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马雷 《职业时空》2008,4(5):50-50
随着我国高等教育从“精英教育”向“大众教育”的转变,大学生就业成为一个越来越突出的社会性问题,大学生拥有了更多的择业自主权和择业机会,同时也在择业中遇到了更多的困难和挫折。如何以良好的心态参与社会竞争,赢得择业成功,是社会、学校、大学生普遍关心的问题。  相似文献   

"佛系青年"表面上反映了当代青年看淡一切、不争不抢、怎么都行的生活态度,实则透露出社会转型期青年一代理性与随性并存的精神特质,进取与焦虑共生的心理状态,务实与逃避交织的价值取向。"佛系青年"的流行是多种因素共同造成的,其中,既有社会转型期的心态震荡和"低欲望社会"的心理映射,又有青年认同危机的内在发酵和自媒体环境的外在助力。培育当代青年健康社会心态,应立足社会的现实状况和青年的实际问题,不断净化青年成长的社会环境,重视青年群体的利益诉求,发挥核心价值观的引领作用,强化网络空间的舆论治理,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,以形成培育的合力。  相似文献   

社会发展中的青年社团参与   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会参与,是指社会成员以某种方式参与、干预。介入国家政治生活、经济生活、社会生活、文化生活和社区的公共事务,从而影响社会发展。青年作为社会最积极、最活跃的公民,其参与意识。参与方式、参与程度、参与取向的变化、发展,已经成为测量社会现代化的重要指标.以及反映青年自身现代化程度的标志之一。而青年以其具体的归属层面(如社区、部门、机构、单位、组织、社团等)参与社会公共事务和公共活动,也是现代社会发展的积极现象。青年社团参与的环境及因素在经济体制和经济增长方式的两个根本性转变的社会转型时期,新旧消长,同…  相似文献   

台湾青年当前最关心的是什么?他们的心态如何?台湾报刊根据有关调查分析,依次排列如下: 第一,个人前途问题多数调查均显示,今日台湾青年最关心的事情莫过于就业与未来。一九八五年,大专以上程度失业人数四万一千人,一九八六年五万二千人,呈逐年上升趋势。大专学生愈接近毕业,心理压力愈大。在择业方向上,大多向往工商企业,约有百分之七十的青年希望做一个企业家,重视“个人的专长和兴趣”及“将来发展的潜力”,“待遇的高低”反而列为次要。这种功利主义及故意回避重视金钱的心态,反映了台湾当代知识青年在多元文化的冲击和现实社会的影响中的矛盾心理。  相似文献   

青年,作为处于现在与未来之间的一个特定阶层,其精神面貌和价值取向如何,常常是人们观察和透视整个社会心态的“晴雨表”。而青年自身对于生活情趣的追求,则又常常被人们当作探析其精神面貌和价值取向的重要参数。近两三年来,台湾社会逐步进入了动荡多变的转型时期。所谓政治“民主化”的张扬和经济“自由化”的推进,以及各种社会思潮的涌起,文化市场的躁动,对处在这一时期的岛内青少年的“心理适应度”形成了巨大的影响和冲击,使他们的精  相似文献   

社会政治、经济、文化结构的变迁,影响着社会的个人,而个人价值观、道德观念、行为准则的变化,也深刻地影响着社会发展的方向。近年来蓬勃兴起的青年志愿者行动就是这种互动关系的体现。作为青年志愿者行动主体的青年志愿者,无论从个人,还是从群体的角度看,其参与志愿者行动的目的和方式,都展示着我们时代的这种深刻的互动关系。本文将在观念结构层面上,展开对志愿者深层心态、动机的剖析,以揭示出志愿者行动更为本质的主体特征。自由选择原则作为青年志愿者行动主体的志愿者,其最鲜明的待征是“志愿”原则,也就是自由选择的原则…  相似文献   

当前,中国青年白领移民群体的数量和规模逐年递增,其对迁入地社会结构的变更和城市建设的推进等方面的影响越来越大。但从当前青年白领移民的成长现状来看,表面光鲜的背后是白领们日益繁重的压力、焦虑与愤懑的社会事实,众多白领身不由己地从白领沦为“白奴”似乎已成常态,由此必会引发青年白领移民群体社会心态的浮动。对1046名白领的研究发现.年龄和收入显著正向影响青年白领移民社会信心的变化.社会信心在性别上的差异性与其拥有社会支持的程度紧密相关;生活压力方面:自购房、自身健康压力及社会信任度显著影响青年白领移民社会信心;社会参与、情感性支持和社交陪伴是显著影响青年白领移民社会信心的社会支持因素。  相似文献   

