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Editorial Note     

The issue of acculturation is an important one in the history and historiography of Dutch colonialism in the Indies. In so far as there is any substantial orthodoxy, it is that the orientalisation of Java's Dutch communities had become very marked by the late seventeenth century and remained so for the next two hundred years. It was only with the changed global circumstances of the late colonial era, c. 1880 onwards, that Western modes began to assert themselves effectively against those of the East. In turn, the profound acculturation prior to that date of the Dutch colonial communities in the Indies, and in Java in particular, came to be associated with the notion of a Tempo Doeloe [lit: 'time past'], which provided a salient contrast to the markers of a subsequent, late-colonial 'modernity' This paper questions some of the basic assumptions of this orthodoxy, from a postcolonial standpoint that challenges its inherent colonial-era binaries. The nineteenth century family histories of a number of men and women - Suikerlords [Sugar Lords] and their Ladies - from the elite strata of Dutch colonial society in the Indies demonstrates that the cultural and social nexus between The Netherlands and the Indies throughout the nineteenth century was a good deal more intimate, and colonial identity significantly more ambivalent, than enduring stereotypes might allow.  相似文献   

The increasingly global dispersion of elite athletes pursuing sporting careers is an important aspect of the global flow of sport-capital. Such sport migration lends itself to theorising that considers questions about attachment to place, particularly in relation to citizenship, identity and nationalism. Yet only recently have theoretically valuable concepts such as transnationalism, cosmopolitanism and diaspora been foregrounded in studies of sporting migrants. Based on an analysis of British and New Zealand media coverage of international yachtsman Sir Peter Blake's death, we analyse the overlapping forms of identity attributed to this apparently model transnational citizen. We conclude that this case study raises important questions about the multiplicity of identities in a globalised world and expands our understandings of diaspora beyond the classic focus on forced dispersal and non-dominant racial groups.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代末、90年代初,第三次民族主义浪潮席卷全球,对后冷战时代的国际关系产生了重大而深远的影响.这样的民族主义浪潮使世界地缘政治版图进一步碎片化;导致的恐怖主义,构成当代非传统安全领域的一个重点;民族主义的发展,引起国际社会对世界上一些国家和地区的少数民族生存状况和合法权益重视与保护.展望未来,欧洲,特别是西欧国家的排外主义浪潮、网络民族主义的发展、经济民族主义与文化民族主义这三个发展方向将引人关注.  相似文献   

On the surface, ideas of a Nigerian state with common citizenry, free from ethnicity, religious bigotry and regionalism were pursued by Nigerian nationalists. Generally, a state united in common political practices, equal opportunities and under the same law was envisaged. However, the process leading to independence was characterised by ethnic nationalism. In the decolonisation era, group interest was reified and elevated above national struggle for self-government. The post-colonial project of constructing a common citizenry with the same aspirations, one Nigerian identity with a cosmopolitan outlook instead of ethnic loyalty, therefore largely eluded the country. Over the last five decades, the deepest attachment has increasingly been that of ethnic and regional consciousness. Ethnic nationalism has increasingly won support in an atmosphere of greed and clientelism. Several complex crises are currently manifesting themselves in ethnic forms. The situation has been exacerbated by political and economic exclusion, which has awakened forces and organisations that fight for ethnic and regional aspirations. This paper deals with the issue of group identification during the colonial period, especially from 1945. It also explores the extent to which the pattern of nationalist struggle defined the crucial issues of ethnic crises in post-colonial Nigeria. Finally, it examines the dimensions of the contest for citizenship.  相似文献   

自由主义的民族主义是冷战结束以来逐渐兴起一个理论流派,塔米尔是其代表人物之一。本文分析了塔米尔的成名作《自由主义的民族主义》,讨论了它的理论前提、论证逻辑以及理论主张。通过这种分析讨论,本文试图揭示自由主义的民族主义的核心观念。在本文的分析中,自由主义的民族主义并不是如塔米尔所坚信的那样是一种温和的或者文化的民族主义。在对其理论前提、论证逻辑的分析之后,我们认为,塔米尔的自由主义的民族主义的实质是一种自由主义。  相似文献   

当代世界民族主义论纲   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文着重分析20世纪末兴起的世界民族主义浪潮的多维成因、基本特点、发展趋势、对中国和国际政治、经济以及文化所产生的重大影响,在此基础上提出中国如何应对民族主义问题的方略,从而构成一个历史和现实相互联系、理论和实践相互结合的当代民族主义的分析框架和体系。  相似文献   

