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本文通过叙述美国瑶族的国家认同与文化认同过程,分析了美国瑶族国家认同与文化认同的特点。认为与一般的美国人及其他民族的认同发展历程不同,美国瑶族的认同发展历程没有遵循文化认同——民族认同——国家认同的发展规律,而是从国家认同到文化认同。  相似文献   

How racial barriers play in the experiences of Mexican Americans has been hotly debated. Some consider Mexican Americans similar to European Americans of a century ago that arrived in the United States with modest backgrounds but were eventually able to participate fully in society. In contrast, others argue that Mexican Americans have been racialized throughout U.S. history, and this limits their participation in society. The evidence of persistent educational disadvantages across generations and frequent reports of discrimination and stereotyping supports the racialization argument. In this paper, we explore the ways in which race plays a role in the lives of Mexican Americans by examining how education, racial characteristics, social interactions, relate to racial outcomes. We use the Mexican American Study Project, a unique data set based on a 1965 survey of Mexican Americans in Los Angeles and San Antonio combined with surveys of the same respondents and their adult children in 2000, thereby creating a longitudinal and intergenerational data set. First, we found that darker Mexican Americans, therefore appearing more stereotypically Mexican, report more experiences of discrimination. Second, darker men report much more discrimination than lighter men and than women overall. Third, more educated Mexican Americans experience more stereotyping and discrimination than their less educated counterparts, which is partly due to their greater contact with whites. Lastly, having greater contact with whites leads to experiencing more stereotyping and discrimination. Our results are indicative of the ways in which Mexican Americans are racialized in the United States.  相似文献   

The present study addresses the distinction between contemporary and old-fashioned prejudice using survey data from a national sample (n = 600) of self-identified whites living in the United States and interviewed by telephone in 2001. First, we examine associations among indicators of contemporary and old-fashioned prejudice. Consistent with the literature, contemporary and old-fashioned prejudice indicators represent two distinct but correlated common factors. Second, we examine whether belief in genetic race differences uniformly predicts both types of prejudice. As might be expected, belief in genetic race differences predicts old-fashioned prejudice but contrary to recent theorizing, it also predicts contemporary prejudice.  相似文献   

彭佳  何超彦 《民族学刊》2022,13(9):44-54, 157
在跨媒介叙事中,故事世界的扩张乃为其核心。其中,在故事世界的建构与扩张中,述真与通达是其得以成功施展的基础所在。聚焦于中国当代民族动画电影对传统神话的跨媒介叙事,本文指出,通过对神话符号及其思想的征用,动画电影的故事世界在述真模式的共享下实现子故事之间的通达,而故事世界与现实世界的通达则体现于其与现实存在的符号对接。此外,文本内的述真促使符号接收者完成跨世界的心理建构,在此过程中,故事世界对于符号接收者内心世界的通达体现为对神话记忆的召唤。中国当代民族动画电影为个体对历史与群体的根着提供了符号通道,透过对中华民族共同体的记忆唤起,民族动画电影帮助受众进行了身份确立和自我安放,凝聚了受众的民族情感认同。  相似文献   

民族认同是民族文化和民族思想被本民族全体成员体认、内化、弘扬、升华的过程,而思想和文化与某种特定存在的利益(物质利益和心理利益)密切相关,即思想和文化一旦成为公共资源就能够产生收益,而且这种思想和文化愈成功,收益就愈大,就越用之不竭。从这一角度而言,民族认同的实质就是在"自我和他者的关系"格式中出现的关于某种利益的博弈。文化相对主义和多元文化论并不是解决民族认同的最佳策略,只有走向对话、寻求互惠的普遍主义才是摆脱民族认同困境的有效途径。  相似文献   


Multiculturalism has meant something of a crisis for many Jews in the United States in that it has placed them in the paradoxical position of being part of the dominant white majority while they continue to maintain their particularity as an ethnic minority. Some scholars who subscribe to the ideal of a postethnic society as a means of resolving the divisiveness and fragmentation in multicultural America have, however, argued that this very dualism experienced by American Jews today may well point toward what they hope will come about in American society as a whole when it moves beyond multiculturalism. This essay explores some of the ways in which the contradictions experienced by Jewish Americans as members of an ethnic minority with majority status figure in recent Jewish American fiction. It concludes with a brief discussion of the possible implications of the anomalous position of American Jews for the place of contemporary Jewish writing within the rapidly changing canon of American literature.  相似文献   

