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This paper addresses methodological challenges of investigations of international migration, including difficulties in obtaining information about representative samples of migrants and both their origin and destination location. Our project used an origin-based sample with a destination-focused survey and interviewed 91% of migrants from a community in Nepal to any destination and shares techniques employed. Our procedures and high response rate constitute a significant improvement in survey methods that permit the creation of unbiased data on migrants and allow the study of migration in conjunction with origin communities.  相似文献   

The question of eligibility for international sporting representation (ISR) has become increasingly contentious. In this paper we argue that the current ISR regulations are outdated and problematic. Sporting governing bodies ought to ignore citizenship as a criterion for ISR, and instead ISR should be based on a normative account of national belonging which would operate primarily on grounds of early socialisation and long-term residency. This approach would avoid many of the pragmatic and moral pathologies of ISR, and would utilise sports potential in promoting a liberal and progressive understanding of national ties.  相似文献   

This study challenges the assertion that the influx of Asian international undergraduate students in universities across the United States creates richer educational and social environments. Drawing on qualitative research at a public university with a large number of Asian international students, this article examines how Asian American student leaders and their organization took on the difficult institutional task of actualizing the diversity of these new students in a racially segregated campus. We found that instead of viewing racial segregation practices as possibly tied to racial discrimination and privileges of normative whiteness, students expressed both support and resistance to Asian international students in race-neutral language of comfort and organizational differences that reflects the dominant ideology of colorblindness. We argue that any claims to the benefits of international student diversity must take serious account of colorblind racism and the experiences of racial marginalization and racial segregation among domestic minority and international students.  相似文献   


Of late there has been considerable interest in understanding international student mobility, and this has tended to focus on the perspective of the students who take part in this mobility. However, international students are part of a considerable migration industry comprised of international student recruitment teams, international education agents and other institutions selling an education overseas (such as the British Council in a UK context) and as yet there is little research which analyses these relationships. This paper investigates a series of interviews with international office staff to examine the methods they use to recruit international students, and in particular the relationship that they have with international education agents who work with them on a commission basis. It focuses on recent changes to the UK visa system which have led to a decline in the numbers of Indian students choosing to study towards a UK higher education. However, it also reveals that some universities have managed to avoid this trend. This paper investigates why this is the case, demonstrating that there is a need to think about the intersections between migration industries, visa regulations and international student mobility.  相似文献   


The thematic and geographical expansion of EU migration policies has gone along with an increasing mobilisation of pertinent international organisations such as the IOM and UNHCR. Combining insights from the external governance approach with IR debates on international institutional complexity, this article examines the dynamics behind this ‘multilevelling’ of EU external policies. Three strategies of institutional interplay are distinguished: counterweight, whereby international organisations act as independent complement or corrector to EU policy; subcontracting, referring to the outsourcing of EU project implementation to international organisations; and rule transmission, a process in which international organisations engage in transferring EU rules to third countries. Whereas greater organisational authority and autonomy have allowed the UNHCR to keep an independent voice as counterweight to EU action, both the UNHCR and IOM have become increasingly involved in the implementation of the EU's ‘global approach’ to migration via subcontracting and rule transmission. In sum, these processes shed a new light on the role of the EU within the international migration regime complex.  相似文献   

In the international field of visa policies, states observe how other states act in terms of global mobility control or the facilitation of wanted cross-border mobility. But towards whom do they orient themselves? And what drives nation states to cooperate with others and grant their citizens visa-free travel or not? To tackle these questions, we conceptualise visa waiver agreements as positive relations between two states. A new data collection ‘Visa Network Data’ (1969/2010) provides information on all visa waiver agreements worldwide. By means of social network analysis (blockmodelling), we analyse the global structure of the network of nations in this policy field as well as its change over time. In the centre of the network we find evidence for the existence of a global model at which many others orient themselves. However, a second distinct position in the network shows a high degree of stability: Autocratic states that do not want to be involved in the exchange of these bilateral relations.  相似文献   

企业家作为经济活动的一个重要组成部分,在经济与社会发展中起着不可替代的重要作用,他们已经成为我们社会、经济发展的“发动机”。青海民族地区受社会宏微观制度环境以及经济总量和经济结构的影响,尚未形成一个职业化的企业家阶层。本文通过对青海民族地区企业家的成长环境分析,认为营造一个良好的企业家成长环境对社会的全面发展更为重要。  相似文献   

