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Academic Criticism on "More People Ignorant of Fine Arts than Illiterates" in China: A Discussion with Mr. Wu Guanzhong
LIU Qiu-chang (College of Humanities, Xinjiang University, Urumuqi, 830046)
Abstract: Meimang, 美盲, or "people ignorant of fine arts," is a term coined by Mr. Wu Guanzhong. He argues that the people ignorant of fine arts outnumber the illiterates in China. His statement is lame. It is absurd to have, as the standard judging whether one is ignorant of fine arts or not, the fact that one does not appreciate the works of Henry More, modernism painter. The appreciation of beauty is an inborn nature of the human beings. The assertion that there are more people ignorant of fine arts than illiterates in China shows that the Chinese experts of fine arts are not close to the ordinary Chinese appreciators of fine arts. The Chinese experts of fine arts need to establish an appropriate relationship with the ordinary appreciators of arts. Key words: academic criticism; more people ignorant of fine arts than illiterates; multiplicity of beauty; aesthetic ability; experts of fine arts; ordinary people  相似文献   

Although language study can be very interesting, it is admittedly about the most complex type of learning that a student can undertake, it is very important that we realize that language study is different from the study of science or mathematics and is more complex. Therefore the mechanical methods employed in the learning of multiplication tables, for example, may not be he most appropriate methods to use in teaching language. Real ability with language is the ability to communicate ideas. A student may know a lot of sentence patterns and rules of grammar and  相似文献   

Perhaps the readers might wonder why the writer would like to choose the topic "The Teaching and Study of Scientific Prose" for his writing today. The rcason. for this is not far to seek. It is twofold: First, we are teachers of technical English or students majoring in science and  相似文献   

The German language is spoken by more than 118 million people worldwide.It is the national language of the Federal Republic of Germany(West Germany),the German Democratic Republic(East Germany),Austria and Switzerland, to onlyname a few. It is called by some to be "modern Latin", because its grammaticalcomplexities are similar to those found in Latin.In fact,German is derived fromthe Teutonic languages,not Latin.  相似文献   

( 1 ) On the New Approach to Working Class Sharing the Achievement of the Reform Abstract: Reconstructing the social position of the working class as masters of their own country will not only relieve them of difficulties, but also make them rich and strong as soon as possible. It is proposed that the right of the working class should be protected in the reforming of state-owned enterprises, that the main part of the working class should be promoted to the medium-income class strategically, which is the key to the all-round realization of a well-off society and the inevitable choice of constructing the workers' shareholding system. Key Words: workers' share holding system; well-off society; reforming of state-owned enterprises  相似文献   

According to the reform and opening-up policy to the outside world in our country,English has become a more common communication tool in today’s society.The schools at all levels also enhance the English teaching,even the kindergarden.It is important to improve the teaching quality.Teachers have to pay more attention to the research of language teaching.In English teaching classroom,teachers should not only use the oral language and written language to deliver the information,but also make use of the silent body language.Body language not only deepens the verbal language,but also takes an unsubstitutive effect on the verbal language.  相似文献   

The widespread hedonism shows that the worship of wealth based on the alienation of human nature can not become the belief pursuit of modem society. To solve the alienation of human beings and the problems concerned, it is necessary to have solid realistic interests and the rational spirits beyond wealth value. The previous rationality built on individualism fails to deal with the belief crisis of the society. The way out of it lies in the reconstruction of human rationality and the transforming of rationality from individual one to practical one.  相似文献   

Chinese students learning English face a number of problems resulting from their isolation from the target language. One problem is that they are not exposed to the varieties of expression within the English language. This makes it difficult, for example, for them to distinguish between formal and informal English.  相似文献   

Logicians have worked with so many different logical systems that it is not possible even to esti-mate the number. Of these, many are best seen as extensions of classical logic, including both thoseof interest to mathematics and those of interest to philosophy and computer science. (Henceforth Iwill use the term "intelligent systems theory" for the common ground of philosophical logic and that  相似文献   

作为一部经典的女性主义作品,《简·爱》生动地描述了男权社会中的女性困境。简.爱代表着受过良好教育的知识女性,要想在社会中生存,就必须走出家庭,外出谋职。虽然作者夏洛蒂把简.爱塑造成精力充沛的"出走者",然而她奋斗的目的却是为了得到幸福的婚姻,最终以天使的角色回归家庭。为了让女主角获得经济上的独立,作者慷慨地给予了简.爱一笔丰厚的遗产。小说中的简·爱是幸运的,她是现实社会中女性白日梦的化身。  相似文献   

