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Innocent Ngaruye Joseph Nzabanita Dietrich von Rosen Martin Singull 《统计学通讯:理论与方法》2017,46(21):10835-10850
In this article, small area estimation under a multivariate linear model for repeated measures data is considered. The proposed model aims to get a model which borrows strength both across small areas and over time. The model accounts for repeated surveys, grouped response units, and random effects variations. Estimation of model parameters is discussed within a likelihood based approach. Prediction of random effects, small area means across time points, and per group units are derived. A parametric bootstrap method is proposed for estimating the mean squared error of the predicted small area means. Results are supported by a simulation study. 相似文献
Domingo Morales 《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2019,89(9):1592-1620
Data from past time periods and temporal correlation are rich sources of information for estimating small area parameters at the current period. This paper investigates the use of unit-level temporal linear mixed models for estimating linear parameters. Two models are considered, with domain and domain-time random effects. The first model assumes time independency and the second one AR(1)-type time correlation. They are fitted by a Fisher-scoring algorithm that calculates the residual maximum likelihood estimators of the model parameters. Based on the introduced models, empirical best linear unbiased predictors of small area linear parameters are studied, and analytic estimators for evaluating the performance of their mean squared errors are proposed. Three simulation experiments are carried out to study the behaviour of the fitting algorithm, the small area predictors and the estimators of the mean squared error. By using data of the Spanish surveys of income and living conditions of 2004–2008, an application to the estimation of 2008 average normalized net annual incomes in Spanish provinces by sex is given. 相似文献
This article proposes a method for estimating principal points for a multivariate binary distribution, assuming a log-linear model for the distribution. Through numerical simulation studies, the proposed parametric estimation method using a log-linear model is compared with a nonparametric estimation method. 相似文献
Liang Zhu Xingwei Tong Dingjiao Cai Yimei Li Ryan Sun Deo K. Srivastava Melissa M. Hudson 《Journal of applied statistics》2021,48(8):1496
This article discusses regression analysis of mixed interval-censored failure time data. Such data frequently occur across a variety of settings, including clinical trials, epidemiologic investigations, and many other biomedical studies with a follow-up component. For example, mixed failure times are commonly found in the two largest studies of long-term survivorship after childhood cancer, the datasets that motivated this work. However, most existing methods for failure time data consider only right-censored or only interval-censored failure times, not the more general case where times may be mixed. Additionally, among regression models developed for mixed interval-censored failure times, the proportional hazards formulation is generally assumed. It is well-known that the proportional hazards model may be inappropriate in certain situations, and alternatives are needed to analyze mixed failure time data in such cases. To fill this need, we develop a maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the proportional odds regression model with mixed interval-censored data. We show that the resulting estimators are consistent and asymptotically Gaussian. An extensive simulation study is performed to assess the finite-sample properties of the method, and this investigation indicates that the proposed method works well for many practical situations. We then apply our approach to examine the impact of age at cranial radiation therapy on risk of growth hormone deficiency in long-term survivors of childhood cancer. 相似文献
María Dolores Esteban María Jos Lombardía Esther Lpez-Vizcaíno Domingo Morales Agustín Prez 《Journal of applied statistics》2022,49(1):143
Under a unit-level bivariate linear mixed model, this paper introduces small area predictors of expenditure means and ratios, and derives approximations and estimators of the corresponding mean squared errors. For the considered model, the REML estimation method is implemented. Several simulation experiments, designed to analyze the behavior of the introduced fitting algorithm, predictors and mean squared error estimators, are carried out. An application to real data from the Spanish household budget survey illustrates the behavior of the proposed statistical methodology. The target is the estimation of means of food and non-food household annual expenditures and of ratios of food household expenditures by Spanish provinces. 相似文献
Mahmoud Torabi 《Revue canadienne de statistique》2019,47(3):426-437
In survey sampling, policy decisions regarding the allocation of resources to sub‐groups of a population depend on reliable predictors of their underlying parameters. However, in some sub‐groups, called small areas due to small sample sizes relative to the population, the information needed for reliable estimation is typically not available. Consequently, data on a coarser scale are used to predict the characteristics of small areas. Mixed models are the primary tools in small area estimation (SAE) and also borrow information from alternative sources (e.g., previous surveys and administrative and census data sets). In many circumstances, small area predictors are associated with location. For instance, in the case of chronic disease or cancer, it is important for policy makers to understand spatial patterns of disease in order to determine small areas with high risk of disease and establish prevention strategies. The literature considering SAE with spatial random effects is sparse and mostly in the context of spatial linear mixed models. In this article, small area models are proposed for the class of spatial generalized linear mixed models to obtain small area predictors and corresponding second‐order unbiased mean squared prediction errors via Taylor expansion and a parametric bootstrap approach. The performance of the proposed approach is evaluated through simulation studies and application of the models to a real esophageal cancer data set from Minnesota, U.S.A. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 47: 426–437; 2019 © 2019 Statistical Society of Canada 相似文献
