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古风文化是本土亚文化中蓬勃发展的一个分支,以生产传统文化元素与流行元素相结合的音乐作品为特色,逐渐聚集起了以青少年群体为主的古风音乐亚文化圈。从亚文化的生产实践入手对古风音乐圈的文化认同进行研究发现:在形塑民族认同层面,古风音乐创作者对中华民族的诗意传统进行了现代化改写;在培养群体认同层面,古风音乐圈对内通过符号生产进行群体身份的赋予,对外则通过仪式化展演强化群体认同;在寻求自我认同层面,古风音乐圈成员通过不同形式的音乐生产实践,或是积累亚文化资本,或是回应对个体身份的疑惑。古风音乐作为传统文化在互联网时代的良好呈现形式,成为提升青少年群体文化认同感的催化剂,也响应了新时代构建文化自信的国家策略,但在发展过程中也存在文化价值被商业价值遮蔽、创作者的话语权被削弱、组织松散缺乏优秀领袖等问题。 相似文献
《霸权之后》所提出的理论是在认识并承认沃尔兹所代表的新现实主义以及理性选择理论的基础上展开论述的。即国家之间进行合作的原因通常不是出于利他主义或者移情于别国的困境,也不是缘于国家忙于追求设想中的国际利益,而是来自为本国人民寻求财富及安全,并为此而寻求权力所产生的欲求与动力。基欧汉试图回答国际相互依赖的加强对国家间和国家内部政治的含义,以及应该或者可以通过何种途径在日趋紧密的相互依赖的世界中达到维持世界政治中的合作与秩序的问题。本文将对本书所提出以及论述的主要内容作简要评述。 相似文献
与主流文化相对的亚文化对青春时期的学生影响颇深,尤其是对高考重压下的学生影响更为深刻。在反映新时代背景下高考时期的电影《青春派》中,学生们的表现除了消极的反抗外,更多的是他们对未来的憧憬与对梦想的自信。 相似文献
孙小玉 《青春岁月:学术版》2015,(7):50-51
与主流文化相对的亚文化对青春时期的学生影响颇深,尤其是对高考重压下的学生影响更为深刻。在反映新时代背景下高考时期的电影《青春派》中,学生们的表现除了消极的反抗外,更多的是他们对未来的憧憬与对梦想的自信。 相似文献
百度戒色吧是一个体量庞大、结构完备的虚拟社群.它将自己界定为一个完全公益性的组织,矢志于帮助吧友戒除不良性行为,调理好虚弱的身体,提高自己的修养,认为这是实现远大理想的基础,是不做屌丝做男神的第一步.通过参与式观察与深度访谈,讨论网络媒介之于戒色社群诞生的意义以及成员借用网络进行的戒色知识建构行动——这种建构采取了一种知识盗猎的方式谋取自身正当性,并呈现出对正统健康知识的质疑与抵抗.在阐释环节,提出可将戒色视为一种亚文化,其实质是一套对青少年困恼的归因方式以及对问题的想象性解决,核心是青年把握命运、重建主体性的诉求. 相似文献
《劳动合同法》自2008年1月1日颁布实施后,江苏省洪泽县县委、县政府充分认识到贯彻落实好《劳动合同法》重要性和紧迫性,及时把贯彻实施该法作为民生的一项重要内容,采取切实有效的措施,大力贯彻实施《劳动合同法》。近期,洪泽县人社部门有针对性、有重点地对本县范围内的企业进行了调查,监测企业贯彻执行《劳动合同法》有关情况。 相似文献
This article evaluates the methodological philosophy and strategy of Paul Willis's classic, Learning to Labour. We use King, Keohane, and Verba's Designing Social Inquiry as a litmus test, showing how Willis's work meets, diverges from, and innovatively reconstructs good social science research. Drawing from Learning to Labour and Willis's writings on methodological issues, as well as key texts on the science of sociology, this article evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of a reflexive method and the potential this method holds for qualitative work in sociology. 相似文献
Cynthia Estlund 《Journal of Labor Research》2007,28(4):591-608
This article argues that the ineffectuality of American labor law and the shrinking scope of collective representation and
collective bargaining are partly traceable to the law’s “ossification”—to its having been essentially sealed off for several
decades from democratic revision and renewal and from local experimentation and innovation. The elements of this process of
ossification, once assembled, make up an imposing set of barriers to innovation. The basic law has been cut off from legislative
revision at the national level by Congress; from “market”-driven competition by employers; from the entrepreneurial and creative
energies of private litigation; from variation at the state or local level by representative or judicial bodies; from changing
constitutional doctrine; and from emerging transnational legal norms. Moreover, the National Labor Relations Board—the designated
institutional vehicle for adjusting the labor laws to modern conditions—is increasingly hemmed in by the age of the text and
the large body of judicial interpretations that has grown up over the years. The resulting statutory scheme is drastically
out of date and out of sync with the needs of 21st century workers and labor markets.