通过对父权制和19世纪英国妇女生存状况的阐述,分析了夏洛蒂·勃朗特代表作<简·爱>中女主人公在同表兄约翰·里德和慈善学校校长布洛克赫斯特的斗争中发现自我、寻找自我的成长过程;研究了简在同罗切斯特的爱情关系中的出走和回归,以及拒绝圣约翰·里弗斯的求婚,找到理想中的建立在平等基础上的爱情,最终走向成熟的自我实现过程.  相似文献   

夏洛蒂·勃朗特塑造了一个非凡的女主人公简·爱 ,简·爱相貌平平 ,但却吸引了无数的读者 ,其原因就在于她独有的性格魅力。她敢于反抗、敢于争取平等、独立和自由 ;与众多普通女性不同 ,她敢于大胆表白自己的爱情 ,蔑视以金钱为基础的婚姻。同时她又具有善良的品质 ,她如一团火 ,温暖、明亮、纯洁。她向人们证明了美貌并不是女性唯一的魅力。  相似文献   

简爱是一位通俗与高雅兼容的女性形象。自《简爱》问世以来,简爱的魅力就一直不衰,秘密就在于她追求独立与自强,在于她执着的维护个人的身份与尊严,在于她不懈地争取两性之间的平等,以及谋求两性之间的真正融合。  相似文献   

论简·爱性格的两面性--从作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特看简·爱   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《简·爱》作为一部自传体小说,要了解其主人公简·爱,必须先了解其作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特,通过对作者思想经历及时代背景的分析,肯定简·爱这个女性反抗代表人物的反抗精神,分析简·爱的顺从性格。  相似文献   

《简.爱》问世一百多年来,主人公简.爱已成为举世公认的自立、自尊、自强的新型女性形象的典型代表。但评论界对于简.爱何以具有这样的性格和品质却论及不多,本文试以拉康的后精神分析理论对简.爱进行剖析,揭示其成长的内在原因和驱动力。主体在追寻缺失的爱中,在对他者的认同中,完成了完整人格的修复和理想自我的建构。  相似文献   

论奥斯丁的实用婚姻观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简·奥斯丁的六部以恋爱婚姻为主题的小说中 ,作家在揭示周围人的婚姻观的同时也流露出她本人的婚姻观 ,即一切以实用为目的 ,只有实用的婚姻才是幸福的婚姻。但作家的道德观并不是影响这种保守婚姻观的决定因素 ,这种实用婚姻观的形成首先是由作者所生活的时代决定的 ,而作者本人的生活经历、生活环境便是构成这种见解的内在因素。  相似文献   

英国小说家简.奥斯丁在小说《爱玛》中成功地塑造了一系列性格各异的女性人物形象,特别是对次要人物简.菲尔费克斯和威斯顿太太细致入微地描写,更是体现了奥斯丁对语言的驾驭能力。本文试从对次要人物简.菲尔费克斯与威斯顿太太相似性的分析来感受奥斯丁对人物的塑造能力和对人性切实精准的刻画。  相似文献   

《简·爱》是19世纪英国著名女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,在某种程度上《简·爱》也是作者的生平写照。小说主人公简·爱的经历在很大程度上都透着夏洛蒂.勃朗特的影子。作者的女权主义思想和自尊自强、追求独立平等和纯粹爱情的理想在小说中通过简爱的不懈努力得以实现。  相似文献   

道德、情感与认知是简·奥斯丁小说的三个核心要素,也是困扰小说中所有女主人公的主要问题之一。与其他几部作品中女主人公不同的是,《曼斯菲尔德庄园》中的范妮·普莱斯虽然从小寄人篱下,却养成了同时代女性难得的独立人格和智慧。在面对道德绑架和情感冲突时,范妮依然能够保持清醒的头脑,做出独立的认知判断。《曼斯菲尔德庄园》所展现的女性独立不依赖于物质条件、不为世俗道德所束缚、不为情感所羁绊,是一种认知和心智的独立。  相似文献   

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