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Toxicologists and pharmacologists often describe toxicity of a chemical using parameters of a nonlinear regression model. Thus estimation of parameters of a nonlinear regression model is an important problem. The estimates of the parameters and their uncertainty estimates depend upon the underlying error variance structure in the model. Typically, a priori the researcher would not know if the error variances are homoscedastic (i.e., constant across dose) or if they are heteroscedastic (i.e., the variance is a function of dose). Motivated by this concern, in this paper we introduce an estimation procedure based on preliminary test which selects an appropriate estimation procedure accounting for the underlying error variance structure. Since outliers and influential observations are common in toxicological data, the proposed methodology uses M-estimators. The asymptotic properties of the preliminary test estimator are investigated; in particular its asymptotic covariance matrix is derived. The performance of the proposed estimator is compared with several standard estimators using simulation studies. The proposed methodology is also illustrated using a data set obtained from the National Toxicology Program.  相似文献   

The efficiency of schemes for sampling an alternating Poisson process (0,1 observations) is evaluated by the inverse ratio of the variance of the proportion estimate, p, to the binomial variance. The variance ratio presented by D.R. Cox (in Renewal Theory) for fixed interval sampling is generalized to accommodate random sampling and random sampling after a time delay equal to a fixed proportion, γ , of the mean time between observations, δ. The result is a sampling design tool that provides quantifications for the effect of various spacings between observations and of fixed vs. random sampling. Direct application is made to thes field of work sampling.  相似文献   

Procedures for detecting change points in sequences of correlated observations (e.g., time series) can help elucidate their complicated structure. Current literature on the detection of multiple change points emphasizes the analysis of sequences of independent random variables. We address the problem of an unknown number of variance changes in the presence of long-range dependence (e.g., long memory processes). Our results are also applicable to time series whose spectrum slowly varies across octave bands. An iterated cumulative sum of squares procedure is introduced in order to look at the multiscale stationarity of a time series; that is, the variance structure of the wavelet coefficients on a scale by scale basis. The discrete wavelet transform enables us to analyze a given time series on a series of physical scales. The result is a partitioning of the wavelet coefficients into locally stationary regions. Simulations are performed to validate the ability of this procedure to detect and locate multiple variance changes. A ‘time’ series of vertical ocean shear measurements is also analyzed, where a variety of nonstationary features are identified.  相似文献   

Data on twins are used to infer a genetic component of variance for various quantitative human characteristics. There are several statistical approaches available to analyze twin data. Here we compare three approaches for fitting variance components models to the relationship between height and bi-illiocristal diameter across ages in a sample of male and female Polish twins aged 8–17. Two of the approaches assume a multivariate normal model for the data, with one basing the likelihood on the raw data and the other using the distribution of the sample covariance matrix. The third approach uses a robust modification of the multivariate normal log-likelihood to downweight abnormal observations. The statistical theory underlying the methods is outlined, and the implementation of the methods is discussed.  相似文献   

Life insurance companies want to predict the average claimed sums they have to pay in events of death for specific groups of customers in order to derive group specific premiums. This requires estimation of the variability of claims across groups. We derive a corresponding mixed linear model for claim data from many groups of customers that incorporates group-specific age distributions, the Compertz-Makeham mortality function and an unknown group-specific random hazard factor. It takes the form of a generalized replicated model with two variance components where the between blocks variance component depends on the common mean of all observations. Two methods of parameter estimation are derived along the lines of C. R. Rao's MINQUE and generalized least squares estimation. Simulations show both methods to work well for large sets of data.  相似文献   

Let X1, …, XN be i.i.d. exponential random variables with unknown scale parameter θ. If one can observe only those Xi in (0, T0), an estimate of N based on the J observations obtained has a variance which explodes as θ→θC. Using θC based on the observations in (0, T0) T is computed and all Xi in (0, ) are observed. An estimate of N based on all observations in (0, ) has a bounded variance where the bound can be adjusted by proper choice of .  相似文献   


