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Usually, two different types of shock models (extreme and cumulative shock models) are employed to model the dynamic risk processes. In extreme shock models, only the impact of the current fatal shock is usually taken into account, whereas, in cumulative shock models, the impact of the preceding shocks is accumulated as well. However, in practice, the effect of the corresponding shock can be realized in those two ways in one model (i.e., it can be fatal or, otherwise it is accumulated). This observation justifies the consideration of a ‘combined shock model’ in the risk modeling and analysis. In this paper, we generalize the study of the dynamic risk processes that were previously considered in the literature. The main theme of this paper is to find the optimal allocation policies for the generalized combined risk processes via the stochastic comparisons of survival functions. It will be seen that the obtained results hold for ‘general counting processes’ of shocks. In addition, we consider the problem of maximizing a gain function under certain risks and obtain reasonable decisions based on a variability measure. Furthermore, the meaningful explanations for the results on the policy ordering will be provided.  相似文献   

Ozone and particulate matter PM(2.5) are co-pollutants that have long been associated with increased public health risks. Information on concentration levels for both pollutants come from two sources: monitoring sites and output from complex numerical models that produce concentration surfaces over large spatial regions. In this paper, we offer a fully-model based approach for fusing these two sources of information for the pair of co-pollutants which is computationally feasible over large spatial regions and long periods of time. Due to the association between concentration levels of the two environmental contaminants, it is expected that information regarding one will help to improve prediction of the other. Misalignment is an obvious issue since the monitoring networks for the two contaminants only partly intersect and because the collection rate for PM(2.5) is typically less frequent than that for ozone.Extending previous work in Berrocal et al. (2009), we introduce a bivariate downscaler that provides a flexible class of bivariate space-time assimilation models. We discuss computational issues for model fitting and analyze a dataset for ozone and PM(2.5) for the ozone season during year 2002. We show a modest improvement in predictive performance, not surprising in a setting where we can anticipate only a small gain.  相似文献   

In disease mapping, health outcomes measured at the same spatial locations may be correlated, so one can consider joint modeling the multivariate health outcomes accounting for their dependence. The general approaches often used for joint modeling include shared component models and multivariate models. An alternative way to model the association between two health outcomes, when one outcome can naturally serve as a covariate of the other, is to use ecological regression model. For example, in our application, preterm birth (PTB) can be treated as a predictor for low birth weight (LBW) and vice versa. Therefore, we proposed to blend the ideas from joint modeling and ecological regression methods to jointly model the relative risks for LBW and PTBs over the health districts in Saskatchewan, Canada, in 2000–2010. This approach is helpful when proxy of areal-level contextual factors can be derived based on the outcomes themselves when direct information on risk factors are not readily available. Our results indicate that the proposed approach improves the model fit when compared with the conventional joint modeling methods. Further, we showed that when no strong spatial autocorrelation is present, joint outcome modeling using only independent error terms can still provide a better model fit when compared with the separate modeling.  相似文献   

Spatial modeling is widely used in environmental sciences, biology, and epidemiology. Generalized linear mixed models are employed to account for spatial variations of point-referenced data called spatial generalized linear mixed models (SGLMMs). Frequentist analysis of these type of data is computationally difficult. On the other hand, the advent of the Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm has made the Bayesian analysis of SGLMM computationally convenient. Recent introduction of the method of data cloning, which leads to maximum likelihood estimate, has made frequentist analysis of mixed models also equally computationally convenient. Recently, the data cloning was employed to estimate model parameters in SGLMMs, however, the prediction of spatial random effects and kriging are also very important. In this article, we propose a frequentist approach based on data cloning to predict (and provide prediction intervals) spatial random effects and kriging. We illustrate this approach using a real dataset and also by a simulation study.  相似文献   

It is well recognized that the generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution is widely used for any extreme events. This notion is based on the study of discrete choice behavior; however, there is a limit for predicting the distribution at ungauged sites. Hence, there have been studies on spatial dependence within extreme events in continuous space using recorded observations. We model the annual maximum daily rainfall data consisting of 25 locations for the period from 1982 to 2013. The spatial GEV model that is established under observations is assumed to be mutually independent because there is no spatial dependency between the stations. Furthermore, we divide the region into two regions for a better model fit and identify the best model for each region. We show that the regional spatial GEV model reflects the spatial pattern well compared with the spatial GEV model over the entire region as the local GEV distribution. The advantage of spatial extreme modeling is that more robust return levels and some indices of extreme rainfall can be obtained for observed stations as well as for locations without observed data. Thus, the model helps to determine the effects and assessment of vulnerability due to heavy rainfall in northeast Thailand.  相似文献   

