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The classical Shewhart c-chart and p-chart which are constructed based on the Poisson and binomial distributions are inappropriate in monitoring zero-inflated counts. They tend to underestimate the dispersion of zero-inflated counts and subsequently lead to higher false alarm rate in detecting out-of-control signals. Another drawback of these charts is that their 3-sigma control limits, evaluated based on the asymptotic normality assumption of the attribute counts, have a systematic negative bias in their coverage probability. We recommend that the zero-inflated models which account for the excess number of zeros should first be fitted to the zero-inflated Poisson and binomial counts. The Poisson parameter λ estimated from a zero-inflated Poisson model is then used to construct a one-sided c-chart with its upper control limit constructed based on the Jeffreys prior interval that provides good coverage probability for λ. Similarly, the binomial parameter p estimated from a zero-inflated binomial model is used to construct a one-sided np-chart with its upper control limit constructed based on the Jeffreys prior interval or Blyth–Still interval of the binomial proportion p. A simple two-of-two control rule is also recommended to improve further on the performance of these two proposed charts.  相似文献   


We propose a simple yet powerful method to construct strictly stationary Markovian models with given but arbitrary invariant distributions. The idea is based on a Poisson-type transform modulating the dependence structure in the model. An appealing feature of our approach is the possibility to control the underlying transition probabilities and, therefore, incorporate them within standard estimation methods. Given the resulting representation of the transition density, a Gibbs sampler algorithm based on the slice method is proposed and implemented. In the discrete-time case, special attention is placed to the class of generalized inverse Gaussian distributions. In the continuous case, we first provide a brief treatment of the class of gamma distributions, and then extend it to cover other invariant distributions, such as the generalized extreme value class. The proposed approach and estimation algorithm are illustrated with real financial datasets. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   

The estimation of extreme conditional quantiles is an important issue in different scientific disciplines. Up to now, the extreme value literature focused mainly on estimation procedures based on independent and identically distributed samples. Our contribution is a two-step procedure for estimating extreme conditional quantiles. In a first step nonextreme conditional quantiles are estimated nonparametrically using a local version of [Koenker, R. and Bassett, G. (1978). Regression quantiles. Econometrica, 46, 33–50.] regression quantile methodology. Next, these nonparametric quantile estimates are used as analogues of univariate order statistics in procedures for extreme quantile estimation. The performance of the method is evaluated for both heavy tailed distributions and distributions with a finite right endpoint using a small sample simulation study. A bootstrap procedure is developed to guide in the selection of an optimal local bandwidth. Finally the procedure is illustrated in two case studies.  相似文献   

This article considers the non parametric estimation of absolutely continuous distribution functions of independent lifetimes of non identical components in k-out-of-n systems, 2 ? k ? n, from the observed “autopsy” data. In economics, ascending “button” or “clock” auctions with n heterogeneous bidders with independent private values present 2-out-of-n systems. Classical competing risks models are examples of n-out-of-n systems. Under weak conditions on the underlying distributions, the estimation problem is shown to be well-posed and the suggested extremum sieve estimator is proven to be consistent. This article considers the sieve spaces of Bernstein polynomials which allow to easily implement constraints on the monotonicity of estimated distribution functions.  相似文献   

We describe a selection model for multivariate counts, where association between the primary outcomes and the endogenous selection source is modeled through outcome-specific latent effects which are assumed to be dependent across equations. Parametric specifications of this model already exist in the literature; in this paper, we show how model parameters can be estimated in a finite mixture context. This approach helps us to consider overdispersed counts, while allowing for multivariate association and endogeneity of the selection variable. In this context, attention is focused both on bias in estimated effects when exogeneity of selection (treatment) variable is assumed, as well as on consistent estimation of the association between the random effects in the primary and in the treatment effect models, when the latter is assumed endogeneous. The model behavior is investigated through a large scale simulation experiment. An empirical example on health care utilization data is provided.  相似文献   


In a quantitative linear model with errors following a stationary Gaussian, first-order autoregressive or AR(1) process, Generalized Least Squares (GLS) on raw data and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) on prewhitened data are efficient methods of estimation of the slope parameters when the autocorrelation parameter of the error AR(1) process, ρ, is known. In practice, ρ is generally unknown. In the so-called two-stage estimation procedures, ρ is then estimated first before using the estimate of ρ to transform the data and estimate the slope parameters by OLS on the transformed data. Different estimators of ρ have been considered in previous studies. In this article, we study nine two-stage estimation procedures for their efficiency in estimating the slope parameters. Six of them (i.e., three noniterative, three iterative) are based on three estimators of ρ that have been considered previously. Two more (i.e., one noniterative, one iterative) are based on a new estimator of ρ that we propose: it is provided by the sample autocorrelation coefficient of the OLS residuals at lag 1, denoted r(1). Lastly, REstricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) represents a different type of two-stage estimation procedure whose efficiency has not been compared to the others yet. We also study the validity of the testing procedures derived from GLS and the nine two-stage estimation procedures. Efficiency and validity are analyzed in a Monte Carlo study. Three types of explanatory variable x in a simple quantitative linear model with AR(1) errors are considered in the time domain: Case 1, x is fixed; Case 2, x is purely random; and Case 3, x follows an AR(1) process with the same autocorrelation parameter value as the error AR(1) process. In a preliminary step, the number of inadmissible estimates and the efficiency of the different estimators of ρ are compared empirically, whereas their approximate expected value in finite samples and their asymptotic variance are derived theoretically. Thereafter, the efficiency of the estimation procedures and the validity of the derived testing procedures are discussed in terms of the sample size and the magnitude and sign of ρ. The noniterative two-stage estimation procedure based on the new estimator of ρ is shown to be more efficient for moderate values of ρ at small sample sizes. With the exception of small sample sizes, REML and its derived F-test perform the best overall. The asymptotic equivalence of two-stage estimation procedures, besides REML, is observed empirically. Differences related to the nature, fixed or random (uncorrelated or autocorrelated), of the explanatory variable are also discussed.  相似文献   

