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体面劳动回归劳动的本体价值和人文关怀,尊重劳动者的主体尊严、关照劳动者的生命安全和权利公正、追求劳动者的自我价值实现,是迄今为止最进步和文明的劳动伦理形态。新生代农民工作为我国重要的建设力量和劳动主体,理应获得社会的认同和尊重。然而,由于制度正义失缺、社会道德关怀缺失、主体现代化能力薄弱,他们在劳动中人格尊严得不到尊重,劳动权益保障缺失,社会保障权利贫乏,社会话语权缺失,体面劳动实现困难重重。推动新生代农民工实现体面劳动,应加强对这一阶层的伦理关怀和价值认同,积极构建公平正义的制度体系、营造人道主义的社会道德环境、提升他们的主体现代性素养。  相似文献   

张方玉 《唐都学刊》2006,22(2):36-39
道德价值是道德本质的真正体现,对于元伦理、规范伦理、美德伦理具有根本性和终极性的意义。现代伦理学的一个主要问题就是对于道德价值的忽视,这在很大程度上影响了伦理学的发展与社会道德的进步。建构起公正与幸福的道德价值,可以生成内在的激励机制,促进个体道德的提升、增强规范伦理的有效性,可以促成元伦理、规范伦理、美德伦理的统一。人类为实现幸福的公正而制定的规范才是真正的道德规范,人类为实现公正的幸福而完善的德性才是真正的美德。  相似文献   

制度伦理与社会道德进步   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李仁武 《探求》2002,2(4):35-38,6
道德建设不能就道德论道德,社会道德秩序的形成和巩固要通过制度的力量来调整和规范。制度伦理是制度伦理化和伦理制度化的统一,它是社会道德进步的基础。要从根本上解决当前道德“失范”的问题,必须从制度伦理环境的建设入手,制定并完善一整套能够有效约束社会成员的合理的制度体系。  相似文献   

为什么行动要合乎道德?这个问题不是伦理学内部准则的问题,而是关于整个伦理学的问题,是用什么伦理观点来看待事物的问题。我认为伦理学的特点是:伦理判断是具有普遍性的。伦理学要求我们超出个人观点而采取公正的旁观者所持有的普遍的观点。从古以来,就有哲学家认为合理的行动就是合乎道德的行动。因为伦理是具有普遍性的、公正的;而理性也是有普遍性并客观地正确的。伦理和理性都要求我们摆脱各自特殊的观点。理性要求我  相似文献   

诚信、公正和责任是政府信用的伦理要素,关涉着政府信用的高低。而目前我国政府在制度、组织和行政人方面存在的某些失范现象,却损害了诚信、公正和责任的政府形象,使政府信用陷入伦理困境。社会转型是这种困境出现的根本原因,而制度的合理性、组织的公共性不足以及行政人的道德异化则是导致这种困境的具体原因。对此,从制度伦理、组织伦理和行政人道德三个维度可以实现对政府信用的宏观、中观和微观的伦理建构。  相似文献   

应当重视“道德风险”研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文认为 ,社会公共生活中的道德风险主要来源于两个方面 ,一是社会公共生活选择结果对社会道德风尚与道德意识影响的不确定性 ,二是作为公共职责履行者的社会成员个人道德行为的不确定性对社会公共生活可能带来的影响。作者指出 ,道德风险问题的存在提醒人们 ,应当注意公共生活中的任何一个重大决策对社会道德可能造成的影响 ,注意广义伦理环境的存在 ,注意在社会公共生活管理中将立足点放在加强制度体制建设而不是选拔贤者仁人上  相似文献   

林玉玲 《探求》2006,(Z1):110
公共管理的职业伦理是一种从根本上实现政治和行政的公正、公平、正义的道德要求.公共管理运行过程中如果职业伦理缺失,公共管理秩序就无法创造,公共管理亦终究不能持久.可以说,公共管理的职业伦理是建立现代服务型政府的根本要求.  相似文献   

韩国公共伦理制度建设及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邵任薇 《探求》2006,(5):45-48
公共伦理制度化已成为世界各国公共伦理管理的普遍趋势。本文重点介绍了韩国公共伦理制度建设的概况,主要涉及伦理立法和机构管理的内容。借鉴韩国公共伦理制度建设的成功经验,我国的公共伦理制度建设应做到对公职人员道德要求实事求是,分层次提出不同的要求;既要道德“自律,”更要强化公共伦理制度的“他律;”公共伦理制度建设应注重实效性,防止流于形式。  相似文献   