When using multiple imputation to form confidence intervals with missing data, Rubin and Schenker (1986) proposed using a t -distribution with approximate degrees-of-freedom which is a function of the number of multiple imputations and the within and between imputation variance. In this t -approximation, Rubin and Schenker assume there are a finite number of multiple imputations, but an infinite number of observations in the sample. We propose a further degrees-of-freedom approximation which is a function of the within and between imputation variance, the number of multiple imputations, and the number of observations in the sample. When the number of observations in the sample is small, our approximate degrees-of-freedom may be more appropriate, as seen in our simulations.  相似文献   

A nonparametric control chart for variance is proposed. The chart is constructed following the change-point approach through the recursive use of the squared ranks test for variance. It is capable of detecting changes in the behaviour of individual observations with performance similar to a self-starting CUSUM chart for scale when normality is assumed, and a relatively better power when assessing nonnormal observations. A comparison is also made with two equivalent nonparametric charts based on Mood and Ansari-Bradley statistics. When dealing with symmetrical distributions, the proposed chart shows smaller (better) out-of-control average run length (ARL), and a competing performance otherwise. In addition, sensitivity to changes in mean and variance at the same time was tested. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation was used to measure performance, and a practical example is provided to illustrate how the proposed control chart can be implemented in practice.  相似文献   

Summary.  We discuss a method for combining different but related longitudinal studies to improve predictive precision. The motivation is to borrow strength across clinical studies in which the same measurements are collected at different frequencies. Key features of the data are heterogeneous populations and an unbalanced design across three studies of interest. The first two studies are phase I studies with very detailed observations on a relatively small number of patients. The third study is a large phase III study with over 1500 enrolled patients, but with relatively few measurements on each patient. Patients receive different doses of several drugs in the studies, with the phase III study containing significantly less toxic treatments. Thus, the main challenges for the analysis are to accommodate heterogeneous population distributions and to formalize borrowing strength across the studies and across the various treatment levels. We describe a hierarchical extension over suitable semiparametric longitudinal data models to achieve the inferential goal. A nonparametric random-effects model accommodates the heterogeneity of the population of patients. A hierarchical extension allows borrowing strength across different studies and different levels of treatment by introducing dependence across these nonparametric random-effects distributions. Dependence is introduced by building an analysis of variance (ANOVA) like structure over the random-effects distributions for different studies and treatment combinations. Model structure and parameter interpretation are similar to standard ANOVA models. Instead of the unknown normal means as in standard ANOVA models, however, the basic objects of inference are random distributions, namely the unknown population distributions under each study. The analysis is based on a mixture of Dirichlet processes model as the underlying semiparametric model.  相似文献   

We consider the variance estimation of the weighted likelihood estimator (WLE) under two‐phase stratified sampling without replacement. Asymptotic variance of the WLE in many semiparametric models contains unknown functions or does not have a closed form. The standard method of the inverse probability weighted (IPW) sample variances of an estimated influence function is then not available in these models. To address this issue, we develop the variance estimation procedure for the WLE in a general semiparametric model. The phase I variance is estimated by taking a numerical derivative of the IPW log likelihood. The phase II variance is estimated based on the bootstrap for a stratified sample in a finite population. Despite a theoretical difficulty of dependent observations due to sampling without replacement, we establish the (bootstrap) consistency of our estimators. Finite sample properties of our method are illustrated in a simulation study.  相似文献   

A multivariate normal mean–variance mixture based on a Birnbaum–Saunders (NMVMBS) distribution is introduced and several properties of this new distribution are discussed. A new robust non-Gaussian ARCH-type model is proposed in which there exists a relation between the variance of the observations, and the marginal distributions are NMVMBS. A simple EM-based maximum likelihood estimation procedure to estimate the parameters of this normal mean–variance mixture distribution is given. A simulation study and some real data are used to demonstrate the modelling strength of this new model.  相似文献   

In this paper, a CUSUM procedure is given for monitoring for a decrease in the variance (process improvement) as well as a two-sided CUSUM which monitors for both increases and decreases in the variance. The observations are assumed to be independent and normally distributed. The procedure is based on the log¬arithm of the likelihood ratio of the probability density functions under the two competing hypotheses. Formulae that approximate the average run length of the CUSUM procedure for detecting an increase (or decrease) in the variance of a normal distribution are given. These formulae, when corrected for the overshoot from the boundary, provide a very accurate approximation  相似文献   

