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This article presents a case study of an episode of service delivery in which a gay man sought counseling in relation to his sexuality from an AIDS service organization. The design was based on institutional ethnography, a research approach that focuses on discovering links between the experiences of marginalized people and the influence of oppressive ideologies on social institutions. Using a narrative approach to data analysis, I show concretely how this man was effectively prevented from accessing help by the silence of his social worker and the agency in relation to issues of same-sex sexual orientation. The study demonstrates the complexity and subtlety of the social relations that allow heterosexism to shape the delivery of social services. Implications for future research are identified.  相似文献   

Picture books engage young learners across the elementary curriculum and can effectively help teach about a variety of social studies topics. Social studies may be a neglected subject in many elementary schools, but purposefully incorporating it through children's literature provides an effective means of advancing both literacy skills and social studies understanding. In this study, first graders from two different schools were each provided with five books related to social studies ideas as part of a summer reading program. A picture-sorting activity with six of the students as they began second grade found variations in cultural awareness. Students were found to display chauvinism and presentism more with images relating to a country they had not read about (China) than with one that was included in the books (Tanzania). This study found that providing students with opportunities to read picture books with text and images that accurately reflect contemporary life in different countries can help young students become attuned to cultural similarities and differences, which promotes cultural awareness.  相似文献   

一个生命垂危的小女孩,站在洒满阳光的病房门前向我招手,微笑地说着──“再见!”“ByeBye!”当我已记不请她是第几次回过头的时候,她已站在走廊的那一端向我把手,幸好太长的走廊能见度相当好;我们能望见她那微微的一翕一合的双唇,仍能望见她那美丽的眼眸里闪耀着的真挚生动的光彩.仍能最后一次体会她那弱小但坚强的背影。后来我才明白当时她的眼眸里同时又在竭力掩饰一种一尘不染的苍白,一种淡淡的化部。而她对于生命的渴望和对生活的热切向往又怎样鼓励着她勇敢地微笑地同命运抗争!我们是在海滨城市的一家医院相识的。那时我…  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(3):265-296

This article explores accommodation experiences of East Europeans in London. Based on in-depth interviews with recent Polish and Lithuanian migrants it highlights a range of accommodation strategies that they exercise living in London. The article argues that instead of being passive users of the housing services in the immigration country, East European migrants skillfully manipulate the British housing market in order to achieve maximum benefit from the limited housing options available them. In this way, the article reflects on the dilemmas of making “home” and contributes to the theoretical refinement of the concept of “home” in the context of temporary accommodation.  相似文献   

By taking up the strand in Lave and Wenger's writing on situated learning that directs attention to social dynamics and issues of power and positioning, the present article argues for the fruitfulness of including the concept of negotiated participation in approaches to teaching and learning. Based on a fieldwork in vocational media production projects, this study demonstrates the tensions and contradictions that came out of the hybrid nature of these vocational practices in high school. Establishing the professionally relevant modes of participation in the projects was fraught with struggles in which the project members had to bracket institutionalized school routines as well as handle and negotiate particular work life conditions (including cooperation with old timers in the target professions). It is argued that the way institutional contradictions are manifested and negotiated in everyday teaching and interaction can inform our understanding of the premises for multifunctional educational praxis.  相似文献   

This paper aims to provide a reflective – and selective – review of key developments in media and crime research and theory from the vantage point of the new century. Writing primarily as a criminologist, though with a background in sociological theory and research, information studies, and cultural analysis, I will seek to identify some of the turning points and questions that emerge from what is a recently rejuvenated and expanding field. For the last decade media/crime research has been able to draw on an exciting array of multi‐disciplinary sources of inspiration in a way that has not happened before, and suggests new – intellectually complex – challenges for future work.  相似文献   


Using an academic letter format, I use a blended-method-ological approach of personal ethnography and qualitative case study to assess the three-partner, gay male relationship and the role of parental support. In working to understand better the relational “We 3,” I first provide an account of my relational experience with two other men. I discuss the process of our coming together and then make a methodological turn to provide insights from both e-mail and face-to-face interviews with one set of parents who have supported their gay son in his three-partner relationship. As I, personally, have not had an in-depth conversation with my own parents regarding this issue, I use the parental case study to bridge an academic conversation regarding the negotiation of what might be termed a second or relational coming out process with parents. Finally, I discuss how insights from the first, personal coming out process provided the parents with tools to keep the conversation going and to support their son's relational coming out as a “We 3.”  相似文献   

Can experiencing interracial hostility perpetuate interracial hostility? This article considers this possibility by examining the link between interpersonal discrimination and racial attitudes. Further, I situate discrimination into one’s totality of interracial exposure by analyzing whether other forms of interracial contact (friends, neighbors, or coworkers) condition the discrimination–attitudes association. Using representative data from the Chicago Area Study, I find that black, Hispanic, and white adults express greater feelings of racial threat and ingroup closeness when they report discrimination. The conditional effects vary across race/ethnicity. Among Hispanics, friendship mitigates these attitudinal consequences. For blacks, friendship is beneficial only for those not experiencing discrimination. Among whites, discrimination’s attitudinal consequences grow more extreme with greater neighborhood contact. Overall, the results suggest that (1) racial attitudes should be added to the list of interpersonal racial discrimination consequences and (2) discrimination is often a primary form of contact contributing to the development of racial attitudes.  相似文献   

