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《布洛陀经诗》虽然包含"阴阳合德"等合理因素,但从其宗教神灵观的主要特征,以及在角色定位上的主导思想、在价值评价上的主流意识等方面来看,"男主女从"的等级特征都较为明显。这种等级观体现了壮族性别哲学和壮族传统文化的某些糟粕,是我们在寻求性别和谐发展之道时所必须给予剔除和扬弃的。  相似文献   


Diaspora policies, to be defined as emigrant state policies aiming at maintaining and strengthening ties with its expatriate population, have become a regular feature of twenty-first century international politics. A particular diaspora policy strategy adopted by various emigration countries including Morocco is the introduction of state-led homeland tours. These can be understood as an origin-state tool to socialise mainly young expatriate community members with homeland orientations and identities. Both by opponents as by sympathisers of these tours, it is often assumed that homeland tours are effective in their socialisation project. However, this assumption undervalues the agency of tour participants. This article presents an in-depth investigation of the Moroccan Summer Universities, annual state-led homeland tours for college and university students of Moroccan descent, based on participant observation and qualitative interviews. The analysis highlights the tour participants’ resistance against both discourses and practices of these homeland tours’ organisers. As such, the article attends to the need to understand better how state diaspora policies are received by young members of the diaspora, in a situation where state–diaspora relations are tense and policies are top-down.  相似文献   

廖杨  蒙丽  周志荣 《民族学刊》2017,8(5):11-20, 97-101
微信朋友圈是近年国内兴起的一种社会文化现象.微信中的朋友圈与现实社会中的朋友圈有共性,但差异更为明显."熟悉"的"陌生人"和"陌生"的"熟人"是微信朋友圈人际关系的两种主要状态.基于互联网等现代通讯媒介,"朋友"在微信场域中具有多重身份认同和身份建构.通过多样化的象征符号及其表达,微信朋友圈的即时互动和超地域性使其具备了现实朋友圈难以企及的社会资本动员能力和文化张力.微信红包、微信点赞、微言众听、微群讨论甚至微商广告等等,构成了"互联网+"时代微信朋友圈的基本业态和常态.微信朋友圈的出现和流行,在某种程度上看是文化与技术融合的现代性产物.作为文化与技术融合的当代社会交往媒介和载体,微信朋友圈已开始出现了一些后现代社会生活的端倪.  相似文献   

土司文化:民族史研究不能忽略的领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对我国民族史研究的取向进行了探讨,提出中国民族史研究专门化的主张,认为土司文化是中国民族史研究中不能忽略的领域,民族史研究虽然摆脱了中原王朝史框架,但不能回避国家政治的历史,运用历史的政治人类学方法,民族史学可以在诸多领域实现与土司学的对接和转换.  相似文献   

同江市位于黑龙江省东北部,总面积6164平方公里,辖有4个镇、8个乡、6个国营农场,总人口 16.7万人。同江是赫哲族的发祥地之一,共有赫哲族1500人,占全国赫哲族总人口的三分之一,主要分布在街津口、八岔两个赫哲族乡的两个赫哲族渔村。 一、实施产业结构调整,促进赫哲族经济发展 改革开放以来,特别是贯彻落实中央民族工作会议精神和实施“兴边富民行动”以来,同江市委、市政府把促进赫哲族的进步与发展作为重要的政治责任和义不容辞的工作,狠抓落实,使民族乡村呈现出经济发展、社会繁荣的可喜局面。 (一)围绕资源…  相似文献   

何平 《民族研究》2007,(6):79-88
有学者根据傣族文献的记载认为,傣族在公元前5世纪甚至公元前8世纪的时候就曾经建立过一个地跨云南西部及缅甸中部和北部地区的"达光王国",并把"达光王国"写进了有关傣族的历史论著中,甚至还把这个"达光王国"作为傣族的文明史向前往德宏旅游的游人介绍.本文作者根据掌握的资料对"达光王国"进行考证后认为,傣族文献中有关"达光王国"的记载,实际上是流传到德宏傣族地区并被"傣化"后写进傣族文献的一些源自缅甸的关于"太公王国"和蒲甘王朝早期的传说故事,不足为信.傣族历史上并没有一个"达光王国".  相似文献   

Festivals are an increasingly more popular form of contemporary cultural activism. Countering prejudice through arts, using culture as a tool of communication, and creating an opportunity for marginalised groups to participate in public life, they represent a specific and novel means of civic activism. In this paper, I introduce a case study of the multicultural festival [fjú?n], aiming to enhance the public visibility of ‘new minorities’ and bring attention to the ethnic and cultural diversity in the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Building on a festival ethnography and drawing on the perspective of boundary work [Jaworsky, B. Nadya. 2016. The Boundaries of Belonging: Online Work of Immigration-related Social Movement Organizations. Palgrave Macmillan], I show how the festival organisers work towards crossing and blurring symbolic boundaries in society. I offer a close interpretive reading of their attempts at capturing public places and cultivating a diverse language-scape, while showing how they simultaneously maintain, solidify, or even inscribe new boundaries. I conclude by raising critical points about the potential of activist cultural festivals to shift symbolic boundaries in the long run and serve as tools of social inclusion.  相似文献   

