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Dutch Priest Henri Nouwen, who died in 1996, has a large following of devoted readers. Though not formally a gerontologist, he wrote one small book, Aging: The Fulfillment of Life, full of remarkable insights into the meaning of growing old. Two approaches to caring for older people have special resonance. First, a person must appropriate his or her own aging, coming to grips with one's aging self. Secondly, one must allow the old person to enter into one's own life. Incorporating these two principles into service of elders gives it a spiritual value that goes beyond merely routine contact.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interaction between the circumstances of old age and the demands of adjusting to widowhood. Most widowed individuals, especially women, have much of their life still before them. Three themes are developed: The implications of widowhood for successful aging, the utility of viewing the rest of one's life as a "career" to be planfully and actively pursued, and the increasing amount of heterogeneity among the elderly. These themes are related to issues of personal control and continued independence in old age.  相似文献   

朱斌 《社会》2017,37(5):193-216
本文利用CGSS2006的数据,基于不同类型资本继承与转化的特点,考察了配偶父亲的社会经济地位对城市居民精英地位获得的影响,结果显示:第一,由于文化资本的传递需要长时间累积,配偶父亲的文化资本对个体成为专业精英没有帮助;第二,在中国,政治资本依然是具有支配性作用的,更容易转化为经济资本,但经济资本难以转化为政治资本;因此,配偶父亲的政治资本有助于个体成为市场精英,反之则比较困难。第三,资本的使用可能存在边际收益递减规律,婚后配偶的父亲带入的异质性资本效用可能会强于已被多次使用的父亲资本,因此,婚后配偶的父亲的社会经济地位对个体精英地位的获得具有更强作用。此外,配偶的父亲的影响对于不同性别的个体而言有所差异,虽然精英代际转化同时适用于不同性别,但精英代际继承更适用于男性。  相似文献   

对科学研究中的经验主义批判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张之沧 《求是学刊》2002,29(4):27-31
科学并不全是经验归纳的结果 ,它迄今具有的不可靠性、可错性、局限性、片面性等缺陷 ,主要是经验主义的过错。科学不只是理性的事业 ,作为“大胆的猜测和假设” ,非理性经常起到重要作用。因此科学研究不能只限于按部就班、循规蹈矩的观察实验 ,还应该有自由的想像、大胆的试错、精深幽邃的沉思、独树一帜的创新、别出心裁的构建和虚拟 ,以及放荡醉狂的酒神意识、推翻旧范式的发散式思维、“怎么都行”的多元方法论、对真理的执着追求和对人类高度的责任心  相似文献   

Adults with Developmental Disabilities (DD) are experiencing increased longevity and the projected number of older persons with DD is expected to double by 2020. As a result, concerns have been raised that agencies and professional staff are ill-prepared to address the increased needs of an older population with lifelong disabilities. The caregiving life of familis of person with DD now spans multiple decades and is increasingly a feature of advanced age for parents and grandparents, and of old age for siblings. Problem behaviors, onset or poor management of mental health concerns and inadequate planning for their aging years are the biggest barriers to successful aging for persons with developmental disabilities. However, psychosocial interventions have the potential to alleviate these barriers and promote positive aging for older persons with developmental disabilities. The evidence for the effectiveness of such interventions will be examined within this article.  相似文献   

洪业应 《社会工作》2008,(14):17-18
随着社会变迁,人口老龄化的进程加快,大力发展社会养老保障已为一成种必然选择。农村养老问题日渐凸显,但目前的农村空巢老人的养老机制还存在一些问题,可以尝试从社会工作的宏观、微观的两个层面采取一些对策和建议。  相似文献   

This article looks at three measuring instruments—the Right-Wing Authoritarianism Scale, the Social Dominance Orientation Scale, and the Attitudes About Reality Scale—used to examine covert ideology and its relationship to social and political beliefs and behaviors. These scales share similar ideological components involving abdication of moral responsibility to an outside agent, belief that one's own ideology represents the only form of truth, and negative beliefs about individuals who are not members of one's own group. Evidence is provided to suggest that radical fundamentalists and some groups within U.S. society share ideological beliefs that differ in degree rather than kind. These beliefs make it easy for them to divide the world into "us" and "them" and exacerbate the present conflict.  相似文献   