In many applications, the parameters of interest are estimated by solving non‐smooth estimating functions with U‐statistic structure. Because the asymptotic covariances matrix of the estimator generally involves the underlying density function, resampling methods are often used to bypass the difficulty of non‐parametric density estimation. Despite its simplicity, the resultant‐covariance matrix estimator depends on the nature of resampling, and the method can be time‐consuming when the number of replications is large. Furthermore, the inferences are based on the normal approximation that may not be accurate for practical sample sizes. In this paper, we propose a jackknife empirical likelihood‐based inferential procedure for non‐smooth estimating functions. Standard chi‐square distributions are used to calculate the p‐value and to construct confidence intervals. Extensive simulation studies and two real examples are provided to illustrate its practical utilities.  相似文献   

Preferential attachment in a directed scale-free graph is an often used paradigm for modeling the evolution of social networks. Social network data is usually given in a format allowing recovery of the number of nodes with in-degree i and out-degree j. Assuming a model with preferential attachment, formal statistical procedures for estimation can be based on such data summaries. Anticipating the statistical need for such node-based methods, we prove asymptotic normality of the node counts. Our approach is based on a martingale construction and a martingale central limit theorem.  相似文献   

In the context of an objective Bayesian approach to the multinomial model, Dirichlet(a, …, a) priors with a < 1 have previously been shown to be inadequate in the presence of zero counts, suggesting that the uniform prior (a = 1) is the preferred candidate. In the presence of many zero counts, however, this prior may not be satisfactory either. A model selection approach is proposed, allowing for the possibility of zero parameters corresponding to zero count categories. This approach results in a posterior mixture of Dirichlet distributions and marginal mixtures of beta distributions, which seem to avoid the problems that potentially result from the various proposed Dirichlet priors, in particular in the context of extreme data with zero counts.  相似文献   

In many practical situations, a statistical practitioner often faces a problem of classifying an object from one of the segmented (or screened) populations where the segmentation was conducted by a set of screening variables. This paper addresses this problem, proposing and studying yet another optimal rule for classification with segmented populations. A class of q-dimensional rectangle-screened elliptically contoured (RSEC) distributions is considered for flexibly modeling the segmented populations. Based on the properties of the RSEC distributions, a parametric procedure for the segmented classification analysis (SCA) is proposed. This includes motivation for the SCA as well as some theoretical propositions regarding its optimal rule and properties. These properties allow us to establish other important results which include an efficient estimation of the rule by the Monte Carlo expectation–conditional maximization algorithm and an optimal variable selection procedure. Two numerical examples making use of utilizing a simulation study and a real dataset application and advocating the SCA procedure are also provided.  相似文献   

Here, we introduce two-parameter compounded geometric distributions with monotone failure rates. These distributions are derived by compounding geometric distribution and zero-truncated Poisson distribution. Some statistical and reliability properties of the distributions are investigated. Parameters of the proposed distributions are estimated by the maximum likelihood method as well as through the minimum distance method of estimation. Performance of the estimates by both the methods of estimation is compared based on Monte Carlo simulations. An illustration with Air Crash casualties demonstrates that the distributions can be considered as a suitable model under several real situations.  相似文献   

The estimation of abundance from presence–absence data is an intriguing problem in applied statistics. The classical Poisson model makes strong independence and homogeneity assumptions and in practice generally underestimates the true abundance. A controversial ad hoc method based on negative‐binomial counts (Am. Nat.) has been empirically successful but lacks theoretical justification. We first present an alternative estimator of abundance based on a paired negative binomial model that is consistent and asymptotically normally distributed. A quadruple negative binomial extension is also developed, which yields the previous ad hoc approach and resolves the controversy in the literature. We examine the performance of the estimators in a simulation study and estimate the abundance of 44 tree species in a permanent forest plot.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an indirect estimation procedure for (ARFIMA) fractional time series models.The estimation method is based on an ‘incorrect’criterion which does not directly provide a consistent estimator of the parameters of interest,but leads to correct inference by using simulations.

