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Ⅰ.冠词是依附于名词的一种虚词,而名词也依赖于冠词,二者常常不可分离。但是,名词前省略冠词或不用冠词(即零冠词)的情形,也屡见不鲜。例如: A husband and(a)wife must have something in common.夫妻之间必定有共同之处。 She Was nearly driven mad by loothache.她牙痛得要命。 The cars were parked nose lo tail along the wall of the slation facade.车站正面的墙边停满了小汽车。Ⅱ.名词前该用冠词而被省略的情形可  相似文献   

英法语言词类异同刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1.英语与法语的冠词的使用英语和法语都有冠词,而且冠词是置于名词之前,并且都有定冠词和不定冠词,它们总是与名词一起使用,限定名词,说明名词所表示的人或事物。但法词的冠词用法也有与英语冠词使用不同之处,有以下几点需要注意。1)国家名称:法语表示国家名称的名词前一般用定冠词而英语则不用,而且法语国家名称分阴、阳性;以e结尾的国家名称一般为阴性。LaFrance(French:法国)LaChine(China:中国)LeCanada(Canada:加拿大)LeJapon(Japan:日本)2)表示每星期几时法语要用定冠词,而英语则不用冠词Lemardietlejeudi(TuesdayandThursday,…  相似文献   

英语冠词的使用复杂,很难掌握,而零冠词的使用则更令人困惑。零冠词产生的原因和语言实践中的运用进行分析,引进“范围限定”的观点阐明零冠词与名词搭配所表示的实指意义,解决在名词前用或不用冠词的问题。  相似文献   

1.英语冠词,无论是不定冠词,还是定冠词,一般来说,应放在它所限定的名词之前,或放在该名词的修饰语(指放在名词前的修饰语)之前。例如: He is a student. 他是个学生。 He is a hard-Working student. 他是个勤奋的学生。 She lived in the building then. 她那时住在那幢楼里。 She lived in the red building then. 她那时住在那幢红楼里。 2.有时,冠词却放在它所限定的名词及该名词的修饰语之间,概括起来,大致有以  相似文献   

名词前用不用冠词不仅仅是个形式问题,更重要的是体现出冠词的特定用法和被其所修饰的名词在含义上的区别.在什么情况下名词前加冠词,在什么情况下不加冠词,都有一定的规律和所遵循的原则。  相似文献   

英语冠词的使用复杂,很难掌握,而零冠词的使用则更令人困惑。本文就零冠词产生的原因和语言实践中的运用进行了理论上的探讨和分析,并引进新的观点,从“范围限定”的角度阐述了零冠词与名词搭配所表示的实指意义,旨在解决在名词前用或不用冠词的问题。  相似文献   

From the second half of the twentieth centuryon,researchers have begun to analyze child languagelearning systematically.They have attempted to dis-cover the nature of the psycholinguistic process thatenables every human being to gain great control of anexceedingly complex system of communication.Learning outcomes may be influenced by individuallearner variables.The motivation of learning playsvery important role in second language learning.Alanguage teacher should get the intimate knowledge a-…  相似文献   

By using semi—micro—iodometrie method.the comparative studies on thb absorbent power of differant ions by different soil samples have been developed.It is noteworthy that the proposed technique is rapid and more reproucible.The theoretical equations are derived and the exoerimantal proceuresdare described.The maenitude of absorbent power of ion by soils is the intensity factorrespect to that of capacity factor.The reciprocal of coefficent of soil absoreent power of ion has been assumed to reprcsent the magnitude of soil absorbent power when the soil having been taken as reference has been fixedAccording fo this method.results of the absorbent power of different nutritious ions for cerfain paddy soils are presented.we get a linear relationshibatween ion—exchange adsorption of soil and nutritious ions.Tha absorbent power is not only a basic feature of soil except it's chepical and physical property but also a fandamental character for ions.Fathermore,in the practice.the absorbent power of nutritious ionsasNH_4~+,K~+,Ca~(++)and Mg~(++)has been invstigated,The absbent cower of ions bycoarse sandy earth and clayloam,the relationship befween absorbent powemand cultural practice as well as a significant illnstration ete are also discusd in details.All these results have clearly displayed the significance of soil absorbent power in the respect of directing the plant nutrition and the adequatefertilization.  相似文献   

<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION Along with the development of language, the use of ellipsishas become common in informal English as well as in formal.Not only we meet with the omission of words frequently,but that of phrases or even sentences. Neglecting it, we may,sometimes make mistakes and get into trouble. And this bringsbefore us the importance of English ellipsis. So, here, Iwould like to have an initial study of English ellipsis, the  相似文献   

