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Aldo M. Garay Heleno Bolfarine Celso R.B. Cabral 《Journal of applied statistics》2015,42(12):2694-2714
As is the case of many studies, the data collected are limited and an exact value is recorded only if it falls within an interval range. Hence, the responses can be either left, interval or right censored. Linear (and nonlinear) regression models are routinely used to analyze these types of data and are based on normality assumptions for the errors terms. However, those analyzes might not provide robust inference when the normality assumptions are questionable. In this article, we develop a Bayesian framework for censored linear regression models by replacing the Gaussian assumptions for the random errors with scale mixtures of normal (SMN) distributions. The SMN is an attractive class of symmetric heavy-tailed densities that includes the normal, Student-t, Pearson type VII, slash and the contaminated normal distributions, as special cases. Using a Bayesian paradigm, an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is introduced to carry out posterior inference. A new hierarchical prior distribution is suggested for the degrees of freedom parameter in the Student-t distribution. The likelihood function is utilized to compute not only some Bayesian model selection measures but also to develop Bayesian case-deletion influence diagnostics based on the q-divergence measure. The proposed Bayesian methods are implemented in the R package BayesCR. The newly developed procedures are illustrated with applications using real and simulated data. 相似文献
Loukia Meligkotsidou 《Statistics and Computing》2007,17(2):93-107
In this paper we present Bayesian analysis of finite mixtures of multivariate Poisson distributions with an unknown number
of components. The multivariate Poisson distribution can be regarded as the discrete counterpart of the multivariate normal
distribution, which is suitable for modelling multivariate count data. Mixtures of multivariate Poisson distributions allow
for overdispersion and for negative correlations between variables. To perform Bayesian analysis of these models we adopt
a reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm with birth and death moves for updating the number of components.
We present results obtained from applying our modelling approach to simulated and real data. Furthermore, we apply our approach
to a problem in multivariate disease mapping, namely joint modelling of diseases with correlated counts. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(11):1449-1460
Analysis of covariance in designed experiments has a long history dating back to the middle of the twentieth century. Given the popularity of Bayesian approaches to statistical modelling and inference, it is somewhat surprising that there is so little literature on the application of Bayesian methods in this context. This paper proposes methods based on a recent formulation of the problem in terms of a multivariate variance components model which allows for a conjugate Bayesian analysis of balanced randomized block experiments with concomitant information. The analysis is complicated by a linear constraint involving two covariance matrices. Two solutions are proposed and implemented using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a matrix normal dynamic linear model when the variance and covariance matrices of its error terms are unknown and can be changing over time. Given that the analysis is not conjugate, we use simulation methods based on Monte Carlo Markov chains to estimate the parameters of the model. This analysis allows us to carry out a dynamic principal components analysis in a set of multivariate time series. Furthermore, it permits the treatment of series with different lengths and with missing data. The methodology is illustrated with two empirical examples: the value added distribution of the firms operating in the manufacturing sector of the countries participating in the BACH project, and the joint evolution of a set of international stock-market indices. 相似文献
Hikaru Hasegawa 《Journal of applied statistics》2019,46(14):2649-2665
ABSTRACTThe living hours data of individuals' time spent on daily activities are compositional and include many zeros because individuals do not pursue all activities every day. Thus, we should exercise caution in using such data for empirical analyses. The Bayesian method offers several advantages in analyzing compositional data. In this study, we analyze the time allocation of Japanese married couples using the Bayesian model. Based on the Bayes factors, we compare models that consider and do not consider the correlations between married couples' time use data. The model that considers the correlation shows superior performance. We show that the Bayesian method can adequately take into account the correlations of wives' and husbands' living hours, facilitating the calculation of partial effects that their activities' variables have on living hours. The partial effects of the model that considers the correlations between the couples' time use are easily calculated from the posterior results. 相似文献
