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The Air Force of China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) on December 9, 2013, donated 10 million yuan (US S1.64 million) to the Spring Bud Project. The project, established and administered by the China Children and Teenagers' Foundation (CCTF), is intended to help female dropouts return to school.  相似文献   

古兰经的第一段经文是“奉大仁大慈的安拉之名”,由十九个字母组成。这段经文中的每一个词,在《古兰经》中重复的次数,总是19这一数字的倍数。“名”这一词,《古兰经》中重复过19次。“安拉”一词,在《古兰经》中重复了2698次,等  相似文献   

This article argues that the novel Disgrace points toward a politics of illegiblity and opacity that aligns more readily with anti-identitarian queer theory instead of rights- and recognition-based human rights discourses. Through an extended consideration of the relation between national allegory, history, and legibility, I argue that the novel sustains two interpretations of the category of lesbian—first, the national allegorical reading that erases her rights of lesbian desire in the transmission of racialized and sexual historical debts and second, Lucy's refusal of legibility as a lesbian in the national narrative and legal structures.  相似文献   

<正>抢走她的位置下班回家,我一边在玄关脱鞋,一边高声大叫"我回来了"!厨房里照例传来一声清脆的回应:"知道啦!"那个声音,听了23年,还是那样清甜。  相似文献   

当很多19岁的男孩还在学校里埋头苦读的时候,这个小伙子已经闯出了一片天地,你有兴趣听听他的故事吗?陈琪,一个阳光的男孩,更是一个充满故事的男孩。尽管他身处娱乐圈,却要忘记身份,并以另一种视角想新闻、写新闻、传播新闻,因为他从  相似文献   

Higgins, Trussell, Moore, and Davidson (2010) expand our understanding of sexual satisfaction by showing that first vaginal sex is more likely to be psychologically than physically satisfying and by revealing differences between women and men and similarities between African Americans and Whites. Their analyses highlight the need for further theory-building, explicating the dynamics of change over time, integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches, and articulating implications for public policy. These are crucial steps toward developing a social science of sexual satisfaction. More research that focuses on positive aspects of sexuality, such as satisfaction, should be encouraged.  相似文献   

《依然19世纪风范的“学拓廓”》这篇译文,反映了美国社会以及人们精神追求的一个奇特现象:一方面是高度工业化并已局部进入信息化的现代社会,一方面又存在着19世纪风范的“学拓廓”,而且它还似乎颇有生命力,不但经久不衰,还大有发展的趋势。这一看似很不协调的现象的同时存在说明了什么,读者可以去研究、思考。  相似文献   

正如今的中国制造声名远播,为全世界做出越来越多的贡献。我们向世界证明,中国不仅有阿里巴巴,有先进的量子通信技术,在职业技能上,我们还有新一代中国工匠!2017年10月中旬,在阿联酋阿布扎比举行的第44届世界技能大赛上,19岁男孩梁智滨凭借砌墙绝活,不仅赢得百万奖金,更为中国捧回首枚金牌。梁智滨堪称新一代中国工匠代表,这位上中专、学搬砖的农家子弟,是  相似文献   

正2015年纽约秋冬时装周上,一款由国际大牌推出的油画连衣裙艳惊全球,谁能想到,其花样竟出自中国一个19岁自闭症少年之手!著名画家陈丹青称他为中国毕加索,其画作在慈善晚宴上拍出百万元高价;他的作品还被印制成丝巾,不仅受到周迅、汤唯等明星的  相似文献   

As the movie capital of the world for many decades, Hollywood has achieved an almost legendary status the world over. As a geographical location within southern California, however, it is also home to the many people who work within its film industry. The following interview with David Hanna (1917-1993) explores just what day-to-day life was like for the gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender (GLBT) population who called Hollywood home during the Golden Age of the movie studio system: 1935 to the early 1950s. As a reporter on several Hollywood papers and a movie publicist, Hanna had a journalist's eye view of the legal and social problems confronting a group of people whose sexual orientation relegated them to a largely pariah status. As a gay man, he had a first-hand knowledge of the strategies of survival developed by Hollywood's GLBT population during those years. The article lays the groundwork for a more systematic study of GLBT Hollywood. In that regard, its introduction contains a short discussion of the methodological problems confronting researchers into that history.  相似文献   

19年来,杨义芳不断输血给女儿。女儿的生命得到了拯救,她的身体却变得极度虚弱和多病,医生禁止她继续给女儿献血,母亲"血库"告急!初生女儿患罕见血液病,母亲向病魔下“战书”今年42岁的杨义芳是重庆西南制药厂冻干车间的一名普通职工,丈夫李勇在重庆制药机械厂上班。1990年5月6日,他们的女儿李弦芮的诞生,给他们俩带来了更多的幸福。然而,幸福的日子却在女儿满月那天笼罩上了一层阴云。  相似文献   

小非  中豪 《当代老年》2011,(11):14-16
“无脚妈妈”的爬行生活 任少云的娘家在河南省新乡县合河乡的一个农家。1岁多时,她的双脚开始溃烂,接下来,双脚和半截小腿开始萎缩,找了好多医生,一直治不好。脚烂完了,腿也不长了,而且背上还有一个大大的肿块。因为身残,任少云没上过一天学,不识一个字。  相似文献   

This article reflects on the importance of the relations between state and society in policy-making in the area of public health. Several studies in various sectors such as health, education, and social services have made similar observations on organizational dynamics and the institutionalization of different models of partnerships or contracts, often based on the analytical model of three sectors. Individuals and their networks of relationships, however, remain an almost unexplored dimension in these types of research. Against this backdrop, this study seeks to analyze the movement of HIV/AIDS activists to governmental organizations working in this same field. The analysis raises questions concerning the forms of individual and institutional learning that help to maintain the distinct character of innovation of the Brazilian policy. Professionals who cross the borders hold a different profile once they have accumulated experience working with grassroots and local NGOs, and have also had the chance to be trained and enhance their technical and managerial capacities, since the government has supported NGOs for a long period. When combined, these experiences allow them to maintain relationships with social movements and give them the ability to navigate through the government bureaucracy and handle technical information about fighting AIDS epidemics, making it possible for them to negotiate strategic collaborations reflecting the interests of different groups. Hence, they constantly reflect on the differences between government and social spaces, and keep questioning and modifying their roles in the light of potential and existing complementarities.  相似文献   

青年与现代性——从19世纪末德国的“候鸟运动”谈起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在19世纪末20世纪初的德国,由一群青年学生兴起的”候鸟运动”迅速风靡了整个德语世界.其宗旨是反对学校教育,崇尚自然,反对工业化和现代化。这种反现代主义的倾向与后来纳粹主义的兴起不无关联。从同时代的德国青年桑巴特身上可以看见青年对现代性看法的剧烈转变。青年运动并不具有天然的”正义性”,越是像德国和中国这样的后发现代化的国家,越是要警惕反现代的青年运动或青年思潮可能带来的灾难性后果。  相似文献   

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