本文认为,族群是偏重于文化特征的概念,民族是偏重于政治的概念。广西历史上就已经形成了12个各自具有共同历史来源、文化上各具特点并内部认同的族群,经过民族识别,这些族群被确定为民族,使他们从族群认同走向民族认同。但是,这种民族认同是建立在族群认同的基础之上的。  相似文献   

民族认同与国家认同研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族认同与国家认同的研究一直以来都是学界关注的重点内容之一,学者们为此进行了不懈的努力,成就卓然。文章通过对目前国内外民族认同和国家认同的相关研究成果进行系统梳理,指出通过引入身份认同理论,把群体或个体的意识和行为同文化和社会结构因素联系起来,从综合性、历时性的动态视角来研究民族问题,并由此总结出民族认同与国家认同变迁的规律或机理,将会更好地服务于现实社会。  相似文献   

尽管"民族认同"已成为学术界不断泛化的话题,但是,关于何谓"民族认同"还存在诸多疑惑。无论是原生论(根基论)固守民族认同乃血缘认同,还是工具论(环境论)坚持民族认同是地域认同;无论是主张从内涵到边缘的研究理路,还是坚持从边缘到内涵的研究取向,客观民族主义与主观民族主义似乎并不完全对立。那么,如何对待民族认同问题?或许理想的途径是既要从民族认同的源来探求内涵,又要重视民族认同的流,去辨析含义。为此,考察"民族认同"的源与流及其认同变迁,具有理论意义和实践意义。  相似文献   

何群 《民族学刊》2020,11(1):51-59, 132-133
当今世界多民族国家大多面临如何实现国家社会凝聚,民族认同与国家认同如何一致起来的问题。利用“田野回望”这一认识和研究方法,从生活实际出发,在无论是作为俄罗斯地理的边缘,还是人文的边缘——图瓦,回望莫斯科,回望俄罗斯,回望中央、核心,在图瓦感受俄罗斯民族国家认同,把脉俄罗斯社会凝聚状况。研究显示,图瓦族传统文化功能依然发挥核心作用,同时大量吸收了俄罗斯文化及现代文化要素;“图瓦族”-“我们是图瓦人”的民族意识、民族情感、民族认同意识尚很浓厚,同时俄罗斯国家认同明确,并迫切希望本族、本地区获得高速发展。图瓦个案表明,二十一世纪俄罗斯民族关系的主流表现为民族共生,文化吸收,民族认同与国家认同日益一致的发展趋势。  相似文献   

全球化进程的进一步加快也强烈冲击着传统民族国家,国家认同问题的重要性日益彰显.现代货币作为民族国家权力建构的产物,本身是国家认同的重要组成部分.货币图像、货币语言、货币体验与货币信任是现代货币建构国家认同的四种主要方式.通过这几种方式,作为国家认同的现代货币发挥着合法性辩护、激励民族情感、协调社会活动、整合国家力量等重要功能.  相似文献   

哈萨克斯坦独立之初,其民族认同的架构历程具有国家引导和推行、民间知识精英积极筹划、各种社会力量蜂拥而至、民众成为参与主体的特点。与此同时,哈萨克斯坦民族认同的重构进程呈现出伊斯兰化、突厥语化、游牧传统化和爱国主义倾向。1997年哈萨克斯坦首都自阿拉木图迁至阿斯塔纳以后,政府逐渐开始强化以哈萨克斯坦人为核心的国家引导性质的民族认同体系,逐步走向多元文化相依并存、多种价值认知交叉并用、多种认同身份凝为一体的建构模式。  相似文献   

民族认同的精神文化内涵   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族认同是民族文化尤其是精神文化被本民族全体成员体认、内化、弘扬、升华的过程。文化认同是民族认同的内在要求和前提条件,在民族认同中具有基础性作用。精神文化能准确、深刻地表达文化和民族的本质特征,在民族认同中占据着核心地位。从文化哲学的角度考察文化认同与民族认同的关系,剖析民族认同的文化实质,揭示民族心理、民族意识、民族精神等精神文化要素在民族认同过程中所起的重要作用,对于增进民族认同、弘扬民族精神、建设民族共有的精神家园具有重要的理论和现实指导意义。  相似文献   