Product-limit survival functions with correlated survival times   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A simple variance estimator for product-limit survival functions is demonstrated for survival times with nested errors. Such data arise whenever survival times are observed within clusters of related observations. Greenwood's formula, which assumes independent observations, is not appropriate in this situation. A robust variance estimator is developed using Taylor series linearized values and the between-cluster variance estimator commonly used in multi-stage sample surveys. A simulation study shows that the between-cluster variance estimator is approximately unbiased and yields confidence intervals that maintain the nominal level for several patterns of correlated survival times. The simulation study also shows that Greenwood's formula underestimates the variance when the survival times are positively correlated within a cluster and yields confidence intervals that are too narrow. Extension to life table methods is also discussed.  相似文献   

Many statistical procedures are based on the models which specify the conditions under which the data are generated. Many applications of linear regression, for example, assume that:(i) the observations are independent; (ii) the errors in the observations are identically distributed; (iii) each error has a normal distribution with mean zero and unknown variance σ2> 0. Previous works have examined individual departures from these assumptions. Here we examine composite departures. It is assumed that the error distribution in a linear model is power-exponential and that the observations are generated via a first order autoregressive model with the possibility of spurious observations. The consequences are illustrated via an example.  相似文献   

This paper explicitly characterizes the general nonnegative-definite covariance structure for a multivariate normal random vector such that the univariate sample variance is distributed exactly as if the sample observations are normal independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). This work extends the results of Baldessari (1965) and Stadje (1984) who have characterized the general positive-definite covariance matrix such that the univariate sample variance is distributed exactly as if the sample observations are normal i.i.d.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a moving kernel-weighted variance ratio statistic to monitor persistence change in infinite variance observations. We focus on I(1) to I(0) persistence change for sequences in the domain of attraction of a stable law and local-to-finite variance sequences. The null distribution of the monitoring statistic and its consistency are proved. In particular, a bootstrap procedure is proposed to determine the critical values for the derived asymptotic distribution depends on unknown tail index. The small sample performances of proposed monitoring procedure are illustrated by both simulation and application to a high frequency financial data.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the nonparametric estimation of the mean and variance functions of univariate time series data. We propose a nonparametric dimension reduction technique for both mean and variance functions of time series. This method does not require any model specification and instead we seek directions in both the mean and variance functions such that the conditional distribution of the current observation given the vector of past observations is the same as that of the current observation given a few linear combinations of the past observations without loss of inferential information. The directions of the mean and variance functions are estimated by maximizing the Kullback–Leibler distance function. The consistency of the proposed estimators is established. A computational procedure is introduced to detect lags of the conditional mean and variance functions in practice. Numerical examples and simulation studies are performed to illustrate and evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

The balanced half-sample, jackknife and linearization methods are used to estimate the variance of the slope of a linear regression under a variety of computer generated situations. The basic sampling design is one in which two PSU's are selected from each of a number of strata . The variance estimation techniques are compared with a Monte Carlo experiment. Results show that variance estimates may be highly biased and variable unless sizeable numbers of observations are available from each stratum. The jackknife and linearization estimates appear superior to the balanced half sample method - particularly when the number of strata or the number of available observations from each stratum is small.  相似文献   

We compare the forecast accuracy of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models based on data observed with high and low frequency, respectively. We discuss how, for instance, a quarterly model can be used to predict one quarter ahead even if only annual data are available, and we compare the variance of the prediction error in this case with the variance if quarterly observations were indeed available. Results on the expected information gain are presented for a number of ARIMA models including models that describe the seasonally adjusted gross national product (GNP) series in the Netherlands. Disaggregation from annual to quarterly GNP data has reduced the variance of short-run forecast errors considerably, but further disaggregation from quarterly to monthly data is found to hardly improve the accuracy of monthly forecasts.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood and uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators of steady-state probability distribution of system size, probability of at least ? customers in the system in steady state, and certain steady-state measures of effectiveness in the M/M/1 queue are obtained/derived based on observations on X, the number of customer arrivals during a service time. The estimators are compared using Asympotic Expected Deficiency (AED) criterion leading to recommendation of uniform minimum variance unbiased estimators over maximum likelihood estimators for some measures.  相似文献   

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