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计划生育利益导向机制是人口计生工作的重要内容,是指政府通过制定政策,采取奖励、优先优惠、救助扶持、补充社会保障等手段,使实行计划生育的家庭得到诸多优惠、优待和照顾,从而引导生育主体主动自愿实行计划生育。利益导向机制的建立,让计划生育家庭在经济上得到实惠,自觉实行生育政策,对稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题发挥了积极作用。但随着改革开放的深入,我国实施计划生育利益导向的经济社会环境发生了重大变化,计划生育利益导向机制需要进一步调整和完善。  相似文献   

实践与思考:计划生育利益导向机制——以阳江市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平 《南方人口》2006,21(4):1-6
计划生育利益导向机制,是指政府从宏观社会经济政策的制定上采取综合措施,充分利用经济杠杆的宏观调控作用,使实行计划生育的家庭得到多方面的优惠、优待和照顾,使不符合法定条件而生育多子女的公民受到多方面的限制和制约,激励生育主体从切身利益出发,衡量生育孩子的成本与效益之间的利弊得失,从而达到使人们自觉实行计划生育,以调节人口规模的目的。这种从经济利益、价值取向、个人及家庭社会地位及荣辱出发引导群众自觉调节生育行为,自愿实行计划生育的工作机制,被称为计划生育利益导向机制。本文对阳江市计划生育利益导向机制的实践加以…  相似文献   

青海省化隆回族自治县建立健全人口与计划生育利益导向机制,资助全县农村“独生子女户”和“双女户”家庭子女完成九年义务教育的优惠政策。  相似文献   

计划生育奖励优惠政策是国家对实行计划生育的夫妻按规定给予的荣誉、财物和基本社会保障等方面的奖励优惠措施,帮助他们提高生产、生活水平和有关社会福利,使实行计划生育的家庭得到多方面的实惠,激励育龄公民自觉实行计划生育。在当前社会主义新农村建设中,建立和完善计划生育利益导向机制,既是推动农村计划生育工作,稳定低生育水平的重要内容,也是解决三农问题,构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。建立和完善计划生育利益导向机制是一项复杂的社会系统工程,涉及多方面的影响因素,既有个人、家庭等微观因素,也有政府、社会等宏观因素。研究…  相似文献   

子女期望反映家庭对子女的重视及依赖程度,子女期望的转变是引导家庭打破传统家庭养老模式,实现社会养老,做出正确生育决策的重要途径.本文利用辽宁省农村家庭状况调研数据,对子女期望在教育、养老和代际经济支持三个期望维度内测度,并运用logistic嵌套模型分析了农村女孩与非女孩家庭在三种子女期望上的差异.研究发现相比女孩家庭,非女孩家庭对子女拥有更高的养老、经济支持期望,而对子女的教育期望则偏低.本文建议,加强农村女性就业引导、发展教育促进子女“数量—质量替代机制”形成、构建“三位一体”的养老保障体系、促成女孩家庭全方位社会支持服务、完善计划生育利益导向机制,正确引导农民生育决策.  相似文献   

2008年2月18日到19日,国家人口计生委在广东省举办了人口和计划生育利益导向机制暨农村计划生育家庭养老保险论坛。各有关院校、研究机构的专家学者,相关部门的有关负责同志,各省(区、市)人口计生委的有关负责同志参加了论坛。这次论坛的目的和任务是,交流一个时期以来学术界和实际工作者的研究成果和实践经验,特别是广东省人口和计划生育利益导向机制课题的研究成果,深入研讨利益导向机制建设的重大意义、发展方向和工作思路,推动建立和完善利益导向政策体系,推动开展农村计划生育家庭养老保险试点。  相似文献   

《中共中央国务院关于全面加强人口和计划生育工作统筹解决人口问题的决定》提出要积极探索中国特色统筹解决人口问题的道路,为此,我们要把人民群众的个人利益与国家利益、家庭利益与社会利益、自身利益与子孙后代利益有机统一。实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,推进新时期人口和计划生育工作健康持续发展。与我国人口和计划生育工作相伴而行的人口和计划生育利益导向机制以及农村计划生育家庭养老保险制度,经过近30年的艰苦探索与不断完善,为我国控制人口数量,稳定低生育水平,统筹解决人口问题发挥了积极作用。本刊特撷取不久前在广州召开的“全国人口和计划生育利益导向机制暨农村计划生育家庭养老保险论坛”精粹,为广大读者提供学习借鉴。  相似文献   

