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本文选用2003-2012年人口经济压力相关指标,运用动态因子分析和空间自相关分析方法对我国人口经济压力进行研究。结果表明:第一,2003-2012年间,西藏、贵州、宁夏、云南、青海等经济欠发达地区是我国人口经济压力最大的地区,而北京市、上海市、天津市、江苏省等经济发达地区是我国人口经济压力最小的地区,表明我国人口经济压力存在明显的空间聚集特征;第二,人口经济压力的影响因素:人口生活水平压力>人口增长压力>人口就业和素质压力,表明人口经济压力与经济发展程度存在非常显著的相关性,因此大力发展经济是减小地区人口经济压力的主要途径之一。落后地区要注重控制人口增长的同时,改变经济增长方式,提高资源利用效率,以达到人口与经济规模协调发展;第三,自2003年以来,我国人口经济压力差异呈现不断扩大趋势,表明我国省域贫富差距越来越大,因此缩小地区间的贫富差异也是一个缓解我国人口经济压力差距过大的主要手段之一。  相似文献   

投资规模屡屡膨胀,除政策原因外,人口增长是经济系统内部对投资规模驱动的深层原因。人口增长过快促进社会消费增加,驱动投资内部引致投资规模的扩大;人口增长过快带来另一方面的问题是就业压力增大,就业需求又驱动投资的增长.所以,投资规模的  相似文献   

北京市流动人口的最新状况与分析   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:41  
本文根据2006年“北京市1‰流动人口调查”数据分析了北京市流动人口的结构、分布、经济状况和居住状况等特征。研究发现,北京市流动人口正在发生结构性的变化,其家庭化的趋势明显;北京的经济优势是吸引流动人口来京的最主要原因;流动人口在京滞留时间较长,很多人已经成为事实上的“北京人”;流动人口的流动渠道和实现就业的渠道具有“非正规”的特性;流动使绝大多数人实现了职业身份的“非农化”,但在进城后流动劳动力继续向上流动的机会减少。另外,本文也探讨了在京流动人口在劳动就业、社会保险、居住条件等方面面临的困境和问题。  相似文献   

城镇劳动供求形势与趋势分析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
人口加速老龄化是中国人口快速转变的代价之一,城镇劳动供求形势也将因此出现重要变化。文章运用最新的人口预测结果以及分省的相关数据,分析并预测了城镇劳动供求的趋势。总的来看,劳动供给压力正在逐渐减小,而劳动需求随着经济增长和结构改善正迅速增加,就业的总量供求矛盾正在得到缓解,但就业的结构性矛盾正在变得越来越突出,如何提高劳动者的知识和技能水平已经成为解决就业问题的关键所在。  相似文献   

北京市是祖国的首都,全国第二大城市。建国以来,北京市人口的增长是比较快的。北京于1948年末和平解放,当时人口200.6万。从1949年到1958年,先后经过四次较大的行政区划变动,土地面积由707平方公里,扩大到16800平方公里。按16800平方公里现行区域范围,北京市人口1949年末为414万,到1979年发展到871万。三十年人口净增457万,增长了1.1倍,年平均增长率2.5%,高于全国(2%),也比上海市(1.3%)和天津市(2.1%)为高。北京人口增长比较快主要是城市人口增长快。城市人口由1949年的176万发展到1979年的495万,  相似文献   

文章在对北京市水资源压力变动趋势进行分析的基础上,进一步使用对数平均的因素分解法对北京市2001~2010年间的用水量进行各类驱动因素的分析,研究人口规模变化、家庭规模和数量等人口学因素在各种驱动因素中的地位和作用。结果表明,北京市水资源压力很大,而且近年来呈现持续上升、逐年加剧的趋势;北京市用水量增长最大的驱动因素是人均GDP的增长;人口数量、家庭数量以及家庭规模等人口学要素对用水量变化有一定的作用,但并非是北京市用水量变化的最主要因素;提高生产部门的水资源利用率,引导居民树立合理的消费观对缓解北京市水资源压力、提高人口承载力有重要意义。  相似文献   

吉林省近几年经济增长的同时,由于技术进步,国企改革等原因,导致省内存在大量剩余劳动力人口。非公有制经济在吸纳劳动力方面形式灵活多样,大大缓解了吉林省劳动就业方面的压力。  相似文献   