Cynthia EstlundEmail: |
How important is your personality? Labor market returns to personality for women in the US and UK 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2
Why do apparently similar people have varied success in the labor market? While cognitive performance and educational attainment have been shown to be strong indicators of economic success, there remains a large portion of unexplained variance in earnings after controlling for the standard variables. This paper uses the National Longitudinal Survey of Young Women and women from the National Child Development Study to explore the value of incorporating psychological traits into wage determination models. This research finds that traits such as locus of control, aggression, and withdrawal are all statistically significant factors in the wage determination models of white women. 相似文献
A. KIM CLARK 《Journal of historical sociology》1994,7(1):49-72
Abstract This article explores the functioning of the state-system and the emergence of a particular state-idea in early twentieth century Ecuador by analysing relations between Indians and the state in labor recruitment for municipal public works construction in the Andean region of Alausí. The idea of the state as a dispenser of equal justice was successfully called on by indigenous peons in their resistance to forced labor recruitment by local officials of the state. The enhancement of this idea of the state simultaneously undermined the functioning of the state-system at the local level, and legitimized central state authority. 相似文献
Manju Panwar Deepali Mathur Gian Chand Manju Dkhaka R. R. Singh 《Social Work Education》2014,33(8):984-997
This paper captures the experiences of the faculty members of a relatively new graduate social work program situated in the largely rural state of Haryana India in reframing the foundation year practicum through community-based and engaged action learning in small villages. Located within Bhagat Phool Singh Vishwavidyalaya (BPSMV), north India's first all women public university, the mission of which is to enhance women's engagement in the greater society through post-secondary, professional and character education, the department is educating social workers for community engagement in social development and in the development of women as an empowered group in society, particularly at the village level. Over a three-year period, the faculty has successfully launched and sustained action learning as an alternative to the traditional practicum in social work education, enhanced civic engagement among students and faculty in three rural villages, and further developed community social work as a principal focus of social work education in India. The paper offers a rationale for action learning in the graduate social work curriculum, describes and documents the department's strategy of action learning, and lays out lessons learned from action learning as a central focus of pedagogy, research, and service within BPSMV Department of Social Work and the rural villages it serves. 相似文献
The countries of Central and Eastern Europe experienced a rapid increase of return to education with the advent of the transition.
We look at the dynamics of wage premiums in Croatia and estimate how much the return to education has changed between 1996
and 2004 on the basis of labor force survey data. We also extend the paper in order to address additional features of the
wage structure, such as non-linearities in the return to education associated with attainment of credentials. We find that
contrary to most transition countries, premiums for education in Croatia began to grow only after the mid 1990s. However,
by 2004, they reached the levels of premiums found in other transition countries and advanced market economies, thus creating
market incentives for investment in education. We also find that major part of this higher rate of return came through higher
return to credentials.
