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We build a model of migration that considers both observable and unobservable individual characteristics and their returns across locations. We focus on the interprovincial migration patterns of Canadian physicians, in part, because physicians are paid on a fee-for-service basis. Because fees are exogenous, we can estimate a mixed conditional-logit model to determine the effects of individual- and destination-specific characteristics (particularly earnings differentials) on physician location decisions. We find, among other things, that individuals with greater earnings potential based on unobservables are more likely to migrate to provinces where the returns to such unobservables are greater.   相似文献   

龚为纲 《南方人口》2012,27(3):13-22
本研究基于全国人口普查数据,建构了农村的分家模式,通过回归分析论证了分家模式与家庭规模之间的相关关系。进而阐述分家模式与家庭规模在历史变动、区域差异等两个维度上的内在关联。文章最后从市场消费、土地利用、能源消耗与碳排放等角度对其影响做简要归纳。  相似文献   

土改前私有土地制度下,核心家庭是最大的家庭类型,但它并非居于主导地位;直系家庭虽居第二位,其所容纳的人口却处首位;复合家庭位居第三,约有1/4的村民生活在这类家庭中。集体经济制度对家庭结构的影响主要表现为,父家长失去了对土地等基本生产资料的控制权,进而缺少了对已婚儿子分家要求的抑制能力。复合家庭渐趋式微乃至消失;家庭核心化在20世纪60年代末、70年代初即已实现。调查村庄劳动力近距离的非农择业活动并未使其中多数人离开家庭,农民就业方式的非农转换并未对家庭结构产生大的影响。目前65岁以上多子父母被轮养具有一定普遍性。轮养父母周期性地依附于某个子女生活,与该子女组成间歇式直系家庭,在子女之间则形成轮转式直系家庭。将这一类型单列使轮养直系家庭的特殊性得以体现。  相似文献   

中国农村地区的家庭禀赋与外出务工劳动力回流   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国农村地区家庭禀赋对个人的行为决策有着重要的影响,需要学术界予以更多的关注。为了考察外生性的家庭禀赋对劳动力就业流动的影响,文章通过构建新生代外出务工劳动力和户主子女的回流决策两个计量模型来进行经验论证。分析结果表明,农村劳动力的迁移选择是综合考虑家庭禀赋状况的理性决策,尤其是对于年轻一代的外出劳动力。家庭经济资本的增加会阻碍家庭外出务工成员的回流。外出劳动力回流的概率起初随着家庭人力资本和家庭自然资本的增长而上升,达到一定程度后开始下降。家庭成员只有拥有较为丰富的人力资本,外出务工劳动力才能对家庭社会资本加以充分利用。另外,分析显示年轻一代劳动力和第一代劳动力对家庭社会资本和自然资本的利用是有差异的。  相似文献   

自愿不育的人口社会学视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
齐麟 《南方人口》2001,16(4):17-19,33
文章通过对目前人口形势和不育群体现状的分析 ,从人口学和社会学的角度对不育文化作了论述 ,最后分析了几个值得深入探讨的社会问题  相似文献   

This paper reviews changes in homogamy by migration status and educational level in Monterrey, Mexico, through the analysis of marriage patterns for two cohorts of men born in 1905–1934 and 1940–1969. Results show a significant increase in educational homogamy, as well as in homogamy by rural origins. The changes suggest that education has played an increasingly important role in the process of mate selection, although certain particularistic characteristics, such as being a rural immigrant, are still important in marriage formation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings for the relationship between homogamy and social stratification.
Patricio SolísEmail:

杨华 《南方人口》2011,26(5):17-26,16
针对传统外婚制下娘家与出嫁女的关系,存在两种相互对立的分析路径,一种是宗族模式的分析路径,认为姻亲关系从属于宗亲关系,出嫁女与娘家没有关系或存在弱关系;另一种是实践主义的分析路径,认为出嫁女与娘家的关系并不是如宗族模式说的那样僵化,而是具有建构性特点,出嫁女与娘家的关系分割了宗亲关系。本文从出嫁女归属的角度,认为在传统外婚制下,娘家与出嫁女的关系具有积极性和主动性的层面。而且具有极强的目的性和针对性。娘家是出嫁女归属于夫姓家庭、家族和村落的坚强后盾,娘家针对女儿及其婆家的一系列行为,诸如督促和支持女儿归属于婆家,敦促婆家接纳女儿,无疑都是为了女儿更好地在婆家立足,更好地归属于夫姓家族和村落。从出嫁女归属的角度,去探讨出嫁女与娘家的关系、姻亲关系,以及妇女与娘家、夫姓家族和夫姓村落的关系状态,是一个全新的视角。  相似文献   

This article uses longitudinal data for the United States and Great Britain to examine the impact of residential mobility and childbirth on the earnings of women, their family earnings, and the related division of earnings by gender. This project is the _ rst to compare explicitly the impact of childbirth and family migration on women’s earnings, and it extends prior cross-sectional and longitudinal studies on isolated countries by providing a direct contrast between two major industrialized nations, using comparable measures. The results indicate that families respond in similar ways in both countries to migration and childbirth. In response to both migration and childbirth, women’s earnings fall at the time of the event and recover slowly afterward, but the magnitude of the impact is roughly twice as large for childbirth as for migration. However, migration but not the birth of a child is also associated with a significant increase in total family earnings because of increased husbands’ earnings. As a result, the effect of migration on the relative earnings of wives to husbands is similar to the effect of childbirth. These results suggest that family migration should be given consideration in the literature on the gender earnings gap.  相似文献   