<正> 中国人口的迅速膨胀,既有以前政策失误的原因,同时也是社会发展过程中不可避免的,它与落后的经济、文化相结合,形成社会发展过程中的两难选择,与历史上发达国家相比,由于发展环境巳根本改变,解决我国人口问题的政策、措施也必须随之改变,人口有计划增长的政策至为迫切和必要,  相似文献   

本文利用民国北京人口统计档案资料对民国北京人口空间分布的特点及原因做出动态分析。民国北京人口空间分布的最大特点是分布不均衡、密度大及人口性别比高。北京内外城人口数量与人口密度远大于四郊,各区人口密度相差悬殊,北京人口空间分布格局与人口密度增长呈现明显的圈层式特点及差异性变化。北京内城外围各区人口密度及其增长均大于中心区域;外城内侧区域人口密度大于边缘区域,但内侧区域人口密度增长却慢于边缘区域;东郊区、南郊区的人口密度及其增长大于西郊区及北郊区。总体上北京各区人口密度增长表现为内城快于外城,外城快于四郊。北京城郊区人口分布格局并非静止不变,内城人口密度呈现出由低于到最终高于外城的变动,外城人口数量也呈现出由少于到最终多于四郊的变动。民国北京人口空间分布的影响因素主要包括北京城市居住格局的改变、公共机构的建立、城市商业消费中心的北移及外来人口的聚集等。民国北京男性人口一直多于女性人口,因此人口性别比一直较高。北京男女人口城郊区分布不平衡,外城人口性别比最高,内城次之,四郊最低。民国北京人口性别比高的一个主要原因是外来人口以未婚男性青壮年居多,大量过剩未婚男性人口成为婚姻市场中的被挤压对象,也是社会不安定的潜在因素。  相似文献   

解放以来,我国在相当长的一段时间内坚持了优先发展重工业的方针,形成了以产值增长为目标的外延型工业化模式,在经济增长方面取得一定成就的同时,却忽视了力度极大的结构性问题,其中包括人口产业结构的合理、有效的转移问题。目前我国的人口产业结构仍没有脱离传统模式的格局。  相似文献   

肖周燕 《西北人口》2012,33(1):115-119
一直以来北京的人口问题被认为是造成环境污染的一个主要原因。基于VAR模型的脉冲响应和方差因素分解发现,在影响二氧化碳排放因素中,经济规模的增长对二氧化碳排放的影响远远强于人口规模的增长。由于人口增长在一定程度上有利于经济聚集和技术进步,北京人口增长对经济聚集和技术进步的推动作用大于人口增长本身所造成的环境压力,因此,北京人口增长并没有表现出常识所认为的与二氧化碳排放的正相关关系。北京应更多从经济领域入手,通过采取多种措施如调整经济结构,挖掘减排潜力以及颁布实施一系列更为严格有效的环境保护政策来应对环境污染问题。  相似文献   

近代东北人口增长及其对经济发展的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近代东北地区是我国人口增长最快的地区,人口增长的主要原因是大量移民人口的增加,而不是靠人口的自然增长,其中大量跨境移民的涌入是一个重要特征。大量的国内移民人口的增加促进了东北近代农业的发展,这一定程度上缓解了近代中国内地的人口压力。另外,大量移民人口的增加促进了近代东北地区贸易、工业和城市等的发展,从而促进了近代东北经济的发展。  相似文献   

中国人口压力的定量研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在对人口压力进行界定、对传统评价人口压力的指标体系进行评述的基础上,把人口与无形资源的状况纳入评价人口压力的指标体系,用人口自然增长率、人口密度、成人识字率、高等教育人口比重及城乡居民的人均消费支出等项指标,构建了衡量人口压力的指标体系,探讨了定量研究人口压力的方法、步骤,并根据2000年人口普查资料,对我国各地区的人口压力进行了赋值与量化。  相似文献   

G Xong 《人口研究》1989,(5):59-61
Since 1986, China has experienced another baby boom which is expected to last till 1997. If no effective measure is implemented to check population growth, the population target of around 1.2 billion will not be achieved. The author proposed four population regulation mechanisms that need to be strengthened. First, ideological education needs to be used to change people's perceptions about family size, so that couples would willingly accept small families. Second, financial incentives and penalties need to be used to direct people to regulate their fertility. The incentive and penalty technique directly affect the interests of the family and is likely to produce rapid results. Third, legislation can be used to regulate reproductive behavior, the laws and legislation which restrict social behavior should be utilized for population control purposes. Once legislation on fertility regulation is passed, those who violate the law can be penalized. Furthermore, legislation gives family planning (FP) workers legitimacy in implementing the program and can help avoid disputes in the process of FP program implementation. Fourth, provision of contraception and abortion services is an important mechanism to ensure the realization of the objectives of population growth control. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of contraceptive methods and the acceptance of abortion depends on the research and development of contraceptive technology and on abortion techniques. These fertility regulatory mechanisms have not be adequately established, and their functions have not been fully utilized. The current FP program is hampered by simplistic ideological education, abusive use of incentives and penalties, lack of legislation, and unmet needs in contraceptive development. To achieve the population targets, these mechanisms need to be strengthened.  相似文献   

