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由于青少年自杀的比例呈不断上升趋势,如何有效针对青少年自杀行为进行危机干预受到人们的广泛关注。对青少年遗书内容的分析能帮助人们分析、了解青少年自杀的原因。我国青少年自杀遗书中所列举出的自杀原因主要包括师生关系冲突、家庭关系不协调、人际关系不良等外部因素。针对这些原因,学校、家庭、社会都应该采取一定措施,有效的预防青少年自杀现象。  相似文献   

农村青少年的犯罪行为令人触目惊心,犯罪原因是多方面的家庭管教的不力、农村学校的不良环境以及社会因素的负面影响.预防与减少农村青少年的犯罪需要家庭、学校、社会的共同努力,尤其需要重视农村青少年的就业问题.  相似文献   

青少年是祖国的未来和希望,国家的兴衰成败与之息息相关,青少年涉毒犯罪已成为一个日益突出的社会问题。其特点主要表现为文化水平低、人数急剧增加、年龄低龄化等。青少年涉毒犯罪的原因,除社会原因、家庭原因外,还有青少年自身的原因。青少年涉毒犯罪给青少年身心及其家庭、社会均带来极大的危害,全社会必须加强预防和减少青少年涉毒犯罪,努力构建家庭、学校、社会全面系统的法制教育网络。  相似文献   

随着电脑和互联网的逐渐普及,青少年网络成瘾成为社会关注的热点话题.青少年网络成癌的原因比较复杂,从家庭环境与家庭教育角度探寻青少年网络成瘾的家庭因素,主要表现为缺乏教育,家庭关系不和谐,家庭教育方式不科学等.家长应通过营造和谐的家庭氛围、引导子女正确使用网络、积极改善教育方式、加强与子女的沟通等方法预防子女网络成瘾.  相似文献   

青少年离家出走的原因是多方面的,有社会因素也有青少年心理的内部原因,而家庭教育方式和家庭环境是主要影响因素.本文通过两个青少年离家出走现象,从家庭心理气氛、家庭角色、家庭教养方式和家庭教育观念角度透视,并对家庭怎样对待离家出走归来的青少年提出了建议.  相似文献   

“新人类”生命的浪费——日本青少年的自杀问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是世界上自杀率最高的国家。战后日本青少年的自杀率呈递增之势。本文说明了日本青少年自杀的状况及其特点;分析了日本青少年自杀的历史文化原因:对自杀独特的道德评价、特有的“义务和义理”、“武士道”以及情感模式中的“内疚感”、集团意识和依赖心理、拘谨自制等,分析了“切腹”的文化源流、审美意识中的自杀和自古的崇尚与渲染,分析了生死观;本文与西欧进行比较分析了对自杀的传统的法律评价。本文还研究了“新人类”自杀的现实氛围:现实生活方式和价值观念的剧变、家庭关系的淡化、突出的日本女性问题、工作的过度和激烈的社会竞争以及性问题、日趋尖锐的代际冲突、青少年亚文化、日本的教育制度等。  相似文献   

犯罪学在研究青少年犯罪的社会原因时,主要从静态的经济因素、政治因素、社区因素、家庭学校因素来展开。在此,笔者力求从动态的社会现象中寻求青少年犯罪的原因,因为动态的社会因素对青少年的社会化影响较大,最容易引起青少年同题的发生,如果把握正确,引导得当,不但有利于社会各方面的发展,而且更有利于对青少年犯罪的预防。当然静态的东西并不是绝对不变的,只是说它相对处于静止状态。  相似文献   

开放·流动·控制——关于青少年犯罪的动态思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犯罪学在研究青少年犯罪的社会原因时 ,主要从静态的经济因素、政治因素、社区因素、家庭学校因素来展开。在此 ,笔者力求从动态的社会现象中寻求青少年犯罪的原因 ,因为动态的社会因素对青少年的社会化影响较大 ,最容易引起青少年问题的发生 ,如果把握正确 ,引导得当 ,不但有利于社会各方面的发展 ,而且更有利于对青少年犯罪的预防。当然静态的东西并不是绝对不变的 ,只是说它相对处于静止状态。青少年犯罪与社会运行社会运行是社会学研究的一个重要问题 ,毫不夸张地说 ,社会的正常运行与否关系到我们每个人的切身和长远利益 ,关系到社会制…  相似文献   

