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马嘉楠  何芳 《现代交际》2011,(11):19-19
新生代农民工的培养事关未来城乡经济社会的健康持续发展,已成为现代化战略问题。新生代农民工进城务工后的居住状况是影响他们能否顺利融入城市的重要因素。本文对新生代农民工居住状况的研究条件作了简单描述。  相似文献   

李亚忻 《现代妇女》2014,(11):337-338
我国未来30多年的时间将是农村人口向城市转移的黄金时期,这一阶段的新生代农民工社会融入将成为城镇化实现的关键环节。从社会资本的视角下研究新生代农民工社会融入,探索了私人关系型社会资本、组织型社会资本和制度型社会资本对新生代农民工社会融入所形成的障碍。在此基础上,就如何构建新型次级社会资本、完善组织型社会资本的利益代表功能及强化制度型社会资本的保障功能三个层面提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

关于新生代农民工城市融合的研究普遍忽视了主体的策略选择问题。新生代农民工的城市融合依循的是选择性融合模式——经济上以"同化"模式为主,文化上以"共融"模式为主,社会生活则是"分离"与"共融"兼而有之。这与第一代农民工普遍的"分离"模式存在区别,同时也是他们的结构地位、群体特征与策略选择使然。新生代农民工的城市融合是主体理性权衡与策略选择的结果,而不是一个循序递进的自然过程。  相似文献   

新生代农民工作为青年一代,有着对理想的追求和渴望,而对于自我人生的清晰规划对其实现价值、改变命运有着重要意义。新生代农民工流入城市,经历了真实的生活体验,其人生规划在媒介的作用下发生变化,价值基础开始向社会性价值转变,精神资本也通过媒介的积累重构逐渐完整成熟,为其城市融入提供了强大的动力支持。  相似文献   

新生代农民工社会认同问题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
问题范式是支撑既有新生代农民工研究的主导范式.新生代农民工群体常常被当作一个“问题群体”在研究。本文基于对一个新生代农民工融入城市社会之历程的阅读、理解和阐释,从社会认同角度探究了新生代农民工研究方式问题:新生代农民工群体并非一个问题群体所能简单概括.需要细致、冷静地观察与追踪研究;新生代农民工研究应摆脱结构化的问题范式,走向一种过程性的理解范式。本研究认为,群体资格是新生代农民工社会认同研究新的可能的研究路径。  相似文献   

新生代农民工城市融入的本质是新生代农民工与城市市民、城市社会组织及政治的互动与认同,这种互动与认同以信任为基础。其中人际信任、组织信任与政治信任分别构成新生代农民工身份建构的基础、融入城市的社会资本与政治认同的基础。由于当前社会人际信任缺失、组织信任匮乏与政治信任偏低,导致新生代农民工陷入身份建构与政治认同困境。因此只有通过修复新生代农民工的人际信任、增进其组织信任、重构政治信任方能构建起积极的身份认同。  相似文献   

新生代农民工是我国城市社会发展不可或缺的组成部分,对其相关的研究也成为社会学者普遍关注的问题。新生代农民工对城市社会的建设和发展起着重要的推动作用,但却由于制度和非制度等综合因素的限制,阻碍了他们融入城市社会。本文从新生代农民工城市社会融入存在的问题出发,进而研究如何促进新生代农民工更好更快地融入城市社会。  相似文献   

社会排斥对新生代农民工自我认同影响的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代农民工作为目前我国农民工的主体,受到了来自不同层面的社会排斥,这些排斥直接影响着新生代农民工的自我认同。在前人已有研究成果的基础上,本文运用深度访谈和观察的研究方法,描述了我国新生代农民工受到的社会排斥现状,深入剖析了社会排斥对新生代农民工自我认同的影响。  相似文献   

谢建社  谢宇 《城市观察》2010,(3):131-139
新生代农民工的社会心理比较脆弱,他们虽然生活在城市,却无法融入城市。每年春节前后,人们都在关注农民工返乡与回厂问题,于是产生一个热门话题——“民工荒”。“民工荒”是真荒还是假荒?“民工荒”的真正原因何在?值得一辩。如今,新生代农民工已经登上了城镇化进程的舞台,并成为新产业工人阶层的主体部分。新生代农民工往往把自己看成“准城里人”,希望在公民权利、择业就业、工资待遇、生活方式、社会保障等方面,能够与城里人享有同等待遇,他们不再是廉价的劳动力。  相似文献   

英国文化研究的伯明翰学派关注第二次世界大战后兴起的青年亚文化,成为影响深远的理论流派。伴随着网络社会与消费社会在中国的崛起,新生代农民工群体日益成为文化生产的主体。在当代中国新生代农民工研究中主要有两种范式:"阶级形成"范式强调这一群体的苦难、集体抗争与阶级的形成,"市民化"范式强调在城乡二元文化对立中,新生代农民工群体对城市文化的融入。这两种范式都忽略了新生代农民工作为青年的文化生产。杀马特和庞麦郎这两个个案的出现彰显了已有研究的不足和突破既定范式的需要。借鉴伯明翰学派文化研究理论,以一种"亚文化范式"切入新生代农民工考察具有可能性。  相似文献   

This paper discusses attachment theory and research with emphasis on the empirical studies of Many Main. Main's work emphasizes the relationship between an individual's narrative regarding attachment relationships and their underlying internal working model of attachment. The internal working model of attachment is a representation of attachment experience and a set of rules for processing attachment experience. This paper describes various categories of attachment narrative construction and presents a case history that is discussed from an attachment theory perspective.  相似文献   

