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本文从文化生态学的角度,分析了朝鲜族双语教育中的文化传承特点,进一步探讨了朝鲜族在我国多民族文化生态系统中,不断吸收、融化、调和各民族的多元文化,提高自己的社会生存能力,促进民族教育的发展。  相似文献   

Over the past couple of decades, researchers have documented a phenomenon called ‘migrantisation of care’, which is patterned by the national regimes of care and migration. By applying the ideas of social reproduction and care–migration intersections to the South Korean case, this paper investigates the interplay of care and migration policies through which migrants get involved for various care roles in different care settings. In the matrix of migration (regime) and care (regime) emerge two intersecting fields in South Korea: co-ethnic labour migrants in paid care work and marriage migrants in unpaid care work. The paper has found a growing demand for migrant care labour to address the care crisis in Korea, but the degree to which care work is migrantised varies significantly between childcare and eldercare as well as between home-based care and institution-based care. The paper not only geographically extends the care–migration intersection frame to an East Asian welfare state but widens its theoretical application to an under-explored pattern of care migrantisation, notably unpaid care provision by family migrants.  相似文献   

韩国端午祭申报世界非物质文化遗产的成功,在中国引起很大反响。中国端午节和韩国端午祭之争的本质,是对传统文化保护与发扬。学术界以前的研究成果,主要集中在文化本身,但是对于两国遗产保护制度较为忽略。再加上第一手韩文文献难以取得,更增加了这一问题的研究难度。本文结合韩文文献,探寻其文化渊源,比较其文化差异,同时对非物质遗产保护制度进行深入分析,提醒我们:在经济发展下的社会转型期,必须重视传统文化的保护,否则在全球化时代,我们的文化身份和文化之根将会丧失。  相似文献   

本文从中朝关系史的角度,对17世纪朝鲜人流入中国东北的主要渠道及其对后金(清)社会农业、手工业、军事、文化等诸方面的影响作了简要的论述。  相似文献   

中国朝鲜族是中国56个民族中的一员,在其形成过程中有着与其他民族不同的特殊的历史性,它是一个跨界民族。在朝鲜战争中,他们的参战对于韩国、朝鲜和中国具有特殊的意义。本文拟以客观的立场叙述朝鲜族迁入中国东北的历史过程,并在此基础上,阐明中国延边朝鲜族投入朝鲜战争的缘由、活动和所起到的作用。  相似文献   

本文系统探讨了近百年来韩国华侨社会的形成、变迁及特征,从政府对华侨的关注及政策的改进、中韩民间经济贸易关系的加速发展、韩国华侨扩大对外交流的努力、华侨学校的再兴等方面阐述了中、韩建交后韩国华侨社会的变化,指出中、韩两国人民的相互移居对两国的未来发展有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

Previous studies of North Korean migrants and refugees in the UK have focused on labour issues, inter-Korean diaspora issues and how inter-Korean peninsula geopolitics affects North Korean integration in a third country such as the UK. This paper explains the role of identity formation in processes of belonging and integration for the North Korean group. This group is significant in the sense that the group shares strong beliefs in a unified Korean ethnicity with the South Korean diaspora, and yet comes from a specific Korean state that is territorially divided from the majority of Korean migrants who emigrate from South Korea. This tension creates a number of alternative scenarios regarding expectations of the relationship between national identity, diaspora politics and processes of belonging in a host nation.  相似文献   

本文阐述了"壮族史诗<麽经布洛陀>英译与研究"(2008国家社科基金项目)的重大社会意义和学术意义,并就其翻译的策略提出若干建议.文章指出,中国典籍英译是沟通东西方文化,促进中外文化交流,提高中华民族的文化活力,是中国走向世界之路.<麽经布洛陀>(又称<布洛陀经诗>)等壮族典籍是中华民族多元文化的重要组成部分,它的英译是一项具有开拓意义的壮举.它翻开了壮族典籍以至中国少数民族典籍英译的新篇章,标志着中国典籍英译进入一个崭新的阶段.它将摸索出壮族典籍英译的规律,以指导壮族典籍的整理和翻译活动.基于对史诗的审度,文章还对经诗的翻译提出了"以诗译诗,打造精品"等建议.  相似文献   