Vedran ŠošićEmail: |
Labor force participation and juvenile delinquency in Taiwan: a time series analysis 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
This study examines the null hypothesis of Granger no-causality between labor force participation (LFP) and juvenile delinquency
in Taiwan. In order to explore this issue more thoroughly, this study adopts the approach proposed by Toda and Yamamoto (1995,
Journal of Econometrics, 66(1–2), 225–250). It uses official time-series data provided by the Government of Taiwan. After estimating both a four- and
five-variable VAR system, one that substitutes both male and female LFP rates for the aggregate LFP rate, the primary findings
of this study reveal the following: The higher the past juvenile crime rate, the lower the future aggregate and female LFP
rate will be. In addition, the higher the past male LFP rate, the higher the future juvenile crime rate will be. These findings
are quite robust in terms of different lag-length structures.
Jr-Tsung HuangEmail: |
A model of informal training which combines learning from own experience and learning from others is proposed in this paper. It yields a closed-form solution that revises Mincer–Jovanovic's [Mincer, J., Jovanovic, B., 1981. Labor mobility and wages. In: Rosen, S. (Ed.), Studies in Labor Markets. Chicago University Press, Chicago, pp. 21–64] treatment of tenure in the human capital earnings function. We estimate the structural parameters of this non-linear model on a large French cross-section with matched employer–employee data. We find that workers on average can learn from others 10% of their own human capital on entering one plant, and catch half of their learning from others’ potential in just 2 years. The private marginal returns to education are declining with education as more educated workers have less to learn from others and share the social returns of their own education with their less qualified co-workers. The potential for learning from others on the job varies across jobs and establishments, and this provides a new distinction between imitation jobs and experience jobs. Workers in imitation jobs, who learn most from others, tend to have considerably longer tenure than workers in experience jobs. Although workers in experience jobs can learn little from others, we find that they learn a lot by themselves. We document several analogies between the imitation jobs/experience jobs “dualism” and the primary/secondary jobs and firms’ dualism implied by the dual labor market theory. However, our binary classification of jobs depicts the data more closely than the dual theory categorization into primary-type and secondary-type establishments. Competition prevails between jobs and firms but jobs differ by their learning technology. 相似文献
中国经济崛起和城市化进程过程中农民工的贡献有目共睹,城市让生活更美好的诱惑使得中国的新老两代农民工从农村流入城市,2008年1月1日的《劳动合同法》和《劳动争议调解仲裁法》让社会看到了改善农民工权利状况的希望,然而新生代农民工的权利保护尤其是作为一名劳动者的权利保护的现状依然不如人意,没有救济的权利不是真正的权利、迟来的正义是非正义,每年岁末对于农民工权益的突击性保障并不能从根本上解决问题,把包括农民工权益保障的社会问题纳入法治框架内、通过探析新生代农民工权利阙如问题及原因进而发现从制度层面进行解决才是解决农民工权益保障问题的根本途径。 相似文献
Barbra Ann Teater 《Social Work Education》2013,32(5):571-585
Social work is a practising profession and when students undergo a social work undergraduate course they are expected to learn and apply the knowledge, skills and values necessary for their future social work career. As an educator, the challenge exists in determining whether students have learnt the material and are prepared to implement the knowledge, skills and values into practice. Current theories on teaching and learning are useful tools to educators who want to ensure that course units are maximizing students' learning potential. This paper focuses on the application of three established teaching and learning theories implemented in a social work module. The paper begins with an overview of Biggs' theory of Constructive Alignment, Biggs' four levels of understanding/Bloom's Taxonomy, and Race's five factors that underpin successful learning. The paper describes the integration of the theories to a social work undergraduate module through the following four-step process: (1) revisit learning outcomes; (2) determine teaching methods and learning activities; (3) design assessment; and (4) receive feedback/evaluate. The students' learning experiences were positively reflected through their personal learning outcomes, formative feedback and summative feedback, which demonstrated the ability to maximize student learning through the incorporation of teaching and learning theory. 相似文献