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国家赔偿责任和国家机关侵权民事责任制度自确立以来,两者的界线一直比较模糊,在司法实践中混为一谈,国家机关侵权民事责任诉讼空置。通过对两者的比较分析,论证国家赔偿责任和国家机关侵权民事责任是性质不同的两种法律责任。在理论上厘清国家赔偿责任和国家机关侵权民事责任的区别,对于在司法上落实国家机关侵权民事责任提出对策。即首先要不断发展社会主义市场经济建设,加强法治建设;其次加强国家机关侵权民事责任和民主与法治的宣传教育;再次,不断加强司法独立。  相似文献   

Analyses of preference for the timing of uncertainty resolution usually assumes all uncertainty to resolve in one point in time. More realistically, uncertainty should be modelled to resolve gradually over time. Kreps and Porteus (1978) have introduced an axiomatically based model of time preference which can explain preferences for gradual uncertainty resolution. This paper presents an experimental test of the Kreps-Porteus model. We derive implications of the model relating preferences for gradual and one-time resolving lotteries. Our data do not support the Kreps-Porteus model but show that some of the behaviour observed may be explained by similarity heuristics.  相似文献   

论环境侵权责任社会化救济的理论依据及其实现途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境侵权行为具有主体不平等、危害范围广泛、间接潜伏、原因多元、价值正当等特点。环境侵权行为具有社会性,环境侵权损害往往是严重的社会性权益损害。环境损害的受害人不仅应该从加害人处获得传统意义上的损害赔偿,基于环境侵权行为的社会性,通过合理的制度设计,受害人应该而且能够通过社会途径获得补偿。比如环境责任保险制度,财务保证制度,行政补偿制度都是通过社会化的方式使受害人及时充分的获得救济。  相似文献   

Anxiety and Decision Making with Delayed Resolution of Uncertainty   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Wu  George 《Theory and Decision》1999,46(2):159-199
In many real-world gambles, a non-trivial amount of time passes before the uncertainty is resolved but after a choice is made. An individual may have a preference between gambles with identical probability distributions over final outcomes if they differ in the timing of resolution of uncertainty. In this domain, utility consists not only of the consumption of outcomes, but also the psychological utility induced by an unresolved gamble. We term this utility anxiety. Since a reflective decision maker may want to include anxiety explicitly in analysis of unresolved lotteries, a multiple-outcome model for evaluating lotteries with delayed resolution of uncertainty is developed. The result is a rank-dependent utility representation (e.g., Quiggin, 1982), in which period weighting functions are related iteratively. Substitution rules are proposed for evaluating compound temporal lotteries. The representation is appealing for a number of reasons. First, probability weights can be interpreted as the cognitive attention allocated to certain outcomes. Second, the model disaggregates strength of preference from temporal risk aversion and thus provides some insight into the old debate about the relationship between von Neumann–Morgenstern utility functions and strength of preference value functions.  相似文献   

完善中国产品责任法律制度的建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国没有产品责任单行法,有关产品责任的法律规范主要在《中华人民共和国民法通则》和《中华人民共和国产品质量法》中加以规定。尽管1993年颁布的《中华人民共和国产品质量法》已经于2000年进行了修改,但我国现行产品责任法律制度无论在形式上还是内容上仍然存在着许多问题,因此,有必要对产品责任的归责原则、产品适用的范围、产品缺陷的内涵、产品责任的主体范围等问题做进一步的完善。  相似文献   

This qualitative study of 45 older adults examines how they allocate their resources in the face of chronic health conditions. Participants were recruited from 2 senior centers and interviewed about their repertoire of activities, any changes in those activities in later life, and meanings they ascribed to those changes. The Selection, Optimization, and Compensation model guided our analysis and interpretation of participants' responses. The findings demonstrate the complexity of participants' responses to age-related changes, particularly in how they adapted and negotiated both their perception and life goals when faced with changing social landscapes. We discuss some implications and nuances of our findings.  相似文献   

我国资源价格重构的理论思考与机制探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要推进经济增长方式转型,资源价格重构势在必行。文章首先归纳了资源价格扭曲的内外症状,并剖析了症结和危害;认为就整体而言,价格重构应侧重于矫正内部扭曲;就结构而言,只能定位于部分地消除资源内外比价的失调;基于可持续发展视角下对资源价值及其构成的理论探讨,既剖析了我国资源价格扭曲的实质,又深入探讨了资源价格的基本改革图景;最后,从理论上指出了边际机会成本定位法的严重不足,强调我国资源价格重构应该采取现实可行的"实际补偿顺推法",并立足全局,给出了对策建议。  相似文献   