六岁男孩:爸爸,我长大了要当北极探险家。爸爸:好极了,比尔。男孩:可是我想马上开始训练。爸爸:怎样训练?男孩:我要你每天给我一元钱买冰淇淋吃,这样我就可以习惯寒冷了。A six-year-old boy: Daddy, when I grow up I want to be an Arctic Explorer. Father: That's great, Bill. Boy: But I want to get some training at once.Father:How?B oy:W ell,I w ant a dollareveryday for an ice cream toget used to the cold.北极探险家…  相似文献   

<正> 从英语的词性(Parts of Speech)角度来看,the的语法功用主要可以划分为两大类;一类为冠词用法,一类为副词用法.一般情况下,the用作冠词的情形居多,在英语语句及各类文章中不乏其例,几乎俯拾可得.但是,我们不能因而就厚此薄彼,低估the的副词用法的重要性,事实上,the在英语中被用作副词的情况也并非少见,不容忽略.例如,由徐燕谋先生主编的、英语专业高年级精读通用教材《英语》第七册第十六课的课文“On Big Words”(《论大字眼》)中就有这么两个句子:  相似文献   

There is an old Hindi proverb, it goes, "Language changes every eighteenor twenty miles". Despite the influence of television and radio, you canstill find a surprising number of regional varieties of spoken English withinthe United States, Canada, Australia and especially within the BritishIsles.  相似文献   

英语冠词的使用既复杂又难掌握,而其“泛指”的语义功能更令人困惑。从认知的观点分析和探讨英语“有定冠词”the、“无定冠词”a(n)与“零冠词”Φ的“泛指”语义功能,旨在使英语学习者从“认知”,到“运用”,到“表情达意”有个全面的认识,从而提高冠词使用的准确性。  相似文献   

英语中的a(不定冠词)与汉语中的"一"并不总是完全对等的.冠词是英语所特有的,不定冠词a是由原来的数词one(一个)变化而来,所以常常保留"一个"的含义.汉语没有冠词,也没有单复数之分,其限定差不多完全由上下文的情境而定.  相似文献   

Interception can shake Murdoch's the News Corporation;can also make the president of a country quit the political scene;even can trigger a coup.There's no exaggeration. Only knowing yourself as well as the enemy,then you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat. But how can one know the enemy? Interception is the most powerful tool. It is doomed to have connection with political scene ever since its birth.  相似文献   

一、你知道签证被拒的原因吗?大多数的学生都收到包括以下内容的信:This means you have residence in a foreign coun-try that you have no intention of abandoning; andsocial, economic, and other ties that would compelyour return after a temporary and lawful visit. UnderSection 214(b) of the Immigration and Nationality Actof 1952, as amended, a visa may not be issued to anyapplicant who is unable to overcome the presumptionthat he or she is an immigrant by demonstrating theabove factors to the satisfa…  相似文献   

I. Introduction During the past forty years a considerable number of theoretical studies and practical research concerning learner errors and error correction have been carried out in the West(e.g. Hendrickson, Fanselow, Allwright,etc. ). These studies and investigations have contributed a great deal to the trend away from behaviourist/audiolingual language  相似文献   

冠词是最典型的限定词。在名词词组中,不定冠词a/an的位置通常位于前置修饰语之前。如:aneasyproblemtosolve解决一个容易的问题;aboringfilm一部枯燥的电影。但在某些特定的情况下,a/an一般却要用于前置修饰语之后。  相似文献   

Introduction English Language teaching as a profession has enjoyed a long history.And ever since itsinitiation,people have investigated different models in language acquisition/learning andteaching,although only in recent years has attention been paid to the studies of SLA.In theChinese setting,research in foreign language teaching(TEFL)has been made in the fashionof the theories of first language acguisition or SLA,for it is believed that the contributions tostudies of the input provided by mothers(i.e motherese) in L1 acquisition and teachers inter-locuters in SLA are necessarily important for understanding the direction that TEEL researchhas followed,as they have provided both a methodololgy for investigating input and the re-search questions.The behaviorist,the cognitivist and the interactionist approaches have putforward different models in interpreting L1 acquisition and SLA,which obviously have theirown merits and demerits,depending on the level at which they are employed and the purposethey are  相似文献   

Historically, women have becn considered to be inferior to men. They have discriminated in one way or another. This unequal sexist phenomenon is reflected in language, too. Rccently, thcre has becn a noticeablc increase in the numberof articles and books on the subject of Language and Sexism. We have noticed sexism exists in language and women have a language of their own, which is different from and inferior to the language of men in socicty, This paper attempts to discuss such kind of inequality in English language.  相似文献   

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