By focusing on the ultra-nationalism of the recently defunct Welsh Defence League (WDL), which in turn had a direct influence on the formation of its more infamous relation the English Defence League, this paper re-examines the long-entrenched discourses of competing nationalisms in Wales. By doing so, it highlights a tendency to emphasise only left-leaning cultural and linguistic nationalist types in that country's historiography, as opposed to the more violent, albeit minority, racist/new racist varieties to be found amongst recent extreme right groupings. Such extreme right antipathy in Wales is not Anglophobic but is directed rather at the ‘substantial numbers of immigrants and minorities … [who] have arrived as a result of empire and its postcolonial aftermath’, particularly those who are Islamic. By taking this new perspective on a heretofore generally ignored, but by no means insignificant Welsh subaltern group, this work further underlines the theoretical difficulties in understanding nationalism(s) generally. More importantly, the paper concludes by tracking the newer and smaller far right groups to have emerged in Wales in the wake of the WDL's collapse. It argues that these derivative groups and the far right ideology which they represent are likely to remain marginalised but still need to be monitored closely.  相似文献   

To assess the impact of segregation a better understanding is required why minorities and natives decide to move closer to ethnic peers. This study investigates the drivers for ethnic residential clustering from a household perspective. For this, household panel data for Germany is linked to small-scale information on the share of co-ethnic neighbours and to the number of regional housing offers and requests. As a result, life-course changes and indicators of cultural openness show similar effects on ethnic residential clustering for migrants and natives. For both, becoming married, inter-ethnic partnerships and moving out of the parental home lead to lower shares of neighbours with the same ethnic background. Major differences exist regarding contextual factors. Natives are more likely to self-segregate in times of increasing housing supply while migrants seem to face limitations in access to housing in times of increasing housing demand. The results highlight the importance of the housing market and the relation of moving choices between migrants and natives in the formation of ethnic residential clustering.  相似文献   


This paper focuses on the difficulties that diasporas face in relation to mobilising around helping the homeland at a time of crisis, using qualitative research on the Greek and Palestinian diasporas. Rather than assume that long-distance nationalism, emotional attachment to the homeland and diasporic obligation will galvanise diasporic populations into assisting, and mobilising around, the homeland, the paper argues that those in diasporas do not necessarily help their homelands in times of crisis, even if they have strong socio-cultural connections to it. At times of crisis these feelings are heightened but not do not always translate into direct action; this may especially be the case at times of prolonged crisis when past efforts to help do not seem to have worked. This paper argues that it is often hard for those in diaspora to find meaningful ways to help at a time of crisis and many question the effectiveness of their actions if they do not see positive outcomes over time. The paper demonstrates that trying to help the homeland can therefore be a frustrating process and can make those in diaspora feel distanced and isolated from the homeland due to their inability to find concrete ways to help.  相似文献   

A key debate in studies of native-migrant relations relates to the barriers to integration created by ethno-cultural differences and socio-economic disadvantage. How do changes in socio-economic inequality between ethnic groups affect interethnic ties in a divided society? I investigate this question by analysing the effect of ethnic inequality on the evolution of cross-ethnic marriages in a society fractured by conflict between natives and settlers. I find the effect is contingent on the ethnic group. Certain groups intermarry more in response to reductions in socio-economic disadvantage; others, however, remain indifferent. I suggest the difference relates to cultural distance. Specifically, I point to differences between groups in the power of the norms and sanctions regulating members’ social interactions outside of the group. These ‘closure’ norms interpose an ethno-cultural distance. I establish these findings with field interviews and census data on over six million marriages in Mindanao, an ethnically diverse region in the southern Philippines and location of an insurgency waged by rebels, drawn from the native Muslim Moro population, resentful of the influx of Christian settlers. I find Moro intermarriage unresponsive to socio-economic equalisation and suggest the strength of their ethno-cultural norms, derived from their ethno-religious identification, accounts for their distinctive response.  相似文献   

熊燕 《民族学刊》2022,13(11):102-107, 152
九隆传说是西南地区历史悠久、流传广泛的族源传说。本文以历时性的研究视角和比较研究的方法,分析了唐代流传于洱海地区的九隆传说所发生的演变,并分析产生这种变化的原因。在唐代,为了遏制吐蕃的扩张,唐太宗支持蒙舍诏统一洱海地区建立南诏,成为了唐蕃之间的缓冲地带。与此同时,在以蒙氏为中心的社会结构下,九隆传说也出现在了南诏蒙氏的祖先故事中,它超越了祖先故事的范畴而具有了政治功能。作为在唐蕃两大政权之间生存的少数民族政权,中原文化对于南诏产生了很强的辐射与影响,由于南诏统治者对汉文化的认同,九隆传说也成为南诏协调与唐政治关系的纽带。同时,由于佛教在洱海地区的传播,九隆传说又被纳入到佛教文化体系之内,成为统治者统一部酋文化、建立文化认同的工具。文章认为九隆传说从早期的单一线性叙述到唐代演绎成为粘着了多种文化因素的故事体系不仅是由于统治者的政治操弄,也是多种文化因素共同作用的结果,中原文化、佛教文化和本土文化都对其产生了深刻影响。  相似文献   