张燕  王露璐 《唐都学刊》2013,29(5):6-10
“政策性离婚”是指因国家政策的变化而出现的离婚现象,其实质是通过假离婚等非常规方式规避政策的限制,以实现个人或家庭利益的最大化。诱发“政策性离婚”的伦理因素包括:经济利益至上导致的婚姻伦理关系的淡化、道德监督缺失带来的婚姻主体道德责任的弱化以及制度伦理失范引发的社会道德环境的恶化。为了减少“政策性离婚”等类似社会现象的发生,必须强化个体道德自律,坚守婚姻的道德底线;健全道德监督机制,促进社会生活的规范化;推进制度伦理建设,维护社会的正义与和谐。  相似文献   

社会公正视野下的农民工社会保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会公正是社会保障的首要价值追求.随着改革开放的深入和社会经济、政治、文化的全面发展,我国在城市建立起了多层次的社会保障制度,但农民工却仍被排斥在这一制度之外.造成农民工社会保障缺失的原因主要有城乡二元户籍制度的阻隔、社会保障"地方分权"模式的分割体制和社会保险关系难以转移和续接等技术难题.建设社会主义和谐社会,必须逐步实现农民工市民化,进一步改革户籍管理制度,分类分层建立农民工的社会保障体系,使农民工充分享受社会发展的成果.  相似文献   

郝秋丽 《社会工作》2008,(14):27-29
边缘老人在此特指被外来务工人员带到城市中来、在城市中生活、主要职责就是帮助成年子女照看孩子的老人。笔者采用质的研究方法,访谈对象是北京市华奥打工子弟学校一名学生的奶奶,目的在于通过深人的个案分析,对边缘老人在京的休闲活动、社会支持网络、自我概念与发展以及求助形态与意愿等进行深人的综合探讨。经过调查,笔者发现,这些在京的边缘老人的生活比较单一,对自我的评价也处于相对矛盾的状态。基于调查资料分析结果,笔者结合社会工作心理社会治疗模式的理论就如何对这一群体开展社会工作,服务城市中的边缘老人做了进一步的探索。  相似文献   

The present study examined moral distress among Finnish social workers and the role of perceived resource insufficiencies in explaining it. The aim was to shed light on this understudied phenomenon in the field of social welfare. The study focused on work‐related moral distress, defined as impaired wellbeing that is connected to the continual inability to implement actions that one considers morally appropriate. The survey data were collected with an electronic questionnaire between the years 2011 and 2012. The respondents (n = 817) were social workers in the public social welfare services and the overall response rate was 46.5 per cent. Nearly 11 per cent of the respondents reported experiencing moral distress and perceived resource insufficiencies strongly explained this experience. Moreover, social workers with moral distress reported that they were less willing to continue in their post, were more frequently on sick leave and had positive work‐related experiences less often than their colleagues who did not experience moral distress. Key Practitioner Message: ● The concept of moral distress is useful in describing the experiences of social welfare workers when they are unable to practise their profession according to their moral code and the emotional burden related to this inability;Perceived resource insufficiencies are strongly associated with experiences of moral distress among frontline social workers;Social workers experiencing moral distress are less willing to continue in their work, take sick leave more often and less frequently have positive experiences related to their work.  相似文献   

马克思认为劳动时间不仅应该有身体界限,而且应该有道德界限,资本主义社会资本家为了占有工人的剩余劳动时间,使用各种手段延长劳动时间,既突破了劳动时间的道德界限,也突破了劳动时间的身体界限。我国社会主义市场经济建设中,也存在劳动时间过长的问题,但这与资本主义社会劳动时间过长存在着本质的区别。对我国劳动时间状态进行伦理反思,既要认识其产生的历史必然性,也要认识其危害,在此,马克思的劳动时间界限理论对于我国目前劳动制度建设具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Correspondence to Lars-Christer Hydén, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Summary The facts of household finances generally obtain their meaningfrom the moral standards of everyday life: it is in relationto these standards that we evaluate our personal finances. Personswho lack money and apply for social welfare compensation generallyhave to turn to a public social welfare bureau where their eligibilityis assessed by a professional social worker. The central questionfor the present study is how social workers and clients dealwith the morally delicate question of personal financial deficitsand how this question should be processed in a formal and institutionalsetting by formal means. This problem is discussed through ananalysis of conversations between social workers and clientsat social welfare bureaux in the municipality of Stockholm,Sweden. In pursuing a formal inquiry the social worker is conductinga moral search: the social worker has to determine the moralcharacter of the client and the circumstances around his/herhandling of his/her own financial situation. The ‘relevantcharacteristics of the citizen’ that the social workertries to match with the beneficiary rules are of a moral nature.In this respect, the social worker is not only a social workerbut also a moral worker. In order to define and defend his orher moral character the client has to pursue the financial issueas a moral issue. In the encounter, the client alludes to everydaycircumstances to account for his/her financial situation andto justify it by applying everyday moral standards.  相似文献   