Before 1949, China's population development was noted for its high birth rate, high death rate, and low natural growth rate. After 1949, the death rate showed a large-scale decline, the birth rate was maintained at a high level, and natural growth rate also remained high. Between 1949 and 1973, the natural growth rate was kept above a 2% annual rate. Since then, the need for population control has become increasingly obvious. The theory and methods of China's population policy can be summarized in the following points: (1) material production has to keep up with the pace of population growth, and that means the quantity and quality of the population have to match athe production of materials needed for life and consumption; (2) in a Socialist society, material production and population growth have to develop with well-designed plans; (3) the population question has a direct impact on social and economic development; (4) through enforcement of a national policy, cooperation from different individuals, and ideological education, family planning will gradually be accepted by the general public for the well-being of the country.  相似文献   

东北经济增长与人口就业相关性的判定及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
奥肯定律认为经济增长与失业率呈负相关关系,而统计数据分析显示东北经济增长与就业增长之间存在明显的非一致性。究其原因主要在于东北正处于国有企业改革和产业结构调整时期,面临人口压力且城乡二元结构显著。东北要实现经济增长和扩大就业两者之间的良性互动,需要在注重经济增长速度和质量的同时,把增加就业岗位放在更加优先的位置去考虑。在大力推进产业结构调整、建立和完善劳动力市场的同时,通过加强职业技术培训等手段来实现东北经济社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

于潇 《人口学刊》2003,(5):49-52
20世纪90年代以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立和完善,市场机制在配置资源方面发挥的作用越来越大。长春市是东北老工业基地,尽管经济发展水平与东部地区有一定差距,但是作为特大城市的经济聚集能力和人口聚集能力仍然很强,人口迁移流动在市场机制的作用下呈加速增长趋势,经济因素是推动人口流动性增加的主要原因。  相似文献   

Y Lan 《人口研究》1983,(6):32-34
In the areas where relatives of overseas Chinese (huaqiao) reside, the population density is normally high. For example, in Jinjiang county of Fujian Province, where there is such population, the population density is six times that of Fujian Province in general. The main reason for this situation is that the local economy has improved greatly since 1949 and the living standard in the local area has been elevated as a result of improved medical care and a sharply reduced death rate. Financial resources sent back by the overseas Chinese to their relatives at home have also contributed to the local economic development. The traditional belief favoring more children to carry on the family line is still popular among the general public. All these factors have contributed to a rapid population growth, and the problem of over-population is becoming increasingly serious. At the present time, an understanding has to be reached that population control is in the best interest of both the local people and their relatives overseas. In addition to a control of the population growth, the quality of the population should also be improved. Some advantageous conditions in the areas inhabited by the relatives of overseas Chinese are helpful to reach the goal of family planning: (1) More advanced development in business and industry, (2) more schools established with financial support sent in from overseas, and (3) a general higher cultural and educational level of the local people. Because of these conditions, population control should be achieved more easily than in other places.  相似文献   

Birth limitation and late marriage are two major factors which contribute to the reduction of population growth rate. These two factors should be used as the fundamental method for effectively controlling China's population growth. Facts have proved that birth limitation and late marriage are complimentary to each other and should match each other closely. Since late marriage cannot be delayed indefinitely, the average fertility rate for females under the age of 25 in their first marriage may still reach 5-6 children, provided that birth control measures are not taken. Because of this situation, at the same time that late marriage is encouraged, birth control should also be promoted positively. All married couples should be advised to have only one child. In order to ensure the everlasting practice of these two methods, certain policies concerning family planning and birth control should be formulated according to China's current economic situation. These policies include enforcement of an ideological education and social insurance practice in order to solve the problem of the high population growth rate in the countryside and effectively reach the goal of controlling China's population growth.  相似文献   

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