The study of HIV dynamics is one of the most important developments in recent AIDS research. It has led to a new understanding of the pathogenesis of HIV infection. Although important findings in HIV dynamics have been published in prestigious scientific journals, the statistical methods for parameter estimation and model-fitting used in those papers appear surprisingly crude and have not been studied in more detail. For example, the unidentifiable parameters were simply imputed by mean estimates from previous studies, and important pharmacological/clinical factors were not considered in the modelling. In this paper, a viral dynamic model is developed to evaluate the effect of pharmacokinetic variation, drug resistance and adherence on antiviral responses. In the context of this model, we investigate a Bayesian modelling approach under a non-linear mixed-effects (NLME) model framework. In particular, our modelling strategy allows us to estimate time-varying antiviral efficacy of a regimen during the whole course of a treatment period by incorporating the information of drug exposure and drug susceptibility. Both simulated and real clinical data examples are given to illustrate the proposed approach. The Bayesian approach has great potential to be used in many aspects of viral dynamics modelling since it allow us to fit complex dynamic models and identify all the model parameters. Our results suggest that Bayesian approach for estimating parameters in HIV dynamic models is flexible and powerful. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(8):1135-1143
The N-mixture model proposed by Royle in 2004 may be used to approximate the abundance and detection probability of animal species in a given region. In 2006, Royle and Dorazio discussed the advantages of using a Bayesian approach in modelling animal abundance and occurrence using a hierarchical N-mixture model. N-mixture models assume replication on sampling sites, an assumption that may be violated when the site is not closed to changes in abundance during the survey period or when nominal replicates are defined spatially. In this paper, we studied the robustness of a Bayesian approach to fitting the N-mixture model for pseudo-replicated count data. Our simulation results showed that the Bayesian estimates for abundance and detection probability are slightly biased when the actual detection probability is small and are sensitive to the presence of extra variability within local sites. 相似文献
Fernanda B. Rizzato Roseli A. Leandro Clarice G.B. Demétrio 《Journal of applied statistics》2016,43(11):2085-2109
In this paper, we consider a model for repeated count data, with within-subject correlation and/or overdispersion. It extends both the generalized linear mixed model and the negative-binomial model. This model, proposed in a likelihood context [17,18] is placed in a Bayesian inferential framework. An important contribution takes the form of Bayesian model assessment based on pivotal quantities, rather than the often less adequate DIC. By means of a real biological data set, we also discuss some Bayesian model selection aspects, using a pivotal quantity proposed by Johnson [12]. 相似文献
This paper presents a comprehensive review and comparison of five computational methods for Bayesian model selection, based
on MCMC simulations from posterior model parameter distributions. We apply these methods to a well-known and important class
of models in financial time series analysis, namely GARCH and GARCH-t models for conditional return distributions (assuming
normal and t-distributions). We compare their performance with the more common maximum likelihood-based model selection for
simulated and real market data. All five MCMC methods proved reliable in the simulation study, although differing in their
computational demands. Results on simulated data also show that for large degrees of freedom (where the t-distribution becomes
more similar to a normal one), Bayesian model selection results in better decisions in favor of the true model than maximum
likelihood. Results on market data show the instability of the harmonic mean estimator and reliability of the advanced model
selection methods. 相似文献
Estimated associations between an outcome variable and misclassified covariates tend to be biased when the methods of estimation that ignore the classification error are applied. Available methods to account for misclassification often require the use of a validation sample (i.e. a gold standard). In practice, however, such a gold standard may be unavailable or impractical. We propose a Bayesian approach to adjust for misclassification in a binary covariate in the random effect logistic model when a gold standard is not available. This Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) approach uses two imperfect measures of a dichotomous exposure under the assumptions of conditional independence and non-differential misclassification. A simulated numerical example and a real clinical example are given to illustrate the proposed approach. Our results suggest that the estimated log odds of inpatient care and the corresponding standard deviation are much larger in our proposed method compared with the models ignoring misclassification. Ignoring misclassification produces downwardly biased estimates and underestimate uncertainty. 相似文献
Maciej Kostrzewski 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2014,43(18):3955-3985
In this article, we propose a new class of models—jump-diffusion models with M jumps (JD(M)J). These structures generalize the discretized arithmetic Brownian motion (for logarithmic rates of return) and the Bernoulli jump-diffusion model. The aim of this article is to present Bayesian tools for estimation and comparison of JD(M)J models. Presented methodology is illustrated with two empirical studies, employing both simulated and real-world data (the S&P100 Index). 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(8):1667-1678
We propose a new iterative algorithm, called model walking algorithm, to the Bayesian model averaging method on the longitudinal regression models with AR(1) random errors within subjects. The Markov chain Monte Carlo method together with the model walking algorithm are employed. The proposed method is successfully applied to predict the progression rates on a myopia intervention trial in children. 相似文献
