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互联网络中的人际互动   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
人际互动是小群体社会学关注的论题之一,它是发生在人与人之间的交往活动,也是一种社会行动。结构论、过程论和符号论等学派都从各自不同的角度来阐释互动。结构论者认为互动即是角色互动,强调“角色”;过程论者认为互动即是主客互动,强调“自我”;符号论者认为互动即是符号互动,强调“符号”。无论学者强调什么,互动都少不了行为发生的社会环境。而在互联网络中却形成了一个与现实社会完全不同的信息交流环境,它网络化的结构打破了人类以往受制于社会阶级和地理区域的人际互动模式,而创造出了全新的人际交往空间和人际关系模式。互联网络这…  相似文献   

青少年偏差行为产生于其与学校、同辈群体、社会工作机构及工读学校等要素在日常社会互动过程中的反抗与适应。学校的"推力"导致青少年"脱嵌"于正式的社会规范;同辈群体的"拉力"帮助偏差青少年获得自我认同,并对偏差行为起到"整合"的作用;社会工作机构、工读学校对青少年偏差行为具有巩固作用。因此,青少年偏差行为的形成经历了"脱嵌—整合—再造"的过程。  相似文献   

徐韡 《社会学》2009,(1):62-64,F0003
“网络婚恋交友”是一种基于互联网、由共同的身份认同和同一目标而达到的、具有互动性的社群行动,是社会、经济、文化发展下的衍生物。本文以“符号互动论”和“社会拟剧论”为理论框架,把个体“镜中我”自我表演、对象互动以及整个社群成员互动三个层次作为理论切入点来解析网络婚恋交友的(个人、熟人、陌生人)三空间;描述了网络婚恋交友的社群互动结构的(主体、接触、意义)三因素,在这种现象中,内心情感和自我表现,都是群体人际符号互动的过程。  相似文献   

青少年宠物伴现象是指青少年在成长过程中自觉或不自觉地把宠物当作现实的或是虚拟的同伴的现象。青少年宠物伴现象绝非偶然,具有深层的社会原因,运用多种社会理论如同辈群体理论、孤独感理论、社会交往理论、独生子女理论视角加以分析,可以帮助我们更全面、深刻地看问题,同时帮助我们在青少年社会化过程的社会、家庭和个体三者的张力关系中寻求互动与制衡。  相似文献   

为了因应青少年研究基础理论建设的需要以及正在酝酿中的青少年研究学术提升,笔者提出“人性假设与解释性青少年研究”的理论框架.本文对人的属性、人的理性行动的类型与层次,人的理性行动形成的不同过程以及人与社会互动的多种状态一一进行了阐释.为了显示这一理论假设对于相关研究的解读与阐释作用,笔者还以人的荣辱知行教育为例,从人性假设的视角对这一教育的基础所在与实际定位进行了探析.限于篇幅,本文未能将此理论假设充分展示和运用于相应的青少年研究,但笔者的此类专文将在近期内发表.  相似文献   

标签是教师和学生在互动过程中的产物,不同的标签对学生有不同的影响。从积极心理学视角正确运用标签,可以从评价形式多元化、帮助初中生树立正确的自我认知、引导"问题学生"回归正式群体、形成家庭和学校教育的强有效合力等方面入手。从积极心理学视角研究标签理论在初中学校教育中的运用,提出关注积极品质,给予学生信心,让学生健康快乐地学习,提高初中生学习愉悦感。  相似文献   

以青年“互勉约拍”为研究对象,聚焦“约拍”过程中摄影师和模特之间类似于礼物交换的社会互动,并分析其中的礼物关系,研究发现:一方面,基于对物质满足和社会团结的期待,以及互动中人们对彼此的承认和回应,“互勉约拍”创造了摄影师和模特之间的信任关系,并展现出礼物交换中促进社会团结的一面;另一方面,当双方基于选择的自由而行使权力时,他们就制造了冲突,生产出权力关系,并使“互勉约拍”表现出权力支配的一面。然而,这两个方面都是对“互勉约拍”现象的注解,它们揭示了这一“总体社会现象”的不同维度,并被整合进礼物关系整体中。对“互勉约拍”的分析,也为思考礼物研究的社会范式和权力范式的争辩这一理论问题提供了参照,即礼物研究中不同范式的分歧仅仅是对莫斯理论中不同方面的侧重,而非礼物理论的内在张力。  相似文献   

