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While I was studying some of Mark Twain's representative short stories and novels I got deep inclination to follow the general themes which he chose to develop his own subjects in his literary works. In generalizing his major themes I can not avoid the overlap of one theme and another. But simply for the convenience of understanding his wide range of literary themes I'dlike to divide them largely into five categories. Mark Twain is the major novelist of the era of realism along with James and Howells.Earlier writers as Hawthorne and Melville of the era of American Renaissance in New England had turened towards the world of nature and had emphasized the abstract universality of their themes. But the realists were determined to write novels, standing firm-  相似文献   

An American Tragedy is the masterpiece of Theodore Dreiser. It not only solidifies Dreiser's reputation and position in the history of American literature, but also shows, as no other novel of his has ever done so perfectly, Dreiser as a naturalist in his literary creation.  相似文献   

Cut Hair While Bill was at the Barber's one day dur-ing working hours,his manager of the officecame in by chance to have his own hair cut.Billsaw him and tried to hide his face,but themanager came and sat beside him,and soonrecognized him.  相似文献   

William Faulkner was the winner of Nobel Prize for Literature of 1950. Although he received public acclaim chiefly for his longer works, such as The Sound and the Fury, Sartoris, and Light in August, Faulkner found himself again and again writing short stories. In "Barn Burning," which appeared in 1938, he created the seed story of the whole Snopes trilogy that was to constitute his last great creative accomplishment. This story not only looks forward to the Snopes stories, but also shares some of the themes recurring in the early parts of the Yoknapatawpha saga—the legendary matrix in which Faul-  相似文献   

Ralph Ellison's novel,Invisible Man,has won high praise ever since its publication in 1952. A poll of literary critics in 1965 selected his book as the most distinguished novel of the previous twenty years. It tells about a Southern Negro who leaves the South,sickencd by racial prejudice and the hypocritical attitude towards whites of his Negro  相似文献   

Professor Xu Ping, male and Han nationality, was born in Shenyang of Liaoning Province in 1959, is a Communist Party member and became a teacher after he got the Bachelor and Master degrees of History in the History Department in Liaoning University from the year 1980 to 1987. From 1993 to 1994, he did research with the Institute of Social Sciences of Waseda University. He was exceptionally promoted as a professor in 1997, and in the same year he started working for his PhD degree in …  相似文献   

As we know,Zhou Fohai had changed his identity for three times in his life.He was once an representative offirst national congressof CPC and deputy secretary;in 1924,he withdrew from CPC,and became trusted follower of Jiang Kai-shek andNO 1 Central Committeein Kuomintang;during anti-  相似文献   

Questioning Rigby's Critique on Marx's Materialism/ WU Xuedong (Teaching Department of Ideological and Political Theory, West Anhui University, Ln'an 237012, China)
Abstract: Rigby critically evaluates materialism in Marxism and History and deconstructs Marxist productivity determinism by constructing an alternative theory about production relation with primary nature. From an academic point of view, Rigby's misreading of historical materialism mainly results from his shortcomings in research method and his misunderstanding on materialism.  相似文献   

A remarkable talent in American poetry,E.E.Cummings(1894—1962)is,of all qualities,best known for his radical experiment with the poetical langu-age.F.O.Matthiessen,a Harvard professor and incisive critic,described himas a ″romantic anarchist″, who made plain his contempt for authority by celeb-rating individuality.Cummings’s first book ″The Enormous Room″ (1922),hisname-making novel based on his bitter experience of being unjustly imprisonedin France for three months in World War I and devoted to a savage exposure  相似文献   

Generally, Coleridge's poems are mainly divided into two groups:one is to use common Language to depict commom things and common people; the other is to use unique imagination to describe supernatural things. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"belongs to the second group. Some critics blame Coleridge for his lack of morals in this poem, but in fact,this poem contains lots of morals, as Coleridge himself said.Coleridge succeeds in exploring the theme of sin and punishment by his rich imagination and by the depicting of supernatural things. In "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge intentionally built a symbolic world of the supernatural wind, the bird, the sun, the moon ,the ship and the sea. All these symbols serve to develop the theme of Fall and Redemption, and play so important a part in the poem that we even can take it as a symbolic poem. In the following pages, I am going to devote to the functions of the supernatural wind in particular. Coleridge bestows the wind with a great deal of supernat  相似文献   

Confucius and Official Book System (Ⅱ) :Confucius' Historical Contribution to Book Dissemination
Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many scholars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dicta- ted his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius views on ideas of public dissemination.  相似文献   

