式国家:转型中国的符号式劳动治理机制探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程秀英 《社会》2015,35(2):192-217
抗争政治与国家建设之间的关系是社会运动研究中的一个经典问题。本文通过对一组国有企业退休工人为维护退休金权益所展开的十年抗争进行过程事件分析,来勾勒国家在劳动治理过程中逐步形成的官僚场域。这个官僚场域由三个相互交叉的圈子所构成:信访办圈子、信访办与法院之间的圈子、中央与地方之间的圈子。这些交叉的圈子所构成的国家场域一方面通过对抗争的制度化循环而拉长了工人的斗争时间,分散了抗争的空间,从而有效遏止了抗争的激进化,另一方面则通过抗争工人与国家代理人之间的叙事化互动促进了国家资本的激活与流通,从而实现了对抗争者的象征性支配。  相似文献   

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