行政主体义务设定的失衡及价值选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行政主体义务设定是指行政主体在行政执法的过程中为相对一方当事人确定禁止规则或强加负担的行为 ,它是行政权的延伸。与其它类型的行政权行使一样 ,义务设定必须符合法定条件 ,同时又要符合行政合理原则 ,这也是行政法治、依法行政的要求。然而 ,行政法治实践中行政主体义务设定的失衡现象非常普遍 ,如对程序负责不对实体负责的失衡 ,以经济利益为重而以社会利益为轻的失衡等。因此 ,必须探讨义务设定中的合理价值选择 ,即有利于建立法律秩序、有利于实现公民权、有利于行政管理过程有效实现、充分体现行政伦理准则等四个方面的价值选择。  相似文献   

王汉生  王迪 《社会》2012,32(2):171-198
本文以当代农村的调解实践为切入点,探讨在不同的纠纷类型和不同的情境中,纠纷的公平解决是如何达成的,以及背后遵循着怎样的公平原则。本文发现:维持人际关系延续的调解目标,调解人的角色定位、道德背景及其权威性,调解过程中包括上门调解等多种调解技巧和策略的运用,以及符合农村社会人们所普遍认可的公平提案等,是影响纠纷调解协议即公平达成的重要因素;而社会关系维系、公平的关系性以及综合性等,是中国农民公平观的重要特征。  相似文献   

中国是一个负责任的大国,作为《联合国海洋法公约》的签署国,维护公约的精神和严肃性是我们应尽的义务。我们既需要坚持公平和正义的原则,保持航道畅通和航行自由,又必须援引公约,捍卫在领海的主权和专属经济区及大陆架内的主权权利,坚决反对某些国家恶意利用公约,并以公约之名行侵犯中国权利之实。本文围绕相关国家对公约的不同释义而产生的分歧,探讨公约在争端解决中的优势与缺失,以及其在南海争端中应发挥的效用。  相似文献   

顾大兴 《学术交流》2003,(2):104-106
事务所对于风险偏好不同 ,而采用收取高于收费水平的风险补偿金的方法来回避高风险。在SimunicandStein提出的审计收费的单期简单模型的前提下 ,进行实证研究。是对实际收费或者实验性案例分析中的期望收费进行各影响因素的回归分析 ,找出解释能力较强的显著因素。PrattandStice的结果显示 ,在存在审计风险范畴以外的经营风险的条件下 ,审计师的收费中的确含有风险补偿的部分。  相似文献   

No-arbitrage is the fundamental principle of economic rationality which unifies normative decision theory, game theory, and market theory. In economic environments where money is available as a medium of measurement and exchange, no-arbitrage is synonymous with subjective expected utility maximization in personal decisions, competitive equilibria in capital markets and exchange economies, and correlated equilibria in noncooperative games. The arbitrage principle directly characterizes rationality at the market level; the appearance of deliberate optimization by individual agents is a consequence of their adaptation to the market. Concepts of equilibrium behavior in games and markets can thus be reconciled with the ideas that individual rationality is bounded, that agents use evolutionarily-shaped decision rules rather than numerical optimization algorithms, and that personal probabilities and utilities are inseparable and to some extent indeterminate. Risk-neutral probability distributions, interpretable as products of probabilities and marginal utilities, play a central role as observable quantities in economic systems.  相似文献   

随着京郊农村经济的发展 ,京郊农村金融供求格局也发生了较大的变化 ,主要表现为农村金融供给不能适应农村金融需求。为此 ,应该以金融机构的多样化为核心 ,促进京郊农村金融组织体系的完善  相似文献   

现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度存在四个方面的缺陷。首先,现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度诱使家长追求一个虚无的赔偿目标,造成了我国本已紧张的司法资源更趋紧张。其次,现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度过度增加了学校压力,影响了学校办学效果和办学声誉。再次,现行学生伤害事故赔偿责任制度使学生成为直接的受害者。最后,社会也受到深深的伤害:一是,学校在伤害事故赔偿中倒闭,所在社区的教育和社会发展面临困境;二是,学校陷入赔偿泥潭不能自拔,最终受到伤害的还是所在地区的教育和社会发展。  相似文献   