Confucius took six governmental works as private teaching materials. As a result, this turned out to form six kinds of folk books, and was the first important desertion in the ancient system of Official Book. By giving lectures and folk writing, Confucius took a critical first step to end the system of Official Book. Under that sys- tem, Confucianism was not and could not be any personal writings. It was only a collective work of many schol- ars. Comparing Official Books with other books in Han Dynasty, the author believes that Confucius dictated his ideas to his disciples rather than recording the text. The evolution of Confucianism is a learning of the collective work, which has been affected by the three objective factors of Official Book System. It will provide a new way to rediscover the Pre-qin academics and philosophers in Interpreting Confucius' views on ideas of public dis- semination.  相似文献   

1·IntroductionThe current trend in college English teaching isthat more and more teachers are teaching larger andlarger classes.Today,classes range from 80 to 200students while six years ago classes ranged from30 to70 students.Should a teacher expect all his or herstudents to develop their language skills in such largeclasses?Is iteasy for a teacher to encourage a studentto open his mouth in front of 199 classmates?Ofcourse not.Students in a large class are afraid of loo-king like idiots.So…  相似文献   

从第一站踏上广州的土地,他就被中国文化的多样性深深吸引。一路走,一路用自己的相机拍摄沿途的风景与人文景观,记录当地的文化变迁。He has been absorbed by the richness of the Chinese culture as soon as he landed Guangzhou.During his travel,he took pictures on the landscape and humanistic sights on his way,recording the changes in local culture.  相似文献   

The metaphysical poetry,as a rather influential literary school,plays a momentous andpredominant part in eariy seventeenth century English literature.The marked quality ofmetaphysical poetry,as practiced by Donne and his successors,is their philosophical subtlety orintellectual rigor,while the quintessence of which consists in its peculiar blend of thought andpassion of realistic violence and meditative refinements.Doctor Johnson accused the metaphysical  相似文献   

Abstracts and Key Words of Major Articles Wang Guowei and Gong Zizhen PENG Yu-ping (Department of Chinese, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510275) Abstract: The poems and Ci of Gong Zizhen are unique in style. Besides, situated in the Chinese transitional stage, the internal world that his works carried and the historical responsibilities his works assumed co-existed paradoxically. The six volume Gongding'an quanji edited by Wang Guowei was thus logically influential on Wang's literature and academic practice. This paper has Gong Zizhen's influence on Wang Guowei as the basic thread, with the large number of uses of "renjian" (human world) by both, and exposes their likely common derivation and the differences between them. There is strongly theoretical co-relatlon between Gong Zizhen' s zunqing (respect of emotion) and the natural expression of the real scenes and real feelings stressed in Wang Guowei's Jingjieshuo (theory of state). "Wan"(~) illustrated by Gong Zizhen was actually the basic principle on which Wang Guowei interpreted the works of Qu Yuan. In the process in which Wang Guowei absorbed some of the thoughts of Gong Zizhen, Wu Changshou, who edited Ding'an wenji (Anthology of Ding'an) and compiled Ding'an xiansheng nianpu (Chronicle of Mr. Ding'an), played an important role. From Wang Guowei, some of the influence of Gong Zizhen on the creation of poetry and poetic thoughts in the 20th century can be seen.  相似文献   

唐朝浪漫主义诗人李白对月情有独钟,一生写了三百多首与月有关的诗作。本文以其中的三首咏月诗为基点,探讨了李白的艺术技巧,从而得出结论:李白咏月诗的美学价值在于感情的真实深沉与艺术表现手法的自然清新。,The great poet romantic Libai is very fond of the moon, he wrote more than 300 poems about it. Starting with the analysis of his three lyrics about the moon, the author makes a brief exploration into his artistic techniques. From the discussion about the three poems and several others, the author draws a conclusion that the artistic value of Libai's poems lies in their honesty and depth in emotion, and naturality and freshness in artistic form.  相似文献   

Teaching English yocabulary forms an important link in the processof teaching a text.If a teacher of English is able to teach vocabulary in aninteresting and efficient manner by using various methods,his stduents willreceive benefit from him.Various efficient ways will help students remembernew words and phrases more quickly and easily and therefore save a lot  相似文献   

The collar stodents majoring in English, after siryeal'S, l~ng of irish in their coddle school, have~ qUite a lot EMsh words and expreS8ionS andfnastetal the basic grammatical niles in the languid,which makes effective bang pesilile. Thus, in PlaCticalteaChing,a teaCher Of Extensive Reading should focus onfOStering his students' langUage competence, wideningtheir kno~ Of the langUage, their ~lug of culthalinformation and hapwhng their eding skills, instead ofexPAnning WOlds and expmeio…  相似文献   

The Tension of Sociology of Science: Comparison between Bernal's and Merton' s Research Methods on Tradition/Wang Ying ( School of Public Adminstration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)
Abstract: As to the theories in sociology of science, Bemal school and Merton school establish different research methods on tradition. Although Bernal and Merton have something common in research premise and research purpose, they do have differences. Bernal proposes his idea based on the standpoint of scientists, while Merton insists on the discourse of sociologists. From the perspective of epistemology,  相似文献   

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