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Ying Zhang 《Social Studies》2017,108(5):204-209
With the significant enrollment increase of English Language Learners (ELLs) nationwide, social studies teachers face challenges to educate these students. As a response to the literature of preparing all content teachers to work with ELLs, this article introduces three teacher-friendly language-focused strategies. These strategies help social studies teachers to address the linguistic demands in this specific discipline for the purpose of content mastery. The author first discusses the linguistic challenges in social studies and argues that commonly used cognitively based strategies often fail to provide sufficient scaffolding for ELLs. The author then introduces three language-focused strategies with examples.  相似文献   

王东呈 《职业时空》2012,(1):116-117
通过零压力英语摸底测试和座谈得出高校艺体类专业开展专业化英语教学存在学生基础薄弱、班级分配不合理、师资不足、教学效果不明显等弊端。在充实师资力量的基础上,利用多媒体教学方式对艺体类学生开展分级教学,并加强课堂多元素的运用,活化英语专业知识和术语的学习,可实现艺体类学生英语学习专业化,从而达到将学生培养成为专业加英语的复合型人才的目的。  相似文献   

In high school, it is necessary to improve the English reading ability of high school students and improve the efficiency of English learning in high school students, so as to give full play to the role of family and school. It is necessary to help students improve their reading ability in order to get effective information. Based on this, this paper analyzes the meaning of the combination of family school, and explains how to cultivate the English reading ability of senior students.  相似文献   

This article seeks to review recent research and scholarship in the sociology of Catholicism, as well as focusing on areas needing greater attention. In taking stock of this literature, I identify institutional change, church-society interactions, institutional resources and influence, and the church as international actor as four key topics that have engaged scholarship. I review existing research under each, as well as highlighting gaps and blind spots that invite further inquiry of this specific religious group.  相似文献   

Un nombre d'études ont essayé d'expliquer la récente emergence de l'église Catholique Romaine comme agent de changement social dans plusieurs parties du monde. La plupart d'entre elles se sont plus particulièrement intéressées au développement d'un nouvel engagement organisationnel pour la justice sociale dans des Églises spécifiques nationales ou régionales. Relativement peu d'entre elles en revanche se sont intéressées aux subtilités du changement organisationnel à un niveau sub-national ou diocésal. Utilisant des données de recherche assembllées dans les diocèses de Victoria et de Toronto, cette étude aide à aborder cette déficience grâce à un examen des facteurs-clefs qui contribuent à une transformation organisationnelle au niveau de l'église locale au Canada. Les résultats de l'étude appuient le développement d'un modèle nouveau quant à la compréhension des variations non-nationales dans l'engagement organisationnel pour le changement, modèle qui prend en compte non seulement l'orientation idéologique de l'évêque local mais aussi sa volonté et sa capacitéà mobiliser des ressources spécifiques plédant la cause de la justice sociale. A number of studies have attempted to explain the recent emergence of the Roman Catholic Church as an agent of social change in many parts of the world. Most of these have focussed upon the development of a new organizational commitment to social justice in specific national or regional Churches. Relatively few, however, have concerned themselves with the subtleties of organizational change at the sub-national or diocesan level. Using field research data collected in the dioceses of Victoria and Toronto, this study helps to address this deficiency through an examination of key factors conducive to organizational transformation at the level of the local Church in Canada. The study's findings support the development of a new model for mapping and understanding sub-national variations in the organizational commitment to change which takes into account not only the local bishop's ideological orientation, but also his willingness and ability to mobilize specific resources in support of the social justice cause.  相似文献   

玉学程  韦诚 《职业时空》2012,(9):119-120
目前中职的商务英语水平尤其是商务英语口语水平不是很理想,这一现象已经引起了教育界的关注。文章围绕如何提高中职学生的商务英语口语表达能力这一核心内容,从学习者和教育者两个方面对学生口语表达能力的现状进行了分析,并针对这些原因,分别对学生和教师提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

"后真相"时代的到来引领了"情感先行,真相次之"的媒介生态变革.在微信全面普及的今天,各类信息通过公众号、朋友圈和微信群实时推送,而铺天盖地的信息分享、意见表达与言论互动前所未有地重构着人们对媒体传播和社交互动的认知.大学生作为微信使用的主力军,是"后真相"时代各种社会现象和问题首当其冲的接收者.面对真假难辨的信息来源、良莠不齐的信息内容和精心包装的多面真相,大学生必须努力提升自身的微信素养,客观认识"后真相"时代信息传播的特点和规律.政府、社会、学校与家庭应当搭建联动合作机制,为大学生的微信使用提供有力保障,帮助学生形成正确的主流意识认同和社会文化价值观.  相似文献   