The term low birth weight refers an event where a newborn baby has a weight that is less than 2500?g. This is an essential indicator while the interest is in public health issues such as infant mortality, maternal complications, and antenatal care, etc. of a country, particularly, for a developing country like Bangladesh. The regional development programs are in the current priority list of Bangladesh government and other policy makers. Many of such regional development programs may need the spatial distribution of relative risk for low birth weight that can be obtained by mapping the risks over small area domains like the districts of Bangladesh. This study aims to find whether is there any spatial dependence among the relative risks of low birth weight for the districts of Bangladesh. This has been investigated using Moran's I statistic and a significant spatial dependence in the relative risks was found. Then, attempt has been made to rediscover the spatial distribution based on the idea of spatial smoothing. A Bayesian hierarchical model is used considering percent received antenatal care and female labor force participation as covariates to smooth the observed relative risks of low birth weight in 64 districts of Bangladesh. Revised spatial distribution taking the spatial dependence under consideration through intrinsic conditional autoregressive model is derived and showed in choropleth map along with its different behaviors.  相似文献   

In almost all credibility models considered previously, the claims are assumed to be independent over risks. However, from the practical point of view, it is not always the case, and hence, in this article, we investigate the credibility premiums when risks are allowed to be generally dependent. Firstly, we re-build the credibility estimators for Bühlmann and Bühlmann–Straub credibility models under general dependence structure over risks. The methods are then extended to the regression credibility models.  相似文献   

Indices of population ‘health need’ are often used to distribute health resources or assess equity in service provision. This article describes a spatial structural equation model incorporating multiple indicators of need and multiple population health risks that affect need (analogous to multiple indicators–multiple causes models). More specifically, the multiple indicator component of the model involves health outcomes such as hospital admissions or mortality, whereas the multiple risk component models the impact on the need for area social and demographic indicators, which proxy population-level risk factors for different diseases. The latent need construct is allowed (under a Bayesian approach) to be spatially correlated, though the prior assumed for need allows a mix of spatially structured and unstructured influences. A case study considers variations in need for coronary heart disease (CHD) care over 625 small areas in London, using recent mortality and hospitalization data (the ‘indicators’) and measures of general ill-health, income and unemployment, which proxy variations in population risk for CHD.  相似文献   

A Bayesian cluster analysis for the results of an election based on multinomial mixture models is proposed. The number of clusters is chosen based on the careful comparison of the results with predictive simulations from the models, and by checking whether models capture most of the spatial dependence in the results. By implementing the analysis on five recent elections in Barcelona, the reader is walked through the choice of the best statistics and graphical displays to help chose a model and present the results. Even though the models do not use any information about the location of the areas in which the results are broken into, in the example they uncover a four-cluster structure with a strong spatial dependence, that is very stable over time and relates to the demographic composition.  相似文献   

This article reviews four area-level linear mixed models that borrow strength by exploiting the possible correlation among the neighboring areas or/and past time periods. Its main goal is to study if there are efficiency gains when a spatial dependence or/and a temporal autocorrelation among random-area effects are included into the models. The Fay–Herriot estimator is used as benchmark. A design-based simulation study based on real data collected from a longitudinal survey conducted by a statistical office is presented. Our results show that models that explore both spatial and chronological association considerably improve the efficiency of small area estimates.  相似文献   

Few publications consider the estimation of relative risk for vector-borne infectious diseases. Most of these articles involve exploratory analysis that includes the study of covariates and their effects on disease distribution and the study of geographic information systems to integrate patient-related information. The aim of this paper is to introduce an alternative method of relative risk estimation based on discrete time–space stochastic SIR-SI models (susceptible–infective–recovered for human populations; susceptible–infective for vector populations) for the transmission of vector-borne infectious diseases, particularly dengue disease. First, we describe deterministic compartmental SIR-SI models that are suitable for dengue disease transmission. We then adapt these to develop corresponding discrete time–space stochastic SIR-SI models. Finally, we develop an alternative method of estimating the relative risk for dengue disease mapping based on these models and apply them to analyse dengue data from Malaysia. This new approach offers a better model for estimating the relative risk for dengue disease mapping compared with the other common approaches, because it takes into account the transmission process of the disease while allowing for covariates and spatial correlation between risks in adjacent regions.  相似文献   

Abstract. It is quite common in epidemiology that we wish to assess the quality of estimators on a particular set of information, whereas the estimators may use a larger set of information. Two examples are studied: the first occurs when we construct a model for an event which happens if a continuous variable is above a certain threshold. We can compare estimators based on the observation of only the event or on the whole continuous variable. The other example is that of predicting the survival based only on survival information or using in addition information on a disease. We develop modified Akaike information criterion (AIC) and Likelihood cross‐validation (LCV) criteria to compare estimators in this non‐standard situation. We show that a normalized difference of AIC has a bias equal to o ( n ? 1 ) if the estimators are based on well‐specified models; a normalized difference of LCV always has a bias equal to o ( n ? 1 ). A simulation study shows that both criteria work well, although the normalized difference of LCV tends to be better and is more robust. Moreover in the case of well‐specified models the difference of risks boils down to the difference of statistical risks which can be rather precisely estimated. For ‘compatible’ models the difference of risks is often the main term but there can also be a difference of mis‐specification risks.  相似文献   