计划生育利益导向机制是政府为推动计划生育工作健康发展,引导群众自觉实行计划生育,给予实行计划生育的家庭以经济补偿和政策倾斜的机制。计划生育利益导向机制的主要特点是政府主导、利益调节、奖惩并重、政策推动、长期稳定。江西省南昌市计划生育利益导向机制至今已经实行了将近6年,为了解利导机制的实行效果和存在的不足,我们走访了南昌市的部分计划生育家庭,对他们的生活情况进行了了  相似文献   

通州区位于北京市东大门,全区共11个乡(镇),483个自然村,总人口近70万,属京郊平原地区。优越的地理位置和生态环境以及相对发达的经济水平,为该区实施计划生育利益导向机制提供了有利的条件和广阔的前景。 自2000年以来,通州区根据本区特色,先后建立起形式多样的计划生育利益导向机制,对实行计划生育的家庭实施奖励、福利、优惠、养老、扶助等一系列利益导向措施,使全区人口计生工作总体水平有了明显的提高,逐步实  相似文献   

我国计划生育利益导向政策可大致分为早期主要控制人口数量的利益导向政策和当前倾向于综合治理的利益导向政策两个时期。本文在回顾计划生育利益导向政策的演变历程的基础上,利用1991-2010年我国29个省的面板数据实证分析了计划生育利益导向政策对家庭发展的影响,研究发现,相比较于以控制人口数量为主的计划生育利益导向政策,倾向于综合治理的计划生育利益导向政策对生育水平的影响效应更强,并且更有利于家庭经济状况的改善。在倾向于综合治理的计划生育利益导向政策的实施下,家庭会调整发展策略,通过风险外部转移和加强人力资本投资等多种方式,缓冲由于子女数量减少导致的不确定风险增加。  相似文献   

M Zhu 《人口研究》1982,(5):27-31
With the establishment of the agricultural production responsibility system, the entire agricultural management and economic system has undergone great changes, and family planning in rural areas has met with many difficulties. Because of this responsibility system, households with more manpower seem to become wealthy more rapidly than others. An existing belief among the rural population is that more children will provide a larger labor force and thus more income. Birth control and family planning are therefore becoming more difficult. In order to change existing beliefs, a comprehensive ideological education for peasants is needed so that they may understand the question of birth control from the viewpoints of national interests. Economic rewards and administrative restrictions may be used as necessary birth control measures. Agricultural production and family planning can be managed well if there is close contact and cooperation between the cadres and the masses. Extra care and benefits should be given to women of childbearing age who undergo birth control operations and agree to a single child in each household. Welfare programs for the masses, such as kindergartens and nursing homes must be established in order to reduce their worries. In addition, efforts are needed to study the new situation and solve new problems. The goal of controlling the rural population growth should be achiefed through practical work and experience.  相似文献   

李学宏 《西北人口》2008,29(6):120-122
国家建立和完善了人口和计划生育利益导向政策体系.全面推行农村计划生育家庭奖励扶助制度和“少生快富”工程,使计划生育家庭优先分享到改革发展的成果。甘肃省为此出台了一系列具体措施加以落实。  相似文献   

Based on the national 1% population sample survey in 2005, together with CGSS2006 and CHNS2006,the author explored what effect the movement of rural laborers has had on their family welfare. The results are shown as follows: due to the migrant workers long-term vacancy of their role in the family,their left-behind parents could not get enough emotional relief,nor adequate daily care,whereas they had to bear heavy housework,and suffer mental and manual damnification; their left-behind children are also affected negatively concerning their enrollment in schooling,their building of interests,and their participation in learning.Hence the government should take actions to reduce the loss in their family welfare and to ease their worries.  相似文献   

Analysis of a large, nationally representative survey shows that family size exerts a substantial negative influence on the probability that a child will attend secondary school in Thailand. The primary mechanism underlying this effect is most likely the dilution of familial resources available per child associated with larger numbers of children. The extent and the level of schooling at which this effect operates vary with the household level of wealth and with rural or urban residence. Because fertility decline is leading to a major increase in the proportion of children who come from small families, falling birth rates contribute to increasing educational attainment in Thailand.  相似文献   

