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This article performs textual analysis of discourse on Oscar Pistorius that appears on the homosexual discussion forums DataLounge and JustUsBoys. ‘Before’ and ‘after’ discourses – divided by Pistorius’s 2013 fatal shooting of his girlfriend – read Pistorius and his crime along sexuality and disability lines. I argue that it is worthwhile analysing how disability is constructed from different positions of marginalisation, especially when this at times yields discriminatory narratives. Pistorius, his disability, and his infamy are read by a community that itself exists outside the realm of mainstream debate, offering insight into disability and (homo)sexuality, adding greater dimension to ‘intersectional’ approaches to both.  相似文献   

This paper analyses a series of representations of disability and rehabilitation taken from research and policy settings in Australia. The purpose of the analysis is to (a) identify the presence or absence of discourses of happiness and joy in the contexts analysed and (b) to analyse the various treatments and interpretations of happiness and joy that are present. Through this analysis we show that while official professional and public discourses on disability and rehabilitation exhibit predominantly negative discursive patterns and features (i.e. aspirations to achieve ‘normality’ and a negative lexicon, such as disability, coping, rehabilitation, burden, abnormality, etc.) there are many other potentially positive and empowering discursive and narrative patterns and features that remain hidden beneath negatively oriented ways of seeing, being, acting and describing in academic, policy and practice settings. We argue that policy‐makers and academics alike need to be sensitive to the dynamics of discourse when constructing research and developing policy.  相似文献   

Theatre for and with people with intellectual disabilities has gradually become a more frequent and popular work arrangement within the municipal daily activities in Sweden. This article focuses on one of those theatres - Olla - and the aim is to analyse the institutional settings and normative environment surrounding the theatre and the way in which it relates to different institutional rules and expectations. Analytical implications will be drawn against neo-institutional theory and will show how Olla expresses both an artistic and a therapeutical logic, and that legitimacy is dependent on a loosely coupled formal structure between process and product, art and therapy. These logics are formulated within two different discourses, which leave Olla balancing between being a normalisation project or disability art which puts emphasis on the celebration of difference.  相似文献   

The stand-up comedy landscape has been transformed in recent years with an increased number of disabled comedians performing. Using semi-structured interviews with disabled comedians, this article provides a thematic analysis of the material and ideological motives, intentions and lived experiences of disabled comedians. Two themes are discussed: comedy management and control; and affirming disability through comedy. These themes are characterised by complexity and contradictions. The article concludes that, although not a straightforward process, stand-up comedy enacted by disabled comedians is potentially a powerful tool through which hegemonic norms around disability can be challenged and renegotiated.  相似文献   

The expiry of the Coalition Government has prompted analyses of its track record regarding disabled UK citizens. While others have adeptly reviewed the government’s actions in the policy arena, this article considers the Conservative–Liberal Democrat coalition in terms of its construction of, and influence on, political discourses surrounding disability in the United Kingdom. This is important because language has the power to shape material realities.  相似文献   

La recherche sociologique et socio-psychologique sur la sclérose en plaques (SP) suggère que l'ajustement subséquent au diagnostic chez le patient se présente comme un choix entre deux stratégies: 'normalisation' ou 'retrait'. Mais en postulant un tel choix de stratégies, on ignore les facteurs sociaux qui influencent la façon dont les individus frappés d'une telle maladie chronique réagissent. En fait, la recherche indique que les individus atteints de SP choisissent des stratégies d'ajustement, mais ceci dans un contexte social et culturel qui limite sévèrement l'éventail de choix disponibles et qui affecte la probabilité de faire un choix plutôt qu'un autre. Les données présentées ici ont trait à quelques-uns de ces facteurs sociaux: la réponse de l'époux à la transformation de la relation conjugate, et l'attitude des médecins et des employeurs face à la situation d'emploi de la personne chez qui SP a été diagnostiquée.
Previous sociological and social-psychological research on the chronic illness multiple sclerosis (MS) and post-diagnosis adjustment to the illness has posited a dichotomous patient response: 'normalization' or 'withdrawal'. In this paper it is argued that the posited choice of strategies ignores the social factors that influence how individuals diagnosed with a chronic illness such as MS respond. In fact, the research findings indicate that people with MS choose adjustment strategies, but they do so in a social and cultural context that powerfully constrains both the range of choices available to them and the probability of making one choice rather than another. Data presented here pertain to the response of spouses to the marital relationship, and of doctors and employers to labor force participation of individuals diagnosed with MS.  相似文献   

Persons with disabilities have endured discrimination and live under social apartheid. While enlightened people recognise the role that society has in disabling people with impairments, there remains a struggle to remove the negative stigma associated with this form of social diversity. There is no silver bullet that will enable persons with disabilities to exercise their human rights as full citizens. One strategy to assist in this struggle is the use of language. This paper focuses on how language can be utilised in the struggle against oppression. This paper reconsiders how disability discrimination is conceived and labelled. There is no uniformly accepted label to describe the discrimination and oppression that is explained by the social model or the non-radical social model. This paper explores how the labels of disableism and ableism have emerged to explain this concept. This paper analyses these terms and argues for the adoption of ableist nomenclature.  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: R. Appelbaum, W. L. Felstiner, and V. Gessner (eds), Rules and networks: the legal culture of global business transactions D. Barney, The network society A. Barry, Political machines: governing a technological society G. Thompson, Between hierarchies and markets: the logic of network forms of organization  相似文献   