The modern history of the Baltic provinces of the former Russian Empire has essentially been written from an ethnic/national perspective. It is basically the story of the formation of the Latvian, Estonian, Lithuanian and German 'communities', of their 'specific' national identities and eventually of nation states. With those who acquired a German identity, the focus has essentially been upon the landed nobility, the so-called 'Baltic Barons', the traditional elite that formed a minority even of the ethnically German population. The existence of other German groups has been recognised, such as the 'literary estate' (Literatenstand), which in the nineteenth century 'brought into Baltic higher culture, rationalist viewpoints and represented a potential threat to noble control of local politics.' However, such groups have received comparatively little attention from historians, especially among those publishing in English. Even then there is limited acknowledgement of their possessing distinctive cultural and other forms of self-identification. A recent study by a Canadian scholar of the Germans of Riga before 1914 tends to impose the values of the landed elite upon them. In works published in post-1945 (West) Germany by emigres from the region, there is an inclination to present a distinctive 'Baltic German' identity that is largely derived from the experience of the landed elite.  相似文献   

Racial identification is a complex and dynamic process for multiracial individuals, who as members of multiple racial groups have been shown to self-identify or be identified by others differently, depending on the social context. For biracial individuals who have white and minority ancestry, such identity shifting (e.g., from minority to white, or vice versa) may be a way to cope with the threats to their racial identity that can be signaled by the presence or absence of whites and/or minorities in their social environment. We examine whether stigma consciousness (Pinel in J Pers Soc Psychol 76(1):114–128, 1999; i.e., the chronic awareness of the stereotyping and prejudice that minorities face) interacts with the sociocultural context to predict social identity threat, belonging, and racial identification. Using experience sampling methodology, minority/white biracial individuals (27 Asian/white, 22 black/white, and 26 Latino/white) reported the racial composition of their environment, social identity threat for their component racial identities, overall feelings of belonging, and racial identification over a 1-week period. Results suggest that stigma consciousness predicts the extent to which biracial people identify with their white background and experience belonging in different racial contexts. We discuss racial identity shifting in response to context-based threats as a protective strategy for biracial people, and identity where participants’ sociocultural contexts and experiences with racial identity and threat differ as a result of their minority racial group or ascribed race.  相似文献   

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among men and women in the United States, and compared to other racial and ethnic groups, Blacks between the ages of 45 and 65 have the highest likelihood of dying from heart disease. Nevertheless, relatively little is known about intragroup variation among the US Black population. In this study, utilizing a nationally representative sample of Black Americans, we examine the relationship between heart trouble and racial group identity for two groups of Blacks: African Americans and Caribbean Blacks. We include two measures of racial group identity: closeness to other Blacks and Black group evaluation. Our results reveal three important patterns. First, closeness to other Blacks is suppressed by Black group evaluation. Second, at low levels of closeness to other Blacks, there is little difference between African Americans and Caribbean Blacks in the probability of heart trouble. However, as closeness to other Blacks increases, the probability of heart trouble increases for African Americans, but decreases for Caribbean Blacks. Finally, with respect to positive Black group evaluation, both African Americans and Caribbean Blacks benefit and experience a lower probability of heart trouble.  相似文献   

我国是一个典型的多民族国家,这种国家的多民族在边疆表现得尤为突出,使得边疆地区的民族认同与国家认同也因此变得十分复杂。伴随着当前我国边疆地区现代化进程的加剧,边疆民族认同与国家认同的矛盾与冲突在一定程度上凸显出来,因此两者之间的整合也变得越来越迫切。在现实的认同整合过程中,必须调整我国当前的民族政策取向、转变边疆治理的思路、切实保障少数民族的正当权益,并通过国族建设实现边疆民族认同与国家认同的和谐共存。  相似文献   

苗威 《民族学刊》2011,2(5):1-7,91
北魏宣武帝朝,司徒高肇一族位高权重。高肇的五世祖高顾于永嘉年间避乱东迁至高句丽,至高肇父辈时再次举家西归于北魏,由于在六代之中数经移民,高肇家族"渤海蓨人"的历史记忆与民族认同的客观性不仅遭到时人轻之为"夷土"之士所出的挑战,同时也被今人质疑为有冒籍之嫌。通过文献所载和碑铭所镌的资料来看,高肇及其后世族人非常重视"渤海蓨人"的家族历史,其"渤海蓨人"的历史记忆与民族认同在异族区历经数代而不泯。  相似文献   


Heightened integration with the US coupled with the rise of an indigenous movement have challenged and strained long-held images regarding the US and the indigenous within Mexico. As a result, Mexico finds itself facing the difficult task of re-evaluating and reconstructing its national identity. This paper explores the traditional images of the US and the Indian shaping national identity in Mexico and the challenges posed today by neo-liberalism and neo-indigenismo. It sets out a range of current issues, explores the linkages and contradictions, and examines the state of national reform. Fundamentally, the paper strives to raise important theoretical questions and hence set the stage for further research into these issues.  相似文献   

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