Identity research in the Pacific region has been dominated in the past by discussions of reconstruction and mobilisation of symbols of cultural tradition as a medium of anti-colonial resistance and nationalism. The present article proposes to widen the scope of this literature by exploring mass tourism as a contested field of collective identification. It outlines the historical making of the colonial and post-colonial imagery of indigenous Fijians and its subsequent reification and essentialisation in the context of twentieth-century mass tourism. It further highlights the implication of this process in colonial, anti-colonial and post-independence national politics, in which indigenous Fijians have been variously located: the imagery has been claimed by Western colonialism, transnational corporate capitalism, ethno-nationalism, and counter-hegemony. The article illustrates that collective identity construction is not political in a uni-dimensional manner but constitutes a dynamic arena of ongoing ‘cultural battle’ where multiple power relations unfold simultaneously.  相似文献   

民族主义与国家利益——民族学视野中的阿富汗国家重建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘泓 《民族研究》2006,1(5):21-30
本文试图从民族学的视角探讨阿富汗重建问题。通过考察阿富汗民族主义与国家利益所依存的历史与社会背景、表现形式和内涵、两者间的悖逆关系与产生动因及其影响,分析了阿富汗重建可遵循的原则和采取的措施,阐释了相关的理论依据和现实意义。民族主义是决定民族国家行为的源动力,国家利益是民族主义的动因;在多民族国家中,国家利益的建构作用通过各民族应对共同的非安全因素而组建的联盟或联合得以释放。  相似文献   

全球化和地区民族主义:双向运动的内在联系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从全球化和欧洲一体化的角度分析和探讨了地区民族主义的兴起及其表现与特征、地区民族主义的历史渊源、地区民族主义与全球化进程之间的内在联系 ,以及地区民族主义和国家政治变革的关系。文章指出 ,全球化和一体化带来的进入世界市场的新机遇以及对传统民族国家主权的侵蚀 ,为地区民族主义的复兴提供了新的空间。诉求在一个新的全球化世界的认同和地位的地区民族主义 ,不仅在事实上促进了国家内部政治体制的变革 ,并且说明随着全球化的深入 ,民族主义运动的内容、形式和空间范围都发生变化 ,这些变化已经并且还将对国际和国内两个层面的政治理论和政治实践发生深刻持久的影响。  相似文献   

西部大开发需要的是具有良好的思想道德素质、文化素质、业务素质、身体心理素质的人才。民族院校要为西部大开发培养所需要的高素质人才,就得突出国际化、素质化、民族化,努力实现从一次性教育向终身教育、精英教育向大众教育、被动学习向创新性学习、计划培养向个性化培养、封闭教育向开放教育的转变。  相似文献   

高奇琦 《民族研究》2012,(2):1-12,108
近年来兴起的日常民族主义理论已经在西方民族理论领域产生较大影响,并且正激发出两种不同路向的新思潮:日常次民族主义和日常超民族主义。日常民族主义理论的提出将原生主义开启的微观民族分析推进到一个更为规范化的分析阶段,其意义在于部分消解了宏观民族分析中内在的冲突性和爆炸性,同时也展示了一个以民族成员个体为中心的民族意义世界。该理论的困难主要集中在其缺乏对精英功能的考虑及对历史变迁的整合这两方面。笔者尝试引入西方社会学理论中的成果来克服这一困难。在美国社会学家柯林斯仪式互动链理论的启发下,笔者提出一个族内互动场的分析框架,以期从社会学的视角对西方的日常民族主义理论进行总结和概括,并对日常民族主义理论进行一些补充和发展。  相似文献   

In 1963 the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah formed the Federation of Malaysia. In the same year Indonesia gained control over West Papua. In the first case the integration was accomplished participatory and peacefully, in the second violence reigned supreme. I argue that different visions of community, nation and state, developed during the decades of decolonisation and the early years of state- and nation-building, are responsible for the different outcomes. Contrary to the expectations of the predominant theories on nationalism the ethno-cultural variant of nation-building in Malaysia proved to be much more integrative than the civic variant espoused by the Indonesian nation-builders.  相似文献   

经济民族主义是国际贸易进程中的必然现象, 可具体表现为理性与非理性两种形态, 对贸易当事国的反作用也有所差异。面对经济民族主义尤其是非理性经济民族主义日益强盛的影响力, 贸易相对国必须根据其不同的表现形态采取相应的应对措施, 以保障本国对外贸易的健康发展。  相似文献   