大学生心理健康与干预策略研讨会综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年6月3日至5日,全国首届“大学生研究学术论坛”暨“大学生心理健康与干预策略”研讨会在武汉大学召开。这次大会由武汉大学政治与公共管理学院和上海社会科学院社会发展研究院主办,《当代青年研究》杂志社和武汉大学发展与教育心理研究所具体承办。来自全国43所高校的近100名学者,围绕“和谐社会与心理健康”的主题,分“大学生心理健康与和谐社会构建”、“大学生心理健康状况特点及自我维护”、“大学生心理咨询与心理健康教育方法与模式”、“大学生心理健康教育的本土化与发展趋势”等专题进行了深入的研讨。本文是会议有关观点的综述。  相似文献   

Abstract Objective: The investigators examined the health and well-being correlates of hearing the popular phrase "that's so gay" among gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) emerging adults. Participants: Participants were 114 self-identified GLB students aged 18 to 25?years. Methods: An online survey was distributed to students at a large public university in the Midwest during winter 2009. Results: Participants' social and physical well-being was negatively associated with hearing this phrase, specifically feeling isolated and experiencing physical health symptoms (ie, headaches, poor appetite, or eating problems). Conclusions: College professionals and student leaders must acknowledge that the phrase is a form of heterosexist harassment. As such, policies addressing diversity and harassment should address students' use of this phrase, aiming to reduce its use. Additionally, colleges and universities should develop practices that counteract poorer well-being associated with hearing the phrase.  相似文献   

徐建军 《职业时空》2012,(1):120-121
以外语教育心理学为理论基础,剖析了技校英语教学中情感障碍的状况及其产生的原因,提出了消除情感障碍的策略。最后阐述了技校英语教师在消除情感障碍中的能力素质要求,旨在唤起加强自身建设,积极应对矛盾的意识,达到真正从根本上提高技校英语教学水平和效能的目标。  相似文献   

张磊 《职业时空》2013,(9):76-77,84
提高高职学生的英语听说能力是大学英语教学的一项重要任务。目前,高职学生英语基础薄弱,高职院校教师素质有待提高,教学方法还不能完全满足教学需求。文章结合当今高职英语听说课程现状,提出了相应的改进策略和可行措施,旨在提高学生的英语听说能力。  相似文献   

乔颖 《职业时空》2012,(6):162-163,167
采用定量分析方法,调查了深圳信息职业技术学院103名英语专业学生的听力元认知策略使用情况。探索性因子分析得出4个影响因子,依使用频率由高到低为:选择注意、猜测联想、方法探索和自我评估。描述性统计分析结果表明,高职英语专业学生听力元认知策略的整体使用频率偏低。  相似文献   

Tibetan literature as a part of Chinese literature, has its own unique place in the world, In the context of overseas promotion of Chinese literature, translati...  相似文献   

In this paper I argue that the racial ideology of the Western nations of the world-system has converged over the past twenty years. This new ideology or, as many analysts call it, the "new racism," includes: (1) the notion of cultural rather than biological difference, (2) the abstract and decontextualized use of the discourse of liberalism and individualism to rationalize racial inequality, and (3) a celebration of nationalism that at times acquires an ethnonational character. I contend that this ideological convergence reflects the histories of racial imperialism of all these countries, the fact that they have all developed real–although different–racial structures that award systemic rewards to their "White" citizens, and the significant presence of the "Other" (Black, Arab, Turk, aboriginal people, etc.) in their midst. I use the cases of Germany, France, the Netherlands, and New Zealand to illustrate my point.  相似文献   

This paper explores the complex and dynamic relationship between religion, sexuality and health in the particular context of the Lihir Islands in Papua New Guinea. Through the teachings of Catholicism in Lihir, a version of human sexuality and relationships is promoted that assumes lifelong monogamy, heterosexuality and restraint of sexual desire to ensure safe reproduction and sexuality. Techniques of governance shape reproductive practices in accord with this moral regime. This paper seeks to analyse how Lihirians manage the gap between this idealised model for human sexuality, and their everyday lives. I argue that while Catholicism shapes the moral regime, Lihirians exercise their moral agency, strategically responding to the particular circumstances of their lives in making reproductive decisions.  相似文献   

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