For 30 years the dominant approach to Aboriginal affairs in Australia has been to support cultural recovery and accommodate cultural difference in the expectation that this will enhance Aborigines’ and Torres Strait Islanders’ equality as citizens.This approach has been driven by a dialectic of progressivist desire to ameliorate the effects of earlier colonialist policy and Aboriginalist discourse that assumes isolable cultures, unitary identities and uni-directional causes of marginalisation. That discursive formation, once counter to dominant colonialist discourse, has now itself become normative, internally repressive, counter-productive and resistant to change. This is the national misadventure with Aboriginalism. This paper argues that this unexpected development is a product of the national governing attempt to gain control through public policy that is inadequate to Aborigines’ contemporary lived reality of interculturality, post-ethnicity and political agency. It uses an indicative case study and an analysis of the national misadventure to propose a deliberative intercultural approach to public policy in respect of Aborigines.  相似文献   

Ping He 《Social Identities》2013,19(1):127-154

China had developed relatively independently and had been almost immune to Western influences until the 19th century. Its basic way of life, cultural identity and state organization had continued almost uninterrupted from the very beginning of the archaic period. How China has adapted to the modern world since it was forced to be integrated into the modern world and, in the process, how it has changed its perception of self‐identity provide an interesting topic for study.

This paper offers a tentative discussion of the perception of cultural identity in modern China. It first explores the ideas of culture and cultural identity in traditional China, and then examines how these ideas were transformed in the context of the changing social, political and cultural environment of the early 20th century. The final part of the paper is devoted to the recent search in China for new ideas of culture and cultural identity in the context of a series of unprecedented events marked by the opening of China, economic reform, and rapid industrialisation.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the relationship between ageing, gender, cultural norms, and the constitution of gendered body-subjects. It briefly discusses three conceptual approaches which have been used to understand ageing, gendered body-subjects: postmodernist/social constructionist, psychoanalytic, and poststructuralist feminist. It is argued that the first two approaches are entrenched in dualistic modes of thinking, and therefore can never construct ageing gendered body subjects as other than through the dualistic discourse of decline and cultural devaluation in Western consumer cultures. The third, however, appears to hold some promise for a more just and flexible way of accounting for the integrity of, and culturally valuing, the gendered body-subject in old age. Examples from writings on dance are used to illustrate this argument.  相似文献   

从哈尼族山寨箐口村的梯田、蘑菇房、图腾柱以及磨秋等许多文化符号的意义建构过程中可以发现,获得占据社会主导地位的文化价值体系的认可,并最终成为该体系的结构性要素,是民族文化转换为文化产品的重要条件。新的文化符号的建构是不同的文化进行交往以及不同的利益主体进行资源博弈的结果。在建构文化符号的过程中,消解不同文化图式间的紧张关系,关键在于当地人更加积极主动地参与其中并且真正成为文化符号建构规则的制定者。  相似文献   

Modernity figures prominently in understanding change in diasporic sexual cultures, particularly when it comes to Muslim immigrants living in Western countries. Prevailing academic analyses of sexuality in the Iranian diaspora focus on the willingness and ability to embrace ‘modern’ notions of sexual liberty, individual self-fulfilment and gender equality. This approach attributes an assumed progression from a traditional past to a modern present to the Iranian immigrants, and determines simultaneously the extent of their integration into the ‘host’ culture. As an alternative to this dominant perception of change in which modernity is seen as an indicator of cultural progression, this paper proposes the concept of sexual self-fashioning to investigate the diasporic articulations of sexuality in various discursive uses of modernity as investments in processes of subjectivity. Based on an ethnographic research conducted between 2010 and 2014, the Iranian Dutch’ perceptions of specific sexual issues are analysed as vehicles to sexual self-fashioning. It is argued that a sexual self is actively negotiated and created through embracing, rejecting and transgressing modernity, which enables the interlocutors to position themselves in different fields of socio-cultural or religious belonging.  相似文献   

“和而不同”与文明对话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马平 《回族研究》2002,(4):31-33
从本质而言,人类社会是一个“和而不同”的社会。当今世界存有许多种文明,每一种文明都有其独特的一面、不同的一面。然而,在不同的文明之间,其实还有许多共同、共通之处。文明之间的“不同”,其实无非是“大同小异”,至多是“大同大异”罢了,前提却依然有很多的“相同”。除此之外,不同文明之间还必定有许多关联之处、互相借鉴之处,所以文明的“求同存异”与人类的“和平共处”便有了基础。 严格地讲,真正的文明本来不会发生冲突。因此,从根本上说文明之间是可以对话、并存和融合的,而文明之间的冲突必定是细枝末节之事。 20世纪90年代,美国哈佛大学著名政治学家塞缪尔·亨廷顿教授提出的“文明冲突论”非常引人瞩目,并引起广泛的论争。亨廷顿教授指出:“文明间的冲突是根本性的;文明冲突的最根本因素是宗教因素和与宗教联系的种族因素;冷战后的今天,文明的冲突就将发生在不同文明之间的断层上。”他过分看重现象,过分强调不同文明之间冲突的一面,  相似文献   