The present study explores a topic which has been under-studied to date, namely the identity formation of Chinese PhD students in relation to study abroad. Underpinned by Giddens’ ‘reflexive project of the self’, which privileges agency and reflexivity, and using a narrative inquiry approach, it presents four students ‘stories’ collected through semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. In building a picture of the ways in which students’ self-identity is shaped by and shapes their experience of study abroad, the stories illustrate individual agency, motivation, self-determination and reflexivity. In doing so, they challenge the essentialised view of Chinese students as a homogeneous and sometimes problematic group and point to implications for action by the host institutions.  相似文献   


International students have become an increasingly important research object – not only on the basis of the overall expansion and importance of international students in higher education and in national economic policies, but also since they constitute a strategic research object for understanding the global landscape of higher education. By using correspondence analysis on a data set on countries of destination and regions of origin, the global space of international students is depicted. The analysis reveals a structure with three main poles, a Pacific pole, a Central European one and a French/Iberian one. The three poles correspond to three different logics of recruitment: a market logic, a proximity logic and a colonial logic. The three poles and logics are also related to linguistic structures. The Pacific/Market pole is dominated by English, while the Central European pole has German and Slavic languages as a common denominator, and the French and Iberian pole has French, Spanish and Portuguese in common with their former colonies. It is argued that the Pacific/Market pole is the dominating pole in the space due to the high concentration of resources of different sorts, including economic, political, educational, scientific and not least, linguistic assets.  相似文献   

Traditionally, immigrants’ propensity to naturalize is attributed to individual characteristics and the origin country. Recently scholars increasingly recognise that naturalisation decisions do not take place in a vacuum: they are conditioned both by the individual life course of immigrants, such as the age at migration and family situation, as well as the opportunity structure set by citizenship policies of the destination country. Yet it is less clear what impact specific policy changes have, and to whom these changes matter most. In this paper we address these questions by analysing citizenship acquisition among first generation immigrants in the Netherlands in light of a restriction in citizenship policy in 2003. We employ unique micro-level longitudinal data from Dutch municipal population registers between 1995 until 2012, which allow us to track naturalisation among different immigration cohorts. We find evidence that indeed naturalisation is part of a larger life course trajectory: immigrants who arrive at a younger age in the Netherlands naturalise more often and so do immigrants with a native partner, or a foreign-born partner who also naturalises. Policy also matters: migrants naturalise later and less often under more restrictive institutional conditions, especially migrants from less developed and politically unstable countries of origin.  相似文献   

国际环湖赛事资源对青海民族地区的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文借鉴事件研究方法,并以相关部门总结报告为依据,探讨了环湖赛对民族地区带来的经济效应和社会效应.  相似文献   

随着人口流动的加快和族际交往的日益频繁,广西金秀大瑶山各族群的语言使用状况正发生显著的变化,一定比例的瑶族成员已经不会瑶语,而瑶、汉、壮等族成员普遍具有使用多种语言进行社会交往的能力。在族际交往的过程中,汉语方言(主要是桂柳话)目前仍维持着强势的地位,并成为大瑶山各族群人口重要的通用语言。  相似文献   

在嘉绒藏族的原生态文化中,独特的姓氏制度可以追溯每个家庭及其成员的父系来源,实现父系继承关系,这是姓氏制度的内在功能;以"房名"为血缘特征的姓氏文化和联姻形成的姻亲关系,成为村落社会中的二元亲属关系,通过亲属关系结成了村落社会的互助网络,这是姓氏制度的外在功能.在传统的村落社会中这些具有原生态的文化特征作为嘉绒藏族的文化认同现象,迄今保持不变.  相似文献   

本文在系统总结国际援助经验的基础上,为我国东西扶贫协作提出了一些政策性建议.  相似文献   

经济民族主义是国际贸易进程中的必然现象, 可具体表现为理性与非理性两种形态, 对贸易当事国的反作用也有所差异。面对经济民族主义尤其是非理性经济民族主义日益强盛的影响力, 贸易相对国必须根据其不同的表现形态采取相应的应对措施, 以保障本国对外贸易的健康发展。  相似文献   