近年来,政府通过大力整顿使传销的活动空间步步紧缩,但无法回避的是,传销仍能借助不同的商业模式和地方语境中的话术操弄而产生新的变种以吸纳“招商对象”,其成员主要以青年人员为主。基于对青年人员陷入传销的过程分析发现,传销组织主要通过布局邀约、自我范畴化、内群吸引等方式诱导青年加入,群体范畴身份的激活使得他们习得传销内部刻板化印象和行为以抵制社会污名,而内群规范的遵从则让青年为实现理想生活方式的转变而走向杀熟。抑制传销不仅需要外在司法的强制涉入,同时还要深入社会肌体内部,引导当代青年群体对社会主流价值取向和规范的积极评价,通过“再范畴化”帮助他们摆脱因感知曲解所形成的消极社会认同,避免资本逻辑和唯利益取向对青年群体价值观和日常行动策略形成“裹挟”。  相似文献   

人的社会化是个体学习社会文化、行为规范、掌握基本技能、从一个自然意义上的人转化为社会意义上的人的过程。在个体与社会的相互作用中,社会环境对个体的社会化产生决定性影响,友伴群体作为一种社会环境因素,在青少年的社会化历程中具有不可忽视的作用。探讨青少年的成长与发展,把友伴群体纳入研究视野,是极为必要,也是非常有意义的。友伴群体是指价值取向相近、生活情趣相投、以共同娱乐为其主要活动形式、靠情感联络起来的一种非正式群体。娱乐友伴群、友谊友伴群、学习友伴群以及所谓讲“哥们义气”的“朋友圈子”、甚至犯罪小团体等都是比较典型的友伴群体。在人的不同年龄阶段,个体都可能接触一些友伴群。儿童最早接触的是游戏友伴群,在游戏活动中,通过与游伴相处,他们开始懂得友谊、谦让、互  相似文献   

社交视频日志提供了新的空间探索残障群体自我表达.本研究采用内容分析法,以B站29位残障博主的视频日志为对象,分析在新媒体环境下的残障群体虚拟交流现状以及残障身份建构策略.研究发现,样本中的残障可见性呈现出类别、城乡和性别差异;残障博主的身份建构策略表现为公开展示的残缺身体、补偿性的亲密社会互动以及自下而上的话语互动.同时我们也不能忽视在数字包容下的深度排斥现象,需要政府、平台、用户三方共同维护良性的网络环境,助力残障群体融入社会.  相似文献   

This paper is an empirical historical study of institutionalization of juvenile delinquents. Estimates of institutionalization rates from 1820 to 1970 are presented. Rates have increased throughout this period, most rapidly in the second half of the 19th century and again during recent decades of the 20th century. Theories that have attempted to explain institutionalization are reviewed. However, the commonly accepted theories do not seem to comprehensively account for the observed pattern of institutional growth. A different perspective is offered, one that seems to fit the totality of data better than previous theories. The evidence suggests that institutionalization for juvenile delinquency has increased as a function of a changing vouth labor market—first the separation of work from family life, followed by a long-term decline in demand for young workers. As a dilemma in social planning related to juvenile delinquency, the findings suggest a need for providing con- structive social and economic alternatives to the declining youth labor market.  相似文献   

The quality of parenting, composition and socio-economic status are family risk or protective factors on juvenile delinquency, however, there is not an instrument to help psychologists and social workers to specifically assess the adolescent offender’s family. This study set out to accomplish an additional validation study of the structured interview of family assessment risk (SIFAR), a structured professional judgment tool for the assessment of family risk and protective factors of juvenile delinquents. The statistical analyses included inter-rater reliability, convergent validity with YLS/CMI, the Partial Least Squares approach to structural equation modeling and receiving operator characteristics (ROC) analysis. A sample of 130 male adolescent delinquents detained in Portuguese forensic facilities and their parents, were paired analyzed. The YLS/CMI was used to analyze the convergent validity with SIFAR. SIFAR shows a strong correlation with the YLS/CMI family context, moderate to high values of inter-rater reliability; SIFAR factors show that they are predictive determinants of the Moderate Four risk factors. ROC analysis shows adequate accuracy power. The findings show that SIFAR it is useful as an additional assessment tool for structured risk assessment instruments since it allows understanding the vulnerabilities and strengths of the delinquent’s family.  相似文献   

In numerous social control settings, staff routinely write case histories on clients to assist colleagues and authorities in treatment decisions. In this article, we examine how such institutional writing constructs ‘working versions’ of youngsters, portraying their objects of care as personally troublesome. Simultaneously, the institution is portrayed as facelessly, uniformly and collectively remedying their behaviour. Using material from a centre for juvenile delinquents in Sweden, we analyse three discursive techniques that accomplish this documentary reality: (1) trouble zooming, (2) mood notes and (3) deflecting staff agency. We also reflect on the social conditions for the recurrent rhetoric.  相似文献   