90年代俄罗斯家庭结构和单亲家庭状况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入20世纪90年代,伴随着俄罗斯经济的变更,以姻亲关系为基础的家庭结构出现了松散化的趋势,离婚人数和单亲家庭剧增。导致单亲家庭增长的主要原因是两性行为和生育行为的变化,传统和积淀的变化。此种现象已引起了俄罗斯学者和社会的广泛重视。  相似文献   

甘肃省城市妇女婚姻家庭状况的调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
甘肃省绝大多数妇女的婚姻将呈现出一个逐步趋于稳定的发展趋势 ,城市妇女的婚姻质量将有所提高但也存在一些不稳定的因素 ,由于种种原因 ,婚姻中男女不平等的现象仍将继续存在 ,离婚率将继续上升。社会和有关决策者都应重视和关心这一问题 ,以期从根本上减少乃至清除这些不利因素 ,使其呈现出健康向上的发展态势  相似文献   

余驰  石智雷 《南方人口》2011,26(1):33-40
通过在湖北省调查的2883个农村女性劳动力样本,首先描述分析了选择往复式流动和永久性回流的农村女性的人口学特征差异,然后利用Logistic方法实证分析了人力资本变量、社会资本变量和家庭禀赋变量对农村女性做出往复式流动和永久性回流决策的影响。研究发现,往复式流动决策的做出主要受女性自身人力资本变量的影响,而永久性回流决策受三类变量的共同影响。女性年龄对于往复式流动有正向作用,对永久性回流起反向作用,受教育年限对往复式流动起反向作用。对永久性回流的作用则相反。  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of international migration on economic growth of a source country in a stochastic setting. The model accounts for endogenous fertility decisions and distinguishes between public and private schooling systems. We find that economic growth crucially depends on the international migration since the migration possibility will affect fertility decisions and school expenditures. Relaxation of restrictions on the emigration of high-skilled workers will damage the economic growth of a source country in the long run, although a ‘brain gain’ may happen in the short run. Furthermore, the growth rate of a source country under a private education regime will be more sensitive to the probability of migration than a country under a public education regime.
Hung-Ju ChenEmail: Phone: +886-2-23582284Fax: +886-2-23582284

本文通过对苏南某农村地区计划生育服务的现状、育龄妇女对服务的评价和期望等的调查分析,了解了近年来计划生育优质服务的基本情况,发现了服务中存在的问题,并对解决途径进行了初探。  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between place-based social vulnerability and post-disaster migration in the U.S. Gulf Coast region following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Using county-level data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we develop a regional index of social vulnerability and examine how its various dimensions are related to migration patterns in the wake of the storms. Our results show that places characterized by greater proportions of disadvantaged populations, housing damage, and, to a lesser degree, more densely built environments were significantly more likely to experience outmigration following the hurricanes. Our results also show that these relationships were not spatially random, but rather exhibited significant geographic clustering. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings for future research and public policy.  相似文献   

Attention has recently been focused on wealth as a source of long-term economic security and on wealth ownership as a crucial aspect of the racial economic divisions in the United States. This literature, however has been concerned primarily with the wealth gap between poor and middle-class families, and between the white and black middle class. In this paper, we investigate the incomes of families at the top and bottom of the family income distribution. We examine the sources of income and the demographic characteristics of these high-income and low-income families using family level data from the 1988 to 2003 Current Population Surveys.  相似文献   

目前,城市计生工作正面临许多问题,原有的管理手段和方法也不适应。必须建立适应城市计划生育特点的新组织机构和专业工作队伍,建立相应的经常性工作机制和督查机制,突出优质服务,倡导知情选择,才能开创城市计划生育工作的新局面。  相似文献   

吉林省的低生育水平很不稳定,计划生育工作中还存在许多问题,需要综合解决人口问题的对策。做好新时期的人口与计划生育工作是全党、全民、全社会的大事,要依靠党委政府的领导,依靠全社会的力量。  相似文献   

李莹 《南方人口》2003,18(1):29-33
本文分析了广州市天河区在城市化进程中人口与计划生育工作面临的各种问题,并提出了相应对策.  相似文献   

本文延承布迪厄的学术遗产,通过对茶村大龄未婚男青年进行分析后指出,家庭不仅构成了婚姻生活的重要场域,同时亦对婚姻本身产生了重要影响:当婚姻由家族事件变成家庭事件时,它由一个“公共事件”转变成“私密事件”,他人对于族人婚姻的关注与贡献也急剧降低;“家风”作为婚姻市场上的道德要价,对婚姻双方的社区道德和口碑提出了要求;当男青年的家庭结构不完整或经济实力不济,这将使得男性在婚姻市场上无法获得女方的青睐。  相似文献   

IntroductionThe use of alcohol and or illicit drugs during pregnancy is a complex public health issue. There are many adverse short- and long-term health implications of substance use during pregnancy that can potentially affect the mother-foetal dyad. Although prevention and treatment options — such as counselling, pharmacotherapy, rehabilitation, support and case management and withdrawal management — are available, a range of barriers impedes women's ability to disclose their substance use, which limits access and engagement with available services.ObjectiveThis research explored barriers women encountered in disclosing substance use and accessing substance use treatment in pregnancy.MethodsParticipants were recruited from a longitudinal cohort study of people with a history of injecting drug use from metropolitan Melbourne. One-on-one in-depth interviews with 15 participants were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. To be included in this study, participants must have reported a history of substance use during one or more of their pregnancies.ResultsThe fear of losing child custody associated with the involvement of the child protection services was one of the main barriers to disclosing substance use during pregnancy and accessing treatment and rehabilitation services. Other barriers including stigma and perceived limited treatment options impacted women in various ways.ConclusionPregnancy is an important time for women and offers opportunities for service providers to support women who are using substances. While not all barriers can be removed, careful consideration of individual cases and circumstances may help service providers to tailor interventions that are likely to be more successful.  相似文献   

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