盛智明 《社会》2016,36(3):110-139
本文从组织动员、行动策略和机会结构三个维度出发,基于发生在1999-2012年的中国191个业主维权案例,系统考察了纠纷类型、参与人数、维权方式、业主组织和政府反应五个因素对业主集体维权结果的影响。研究发现,在涉及政府部门的行政型纠纷和混合型纠纷中,业主不易维权成功;动员一定数量的业主有助于集体维权成功,但并不意味着动员人数越多,成功可能性越大;不同维权方式及其组合会影响维权结果,非制度化的激进行为并不利于业主实现其利益诉求;真正代表业主利益且能有效运作的业主组织可以显著提高业主维权成功的可能性;政府的行政失当行为(包括不当干预和行政不作为)大大增加了业主维权的难度。这些发现在一定程度上揭示了当前中国强国家-弱社会的现状。  相似文献   

劳动合同经济补偿金具有制约功能、补充功能和补偿功能。就其性质而言,我国的劳动合同经济补偿金因其补偿项目的不同,分别具有补贴、制裁和法律制约的性质。补偿金存在两个方面的问题:一是没有考虑劳动合同是否有持续性;二是对劳动合同变更制度考虑不足。应根据合同的性质和时间确定无固定期限合同的要求;对解除或终止无固定期限合同给予经济补偿,对固定期限合同的终止则不予补偿;此外,还应赋予用人单位更大的用人安置权。  相似文献   

日本政府对《马关条约》第二款第二条“割让台湾全岛及所有附属各岛屿”这一模糊性规定是别有用心的,其目的是借以掩盖其按既定之认识和策略去占领钓鱼岛列岛,避免清政府发觉和干扰,保证马关谈判从速进行.但日本为实现其野心,对此条款又是以清政府的理解为据,并以其他措施来保证,这是日本缔约时的合意情形.而后来对该条款的解释,无论是根据1969年《维也纳条约法公约》,抑或是现代世界的解释规则,都可解释出该条款包含我国钓鱼岛列岛在内.抗战期间,国民政府废除《马关条约》以及盟国达成之《开罗宣言》和《波茨坦公告》,为我国政府收复钓鱼岛列岛准备了充分的法律依据,对日本具有拘束力.而对于《旧金山和约》,日本政府同样也负有遵守、执行之义务,钓鱼岛列岛是其必须放弃之岛屿,也应无条件交还给中国.  相似文献   

Trust is valuable in facilitating social cooperation and is often thought to be helpful in the running of a complex modern welfare state. However, a number of sociologists, psychologists and political scientists have recently argued that trust in social institutions is in decline. One approach argues that the issue is compounded by a shift towards a more active and discriminating trust as part of a social transition towards a more reflexive society, and goes on to suggest that people often choose to place their active trust in non‐state provision. This paper examines recent quantitative and qualitative evidence on trust in state and non‐state pensions in the UK, as a context where current policy developments throw the general issues into sharp relief. It shows that patterns of trust in this setting can be understood in active terms, but that social divisions remain important in determining how active trust operates in practice. More vulnerable groups put their trust in the state, through lack of an alternative, while more confident and better‐off groups tend to pursue investment strategies which they believe will give them more individual control over their money. Social divisions remain important during current social transitions, and often receive less attention than they merit in theoretical writing.  相似文献   

刑事古典学派主张罪刑相适应原则,近代学派主张刑罚个别化原则,学界将近代学派之观点归入罪刑相适应原则的根据是不足的。从实然层面看,我国现行刑法第5条之规定依然采取视罪行轻重置配刑罚的模式,并非像有些学者理解的那样包涵有刑罚个别化的内容。从应然层面看,刑罚轻重的置配既要罪刑相应,也要兼顾刑罚个别化的要求,但作为刑法基本原则应该以仅反映罪刑关系最基本的内容即罪刑相适应为宜。  相似文献   

黄志高 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):108-111
中国共产党历史方位的转变和执政前的许诺,都要求我们党在历史负面合法性的基础上寻求正面合法性。建国初期,我们党在进入政权程序、执政绩效、社会基础、意识形态和党风建设等多方面致力于加强合法性。在党的角色转换、对社会主义的认识和如何正确对待领袖等方面则又隐含着后来合法性危机的若干因素。  相似文献   

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