采用解构主义理论框架,梳理历史资料和国内外关于新疆的文献资料,不难发现维吾尔族的概念本身是流动性的,是被历史建构的。维吾尔族实际上是维吾尔与民族的概念叠加,因此讨论维吾尔族的概念时需要意识到两个基础层面:民族的概念与维吾尔的概念。民族是在现代民族国家形成过程中产生的,所以"维吾尔族"这一概念的建构与民族国家的形成息息相关。而"维吾尔"这一词语可以追溯到古代的突厥部落,但古代的维吾尔并不具备任何民族认同,那时的维吾尔具备的应是部落或地域的认同。  相似文献   

正义的空间之维及转向为我国社会主义现代化进程中民族地区的空间优化和发展提供了全新的视角。民族地区经济社会发展是统筹区域协调发展的重要组成部分,推动我国民族地区经济社会和谐发展,弘扬民族优秀文化是缩小区域差距、实现共同富裕的根本要求,也是民族地区空间治理的目标所在。空间正义为民族地区的空间治理提供了内在逻辑与行动选择,民族地区空间治理现代化是空间发展环境和规律的客观性要求,是民族地区治理体系制度化建构的内在要求,也是民族地区空间利益主体的参与性表达诉求。因此要实现民族地区治理现代化、实现更加平衡的空间发展,其实践建构可以通过掌握民族地区空间资源信息,细化具体性措施和规划、关注结构因素,制定不同尺度的空间发展战略和政策协调多方利益、公平配置空间资源和要素、扩大公众的参与,保证政策措施落地等路径实现。  相似文献   

本文作者自1972年开始接触日本民俗学,不断来往于法国和日本之间的独特研究经历,让作者在本文中形成内外交织的理论视角.本文首先介绍了日本民俗学自建立之初以来的理论基础、主要范围和重大问题,然后从个人的研究经验出发,解释这一学科的实践内容,以及国际合作方式对研究带来的影响.最后,本文再次思考了人类学中重要的主位和客位概念,主位和客位问题不仅是日本民俗学面临的问题,也是民俗学和人类学共同面对的理论问题.  相似文献   

著名诗人高深童年时随父从军,南征北战,青年时钟情缪斯,为革命放声歌唱.虽身处逆境,但赤心不改,忠贞不变.他的诗歌深沉地思考历史,热情地呼唤民主,开掘民族精神的底蕴,高扬中华传统的精魂,充满忧患意识和底层情怀,表现了一个战士诗人的革命本色;在诗美的追求上,他继承传统优长,吸取域外营养,形成浓郁的民族特色,并以多种体式的文学作品,为当代回族文学的繁荣作出了可贵的贡献.  相似文献   

民族团结教育的根本在于促进各民族文化的交流、融合、理解、尊重与认同。基于文化视角理解和探索民族团结教育的使命与路径,是对民族团结教育的基础性解读,有利于人们深刻认识民族团结教育,有利于促进民族团结教育实践走向实效、长效、全效。  相似文献   

薄辉龙  徐君 《民族学刊》2023,14(4):35-43, 138
从新时代民族工作主线的视角回顾援藏政策的逻辑构成、实践路径和社会效果,对民族工作的“守正创新”具有重要理论意义与现实价值。援藏政策是中国共产党针对西藏地区率先实施的宏观性民族政策,体现了中华民族“起源-自在-自觉-自强”的历史逻辑、中华民族“多元一体”结构的现实逻辑和中国共产党“以民族团结构建中华民族共同体”的价值逻辑。自西藏和平解放以来,援藏政策经历了主体、形式、内容等层面的变迁和完善,形成了坚持党的领导,以民生为落脚点,以经济援藏、教育援藏和法律援藏为主要特征的实施路径,为中华民族共同体建设夯实了政治基础、物质基础、思想文化基础、法制基础和社会基础。鉴于援藏政策与中华民族共同体建设的内在耦合性,研究发现援藏政策在政治整合、经济互惠、文化接触、法治规范和情感认同等功能的作用下推动了西藏地区的中华民族共同体建设。  相似文献   

粤北山区瑶族移民的文化适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探讨粤北山区瑶族移民的文化适应。文章首先介绍了粤北山区瑶族移民的搬迁情况,然后利用人类学田野调查资料,从物质、精神两个层面描述了粤北山区瑶族移民在生计模式、生活方式、思想观念和宗教信仰等方面的适应状况。最后,文章对这些适应现象做了一些分析,指出移民村当前存在的一些问题,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

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