近年来我国青少年心理方面的问题日益突出,严重地影响了青少年的健康成长和发展。造成青少年心理危机的原因是多样的,既有家庭、社会等外部因素,又有青少年个体的个性特征、认知等内部因素。对青少年心理危机进行干预,可以通过帮助青少年树立正确的心理认知,优化自身人格,完善青少年社会支持网络等策略来实现。  相似文献   

影响大学生自杀心理行为的三因素探析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
近年来 ,大学生的自杀事件时有发生 ,在某些地区和高校还比较严重。尤其值得注意的是 ,各地的心理咨询报告和心理测验结果显示 ,有潜在自杀可能性的大学生还大有人在。由于大学生自杀所造成的严重社会影响 ,以及对大学生个人、家庭带来的重大损失 ,对其他大学生造成的负面作用 ,给学校可能带来的不良声誉等原因 ,这一问题已引起了各级教育行政部门、各高校、家庭及全社会的普遍关注和重视。因而 ,预防自杀及其它恶性事件的发生已成了高等院校 ,特别是学生思想政治教育和管理部门、学校心理咨询机构的重要工作之一。我们认为 ,自杀是受多种因…  相似文献   

研究自杀大学生的心理变化过程,对预防大学生自杀具有积极的作用。对大学生自杀案例进行剖析的结果表明,大学生自杀行为“因穷至卑”和“因穷自杀”现象不明显;不同原因自杀的心理动机存在差异,并且主要集中在“情感挫折”、“学习就业压力”、“个人心理障碍”、“家庭原因”和“生理健康”5类。自杀大学生的心理状态随着自杀意念的发生发展呈现一定的规律性,他们在实施自杀的过程中都经历了复杂的心理过程。  相似文献   

Suicide is a leading cause of death among youth globally. In this critical interpretive synthesis, we examined literature on resiliency factors and suicidality. Systematic searches identified 474 articles, 37 of which were included. Results revealed internal (positive self‐appraisal, zest for life, personal traits, and coping skills) and external factors (social support system and inclusive environments) contribute to resilience among youth, with age, sex and gender, and Indigenous identity as important intersecting considerations. Findings validated fostering resilience as primary suicide prevention among youth, with little explanation for how these factors may work to protect youth from suicidality. Continued research in this area requires a focus on how to promote resilience at the community and systems levels.  相似文献   

As gambling becomes legalised and readily accessible, more youth are involved in this potentially harmful behaviour. As part of a harm-reduction approach, laws against the sale of lottery tickets to minors have been enacted in many jurisdictions. In October 2007, such a law was passed in Israel, seven years after the bill was first introduced in the Israeli parliament. This paper addresses the reasons why it took so long to pass this legislation. On the basis of archive documents from the Israeli parliament and articles in the press, the primary factors that may answer this question include ignorance of youth gambling as a legitimate phenomenon, opposition by some parts of the establishment and the gambling industry itself, as well as the absence of special interest groups. While this law only begins the movement in developing a responsible social policy for youth, recommendations for responsible social policy are provided.  相似文献   


Many researchers of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents describe them as an “invisible” minority. These youth are also one of the most “at risk” youth populations, as they often experience a range of problems related to society's stigmatization of same-sex orientation. Although sexual orientation is not necessarily related to heightened difficulties, lack of social support, infrequent positive interactions, and chronic stress may lead to increased problem behaviors for these youth. To further understand the risk and protective factors experienced by sexual minority adolescents, this article explores a number of these factors and reviews the current empirical research on specific topics, including: family, peer and school, substance use, suicide, and HIV/AIDS issues. Finally, practice implications are discussed to guide clinicians in working more effectively with this youth population.  相似文献   