新时期中国青年社会参与的三大变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新时期中国青年社会参与的三大变化杨雄西方学者认为,参与行为是人对社会生活的某种愿望与需要。社会参与体现着一种"真正的自我卷入"(艾德勒1938)。通常意义上,青年参与是青年个体或群体藉以显示利益需求的一种社会表达方式。青年社会参与,往往成为社会全民运...  相似文献   

香港青年的特质及对参与社会服务的看法规时香港的青少年大多出生在70年代末。十几年来香港的社会风气及传统观念产生了重大的变化。虽然.这一代的青年毋须承受香港早期的贫困压力;然而,面对这个信息发达.竞争剧烈的大都会,他们所面对的困境,亦是可以想见。这也就造成青年在参与社会服务或青年团体的参与上体现出特有的取向和表现。一、消费主导“消费的一代”似乎是现今香港青年的代号。由于香港的发展渐趋向高科技和商品化。我们更容易接触世界其他地方的潮流信息。面对生活上的压力和竞争,在商业世界鼓吹的以享乐作为主导的生活模…  相似文献   

当代青年社会参与的若干问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
当代青年社会参与的若干问题金志本文从宏观角度,论述中国青年社会参与的几个重要问题,希望引起重视与讨论,以有利于推动中国青年社会参与的健康发展。一、青年参与的意义青年参与,是联合国于1985年决定的"国际青年年"活动的口号,参与、发展、和平是这一活动的...  相似文献   

"屌丝"一词反映了当代青年对于社会现实和自身改变的一种无力的心理状态。作为2012年度最热的网络流行语之一,"屌丝"一词被当代青年争相认领,是认识当代青年心理状态和心理诉求的媒介。"屌丝"社会心态的具体表现为财富拥有的自嘲心态、追求爱情的无奈心态和改变现状的无力心态,这是受多元思潮、网络媒体、社会矛盾凸显的消极后果以及草根时代的自我认同焦虑的影响所致,因此,加强对青年的引导十分必要。  相似文献   

“微博忙人”现象的流行,是社会现实和网络传播的合谋:即空虚浮躁的社会心理、网络恶搞的泛滥及微博的普及;从传播的内容来看,被赋予了现代生活元素,反映了当前青年群体中的生活方式和流行文化。从这一网络现象的流行机理、传播内容分析入手,可见当前青年群体讲求个性创新、崇尚“娱乐至上”的社会心态和价值取向。应该理性地认识和看待这一社会文化现象,以更好地把握青年的成长特点和思想趋势。  相似文献   

A gap between legal and effective coverage rates is a common challenge facing social insurance systems in Low‐ and Middle‐Income Countries. This article draws on an exploratory qualitative study with youth in Egypt to examine how labour market dynamics and worker preferences contribute to this gap. Labour market factors, particularly instability of employment and job mobility, were found to reduce the perceived value of social insurance. Poor understanding of how social insurance works was another contributing factor. However, youth displayed a high level of trust in the public social insurance system and saw pensions as valuable in the abstract. In combination with awareness promotion, eliminating penalties to discontinuous labour force participation could make social insurance more attractive to youth.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer-identified (LGBTQ) youth are a population with a unique set of service needs. Existing research on effective service methods with LGBTQ youth is limited. Youth empowerment holds potential as an approach that can impact well-being among youth who face discrimination. The current study explores the relationship between the social justice youth development framework (Ginwright and James, New Directions Youth Dev 96:27–46, 2002) and youth empowerment in a sample of LGBTQ youth. Multiple regression analysis of data collected through a community-based youth program identified critical consciousness and community engagement as significant predictors of empowerment. Findings suggest that programs that promote these factors among LGBTQ youth using the social justice youth development framework may enhance empowerment thereby increasing other aspects of well-being.  相似文献   

The effects of neoliberalism on young people and youth workers through outsourcing government services has attracted critique from multiple sources. Post-structural analysis interrogates subjectification effects of these policies on youth. However, this kind of analysis of the governmental formation of youth ought to consider the interaction between the knowledge of youth underpinning neoliberal social policy, and those employed by non-government agencies implementing them. The interaction between these two shape the reciprocal governing activity within the young person and youth worker power–knowledge relationship that, this paper will argue, is an important factor in the critique of neoliberal social policy. Young people are governed by a diverse array of knowledges developed by government, youth studies, NGOs and young people themselves. These knowledges interact, reinforce and contradict discourses of youth work. This paper focuses on a neoliberal social policy (FLO) which constructs youth as a surplus population in need of risk management, and youth workers as the producers of young workers. Furthermore, I will consider the interfering subjectification effects produced by an intake and assessment tool (Your Story) utilised by a non-government FLO provider. These discourses underpinning Your Story and FLO render young people and their workers as relational beings or economic citizens respectively.  相似文献   