Across many advanced economies, changing housing dynamics have destabilized traditional adulthood transitions. This article examines how such transformations, especially in the aftermath of the economic crisis, affect fundamental societal expectations and aspirations surrounding tenure choices and home leaving. Through a series of discussion groups and interviews among young adults in Spain – a salient context of embedded homeownership culture – the study reveals how the crisis has undermined life-course transitions and upended discourses surrounding tenure norms. Homeownership has transformed from a dominant symbol of stability and security to one of dispossession and financial risk. Conversely, where pre-crisis discourses dismissed rental, the tenure is portrayed as providing more security in the face of necessary flexibility. Our research reveals that, although traditional ‘homeownership culture’ has not disappeared from the collective imaginary and appears nuanced by social class, it has become increasingly detached from leaving the parental home. The paper exposes the extent to which dominant housing discourses may be upended even within the context of a particularly embedded Southern European homeowner society. We contend that when housing dynamics are coupled with underlying transformations in aspirations and norms, there may be significant societal outcomes.  相似文献   

In this paper we argue that human rights approaches for intellectually disabled people have failed to recognise the complexity of rights claims made by and on behalf of this group. Drawing on a research project into discourses of education for intellectually disabled people in the Eastern Cape, South Africa we discern three rights discourses; namely, rights to full participation, rights to special services and rights to protection. These draw off a social model, a medical model and a protective model, respectively. We note that these discourses may be set up in contestation with each other. However, we argue that they can be seen as complementary if viewed within an ethics of care that enables participation. Within this conceptualisation, participation is viewed within relations of care but is subject to a critique that examines the role of context and disciplinary power in constructing dependency.  相似文献   

China’s disability policies are changing, some of which are gradually closer to the requirements of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Based on the social model of disability, this article explains the driving forces of disability policy reform, and especially adopts the critical policy analysis approach to evaluate the revised education policy along with the rehabilitation policy of disabled people. The inclusive education policy is improving disability policy issues the most compared with others because of the disability advocacy by disabled persons’ self-help organizations. Meanwhile, the nascent rehabilitation policy is typically top-down oriented by the government. Public participation may be the main way forward, especially with the growth of the disability movement in China. It is hoped that scholars pay more attention to the transformational disability policy in non-western settings.  相似文献   

The lack of attention in academic discourse to representations of disability in films from the Middle East has led to an incomplete picture of representations of disability in global cinema. For instance, the diverse meanings of disability in Iranian cinema and the influence of disability on the emergence of Iranian New Wave cinema have been almost completely ignored by scholars. A number of award-winning films from Iran have featured disability as central to their narratives – such as The House is Black (1963), Taste of Cherry (1997), The Color of Paradise (1999), The Willow Tree (2005), and The Painting Pool (2013). Disability in these films serves alternatively as a symbol of spiritual possibility, a mark of marginalization, and a covert social critique. These films examine the emotional, physical, and social implications of disability, while celebrating the cultural power of film to challenge social, religious, and artistic barriers.  相似文献   

This research uses the development of the disability rights movement in Taiwan as a case study to analyze the impact of state transformation, in particular marketization of social welfare policy, on the disability rights movement. First, the institutionalization of the disability rights movement enabled it to expand its organizational structure and become involved in shaping policy. Secondly, when disability rights organizations started to undertake state-funded projects, their focus shifted from advocacy to service provision. Thirdly, competition for limited state-funding gave the organizations led by urban-middle class advocates a significant advantage over small, community-based NPOs and gathered significantly greater resources. Finally, this paper suggests that, in a context in which the state did not provide basic social services for its citizens with disabilities, the institutionalization of SMOs turned advocacy groups into service providers. Although the number of disability civic organizations increased, the voices of advocacy groups were weakened.  相似文献   

This paper explores women’s experiences of accessing serious leisure. It responds to a perceived tendency in contemporary feminist theories of leisure to celebrate women’s ability to weave potentially empowering identities from discursive resources in leisure spaces and experiences. While this work creates much needed theoretical space for the exploration of women’s agency and self determination within leisure, there is little critical attention given to how women may first negotiate the complexity of their gendered lives to gain access to these sites and experiences. By drawing on the accounts of forty women involved in the Sea Cadet Corps, a form of serious leisure, this paper argues that accessing leisure is still an important aspect of women’s leisure experiences. Women cited here engage in active and conscious practices and performances to both justify their access to leisure and to enable their disengagement from demands associated with normative femininity. This paper concludes that to sideline questions of access serves to conceptually dislocate leisure from the wider patterns of women’s everyday lives and limits our understanding of how women perceive, use and give meaning to their serious leisure participation.  相似文献   

The transition from adolescence to young adulthood is acknowledged to be difficult for all young people, but the problems facing those with a learning disability will tend to be greater. This article identifies these additional difficulties, and considers the extent to which new policy requirements and expectations in England can address them. At the heart of this new approach is the need for partnership working between a complex range of agencies and professionals. What is at stake is not only a better system of support for some vulnerable young people, but also—in microcosm—the viability of partnership working as a policy tool for addressing complex issues.  相似文献   

The oldest Norse and Celtic literature is likely to treat of exceptionalities, including those that we would call disabilities, in a fashion quite unlike that to which we are accustomed to find in modern literature. In the archaic literature, we find mythological motifs about contact with the supernatural and the related notion of a trade-off of a body part for superhuman abilities, and at the same time we notice a general disinterest in impairments as they might affect a character's competence. While there does seem to be some concern for dangers an individual's impairment might pose to society and some desire for cures, there is no evidence for the later disabling notion of daemonic possession, little recognition that impairments might be medical conditions or personal tragedies, and no hint of marginalizing pity or consequent charity.  相似文献   

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