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空气污染与身体健康空气污染包括大气污染、室内。污染与公共污染。大气污染主要由大气中悬浮颗粒物、二氧化硫、氮氧化物所致,其污染源为工业烟尘、扬尘及汽车尾气。室内污染主要为有害有机物、细菌病毒及微量辐射,其污染源为家具、装饰材料、皮革、地毯、清洁剂等室内设施。公共污染的污染源就是人本身。因为人每天在呼吸过程中要排出来12——16公斤废气,同时不同的人身上都带有各种菌原体。至于香烟烟雾更是公共污染的重要部分。被污染的空气进入呼吸道后,其有害物质会长期不断地侵袭气管和肺泡,便呼吸道防御功能受到破坏,是造…  相似文献   

对健康公平的讨论起于对健康不平等的关注。例如下面两个案例,是在我国到处可以见到的健康不平等案例。  相似文献   

英国《自然》杂志:发现延长酵母菌寿命的物质//英国《卫报》:学文科的人寿命短//英国《新科学家》杂志:新型疫苗抑制人类顽疾//英国《柳叶刀》杂志:发现精神分裂症相关脑细胞  相似文献   


1.有效平衡控油清爽,2.英国领导彩妆品牌COVERGIRL封面女郎登陆中国一周年庆,3.粉红莹彩活力无限,4.三宅一生·炫彩芬芳点亮2006缤纷夏日,5.屈臣氏香氛喷雾系列带来升级享受。  相似文献   

正能够促使心情愉快的不是财富,而是健康。我们不是常在劳动阶级,特别是工作在野外的人们脸上找到愉快满足的表情吗?而那些富有的上层人士不常是愁容满面,满怀苦恼吗?所以我们当尽力维护健康,唯有健康方能绽放愉悦的花朵。至于如何维护健康实在也无需我来指明—一避免任何种类的过度放纵和动荡不安的情绪,但也不要太抑制自己。要经常做户外运动、冷水浴以及遵守卫生原则。没有适度的日常运动,便不可能永远健康,生命过程便  相似文献   

2005年10月,国家劳动和社会保障部公布的第四批11个新职业中,健康管理师排在首位. 2005年12月,人事部全国人才流动中心和中国健康教育协会实施了"健康管理师"人才资质认证与培训项目.  相似文献   

安利纽崔莱自诞生以来,一直倡导“营养,运动,健康”的理念,在将健康健康关怀带给全世界无数追求美好生活的人们同时,更积极支持体育事业的发展。  相似文献   

?排尿有问题是前列腺炎吗?广元施先生:我23岁,在校学生,无性生活史。症状为尿频、尿急、尿不尽,偶有排尿困难的感觉,偶发现尿道口有白色黏液,时有小腹胀痛感,畏寒怕冷。此症已持续2年多。1年多以前去医院做过检查,当时只做了B超,显示无任何异常。但由于症状明显,医生开了诺氟沙星和甲硝唑给我。但后来听人说这2种药对肠胃不好,所以选择断断续续吃,约2个月后停药,无任何改善。由于学业繁重,没再继续接受治疗。请问我患的是不是前列腺炎,应该怎样根治?  相似文献   

1.不了解你的家族病史。你知道你的祖父母、外祖父母死于何种疾病吗?很多疾病如糖尿病、心脏病以及某些癌症都有家族史倾向,了解家庭成员的病史能帮助你及早关注相关脏器的健康。2.不变的避孕方式。避孕方法应随着身体状况的改变而改变。5年前常用的避孕药未必还适合你现在的身体,要向医生请教。3.做爱后不及时"排空"。最好养成做爱之后排尿的习  相似文献   

启动健康管理机制发展商业健康保险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈飞 《职业时空》2006,2(6):63-64

Health care reform will increase the number of individuals who have access to substance abuse services. This impending influx of consumers has the potential of overwhelming the service capacity of providers within the field. Provisions included in the reform legislation might fall short of their intended goal to expand the number of service providers needed to deliver services. This article discusses unmet treatment need in the United States, the current numbers of service providers, and provisions within the reform legislation to increase the labor force. Recommendations are set forth that could help expand the number of providers in the field.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Health Matters     
Have you ever felt palpitations, achoking sensation in the chest, laboredbreathing, headaches, dizziness andnumbness, but a medical examinationcomes up with the all clear? You maythink you are sick but in fact you are ina state of sub-health. This is not a causefor alarm for it can be negatedeffectively through timely lifestyleadjustments. However it should not beignored. Statistics show that 80 percent  相似文献   

Lesbian Health     

Health care research suggests that lesbians may face unique physical and mental health risks, yet few studies make use of gender and sexuality theories to explain lesbian health. In this study, a social constructionist view of sexuality is used to examine the impact of lesbian identity on well-being. Drawing from nineteen intensive interviews with women who self-identify as lesbians, the results show that individuals' sexual identities change over time and are affected by their social environments. The data also demonstrate that sexual identity and social context have implications for well-being. Specifically, hostile environments, which are characterized by animosity toward gay men, lesbians, and others who do not conform to heteronormative gender expectations, are associated with distress over lesbian identity and with physical and mental health problems. By contrast, supportive environments, which many women report finding through feminism, facilitate the construction of a positive lesbian identity and enhance well-being.  相似文献   

道德健康对心理健康具有重要的促进和发展价值。积极而清晰的价值观从根本上促进个体心理健康;良好的道德行为不断增进个体积极情绪体验;与他人和社会的自觉融合持续提升个体生命意义感;优秀道德品质对发展问题的解决不断促进个体生命成长,增进个体幸福感与完善感。  相似文献   


Objectives: Data on effective strategies to enforce policies banning outdoor smoking are sparse. This study tested the effects of an enforcement package implemented on a college campus. Participants: Thirty-nine observers recorded compliance of 709 outside smokers. Methods: Smoking within 25 feet of buildings was noncompliant. The intervention included moving receptacles, marking the ground, improving signage, and distributing reinforcements and reminder cards. Results: The proportion of smokers complying with the ban was 33% during the baseline observation period, increased to 74% during the intervention week, and was at 54% during the follow-up. Differences across conditions was statistically significant (χ2 (2, N = 709) = 6.299, p <.001). Compliance proportions varied by location in all conditions. Conclusions: Enforcing an outdoor smoking ban using a multiple component package increased compliance with the nonsmoking policy on a college campus.  相似文献   

This is a pilot study undertaken by the authors to analyse the communication system as prevalent in health services at District Health Office (DHO) and five Primary Health Centres (PHCs) under it. The five PHCs were randomly selected under DHO Bellary. The authors study the nature of communication of correspondences pertaining to establishment matters, health intelligence and health activities for the first quarter of the financial year between the DHO and PHCs level, pinpoint deficiencies and list out suggestions.  相似文献   

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