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among youth, and as many as one in five youth report having had at least one serious thought of suicide in the past year. Despite the enormous emotional pain and suffering associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors, up to 40 % of suicidal youth never receive treatment. Given that social workers are employed in multiple settings where suicidal children and adolescents are encountered (e.g. schools, homeless shelters, emergency departments, outpatient mental health agencies, private practice), they play a critical role in the identification and treatment of suicidal youth. In the past decade, evidence has emerged that attachment-based family therapy, integrated cognitive behavioral therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy can reduce suicidal ideation and/or suicide attempt in youth. The purpose of this article is to review the theoretical assumptions, conceptual frameworks and key intervention techniques for these three interventions so that clinicians can integrate these approaches into their practice with suicidal youth and families. Implications for practice are integrated throughout the review.  相似文献   


The present article reports on a study of the attitudes and behaviour of young people towards help-seeking during times of emotional distress and, in particular, when contemplating suicide. Twent- one young people aged between 16 and 24 years, as well as six parents and 14 youth service providers who lived in ‘Subcity’, a metropolitan community, were interviewed about their understandings of youth suicide and effective interventions. Nearly all the young people, service providers and parents identified a range of barriers that impede or prevent young people from asking for help when they need it most, including issues related to trust and confidentiality, parental support and fear, stigma and perceived loss of esteem. Implications for social work practice include an emphasis on developing parenting skills and community development related to education about suicide and the provision of appropriate support services.  相似文献   

Alcohol is a huge challenge for youth and therefore for the field of social work. The confluence of biopsychosocial factors place youth at risk. Early initiation to alcohol use is a serious risk factor for depression, anxiety, and suicide. The focus of this article is on the collaborative use of resources and evidence-based practices and innovative mechanisms for shifting youth mores around alcohol and providing alternative peer groups, especially in abstinence-hostile settings, such as high schools and college campuses. Recovery schools are drawing national attention and becoming a part of the fabric of the advancing recovery movement for youth. This article discusses the Recovery School movement; its impact on youth, families, and communities; and the impact it can have on the Social Work Grand Challenges. It culminates with a case study of a university community that demonstrates how lives and norms around alcohol can shift for youth and young adults.  相似文献   

The suicide rate among American adolescents between the ages of 14-25 has dramatically increased during the last 50 years, and this fact has been the focus of extensive social-scientific investigation. To date, however, research focusing on the joint effects of mental health, family, and contextual-level predictors on adolescents' suicidal behaviors is scarce. Drawing on Durkheim's classic macro-level approach to suicide and collective efficacy theory, we use data from the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods (PHDCN) to examine the effect of informal social controls on adolescents' suicide attempts. Analyzing reports from 990 youth, we examine the hypothesis that neighborhood-level collective efficacy and family-level integration and social control independently affect suicide attempts. We also examine the extent to which they interact in their effects on suicidal behavior. Overall, results from multilevel logit models support the Durkheimian expectation that family attachment reduces the probability that adolescents will attempt suicide. The effect of collective efficacy is interactive in nature. Specifically, we find that collective efficacy significantly enhances the protective effect of family attachment and support on adolescent suicidal behaviors. We discuss findings within the context of social control theory.  相似文献   

Youth suicide is a leading cause of mortality. Greater still is the prevalence of suicidal behavior and ideation. In this study with 813 secondary school students, we explored youth engagement in structured extracurricular activities as a possible protective factor for suicidal ideation. Personally meaningful youth engagement significantly moderated the relationships between depressive symptoms, risk behaviors, self‐esteem, and social support in the prediction of suicidal ideation. Specifically, the more meaning found in engagement, the less likely youth were to report suicidal thoughts in spite of risk factors. Acknowledging limitations, a focus on engaging youth in well‐selected activities of interest might represent a nonstigmatizing approach to universal prevention. Further research into the mechanisms of such an approach is warranted.  相似文献   

Street Youth: Coping and Interventions   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
A literature review of research into interventions among street youth is presented along with the results of a qualitative analysis of interviews with 80 street youth on the topic of coping. Themes arising from the qualitative analysis include street youths' negative and positive experiences with social support; and attitudes and beliefs such as self-worth, decreased reactivity to other's opinions, hope for the future, pride in self-reliance, anger/non-conformity, and spirituality. Recommendations of this study include the need for outcome research and programme evaluation, inclusion of sociocultural factors as variables, and accessing the experiences of street youth.  相似文献   

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