随迁老人是指与进城子女一起生活而户籍在农村的老年群体。本文在实地调查的基础上,从闲暇时间利用、社区活动参与、社区情感和心理认同等方面描述老人的精神生活状况,发现该群体精神生活单调、很少参与社区活动、对城市社区的认同度低。要改善随迁老人的精神生活,必须通过社区融入的方法,组织多样化的社区活动,扩大老年人社会交往的范围,帮助他们重新构建一个新的社交网络,从而改善他们的精神生活状态。  相似文献   

从政府的作为来看老年产业的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国已进入老龄化社会,老年人数量庞大,然而老年产业却迟迟未发展起来。本文认为政府在老年产业的发展中扮演着重要的角色,主要体现在两点:一是对老年人消费观念的影响,二是对老年产业本身发展的影响。本文主要从这两点进行分析,并提出自己的建议,如搞地区试点,对国资投资领域进行阶段性扩展等等。  相似文献   

随着老龄化社会的到来,老龄人口增多,老年人在家中养老必将长期存在,对老年人的家庭照料越来越重要。而由于社会性别意识的影响,社会规范把家庭照料的责任更多的赋予给了女性,现代女性面临强烈的角色冲突和巨大压力。必须加强对女性家庭照料者的社会支持,缓解她们的照料压力。  相似文献   

夏世华 《求是学刊》2012,39(2):51-56
文章系统解读了楚简《唐虞之道》第14至29号简的思想内涵及脉络,认为这部分简文首先通过尧成为天子之原因的追问,突出了德与位的张力问题,即在应然之理上,有位必当有德,但就实然之事看,有德未必有位.简文对这一德位张力有两个层面的解决方案:一方面,要求有德无位者全力修德,谨守性命,安于时命,养成恒常如一的圆满德行,从而能在得位而治时能“利天下而弗利”;另一方面,要求有位者透悟性命之正,从而能主动尚德授贤、退而养生,这既能使贤者居位而利天下,又能退而养生以自利.简文将“七十致政”之礼普遍化,试图断绝天子终身制的构想,也具有深刻的政治哲学意义.  相似文献   

The current literature on suicide in China shows that the female suicide rate is extraordinarily higher than the rate for males. Many studies have been conducted on the prevalence and perpetrating factors for suicidal incidents. Few have attempted to understand women's suicide acts. In this article, the ethnographic data are used to explore the special meaning of the suicide act in a Chinese family and its impact on the other family members. Research has shown that suicide may have a different meaning in the Chinese context, especially for women with an inferior status within the family. Suicide is taken as an act of revenge in a moral and spiritual sense. The act of suicide is very powerful; it grants the woman so much power that she may achieve what she could not during her lifetime. The suicide event remains in the collective memory of the relatives and other people who knew the person. Its powerful meaning is related to the memory of the transgressive event of taking one's own life as well as to the collective and personal guilt connected with the event.  相似文献   

This article on literature about social networks and social support in order to integrate a number of key concepts and findings that must be considered in research about the social conditions of mentally ill people. Interviews with 53 former psychiatric patients were carried out to get their perspective on their social network, quality of life and future life expectations. The duration of and stigma attached to mental illness, being without work and gender seemed to have the most influence on the primary network. The same issues, except for gender, together with place of residence, financial difficulties and inability to exert influence over one's own situation influenced the respondents' quality of life and their expectations of the future. These findings are analysed and discussed from a social psychological perspective.  相似文献   

Emerging work in intergroup contact has vitalized a focus on processes affecting the impact of interventions on outcomes. We theorized that intergroup learning—learning about other groups, educating others about one's own groups, intention to bridge intergroup differences, and reflecting on one's own group—mediates the effect of a combined enlightenment-encounter curricular intervention on assessments of importance and confidence in taking action to reduce prejudice and promote diversity. Results from a pretest/posttest design with a diverse group of undergraduate social welfare majors (n = 175) show (a) increased motivation for intergroup learning, and importance of taking action, and confidence in doing so, and (b) intergroup learning partially or fully mediates the impact of enlightenment and/or encounter on taking action .  相似文献   

