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The ‘Community Development, Sustainable Development andthe Environment’ section at the Budapest conference broughttogether people from Norway and Hungary involved in linkingsustainable development and community development. Participantsdiscussed ways of linking these issues and examples of goodpractice from each country. They summarized their conclusionsfor the Budapest Declaration. In this article the discussionand examples are presented.  相似文献   

Universities have the potential to play a leading role in enabling communities to develop more sustainable ways of living and working however, sustainable communities may only emerge with facilitation, community learning and continual efforts to build their capacities. Elements of programme planning and evaluation on the one hand, and capacity building on the other, are needed. The latter entails approaches and processes that may contribute to community empowerment; universities may either lead such approaches, or be key partners in an endeavour to empower communities to address the challenges posed by the need for sustainable development. Although capacity building and the promotion of sustainable development locally, are on the agenda for universities who take seriously regional engagement, very little is published that illustrates or describes the various forms of activities that take place. Further, there is a paucity of studies that have evaluated the work performed by universities in building capacity for sustainable development at the local level. This paper is an attempt to address this need, and entails an empirical study based on a sample of universities in the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal and Brazil. The paper examines the extent to which capacity building for sustainable development is being undertaken, suggests the forms that this might take and evaluates some of the benefits for local communities. The paper concludes by reinforcing that universities have a critical role to play in community development; that role has to prioritise the sustainability agenda.  相似文献   

The varying responses of the Maghreb countries to the closure of the West European labour markets to immigrant labour inflows in 1973 are examined. While Algeria has affirmed its commitment to the return and re‐integration of its migrant community, Tunisia and Morocco have pursued policies of migrant re‐direction. Although emigration to Libya has increased substantially, fluctuating political relations made this a highly unstable destination. Government efforts to secure employment opportunities in the Gulf emirates and in Saudi Arabia have been markedly less successful. Long‐term solutions to the employment problems of the North African states demand radical new policies.  相似文献   

刘幸坤 《城市》2010,(8):62-64
随着城市建设的迅猛发展及人们物质文化生活水平的不断提高,建筑市场愈发繁荣,建筑风格由单一模式向多元化方向迈进。尤其在近几年,欧洲古典建筑风格在中国这片东方文化根深蒂固的土地上,如雨后春笋般蓬勃发展起来,大到政府办公楼,小到街边一隅,都能看到欧洲古典建筑的影子,柱廊、拱券、雕塑、喷泉等欧式元素充斥着我们的视线。  相似文献   

Community theory, at present, gives little importance to communal character in modern urban settings. This “search for community” results from continually conceptualizing community rigidly in terms of the traditional social forms of kinship and rooted neighborhood. Recent interest in social networks has revealed that individuals characterized by mobility and high achievement may not participate in traditional community, but rather in primary friendship networks based upon other variables such as affectivity. A comparative analysis of such networks and traditional community is presented. The primary friendship network while containinggesellschaft characteristics is community-like. Community theory, therefore, must consider manifold forms of primary association to gain a fuller understanding of the communal elements present in modern urban society. This is a revision of an earlier paper entitled “Evolving Community, Friendship and Communion: Some Conceptual Notes” presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August, 1976. I wish to acknowledge the contribution of several persons to the development of this paper. T. Dunbar Moodie, Judith-Maria Buechler, L. C. Young, James L. Spates, Lynn E. Crevling, and especially Jack Dash Harris have provided challenging, and therefore valuable, criticism.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper, an attempt was made to relate clinical practice to theory as it provides direction in working with transference manifestations presented by a patient entering therapy with an immediate need to overvalue the therapist. The problem was related to the patient's inability to tolerate separation (object loss) because of failure to develop ego precipitates leading to her own positive self-image. The conditions for developing a positive self-image were outlined. Vignettes from the patient's history were offered to illustrate the problem in practice.  相似文献   

Research into the biological basis of frailty has been difficult to accomplish because of a lack of standardized definitions, disease and disability confounders, and complex multifactorial etiology. Multiple physiological systems are likely to be involved, including the skeletal muscle, endocrine, and immune/inflammation systems. Physiological characterization of frail older adults might provide etiologic clues. Translational research programs that connect mechanisms related to aging, such as oxidative damage and telomere shortening, to clinical aging-related syndromes will be necessary to further this critical area of geriatric research.  相似文献   

Sustainable development calls for choices among alternative policy options. It is a common view that such choices can be justified by appealing to an evaluative ranking of the options with respect to how their consequences affect a broad range of prudential and moral values. Three philosophically motivated proposals for analysing evaluative rankings are discussed: the measured merits model (e.g. Chang), the ordered values model (e.g. Griffin), and the permissible preference orderings model (Rabinowicz). The analysis focuses on the models’ potential for making transparent how an evaluative ranking can contribute to a justified choice among options, particularly in situations that involve diverse values as typically found in debates on sustainable development. Such transparency plays a crucial role when policy rankings are going to be used as arguments in political decision processes. The measured merits model is found to have questionable consequences for the concept of sustainability, while the ordered values model calls for an axiological framework that cannot plausibly be spelled out for sustainability. The permissible preference orderings model is more promising. Its formal structure and its ability to deal with value-pluralism provide an interesting re-structuring of the problem of justifying choices in sustainability issues.  相似文献   