This study explores the association between student factors and delinquency by comparing two groups of adjudicated youth in six Midwestern residential facilities: 331 young men committed for a sexual offense, and 171 committed for a nonsexual offense. Statistically significant findings include juvenile sexual offenders exhibiting a greater number of delinquent behaviors and greater academic and social difficulties compared with their counterparts adjudicated for a nonsexual offense. Additionally, path analysis revealed that school experience was negatively associated with delinquency for both groups. For juvenile sexual offenders, academic difficulties were associated with delinquency through their school experience. Among general delinquents, delinquency was directly associated with social difficulties and school experience. Implications for interventions and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Incarcerated juveniles are a largely invisible population in the United States. Research into training schools and other juvenile correctional facilities has uncovered a sordid history of good intentions and bad practices. Juvenile correctional facilities are generally considered a less harmful environment for serious delinquents than adult prisons but a much more severe sanction than alternative community programs or treatment would be. Studies have shown that juveniles in confinement face similar deprivation and many of the same pains of imprisonment ( Sykes 1958 ) as adult prisoners, but the more pressing threat to adolescent inmates may be to their psychological selves rather than their physical being. New research on adolescent brain development is garnering attention and sparking questions about the culpability and punishment of juvenile offenders, even as public opinion research suggests that there is fairly widespread support for rehabilitation and a social‐welfare oriented juvenile justice system. By listening and giving voice to incarcerated youth and their “keepers,” investigating the conditions of confinement, and continuing to evaluate programs and outcomes, researchers are positioned to play a key role in the future of juvenile justice and juvenile correctional facilities.  相似文献   

The US juvenile justice system has gone through many changes since its inception in the late 1890s. Even with these changes and more than 100 years of empirical research, there is a paucity of literature published on juvenile delinquents with disabilities. The present article focuses on juvenile delinquents with disabilities, addressing definitional issues, prevalence and incidence data, types of educational and mental health services available, and future directions for research.  相似文献   

Gifted and talented youths—defined as youths who show achievement or potential ability in regard to general intelligence, a specific academic area, creative or productive thinking, leadership, visual or performing arts, or psychomotor activities—constitute one of the nation's most vital resources. Some portion of these youths come in contact with the juvenile court. This article reviews the research on gifted delinquents with particular attention to four longitudinal studies, three British and one American. The research is examined in order to ascertain whether it lends support to the thesis that bright youths are more vulnerable to delinquency because they are more sensitive to an unfavorable environment, or to the thesis that they are protected against delinquency because of their greater ability to understand and cope with environmental conditions. The findings indicate that bright youths are less likely to appear in delinquent populations than others and more likely to come from disrupted and unstable homes. To some extent they support the thesis that bright children are protected from delinquency by their intelligence except in extreme family circumstances. School performance for most bright delinquents is far below capacity, although there is evidence that some youths become disruptive outside of school before their school performance deteriorates.  相似文献   

Given high recidivism rates and the vulnerability of detained youth, the authors posit that juvenile detention centers may be most efficacious by serving as both place and process to create career opportunity through vocational training. The authors review the psychosocial factors contributing to delinquency and the primary theories of rehabilitation that extend to detained youth. They highlight key ingredients to effective vocational programming in juvenile detention, such as integration of traditional career theories with constructs pertinent to this population (emerging adulthood, sociopolitical development, social cognitive career theory). Considerations for successful implementation of vocational programs in juvenile detention are also offered.  相似文献   

Theories of prejudice examining perceptual differences of in-groups and out-groups, such as social dominance and group threat perspectives, have found them to be important in generating hegemonic identity formations. This study uses data from the General Social Surveys to explore how these hegemonic group perceptions influence attitudes toward stronger families using race and ethnic groups as proxy measures where Whites are considered the in-group. A modified ecosystemic-interactionist approach along with elements from group threat and social dominance theories as support was used to investigate the underlying premise that group membership influenced respondents’ perceptions of their own family vis á vis others. Overall, the study found support for the underlying premise that membership influenced group perceptions, group knowledge, and group beliefs about commitment to strong families. Additionally, these findings suggest that groups develop most of their beliefs and subsequently their attitudes from limited interaction with those they perceived to be in the out-groups. Other social factors, including media portrayals, geographic propinquity, and education, also play a role in group perceptions, group knowledge, and group beliefs about commitment toward strong families. They support the social dominance and group threat theories that give rise to hegemonic structure within the United States.  相似文献   

Because of the increasing severity of adolescent problem behavior, evidence-based practices are becoming of interest as an alternative to traditional treatment with the behavior problems of adolescents in juvenile justice settings. Despite interest in evidence-based practices, questions exist regarding whether or not evidence-based intervention models can be successfully transported to cultures other than those in which they were developed. This article describes the transportation process of an American evidence-based family therapy (Functional Family Therapy [FFT]) into the service delivery system of a psychiatric day treatment center for juvenile delinquents in Amsterdam. The characteristics of FFT that make it cross-culturally sensitive are discussed. Results from the changes in service delivery suggest FFT can be successfully implemented in international settings with adjustments to make the model fit the culture(s) of The Netherlands without changing the model of FFT itself.  相似文献   

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