African American and Latino youth who reside in inner-city communities are at heightened risk for compromised mental health, as their neighborhoods are too often associated with serious stressors, including elevated rates of poverty, substance abuse, community violence, as well as scarce youth-supportive resources, and mental health care options. Many aspects of disadvantaged urban contexts have the potential to thwart successful youth development. Adolescents with elevated mental health needs may experience impaired judgment, poor problem-solving skills, and conflictual interpersonal relationships, resulting in unsafe sexual behavior and drug use. However, mental health services are frequently avoided by urban adolescents who could gain substantial benefit from care. Thus, the development of culturally sensitive, contextually relevant and effective services for urban, low-income African American and Latino adolescents is critical. Given the complexity of the mental health and social needs of urban youth, novel approaches to service delivery may need to consider individual (i.e., motivation to succeed in the future), family (i.e., adult support within and outside of the family), and community-level (i.e., work and school opportunities) clinical components. Step-Up, a high school-based mental health service delivery model has been developed to bolster key family, youth and school processes related to youth mental health and positive youth development. Step-Up (1) intervenes with urban minority adolescents across inner-city ecological domains; (2) addresses multiple levels (school, family and community) in order to target youth mental health difficulties; and (3) provides opportunities for increasing youth social problem-solving and life skills. Further, Step-Up integrates existing theory-driven, evidence-based interventions. This article describes Step-Up clinical goals, theoretical influences, as well as components and key features, and presents preliminary data on youth engagement for two cohorts of students.  相似文献   

青年压力来源与社会支持系统优化策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代社会给青年提供了前所未有的发展机遇,也使青年承受着超出以往任何时代的生存压力.2011年,对山东城市在业青年进行的社会心态调查显示:当前青年的压力主要来自经济压力、工作压力、子女教育压力三个方面。研究表明:传统的家庭支持系统是青年应对经济压力和人生重大选择的主要支持力量,非正式社会支持系统和家庭共同构成青年情感支持的主要力量,正式的社会支持系统对青年的支持作用尚未得到充分发挥。建立相对完备的社会支持系统,需要从社会保障、组织覆盖、舆论影响、心理疏导等方面提升优化。  相似文献   


This paper reports the results of a comparative study of youth gangs in minority communities in Los Angeles and London, England. A combined qualitative-quantitative research design was used to obtain information on the experiences, attitudes and behaviors of Black youth who were involved with or influenced by gangs.

Measures included two semi-structured interview schedules for focus groups and individual youth, respectively. Demographic data and statistics on social indicators were obtained for this population in both cities from government and social agency reports on rates of school drop-outs, youth unemployment, involvement in the juvenile/criminal justice system, and health/mental health utilization.

The sample included a total of 144 African-American youth, ages 15-30, in 17 focus groups and 32 for individual interviews in Los Angeles, and a total of 86 Afro-Caribbean youth, ages 15-24, in ten focus groups and 66 for individual interviews in London. Results suggest that gangs provide minority youth with an alternative transitional structure for achieving social and economic mobility.  相似文献   

The new ‘youth mental health paradigm’ (IAYMH. 2015. “International Association for Youth Mental Health.” Accessed February 15, http://www.iaymh.org/) promotes the need for youth-friendly mental health options. Music therapy initiatives offer innovative modes of working towards young people’s recovery in ways that align with the ethos of these services (McCaffrey, Edwards, and Fannon. 2011. “Is There a Role for Music Therapy in the Recovery Approach in Mental Health?” The Arts in Psychotherapy 38 (3): 185–189). This paper details a participatory research project investigating how and why promoting young people’s musical identities can facilitate their recovery from mental illness. Young people accessing a music therapy programme in a youth mental health service in Australia participated in collaborative qualitative interviews that were analysed using constructivist grounded theory techniques. Cycles of action and reflection resulted in a grounded theory explaining the recovery of musical identity, and mapping young people’s community-based music needs for wellbeing. We propose that promoting young people’s musical identities facilitates recovery through: the construction of a health-based identity; facilitating meaning-making; and supporting social participation. Findings are discussed in relation to recovery literature and social justice issues that arise in response to findings about young people’s needs for appropriate music access.  相似文献   

Failure to thrive is a child protection issue that crosses the boundaries between many professional groups. It is a condition that places children at risk of negative developmental, social, physical and emotional consequences, but it has complex causal roots. Although there are known to be links between neglect, emotional abuse and failure to thrive, health and social care providers have differing responses and interventions with children who are failing to thrive. An examination of recent Scottish statistics supports the argument that there may be a gap between health and social care that some children may be falling through. Evidence from the literature regarding interagency roles and responsibilities is ambiguous, and the different, albeit overlapping, professional constructions of failure to thrive may result in a gap in care for some vulnerable children. It is only by beginning to understand the crucial links between different professions that we can contribute towards effective interagency child protection policy and practice. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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