杜赞奇对近代中国民族主义问题的研究以及研究中构建的复线历史范式有着深刻的学理背景:近代以来,特别是20世纪国际学术界兴起了民族主义的理论研究;中国民族主义问题是美国中国学界关注的焦点之一;后现代主义、后殖民主义思潮的兴起,为杜赞奇的研究直接提供了学理上的思想资源;杜赞奇的研究也是美国中国学界自20世纪60年代开始的反思浪潮的体现和结晶。  相似文献   

The term ‘religious nationalism’ is often theorized, at worst as antithetically conjunctive where religion is defined as the allegiance to God and nationalism is the allegiance to the nation, and at best as instrumental. I argue here that this fusion of religion and nationalism takes place most convincingly if we understand religion as adherent performance rather than solely as a theological container of tenants. I illustrate this through American Christian Zionist performances and discourses regarding their self-imagined identity as being in a national diaspora for Israel. I argue this religious nationalism is possible because Christian Zionist performances of a national allegiance to Israeli Jews are grounded in an apocalyptic narrative of the future.  相似文献   

目前国内外关于民族主义定义众说纷纭。在分析研究已有民族主义概念的基础上,本文试图重新定义民族主义,即民族主义是指在人类社会历史发展进程中,建立于民族共同体基础之上的维护和扩大本民族政治、经济和文化等权益的思想观念、理论思潮和实践活动,以促进本民族的生存、独立和发展。  相似文献   

International migration changed large West European cities dramatically. In only two generations’ time, their ethnic make-up is turned upside down. Cities like Amsterdam and Brussels now are majority–minority cities: the old majority group became a minority. This new reality asks for an up-to-date perspective on assimilation and integration. In this article, I will show why grand theories like segmented and new assimilation theory no longer suffice in tackling that new reality of large cities, and I will question critically whether using the perspective of super-diversity is more pertinent for our analyses. Children of immigrants nowadays no longer integrate into the majority group, but into a large amalgam of ethnic groups. Next to the diversification of ethnic groups, we see diversification within ethnic groups in the second and third generations. I will focus on intergenerational social mobility patterns given that they are key to existing grand theories of assimilation. I will argue that super-diversity theory can only partially show us the way. To further build an alternative theoretical perspective, we also need to borrow from the intersectional approach and the integration context theory.  相似文献   

西方学者认为,当前的世界是一个由“民族-国家(nation-state)”构成的“国际体系”。随着工业资本主义的全球扩张,“民族-国家”体系也已经扩张到全球的每一个角落;“民族主义(nationalism)”迄今为止仍然是全球范围内影响最为深远、最具有号召力的政治口号之一。但中国作为一个特例,在经历了引进“民族主义”话语的时代以后,却最终选择了“多民族国家”的政治理念,并在现实运作中稳步发展,这表明“民族-国家”及其“民族主义”意识形态并非这个世界上的唯一选择。  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,在全球范围内爆发的武装冲突,大多是由族群问题或宗教问题所引发.在全球化趋势的影响下,近年来地方民族主义思潮出现一些新的态势,族群认同和族际关系研究也就必然成为国际学术界关注的焦点问题.本文主要针对我国多民族国家的现实,以族群性研究为切入点,分析西方学术界的族群性研究及其本质,反思对中国民族问题研究的现实意义.  相似文献   

Colonial ties constitute the basis upon which Indian migration to the UK occurred. In the post-war years, while Punjabi migrants more than fulfilled the gap in expanding British industry, Indian elites also arrived to take up professional jobs. During the 1960s and 1970s, in a context of increasingly restrictive (and racially politicized) immigration legislation, there was a significant settlement of the so-called East African Indians, among them an important percentage of East African Gujaratis who had close links with England long before the processes of Africanisation began. Since the 1990s, those East African families also were the ‘hosts’ of a considerable number of Portuguese Indians of Gujarat origin, most of whom had been born in Mozambique during the colonial period and had lived in post-colonial Portugal. This paper will attempt to show how different experiences of intersubjectivity between colonizers and colonized in British and Portuguese African colonial contexts still constitute a source of (re)invention and pluralization of identities within post-colonial Gujarat diasporas settled in the UK. An analysis of these narratives in process will serve to underline the significance of dialectic processes of remaking colonial and post-colonial experiences in order to understand post-colonial identity formations, their ex-tensions and in-tensions, as well as the identity strategies of postcolonial subjects to deal with ‘old’ and ‘new’ multicultural dilemmas.  相似文献   

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