We use a large Italian employer-employee matched dataset to study how motherhood affects women’s working career in terms of labor force participation and wages. We confirm that the probability of exiting employment significantly increases for mothers of pre-school children; however, this is mitigated by higher job quality, human capital endowment and childcare accessibility. Most importantly, the availability of part-time jobs reduces their probability of moving out of the labor force. Women not leaving employment after becoming mothers experience lower wages than women with no pre-school child, and there are no signs of this gap closing 5 years after childbirth. Contrary to previous literature, the wage gap penalty emerges only among women working full-time, thanks to the high protection accorded to part-time jobs in Italy.  相似文献   

以“小白热线”为榜样,把服务承诺和行风建设提高到新的水平。  相似文献   

Visuospatial working memory is thought to be responsible for imagery generation (Cattaneo et al. in Imagery and spatial cognition: methods, models and cognitive assessment, John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2006). This memory system was manipulated by varying visual perceptual input (see Baddeley and Andrade in Theories of memory, Psychology Press, Hove, 1998) in a narrative task in order to investigate the association between iconic gesture production and visuospatial working memory interference. Participants watched two short cartoon clips and were asked to relay a narrative about what they had seen in the videos to an experimenter. Participants were randomly assigned to relay their narrative while wearing video glasses with either a simple or complex moving image (unrelated to the cartoons) projected onto the lenses. It was hypothesized that if gesture production plays a role in facilitating visuospatial working memory resource activation, then participants in the complex visual distractor condition would display a higher rate of gesture production. Participants in the complex visual distractor condition gestured significantly more than participants in the simple visual distractor condition. These results are interpreted as lending support to the argument that iconic gestures may play a functional role in activating visuospatial working memory resources during a narrative task. Since visuospatial working memory is thought to support imagery, these results also suggest that gesture production may facilitate imagery generation.  相似文献   

Sociologists of education frequently draw on the cultural capital framework to explore the ways in which educational institutions perpetuate inequality in schools and the larger society. However, these studies adhere to a white centered “class‐based master‐narrative,” to legitimize and perpetuate the assumption that racial differences are secondary manifestations of class‐based structures. The class‐based master‐narrative elevates a one‐dimensional view of inequality as rooted primarily in class‐based stratification and downplays the fact that the economic elites who inhabit these dominant social positions are predominantly white. In this essay, I propose a race‐conscious framework to challenge the colorblind assumptions and deficit perspectives inherent to the cultural capital framework. The race‐conscious model (a) focuses on how racial stratification impacts the cultivation, transmission, and activation of cultural capital on the individual and institutional levels and (b) highlights the harmful impact of the lack of racial literacy that is inherent to the white habitus.  相似文献   

Debates surrounding class inequality and social mobility often highlight the role of higher education in reducing income inequality and promoting equity through upward social mobility. We explore the lived experience of social mobility through an analysis of 11 semistructured interviews with Canadian academics who self‐identified as having working‐class or impoverished family origins. While economic capital increased substantially, cultural capital and habitus left many feeling like cultural outsiders. Isolation—both chosen and imposed—reduced professional networks, diminishing social capital. Caught between social worlds, participants mobilized symbolic capital in moral boundary marking, aligning themselves strategically with either their current class status or their working‐class roots. While upward social mobility is a path toward reducing economic inequality, the lived experience of social mobility suggests it may exact a high emotional cost.  相似文献   

This paper describes a method for working with children who are the subjects of care planning and review under the Children Act 1989. The person centred planning method, as it is termed, has been well established in working with adults with special needs but can be extrapolated to encounters with children. It focuses on three fundamental areas: relationship, meaning and narrative. In underscoring these areas, the method restrains the bureaucracy and experience of stigma that is often present for those residing in state care. On a wider plane, the paper argues that the method stands as a veritable example of Habermas's ideas concerning the application of communicative rationality and discursive democracy in social life.  相似文献   

The following conversation describes a narrative means of uncovering (or ‘deconstructing’) some of the invisible forces that undermine parents' capacities in caring for their children in preferred ways. In the authors' experience, parents can be hugely resourceful and provide a clear account of what they ‘should’ be doing, yet seem unable to act upon their own good advice — it is as though an external agent, named below as ‘Virus X’, prevents them from being the parents they would like to be. Through naming this external agent, identifying its influences and noticing parents' acts of resistance in the face of these influences, antidotes to Virus X can be developed. This paper describes the development of such an approach within a child behaviour management group. In keeping with the playful approach encouraged by narrative therapy, the authors of this paper join forces to act as investigative journalists in exposing Virus X to the readers.  相似文献   

Trauma can be defined as an event that goes beyond ordinary modes of experience and linguistic representation. It represents a break not just with a particular form of representation but with the possibility of representation at all. Drawing on a large corpus of domestic migrant worker narratives, the article analyses trauma narratives in which migrant women share their experiences while working for abusive employers. The stories deal with unspeakable suffering and humiliation, and the article attempts to outline the narrative structures that characterise trauma storytelling: broken narratives with voids in the narrative flow. It also analyses the emotional component of trauma narratives focusing on crying, which is seen as an authentication of feeling and meaning. Finally, the article considers how the women make sense of their traumatic experiences, and how peer support becomes essential in the narrators' attempts to rewrite their life stories from victimhood to survival and beyond.  相似文献   

Utilising insights from narrative theory this paper explores the role of narrative in the everyday leisure experiences of people with a mild intellectual disability. Drawing on our experiences with an Australian leisure service Live it UP! we develop the connection between leisure and storytelling in order to open up an innovative approach to working with individuals. The stories of people's capabilities that we draw on run counter to a dominant cultural story of lack associated with disability. Through a post-structuralist analysis we argue that narratives of leisure are a powerful social medium with the potential to produce change in an individual's life and immediate social relationships. Such an understanding is crucial for the development of alternative leisure support services which identify the person's needs, challenging the social positioning of people with an intellectual disability.  相似文献   

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