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In 2000, Benedek Uhrin—an elderly man with no apparent musical talent—became an internet phenomenon and later one of the unlikely hit performances at the yearly summer music festival in Hungary. Although local commentators argued that his popularity with youth audiences derived from his kitsch appeal, this article argues to the contrary. Uhrin rose to fame because his performance enabled his audience to refuse irony as rhetorical tool, ethical stance, and reading practice in postsocialist mass culture. Inspiring nostalgia rather than mockery, his much-vaunted sincerity offered an alternative to crises of authenticity created by postsocialism.  相似文献   

In this paper I present the extensive discourse analysis of texts produced by the electorally exceptionally successful Greek and Hungarian ultranationalist parties. I first demonstrate that although both have adopted the topics, arguments and rhetorical figures of racist discourse, they differ in the relative importance they attach to culture and biology. That is, while GD imposes rigid, impermeable boundaries to a nation bound together by the ties of common ancestry, excluding ‘others’ on grounds of purported racial inferiority, Jobbik focuses more on culture as the dominant marker that separates off ‘us’ from ‘them’. I then try to explain the emergent patterns by relating them to context-specific categorisation strategies as well as the historically constituted conceptions of ‘Greekness’ and ‘Hungarianness’. I show that the construction of ‘otherness’ is markedly different in the two societies in terms of the chosen ‘enemies’, the preferred identity-markers as well as the processes of boundary drawing. The findings demonstrate that we need to think in a more differentiated way about the possible configurations of the culture/biology and difference/superiority nexus as shaped by the historically constituted and deeply rooted perceptions of difference in each context.  相似文献   

哈巴是哈尼族口头传统中最为重要的一种艺术形式,承载了哈尼族许多重要的民俗文化、民间智慧和地方知识。但是,不论是在传统社区还是在学界,有关哈巴的一些最基本问题至今仍然模糊不清。本文旨在立足于本土口头传统,重点探究哈巴文类研究中的一些疑难问题,而非套用民间文学界既有文类名称来直接对应哈巴。厘清哈巴的文类问题,有助于实现学者观念与地方知识的对接,进而反思学界当前对各民族口头传统文类的界定方法及其局限。  相似文献   


Using a case study from the border region of southeast Hungary, this paper makes the argument that national identity is experienced as a segmented structure of Selves and Others of varying social distances, rather than a binary Self and Other. It also posits that only some of these Others, those perceived to be the most familiar and threatening, are useful for members of a nation to use in thinking about themselves, either in alliance or opposition. In this Hungarian case, the most useful Others for defining Hungarian identity in alliance and opposition are, respectively, the Western and Balkan Other .  相似文献   

万建中 《西北民族研究》2018,(1):155-161,130
现代民间文学体裁学术史的书写提供了全面的反思、清理和重构的契机,已有的研究和学术史书写充斥着西方话语霸权,精英主义和本质主义成为名正言顺的学术立场,"民间"被学者所代言,寻求共性和同一性主宰了学术局面,完全遮蔽了民间文学体裁的民族性、地域性、个别性和差异性。"还原"与"阐释"是重构体裁学学术史的基本范式。"还原"就是把被精英主义操控的民间体裁解放出来,给予民间体裁鲜活生动的生活身份;"阐释"就是站在当下的学术至高点,赋予体裁研究史料全新的学术意义。基于我国民间体裁的多元事实,持批判主义的态度和民间主义立场,才能绘制出与精英主义不同的富有中国特色的现代民间文学体裁专门史的图式。  相似文献   

社会成员在具体的社会行动中,往往会围绕其认同谱系形成认同序列.在传统帝国和新中国建立以后,国家分别借助文化和政治力量对少数民族认同序列进行了重构,实现了多民族国家整合.改革开放后,国家在赋予了少数民族成员个体权利的同时,也引发了其认同序列的紧张.对此,现代国家必须进行积极的回应,而其中一个重要途径就是通过包括公民教育在内的知识供给来实现少数民族认同序列重构,既能满足现代国家在民族地区治理的基本要求,又能让少数民族认同序列在公民身份的形成过程中得以调适和优化.  相似文献   

在匈奴及其先民活动于中国北方地区时,由于受到气候环境变迁和居住区域环境改变的影响,其经济生活由最初的原始农业逐步转变为高度发达的畜牧业,后又由畜牧业转变为中原定居农业.经过这两次经济转型,匈奴人为北方地区的经济发展和魏晋南北朝时期民族大融合创造了条件.  相似文献   

本文依据考古资料 ,综述了古代匈牙利人的丧葬习俗并做了大量相关研究  相似文献   

日本武家文化背景下孕育产生的武士道精神,经过千年发展积淀,逐渐与日本民族文化融为一体,对日本民族产生了深远的影响,是日本民族精神的核心。近代蜕变成为军国主义的精神工具,引领日本走上了侵略扩张道路。  相似文献   