Point processes are the stochastic models most suitable for describing physical phenomena that appear at irregularly spaced times, such as the earthquakes. These processes are uniquely characterized by their conditional intensity, that is, by the probability that an event will occur in the infinitesimal interval (t, t+Δt), given the history of the process up tot. The seismic phenomenon displays different behaviours on different time and size scales; in particular, the occurrence of destructive shocks over some centuries in a seismogenic region may be explained by the elastic rebound theory. This theory has inspired the so-called stress release models: their conditional intensity translates the idea that an earthquake produces a sudden decrease in the amount of strain accumulated gradually over time along a fault, and the subsequent event occurs when the stress exceeds the strength of the medium. This study has a double objective: the formulation of these models in the Bayesian framework, and the assignment to each event of a mark, that is its magnitude, modelled through a distribution that depends at timet on the stress level accumulated up to that instant. The resulting parameter space is constrained and dependent on the data, complicating Bayesian computation and analysis. We have resorted to Monte Carlo methods to solve these problems.  相似文献   

Summary.  We adapt martingale estimating equations based on gap time information to a general intensity model for a single realization of a modulated renewal process. The consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimators is proved under ergodicity conditions. Previous work has considered either parametric likelihood analysis or semiparametric multiplicative models using partial likelihood. The framework is generally applicable to semiparametric and parametric models, including additive and multiplicative specifications, and periodic models. It facilitates a semiparametric extension of a popular parametric earthquake model. Simulations and empirical analyses of Taiwanese earthquake sequences illustrate the methodology's practical utility.  相似文献   

Constructing spatial density maps of seismic events, such as earthquake hypocentres, is complicated by the fact that events are not located precisely. In this paper, we present a method for estimating density maps from event locations that are measured with error. The estimator is based on the simulation–extrapolation method of estimation and is appropriate for location errors that are either homoscedastic or heteroscedastic. A simulation study shows that the estimator outperforms the standard estimator of density that ignores location errors in the data, even when location errors are spatially dependent. We apply our method to construct an estimated density map of earthquake hypocenters using data from the Alaska earthquake catalogue.  相似文献   

Prognostic studies are essential to understand the role of particular prognostic factors and, thus, improve prognosis. In most studies, disease progression trajectories of individual patients may end up with one of mutually exclusive endpoints or can involve a sequence of different events.

One challenge in such studies concerns separating the effects of putative prognostic factors on these different endpoints and testing the differences between these effects.

In this article, we systematically evaluate and compare, through simulations, the performance of three alternative multivariable regression approaches in analyzing competing risks and multiple-event longitudinal data. The three approaches are: (1) fitting separate event-specific Cox's proportional hazards models; (2) the extension of Cox's model to competing risks proposed by Lunn and McNeil; and (3) Markov multi-state model.

The simulation design is based on a prognostic study of cancer progression, and several simulated scenarios help investigate different methodological issues relevant to the modeling of multiple-event processes of disease progression. The results highlight some practically important issues. Specifically, the decreased precision of the observed timing of intermediary (non fatal) events has a strong negative impact on the accuracy of regression coefficients estimated with either the Cox's or Lunn-McNeil models, while the Markov model appears to be quite robust, under the same circumstances. Furthermore, the tests based on both Markov and Lunn-McNeil models had similar power for detecting a difference between the effects of the same covariate on the hazards of two mutually exclusive events. The Markov approach yields also accurate Type I error rate and good empirical power for testing the hypothesis that the effect of a prognostic factor on changes after an intermediary event, which cannot be directly tested with the Lunn-McNeil method. Bootstrap-based standard errors improve the coverage rates for Markov model estimates. Overall, the results of our simulations validate Markov multi-state model for a wide range of data structures encountered in prognostic studies of disease progression, and may guide end users regarding the choice of model(s) most appropriate for their specific application.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a new robust technique for the analysis of spatial data through simultaneous autoregressive (SAR) models, which extends the Forward Search approach of Cerioli and Riani (1999) and Atkinson and Riani (2000). Our algorithm starts from a subset of outlier-free observations and then selects additional observations according to their degree of agreement with the postulated model. A number of useful diagnostics which are monitored along the search help to identify masked spatial outliers and high leverage sites. In contrast to other robust techniques, our method is particularly suited for the analysis of complex multidimensional systems since each step is performed through statistically and computationally efficient procedures, such as maximum likelihood. The main contribution of this paper is the development of joint robust estimation of both trend and autocorrelation parameters in spatial linear models. For this purpose we suggest a novel definition of the elemental sets of the Forward Search, which relies on blocks of contiguous spatial locations.  相似文献   

Bayesian hierarchical spatio-temporal models are becoming increasingly important due to the increasing availability of space-time data in various domains. In this paper we develop a user friendly R package, spTDyn, for spatio-temporal modelling. It can be used to fit models with spatially varying and temporally dynamic coefficients. The former is used for modelling the spatially varying impact of explanatory variables on the response caused by spatial misalignment. This issue can arise when the covariates only vary over time, or when they are measured over a grid and hence do not match the locations of the response point-level data. The latter is to examine the temporally varying impact of explanatory variables in space-time data due, for example, to seasonality or other time-varying effects. The spTDyn package uses Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling written in C, which makes computations highly efficient, and the interface is written in R making these sophisticated modelling techniques easily accessible to statistical analysts. The models and software, and their advantages, are illustrated using temperature and ozone space-time data.  相似文献   

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