Epistemologies of ignorance describe how ignorance influences the production of knowledge. Advancing an intersectional epistemologies of ignorance approach that examines how conscious (or unconscious) ignorance about racism, heterosexism, and classism shapes empirical knowledge about Black men’s sexualities, we conducted a critical review of the behavioral and social science research on U.S. Black men, ages 18 and older, for two time frames: pre-1981 and the most recent decade, 2006–2016. Our search yielded 668 articles, which we classified into five categories: sexual violence, sexual experiences and expressions, sexual identities, cultural and social-structural influences, and sexual health and sexual risk. We found that most of the research, particularly pre-1981, centered the experiences of White heterosexual men as normative and implicitly constructed Black men as hypersexual or deviant. Most of the research also color-blinded White privilege and ignored how racism, heterosexism, and classism structured Black men’s inequities. We also found notable exceptions to these trends. Black men who are gay, bisexual, or who have sex with men, and research on HIV risk were prominent in the past decade, as was research that emphasized the social-structural (e.g., poverty, heterosexism, racism) and cultural (e.g., masculinity, religion) contexts of Black men’s lives and sexualities. We provide 10 recommendations to avoid intersectional epistemic ignorance in future research.  相似文献   

赵亮  陈超 《职业》2008,(36):98-98
<正>"Joomla!"是一套在国外相当知名的内容管理系统(Content Management System,CMS),它属于Porta(l商业入口网站)类型,是比较适合作为商业类型的网站程序,又名建站程序、快速建站程序或整站程序。  相似文献   

李民增 《职业》2011,(28):55-55
年级组共九个人,在一间大房里办公。我年龄大点儿,当组长。一次,老师们正在忙着,忽然一位年轻女教师笑着说:  相似文献   

In Parakalamos (a village in NW Greece) Gypsyness, historically constituted as a “disheveled otherness,” claims a space of encounter with people and actions that are “other,” but also arise from within, ossified, but also ephemeral and fleeting. By exploring the way Gypsies in Parakalamos discussed and experienced processes of identification, I shift the issue of Gypsy otherness away from the well-ordered schema of neatly divided communities usually found within Gypsy ethnography, and I am concerned with the scenography of Gypsy difference: drawing upon a more general discussion on stereotypes, identity, and difference, I explore the situatedness, instability and partial character of Gypsy performances of difference, which nonetheless cannot lie outside the topography of marginality in and through which Parakalamos Gypsies have emerged as particular historical subjects.  相似文献   

This article presents a provocative perspective on creativity with two controversial assertions. First, it challenges the conventional view of the creator as an innovative person, by promoting the notion of the dogmatic creator. Second, it argues that nice people are not creative, and creative people are not nice. An integrative review of the empirical literature on culture, creativity, and conflict ensues. In the process, four sets of hypotheses are developed which are embedded in two theoretical models of behavior. In Theoretical Model A, it is postulated that cultural individualism-collectivism has a positive causal impact on independent self-construal (Hypothesis 1A). In turn, independent self-construal is posited to have a positive causal impact on positive perception of conflict (Hypothesis 2A), confrontational conflict style (Hypothesis 3A), and creative behavior (Hypothesis 4A). In Theoretical Model B, it is postulated that cultural individualism-collectivism has a negative causal impact on interdependent self-construal (Hypothesis 1B). In turn, interdependent self-construal was postulated to have a positive causal impact on negative perception of conflict (Hypothesis 2B), non-confrontational conflict style (Hypothesis 3B), and conforming behavior (Hypothesis 4B). One-hundred-eighty-six university students in Singapore and 158 students in Australia responded to a survey, which consisted of various scales tapping the constructs in these two theoretical models of behavior. SEM analyses using LISREL 8.0 provided empirical support for both models of behavior. Based on these findings, several points are raised. First, creativity should not be perceived in a naïve manner. Second, there is an urgent need to assist parents, teachers, and employers to deal with creative individuals. Finally, since creativity is a cultural phenomenon, the cultural context must be made amenable for this type of behavior.  相似文献   

买画 一位夫人到画商那里买画,她挑来挑去,挑中了一幅静物画,画上有一束花,一碟火腿和一个面包圈。 夫人问:“这幅画要卖多少钱?” “五十个美元,这可是非常便宜的了。” “可是,我前两天看见的一幅画,几乎和这幅一模一样,才卖二十五美元。” “那它一定画得不如这幅画好。”画商很内行地说。 “不,我觉得它比这幅好。” “为什么?” “它那幅画的小碟子里的火腿要比这一幅多得多。” 透视心灵 “你找对象为什么要找大眼睛的?” “因为眼睛是心灵的窗户。找大眼睛的,可以比较方便地看出她的心灵。” 吻别 妻子望着住街对面的…  相似文献   

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