Summary This article attempts to locate the ‘moral panic’concerning child abuse within the context of broader changesin the material conditions and ideological forces in Britainin the early 1970s. It argues that the development of a senseof social anxiety amongst certain sections of the populationand the appeal of the New Right were crucial in the processof establishing the problem as the major issue for social workers.As a consequence social workers have been constrained into amore punitive and interventive relationship with children andfamilies, particularly the poor. The analysis illustrates thatthe way social workers experience role conflict and tensionin this area of their work reflects much wider historical andcultural confusions and contradictions.  相似文献   

Previous studies of clinical social workers have neither described a representative range of their theoretical orientations, nor have they established a firm relationship between professed theoretical orientation and either hypothetical or actual in-session behavior. A related question which has not been thoroughly examined is whether client problems constrain clinical social workers from adhering to specific theoretical orientations or "schools" of practice. This study therefore has two purposes: (1) to assess the psychometric properties of a range of theoretical orientation measures on a sample of clinical social workers, and (2) to determine how much of the variation in these measures is explained by: (a) professed theoretical orientation and (b) the problems for which specific in-session behaviors are used. These issues were investigated with analogues of clinical interviews and attitude scales which discriminate among helping professionals in terms of their theoretical orientations. The sample consists of 199 currently practicing M.S.W. and doctoral clinical social workers. Findings supported the validity and reliability of the scales and revealed that professed theoretical orientation explains approximately 5 to 20 percent of the variance in beliefs about the helping process. However, approximately 40 to 60 percent of the variance in hypothetical in-session behavior is explained by the problems for which those behaviors are intended. These findings suggest that while clinical social workers' beliefs about the helping process are weakly related to their professed theoretical orientations, their choices of specific in-session behaviors in hypothetical interviews are strongly influenced by the problems for which those behaviors are intended.  相似文献   


Health-care workers may experience moral distress when they are unable to act as they believe is ethically appropriate in their clinical work. A social worker-facilitated protocol called Reflective Debriefing was developed and tested for alleviating moral distress through regular debriefings with nursing staff on an intensive care unit (ICU). Forty-two ICU nurses completed a Moral Distress Scale-Revised (MDS-R) at the beginning and end of a 6-month period, during which time regular debriefings were offered. The overall level of moral distress on the ICU surveyed was found to be low to moderate. The top three most frequent situations causing moral distress reported by most nurses in this study were related to the provision of nonbeneficial care in the ICU. Participants reported gaining the most benefit from feeling empowered to constructively confront other staff members about truth-telling in giving a prognosis. Nurses’ overall response to the intervention was positive, with 100% of participants requesting to continue the Reflective Debriefing sessions either on a monthly or on an as-needed basis. The response to the intervention emphasized the importance of interprofessional collaboration to successfully combat moral distress among health-care workers and may protect them from burnout, detachment, and even quitting their profession.  相似文献   

Moral conviction forms the foundation for strong, morally vested attitudes and beliefs (i.e., "moral mandates") that have high action potential because they are "oughts" and "shoulds." Although moral mandates may sometimes lead people to engage in prosocial behaviors, they can also lead people to disregard procedural safeguards. This article briefly reviews research that indicates that people become very unconcerned with how moral mandates are achieved, so long as they are achieved. In short, we find that commitments to procedural safeguards that generally protect civil society become psychologically eroded when people are pursuing a morally mandated end. Understanding the "dark side" of moral conviction may provide some insight into the motivational underpinnings of engaging in extreme acts like terrorism, as well as people's willingness to forego civil liberties in their pursuit of those who do.  相似文献   

引入情感教学法,增强高校思想道德课的实效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了增强高校思想道德课的实效性,本文主张引入情感教学法。文章介绍了情感教学法的涵义和教学原则以及情感源点。情感教学法增强思想道德课实效性的作用在于:首先,通过增进大学生对道德观念和道德规范的认知及其內化、陶冶大学生的道德情操、塑造大学生的道德意志行为,来增强大学生的思想道德素质;其次,情感教学法有助于促进大学生身心健康和全面发展。  相似文献   

The lack of engagement of fathers by child welfare services is well‐documented in the literature as a serious problem. Towards addressing this problem, this paper reports the findings of interviews with 18 fathers about their involvement with child welfare services in Ontario, Canada. Qualitative analysis of the interviews yielded themes about what men saw as the positive and negative aspects of their involvement with child welfare. Positive aspects of service involvement for fathers included understanding and supportive workers, useful assistance from workers, being connected to useful resources and being given a ‘wake‐up call’. Negative aspects of service involvement included uncaring, unhelpful and unprofessional workers; prejudice against fathers; and experiencing the child welfare system as unresponsive, uncaring and rigid. Implications for practice are discussed with a view to improving the engagement of men in, and their experiences with, child welfare services.  相似文献   

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