The Bayesian analysis based on the partial likelihood for Cox's proportional hazards model is frequently used because of its simplicity. The Bayesian partial likelihood approach is often justified by showing that it approximates the full Bayesian posterior of the regression coefficients with a diffuse prior on the baseline hazard function. This, however, may not be appropriate when ties exist among uncensored observations. In that case, the full Bayesian and Bayesian partial likelihood posteriors can be much different. In this paper, we propose a new Bayesian partial likelihood approach for many tied observations and justify its use. 相似文献
C. C. Holmes & B. K. Mallick 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2001,63(1):3-17
We present a Bayesian analysis of a piecewise linear model constructed by using basis functions which generalizes the univariate linear spline to higher dimensions. Prior distributions are adopted on both the number and the locations of the splines, which leads to a model averaging approach to prediction with predictive distributions that take into account model uncertainty. Conditioning on the data produces a Bayes local linear model with distributions on both predictions and local linear parameters. The method is spatially adaptive and covariate selection is achieved by using splines of lower dimension than the data. 相似文献
Concordance correlation coefficient (CCC) is one of the most popular scaled indices used to evaluate agreement. Most commonly, it is used under the assumption that data is normally distributed. This assumption, however, does not apply to skewed data sets. While methods for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets have been introduced and studied, the Bayesian approach and its comparison with the previous methods has been lacking. In this study, we propose a Bayesian method for the estimation of the CCC of skewed data sets and compare it with the best method previously investigated. The proposed method has certain advantages. It tends to outperform the best method studied before when the variation of the data is mainly from the random subject effect instead of error. Furthermore, it allows for greater flexibility in application by enabling incorporation of missing data, confounding covariates, and replications, which was not considered previously. The superiority of this new approach is demonstrated using simulation as well as real‐life biomarker data sets used in an electroencephalography clinical study. The implementation of the Bayesian method is accessible through the Comprehensive R Archive Network. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The research described herein was motivated by a study of the relationship between the performance of students in senior high schools and at universities in China. A special linear structural equation model is established, in which some parameters are known and both the responses and the covariables are measured with errors. To explore the relationship between the true responses and latent covariables and to estimate the parameters, we suggest a non-iterative estimation approach that can account for the external dependence between the true responses and latent covariables. This approach can also deal with the collinearity problem because the use of dimension-reduction techniques can remove redundant variables. Combining further with the information that some of parameters are given, we can perform estimation for the other unknown parameters. An easily implemented algorithm is provided. A simulation is carried out to provide evidence of the performance of the approach and to compare it with existing methods. The approach is applied to the education example for illustration, and it can be readily extended to more general models. 相似文献
Lixin Meng 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2017,87(1):88-99
Ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are normally used to model dynamic processes in applied sciences such as biology, engineering, physics, and many other areas. In these models, the parameters are usually unknown, and thus they are often specified artificially or empirically. Alternatively, a feasible method is to estimate the parameters based on observed data. In this study, we propose a Bayesian penalized B-spline approach to estimate the parameters and initial values for ODEs used in epidemiology. We evaluated the efficiency of the proposed method based on simulations using the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm for the Kermack–McKendrick model. The proposed approach is also illustrated based on a real application to the transmission dynamics of hepatitis C virus in mainland China. 相似文献
Carmen Fernández Peter J. Green 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2002,64(4):805-826
Summary. The paper develops mixture models for spatially indexed data. We confine attention to the case of finite, typically irregular, patterns of points or regions with prescribed spatial relationships, and to problems where it is only the weights in the mixture that vary from one location to another. Our specific focus is on Poisson-distributed data, and applications in disease mapping. We work in a Bayesian framework, with the Poisson parameters drawn from gamma priors, and an unknown number of components. We propose two alternative models for spatially dependent weights, based on transformations of autoregressive Gaussian processes: in one (the logistic normal model), the mixture component labels are exchangeable; in the other (the grouped continuous model), they are ordered. Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for posterior inference are developed. Finally, the performances of both of these formulations are examined on synthetic data and real data on mortality from a rare disease. 相似文献