Critical gerontology attempts a radical approach to adult ageing drawing on both the personal experience of older adults and their relationship to social and structural inequality. In this paper the author uses personal historical experience to chart a critical approach to intergenerational relationships and draw out lessons and new directions for a revitalised critical approach to adult ageing. The concept of generational intelligence is introduced, as a joint project with another author, and as a bridge toward future intergenerational solidarities.  相似文献   

Inadequate environmental sanitation in many cities is a major cause of diseases and is a drain on the economy by way of lost workdays, cost of treatment and cleanup activities. Municipal authorities and policymakers need to act fast to address this issue. Sustainable waste management provides a comprehensive inter-disciplinary framework for addressing the problems of managing urban solid waste, in the resource constrained developing countries where quality of such services are poor and costs are high often with no effective means of recovering them. Upgrading the coverage of waste management and services and increasing their efficiency is a precondition for improving the environmental quality of cities. This paper highlights the fact that the involvement and participation of all the stakeholders such as the waste generators, waste processors, formal and informal agencies, non-governmental organisations and financing institutions is a key factor for the sustainable waste management.  相似文献   

Governments often compensate communities for hosting disruptive industries. Sometimes compensation comes with restrictions that preclude highly-valued investments. I exploit policy discontinuities at the Pennsylvania-Ohio border to understand how restrictions affect local investment. Ohio delivers unrestricted revenues to schools and municipalities with shale development. Pennsylvania leaves out schools, and requires that municipalities address the industry's impacts. Municipalities in both states save most of the revenues. Ohio schools leverage them to increase borrowing and finance capital investments. This suggests that affected residents have greater demand for school investments, and that broad use of compensation may benefit communities more than allocating it narrowly.  相似文献   

Older people are often positioned as passive recipients of care and dependent on resources or as overly productive and active. In this paper, we seek a more nuanced, middle ground between such stereotypes, by exploring the question: what contributions do older people make to the places they live in? Drawing on qualitative research from Aotearoa New Zealand, involving focus groups and interviews, we examine the varied and active ways many older people are involved in and contribute to their neighbourhoods and communities, or what we term ‘care for place’. In particular, we identify the different forms of older people's care for place, including volunteering, activism, advocacy, and nurturing, and consider how these efforts positively impact on older people and the communities in which they live. Whilst we caution against assumptions that all older people should be productively involved, we argue that greater understanding of older people's care for place is central to challenging stereotypes of older people as either passive and dependent, or highly active.  相似文献   

1938 was a year of despair for the Jews of Austria and Germany. In July, the delegates from 32 nations who met at Evian‐les‐Bains, France, to identify refugee havens for the victims of Nazi persecution, made it clear that the world would not accept large numbers of refugees.1 Shanghai being an open port was one of the few exceptions.2 At that time there were already two Jewish communities in this remote corner of the world and their interaction with each other and with the refugees from Nazi oppression is the subject of this article. My main focus will be on the first Jewish community which was made up of Jews from Baghdad.  相似文献   

This study puts forward a variable clique overlap model for identifying information communities, or potentially overlapping subgroups of network actors among whom reinforced independent links ensure efficient communication. We posit that the average intensity of communication between related individuals in information communities is greater than in other areas of the network. Empirical tests show that the variable clique overlap model is indeed more effective in identifying groups of individuals that have strong internal relationships in communication networks relative to prior cohesive subgroup models; the pathways generated by such an arrangement of connections are particularly robust against disruptions of information transmission. Our findings extend the scope of network closure effects proposed by other researchers working with communication networks using social network methods and approaches, a tradition which emphasizes ties between organizations, groups, individuals, and the external environment.  相似文献   

黄志宏 《城市》2006,(6):31-34
一、引言 城市是具有一定人口规模与密度,以非农产业为主的一种特殊聚居地,是一个国家或地区的政治、经济与文化中心地."产业革命"以后,西方国家城市迅速转向以工业职能为主,社会生产力得到很大发展,但在物质财富迅速增加的同时,由于环境不断恶化,人地矛盾的加深,以及社会矛盾的激化,各种城市问题相应而生."二战"后人们深刻地认识到经济发展并不等同于社会进步,其城市发展战略逐渐转入调整期,最明显的是强调城市社会、经济与环境三者间的协调与可持续发展,由原先的惟经济发展模式,转向注重"可居性"等以人为本的城市发展观.  相似文献   

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