十三世纪至十九世纪印度东北部的历史当属阿洪王国的历史.阿洪王国是十三世纪上半叶由侗台语民族之一支的阿洪人在布拉马普特拉河上游地区建立的国家.阿洪人的先民属中国古代"百越"族群,与云南傣族、缅甸的掸族有直接的族源关系.与周边的山地民族相比,阿洪人拥有先进的稻耕农业技术,并由于文字、宗教、政治、军事体制等因素,使其得以稳定和发展.但是由于人口比例、交流与融合方面的变迁以及内部斗争的消耗,加上英、缅等外部势力的入侵,终于让延续了六百年的王国灭亡了.本文在探求阿洪王国历史的同时也对阿洪人的语言、文化等方面的变迁进行分析,审视他们是融入还是脱离印度的主流文化的趋势.  相似文献   

郭南 《世界民族》2007,(4):95-96
19世纪中叶,不少华人满怀淘金的梦想,飘洋过海,到夏威夷的农庄和美国西部的矿山当契约劳工,后来又到美国西部修建铁路。铁路修成后,等待他们的却是美国历史上惟一的一部歧视少数民族的法令——《排华法令》。从此,美国华人经历了长达六十多年漫长而痛苦的煎熬,在相对封闭的“唐  相似文献   

After a brief historical and theoretical introduction to the issues of Greek Catholicism in Hungary, the author presents their identity-creation process by way of analysing the Memorial Album published in honour of a pilgrimage to Rome in 1900. Studying the visual and discursive symbolism of the decorative album, the author considers it to be a symbolic representation of a community and an important step in the gradual creation of a Hungarian Greek Catholic identity. Finally, the author points out that the 100 year-old political process and its symbolic manifestation gained new importance as the formerly propagated uniform socialist identity disappeared in the wake of the political changes of 1989–1990.  相似文献   

In cultural studies of cemetery locus there is a very important aspect of understanding the cemetery as a tool for the formation of the socio-cultural identity of living people. I adhere to the point of view that the cemetery has always produced, and continues to produce, a variety of identities. While during the pre-Modern period the cemetery was a necessary element of individual self-understanding as a member of a certain community, in the Modern era the cemetery produces more particularistic identities. Modernity generates some universal and abstract schemes of identification, and by means of the repression of death from public consciousness, cemeteries lose their role as a focal point in social communication. I draw attention to the radical utopian ideas of the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov, who not only considered the cemetery as a locus of memory, but also proclaimed the task of the transformation of cemeteries into a base for universal work on resurrection of dead ancestors and the restoration of brotherly relations in all mankind.  相似文献   

本文首先对日本人类学的早期发展,特别是对日本的殖民主义人类学做了考察。在此基础上,围绕战后日本人类学的反思和转型,介绍和讨论了日本现代人类学的海外调查与异文化研究、对异文化与自文化研究的反思、移民与越境的人类学以及现代日本人类学的中国研究等,并对全球化背景下日本人类学的学术转型、问题意识和学科建设等问题做了梳理。现代日本人类学的研究在一定程度上与欧美人类学的海外社会研究形成呼应,并对周边国家人类学的发展产生了一定的影响。  相似文献   

欧洲国家的商业精神缘起于古希腊的海上贸易,后在文艺复兴和宗教改革运动中经受洗礼,商业精神的合法性得以确立,成为欧洲民族国家的普遍价值基础。欧洲国家商业精神的民族性、地域性和国家性,不仅奠定了欧洲国家经济模式的思想基础、催生了其殖民扩张的欲望,而且也提升了各国的国家主义意识,使欧洲国家最终走向现代化。  相似文献   

包玉山 《民族研究》2007,(4):103-104
资源转换问题和资源配置问题是现代经济学研究中不可或缺的两个重要内容.但长期以来,资源转换问题没有像资源配置问题那样引起学者们足够的重视.对于资源富集而经济发展滞后的中国西部民族地区来说,资源的有效转换比资源的优化配置更具有现实意义.  相似文献   

作为"陌生人"的人类学家   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
带引号的“陌生人”,有其特别的所指。1908年,60岁的德国社会学奠基人齐美尔写了一篇题为《陌生人》的文章,在文中,齐美尔对于我这里引用的“陌生人”概念作了一个精妙的诠释。齐美尔说:“天狼星的居民对我们来说并非是真正陌生的”,因为他(它)们根本不是为了地球人而存在的,因  相似文献   

城市界面下的回族传统文化与现代化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨文炯 《回族研究》2004,1(1):58-64
本文以兰州、银川、西宁和西安的回族社区为个案,运用都市人类学和城市社会学的理论和方法,在城市的宏观生态背景下分析了西北城市回族社区的不同层面的变迁,提出面对城市的挑战,以文化自觉的方式实现自身传统的现代化是城市回族穆斯林发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

蒙古族以宗教为先导 ,从 13世纪起 ,在西藏政局变革中起了重要作用。萨迦派、格鲁派的兴起都与蒙古族的支持密不可分 ,清朝入藏也含有蒙古族因素  相似文献   

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