The media studies approach to race often examines blackness through depictions in music lyrics, movies, and videos. The vast majority of these studies posit that media may provide ‘fair’ or ‘unfair’ depictions of blackness. Less examined is the importance of media environments to the structuring of racial relations in the United States. This article extends the contemporary literature on black media studies by taking a ‘medium theory’ approach to analyzing blackness. I argue medium theory aids studies of blackness by showing the ways in which the technologies we use transform the environments we inhabit in ways that further racialization processes beyond depictions of music lyrics or reality TV. To examine the interrelations between media environments and blackness, I offer a critical rereading of the Underground Railroad. I argue the Underground Railroad's success was related to the necessity of brilliant planning and a complex understanding by slaves and conductors of the essential overlapping of space- and time-biased media cultures. In short, the different understandings of media ensured that the slaves and slave catchers inhabited radically different yet interconnected worlds or galaxies, increasing the effectiveness of the Underground Railroad for runaway slaves.  相似文献   

沈艾娥 《民族学刊》2021,12(5):10-16, 107
新媒体的兴起,给人们的思维言行及生活方式造成了很大的冲击,也给整个传媒生态与传播格局带来了革命性的影响。新媒体的去中心化、个性化等特点,使得传统传播方式已无法适应于当前传播趋势。新媒体语境下,中华民族共同体意识传播面临传播手段单一,网络媒体“去中心化”,以及多重噪音干扰等挑战。通过整合传播定位、传播主体、传播渠道及传播符号等手段,能够在一定程度上破解中华民族共同体意识传播所面临的现实难题。中华民族共同体意识要想在新媒体语境中进行有效传播,应顺应新媒介的发展趋势和信息传播规律,充分利用好各种新媒体技术及其平台,消除传播壁垒,重视日常化平民化的“软传播”;尊重民族文化差异,打造富有民族共同体特色的新媒体话语体系;丰富传播样态,搭建民族共同体传播的数据链平台,从而有效提升中华民族共同体意识的传播效果。  相似文献   

柯尔克孜跨国民族地缘交通历史与现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柯尔克孜族成为跨国民族 ,起因为近代沙俄向外扩张以及中俄一系列不平等条约的签定。跨国后的柯尔克孜族居住于西部天山两侧 ,1170公里长的边界线将同一民族分为两半。柯尔克孜族所在地区自古以来便处于丝绸之路必经之地 ,一些著名的山口就位于其中。跨国后 ,位居边界线两侧同源民族之间的关系 ,随着所在国政治、外交关系的变迁而疏密 ,同时 ,还和两个国家的政策以及国力的强弱等因素有关  相似文献   

宋代汉藏民间层面宗教文化交流   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙悟湖 《西藏研究》2006,139(4):36-43
文章认为,汉藏两族宗教文化交流主要反映在三种层面上:民间层面的渗透影响、学者僧侣层面的交流传播和中央王朝与地方政府官方层面的往来贡赐。文章仅就宋代汉藏两族民间层面宗教文化交流略作考察,至于其他历史时期与其他层面宗教文化交流则另撰文论述。关于宋代汉藏宗教文化交流,学界关注者寥寥无几,至于民间层面宗教文化交流,则更鲜有问津之人。认为宋代汉藏两族宗教文化交流通过民间方式,将汉地的宗法性传统宗教文化、道教文化、佛教文化传递到了周边藏区民间,也将藏传佛教文化、苯教文化和其他藏族宗教习俗传播到了周边汉地民间。汉藏民间层面宗教文化交流有益地推动了学者、僧侣层面和官方层面宗教文化交流的深度和广度,从某种程度上保持和深化了学者、僧侣层面和官方层面宗教文化交流的成果。  相似文献   

"一战"以前的国际法与"少数人权利"的保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“少数人”是非常古老的社会现象 ,而“少数人问题”却是近代社会的产物 ,并逐渐成为现代国际法十分关注的重要内容。近代以来的历史进程表明 ,“少数人权利”不仅是国际法中不可或缺的重要内容和组成部分 ,“少数人权利”本身的不断完善和进步又从一个方面促进了整个国际法的完善和进步 ,丰富和发展了现代国际法体系。尽管目前国际法中有关少数民族和“少数人权利”的内容大部分形成于第二次世界大战之后 ,但其历史渊源可以追溯到近代国际法形成的早期 ,许多内容又是在总结和吸取历史经验教训的基础上形成的。在这个意义上 ,回顾和总结第一次世界大战以前国际法中“少数人权利”保护的历程 ,重新审视国际社会逐渐发现、承认并尊重“少数人权利”的历史过程 ,是很有意义的  相似文献   

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