黄彩文  梁锐 《民族学刊》2014,5(1):16-22,-100-101
近年来,云南人口较少民族经济发展与文化保护的矛盾日益凸显,民族地区的文化生境不断遭受破坏;加上人口较少民族的价值观念逐渐发生变化,非物质文化遗产传承人出现断层等问题,人口较少民族文化保护形势严峻。云南布朗族在应用信息化手段保护民族文化方面有很好的实践。布朗文化遗产可数字化资源划分为实体和物质文化遗产与口头和非物质文化遗产两大类。按照三级指标评价模型,结合可数字化文化资源的特点,首先聘请专家依据"可数字化资源评价赋分标准"对布朗族民族文化资源进行打分,并采用微积分运算公式计算出三级指标的综合评价值,根据最终评价得分来评判布朗族民族文化资源是否具有可数字化的价值。然后,对文化资源进行数字化采集,综合采用静态数字化技术、动态数字化技术和三维数字技术,按照文本数字化、图像数字化、三维图像建立、虚拟物品制作四个数字化级别来进行信息化处理。  相似文献   

刘嘉颖 《民族学刊》2021,12(2):85-91, 102
受人类学理论的“感官转向”“物质转向”等交叉影响,饮食人类学研究更加关注到食物怎样在跨地区、跨文化和跨民族交流中积极塑造个体或群体的身份、信仰、健康,乃至整个社群的结构转型等问题。通过对离开故乡、迁居外地的彝人的饮食个案研究,重点探讨民族传统饮食与社会记忆如何在流动语境中创造出一种由饮食通感锁定的“味觉观”。对流动的味觉观的民族志研究可帮助我们深入理解全球化背景下由饮食文化引出的文化建构、族群边界、文化审美、道德区分等问题。  相似文献   

民族文化心理的概念。锡伯族在历史上的文化心理形成和发展情况。锡伯族对异族异质文化的态度,文化宽容及兼收并蓄的民族精神。锡伯族文化心理的表现:共同祖先、共同家乡、共同祖国观念、共同民族观念(民族意识)、共同习惯意识、共同道德礼仪、共同兴趣爱好和共同审美标准、共同价值取向和文化取向。  相似文献   


This study hardly meets the minimum requirements for identifying the economic status of the Muslim minority in Korea. As more data becomes available it would be possible to present a more sustained effort. However some interesting findings can be highlighted even at this early stage:

First, so far as the Korean Muslim population is concerned, it is heavily concentrated in the Seoul area. Further, 34% of the total Korean Muslim population is presently residing in Islamic countries. Secondly, 50% of Korean Muslims have an education above high school which is comparatively higher that the average for non‐Muslim Koreans. Also, the opening of the Korea Islamic University will play a critical role in the future growth of the Islamic faith. Thirdly, according to occupational patterns, more than one‐third (35%) of all Muslims are engaged in academic pursuits. In comparison, 20% of Korean Muslims fall in the category of employee. Lastly, the 20–30 and 30–40 age groups, representing primarily students and employees respectively, make up over 65% of the total Korean Muslim population in Korea.  相似文献   

成吉思汗及其子孙在半个多世纪的西征过程中,相继建立起横亘欧亚的蒙古帝国。蒙古人以独特的游牧文明的世界观、价值观和行为准则影响到中亚、西亚和西欧,使世界各民族多元社会传统文化得到交融和发展,对东西文化交流产生了深远的影响和作用。  相似文献   

Emotions matter, particularly in experiences of migration. This article explores how emotions are involved in everyday intercultural encounters and the role of emotions in generating cosmopolitan sociability in the context of migration. The article is based upon qualitative research with 80 Chinese 1st and 1.5 generation migrants in New Zealand. We focus on ‘contact zones’ as social spaces where migrants have uneven opportunities to encounter cultural others and where ‘emotional dissonance’ can emerge through unsuccessful intercultural exchanges. In order to generate a sense of comfort and familiarity in such conflicted spaces, migrants need to invest in ‘emotional labour’ to engage in more cosmopolitan sociability as an attempt to transform ‘contact zone’ to ‘comfort zone’. Through this article we argue that emotions can both promote and encourage, but also undermine and limit the capacity to perform cosmopolitan sociability and build intercultural relations.  相似文献   

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