A preliminary survey of specialized households with single children in Tianjian rural areas was carried out in order to understand the impact of the economic system reform on family planning programs. Out of 180,000 specialized households, 37,000 are those of young peasants under 35, accounting for 24% of the total specialized households. The survey showed that family planning publicity could be improved in 4 ways. A change in the peasants' concept of childbearing in favor of family planning should be actively promoted. Publicity efforts should be strengthened. Both the content and methods of family planning education and publicity should be improved. Publicity should be integrated with service. Centers of publicity and guidance should become centers of publicity and service. Family planning workers should become close friends of young couples of reproductive age. Education must be integrated with service. A recent trend of having fewer children has set in. This change manifests itself in 3 ways: the state policy of making the people rich greatly encourages young couples to devote themselves to pioneering causes; after becoming rich, the peasants become aware that they should have healthier and better educated children; when the peasants become rich they worry less about their old age and other problems. The recent trend toward early marriage in rural areas should be curbed.  相似文献   

Y Tang 《人口研究》1989,(5):24-29
An important cause of resistance to China's family planning (FP) program in rural areas is the need to have children to support parents in their old age. Provision of insurance for old age support will facilitate the implementation of the FP program among the rural population. A trial project was initiated in five cities and counties in Fujian province i 1986. The program included schemes for both eligible couples and for single children. The township or the village pays a lump sum or monthly premium to the insurance company for each couple, which enables them to collect 30-35 Yuan/month after they reach 55 years of age. To further expand the insurance program, a survey was conducted in 1987 to determine whether rural farmers would be willing and able to pay the insurance premium themselves. 77% of the respondents reported that they could afford to pay 60% of the premium. Among them, 59% were willing to pay. It was suggested that besides individual purchase of the insurance plan, the rural communities could contribute to the payment of the premium from the fines for unplanned births, from the local tax, and from the country government budget. Preferential treatment should be given to the couples of two daughters who receives sterilization; the communities should pay for a larger share of their premium. The current insurance scheme needs to be reformed so that the plan can offer more than the individual's bank savings. To do so, the insurance company needs to be able to invest their premium income and obtain higher returns. The employees of the insurance company need to improve their work efficiency to win the trust of the people in the program.  相似文献   

家庭功能的弱化是农村留守儿童社会化分析中不可忽视的视角。本文从这一视角出发,结合调查个案分析了家庭功能弱化的表现及其对留守儿童社会化的诸多影响并就留守儿童社会化问题的对策展开了分析。  相似文献   

子代数量与家庭支持力的关系是家庭研究中的重要问题。论文运用“中国健康与养老追踪调查”( CHARLS)2011年全国基线调查数据,以亲子两代分居家庭为研究对象,通过非条件Logistic模型,分析了分居家庭子代数量对农村老年人代际经济支持的影响。结果表明:在控制其他变量的前提下,分居家庭中子代数量与农村老年人代际经济支持之间存在显著性相关。随着分居家庭中子代数量增加,农村老年人获得代际经济支持的递增概率存在着拐点。当分居家庭中子代数量上升至5个时,获得代际经济支持的概率最大。随着子代数量的增加,农村老年人获得代际经济支持的概率并非完全呈现正向递增的状态。  相似文献   

农村中小学独生子女社会化状况的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖富群 《南方人口》2008,23(3):38-43
文章运用社会化的有关理论,利用广西阳朔县436名中小学生的抽样问卷调查资料,以同龄的非独生子女为比较对象,对农村中小学独生子女的社会化状况进行了描述和分析。研究发现:农村中小学独生子女在生活技能、人际交往、价值观念和自我意识四个方面的社会化状况都比较好,并且在所有的指标上都和同龄非独生子女之间没有显著差别。  相似文献   

基于对河南省新乡市Y社区的个案研究认为,新型城镇化进程中老年人群体发生了社会隔离。这种社会隔离体现在制度、社区、家庭、自我四个维度,集体失语导致制度隔离,社会资本流失和国家在场导致社区隔离,代际关系嬗变导致家庭隔离,身份标签化及自我认同困境导致自我隔离。老年人社会隔离的应对策略为拒绝搬迁和跟儿子走。提出了老年人社会融合的路径:构建老年人利益诉求的制度吸纳机制;重塑社区公共空间,构建老年人社区行政吸纳机制;积极探索农村老年人居家照顾新模式,通过专业社会工作的介入,促进老年人社区融合。  相似文献   

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