The present studies examined the relationship between children's use of grammatical structures indicating self–other differentiation (i.e., personal pronouns, verb conjugation) and their ability to use language to express their own and others' mental states (MSL). In Study 1, 104 parents of two‐ to three‐year‐old children filled out online checklists assessing children's vocabulary, their use of MSL, and first‐ and second‐person pronouns and verb forms. In Study 2, 77 mothers of 1.5‐ to 2.5‐year‐old children filled out the MacArthur–Bates communicative development inventory, and additional checklists for MSL and verb conjugation. Results of both studies showed that children's use of grammatical person reference is strongly related to their level of grammatical abilities. Importantly, pronominal and inflectional references to others were correlated with children's discourse about the mind. Thus, linguistic tools that are used to distinguish self from others are not only indicators of children's grammatical development, but also their level of sociocognitive understanding.  相似文献   

杨雅丽 《唐都学刊》2002,18(4):106-109
郑玄、孔颖达等训诂大师皆将《礼记·礼器》篇名及篇首“礼器”之语诠释为“礼能使人成器”。这种解释与孔子“君子不器”的哲学命题相悖 ;孔子和儒家认为人乃“天地之心” ,礼是人治国、修身之器 ,故“礼器”不得解释为“礼能使人成器” ;儒家坚信一个真正的君子不能仅有一器之用 ,而应该成为博学通才。“礼器”当为古汉语判断句式 ,意思是“礼是器具” ,可以理解为“礼是人修身之器”。  相似文献   

East Asian societies are currently some of the most rapidly aging in the world. Projections of the traditional old‐age dependency ratios (OADR) present a daunting future of the size of the aged population both in absolute terms and, in the context of low fertility, relative to the future workforce. Recently scholars, especially Sanderson and Scherbov, have argued that OADR is inadequate as a guide to future levels of dependency based, as it is, on past scenarios of “old age” and “dependency” rather than current and future notions. Indeed, in the context of rapidly aging settings in East Asia with developmental welfare states, the OADR has probably never been truly relevant, is profoundly unhelpful and could lead to policy paralysis. As such, Sanderson and Scherbov suggested a new method to measure aging prospectively to take into account both improved life expectancy and health across the life‐course. We introduce these new measurements as a possible new, more radical and optimistic way to think about aging in East Asia. These measurements more accurately demonstrate the “boundaries” to “dependency” and, hence, demonstrate the potential room for social policy interventions to maximize “active aging” for the population currently, perhaps incorrectly, defined as “old” and “dependent”.  相似文献   

Summary A series of interviews with a young West Indian girl livingin London reveals the profound effect of housing conditions,and the architecture of poverty generally, on the psychologicaldevelopment of the adolescent. In the reported interviews, whichhave been reconstructed, one begins to appreciate how not havingsomething as simple as one's own bedroom may influence a child'sfeelings about sexuality, sex role distinctions, family, intimacyand the emergence of her very identity. Most significantly,perhaps, is the fact that the child herself (her name has beenchanged) recognizes the relationship between environmental deprivationand the substance of conscious and unconscious materials.  相似文献   

In surveys of 3,000 households, we have found that people attach less importance to saving lives in the future than to saving lives today, and less importance to saving older persons than to saving younger persons. For the median respondent, saving six people in 25 years is equivalent to saving one person today, while for a horizon of 100 years, 45 persons must be saved for every person saved today. The age of those saved also matters; however, respondents do not weight lives saved by number of life-years remaining: For the median respondent, saving one 20-year-old is equivalent to saving seven 60-year-olds.  相似文献   

In the psychological literature, love is often seen as a construct inseparable from that of close, interpersonal relationships. As a result, it has been often assumed that the same motivational factors underlie both phenomena. This often leads researchers to propose that love does not exist in itself—that it is an emotion which stems solely from a need for attachment, fulfillment of reproductive aims, or for social exchange. The popular cultural imagination, however, perceives love as a unique, mysterious, altruistic, ever-lasting bond between two people—a vision of love which is at odds with its supposed psychological origins. We propose that an ideal of love and its enactment in our culture is a result of two intertwining factors. Within the last few centuries, interpersonal relationships and love have replaced religion as islands of existential comfort. Toward this end, lovers project illusory meaning on their partners. The laborious and turbulent process of withdrawing these projections can lead to what many thinkers think "love" is: bestowal of value on another, and consequent respect for, and care for that person, unmotivated by one's own needs, within the context of a real relationship.  相似文献   

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