The main steps are the following. First,we consider an auxiliary model which can be easily estimated.Specifically,we choose the finite lag Autoregressive model.Then, this is estimated on the observations and simulated values drawn from the ARFIMA model associated with a given value of the parameters of interest.Finally,the latter is calibrated in order to obtain close values of the two estimators of the auxiliary parameters.

In this article,we describe the estimation procedure and compare the performance of the indirect estimator with some alternative estimators based on the likelihood function by a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

Competing risks model time to first event and type of first event. An example from hospital epidemiology is the incidence of hospital-acquired infection, which has to account for hospital discharge of non-infected patients as a competing risk. An illness-death model would allow to further study hospital outcomes of infected patients. Such a model typically relies on a Markov assumption. However, it is conceivable that the future course of an infected patient does not only depend on the time since hospital admission and current infection status but also on the time since infection. We demonstrate how a modified competing risks model can be used for nonparametric estimation of transition probabilities when the Markov assumption is violated.  相似文献   

In this article, the varying-coefficient single-index model (VCSIM) is discussed based on penalized spline estimation method. All the coefficient functions are fitted by P-spline and all parameters in P-spline varying-coefficient model can be estimated simultaneously by penalized nonlinear least squares. The detailed algorithm is given, including choosing smoothing parameters and knots. The approach is rapid and computationally stable. √n consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators of all the parameters are showed. Both simulated and real data examples are given to illustrate the proposed estimation methodology.  相似文献   

In a relapse clinical trial patients who have recovered from some recurrent disease (e.g.,ulcer or cancer) are examined at a number of predetermined times. A relapse can be detected either at one of these planned inspections or at a spontaneous visit initiated by the patient because of symptoms. In the first case the observations of the time to relapse, X, is interval-censored by two predetermined time-points. In the second case the upper endpoint of the interval is an observation of the time to symptoms,Y . To model the progression of the disease we use a partially observable Markov process. This approach results in a bivariate phase-type distribution for the joint distribution of (X,Y). It is a flexible model which contains several natural distributions for X, and allows the conditional distributions of the marginals to smoothly depend on each other. To estimate the distributions involved we develop an EM-algorithm. The estimation procedure is evaluated and compared with a non-parametric method in a couple of examples based on simulated data.  相似文献   

The semiparametric LABROC approach of fitting binormal model for estimating AUC as a global index of accuracy has been justified (except for bimodal forms), while for estimating a local index of accuracy such as TPF, it may lead to a bias in severe departure of data from binormality. We extended parametric ROC analysis for quantitative data when one or both pair members are mixture of Gaussian (MG) in particular for bimodal forms. We analytically showed that AUC and TPF are a mixture of weighting parameters of different components of AUCs and TPFs of a mixture of underlying distributions. In a simulation study of six configurations of MG distributions:{bimodal, normal} and {bimodal, bimodal} pairs, the parameters of MG distributions were estimated using the EM algorithm. The results showed that the estimated AUC from our proposed model was essentially unbiased, and that the bias in the estimated TPF at a clinically relevant range of FPF was roughly 0.01 for a sample size of n=100/100. In practice, with severe departures from binormality, we recommend an extension of the LABROC and software development for future research to allow for each member of the pair of distributions to be a mixture of Gaussian that is a more flexible parametric form.  相似文献   

When the data contain outliers or come from population with heavy-tailed distributions, which appear very often in spatiotemporal data, the estimation methods based on least-squares (L2) method will not perform well. More robust estimation methods are required. In this article, we propose the local linear estimation for spatiotemporal models based on least absolute deviation (L1) and drive the asymptotic distributions of the L1-estimators under some mild conditions imposed on the spatiotemporal process. The simulation results for two examples, with outliers and heavy-tailed distribution, respectively, show that the L1-estimators perform better than the L2-estimators.  相似文献   

The discrete stable family constitutes an interesting two-parameter model of distributions on the non-negative integers with a Paretian tail. The practical use of the discrete stable distribution is inhibited by the lack of an explicit expression for its probability function. Moreover, the distribution does not possess moments of any order. Therefore, the usual tools—such as the maximum-likelihood method or even the moment method—are not feasible for parameter estimation. However, the probability generating function of the discrete stable distribution is available in a simple form. Hence, we initially explore the application of some existing estimation procedures based on the empirical probability generating function. Subsequently, we propose a new estimation method by minimizing a suitable weighted L 2-distance between the empirical and the theoretical probability generating functions. In addition, we provide a goodness-of-fit statistic based on the same distance.  相似文献   

Maximum-likelihood estimation is interpreted as a procedure for generating approximate pivotal quantities, that is, functions u(X;θ) of the data X and parameter θ that have distributions not involving θ. Further, these pivotals should be efficient in the sense of reproducing approximately the likelihood function of θ based on X, and they should be approximately linear in θ. To this end the effect of replacing θ by a parameter ϕ = ϕ(θ) is examined. The relationship of maximum-likelihood estimation interpreted in this way to conditional inference is discussed. Examples illustrating this use of maximum-likelihood estimation on small samples are given.  相似文献   

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