In this paper, we are interested in the estimation of the reliability parameter R = P(X > Y) where X, a component strength, and Y, a component stress, are independent power Lindley random variables. The point and interval estimation of R, based on maximum likelihood, nonparametric and parametric bootstrap methods, are developed. The performance of the point estimate and confidence interval of R under the considered estimation methods is studied through extensive simulation. A numerical example, based on a real data, is presented to illustrate the proposed procedure. 相似文献
In this paper, we discuss the derivation of the first and second moments for the proposed small area estimators under a multivariate linear model for repeated measures data. The aim is to use these moments to estimate the mean-squared errors (MSE) for the predicted small area means as a measure of precision. At the first stage, we derive the MSE when the covariance matrices are known. At the second stage, a method based on parametric bootstrap is proposed for bias correction and for prediction error that reflects the uncertainty when the unknown covariance is replaced by its suitable estimator. 相似文献
Azizur Rahman 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2017,46(9):7466-7484
This study provides small area housing stress estimates by tenure type in Australia with a way of calculating confidence intervals for a spatial microsimulation model. Findings reveal that prevalence of housing stress for private-renter, buyer, public-renter and owner households are 59.6%, 33.2%, 6.9%, and 0.3%, respectively. Almost two-thirds of these households are located in statistical local areas (SLAs) in eight capital cities, and a large number of them are in Sydney and Melbourne. Estimates for private renters and buyers are significantly high in some capitals and southeast coastal regions. About 95.7% of SLAs show accurate estimates with narrow confidence intervals. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(6):783-795
Binary data are often of interest in business surveys, particularly when the aim is to characterize grouping in the businesses making up the survey population. When small area estimates are required for such binary data, use of standard estimation methods based on linear mixed models (LMMs) becomes problematic. We explore two model-based techniques of small area estimation for small area proportions, the empirical best predictor (EBP) under a generalized linear mixed model and the model-based direct estimator (MBDE) under a population-level LMM. Our empirical results show that both the MBDE and the EBP perform well. The EBP is a computationally intensive method, whereas the MBDE is easy to implement. In case of model misspecification, the MBDE also appears to be more robust. The mean-squared error (MSE) estimation of MBDE is simple and straightforward, which is in contrast to the complicated MSE estimation for the EBP. 相似文献
Luoxi Shi Dorothy K. Hatsukami Joseph S. Koopmeiners Chap T. Le Neal L. Benowitz Eric C. Donny Xianghua Luo 《Pharmaceutical statistics》2021,20(6):1249-1264
A simple approach for analyzing longitudinally measured biomarkers is to calculate summary measures such as the area under the curve (AUC) for each individual and then compare the mean AUC between treatment groups using methods such as t test. This two-step approach is difficult to implement when there are missing data since the AUC cannot be directly calculated for individuals with missing measurements. Simple methods for dealing with missing data include the complete case analysis and imputation. A recent study showed that the estimated mean AUC difference between treatment groups based on the linear mixed model (LMM), rather than on individually calculated AUCs by simple imputation, has negligible bias under random missing assumptions and only small bias when missing is not at random. However, this model assumes the outcome to be normally distributed, which is often violated in biomarker data. In this paper, we propose to use a LMM on log-transformed biomarkers, based on which statistical inference for the ratio, rather than difference, of AUC between treatment groups is provided. The proposed method can not only handle the potential baseline imbalance in a randomized trail but also circumvent the estimation of the nuisance variance parameters in the log-normal model. The proposed model is applied to a recently completed large randomized trial studying the effect of nicotine reduction on biomarker exposure of smokers. 相似文献
Thomas B. Fomby 《统计学通讯:模拟与计算》2013,42(2):551-570
Evidence presented by Fomby and Guilkey (1983) suggests that Hatanaka's estimator of the coefficients in the lagged dependent variable-serial correlation regression model performs poorly, not because of poor selection of the estimate of the autocorrelation coefficient, but because of the lack of a first observation correction. This study conducts a Monte Carlo investigationof the small sample efficiency gains obtainable from a first observation correction suggested by Harvey (1981). Results presented here indicate that substantial gains result from the first observation correction. However, in comparing Hatanaka's procedure with first observation correction to maximum likelihood search, it appears that ignoring the determinantal term of the full likelihood function causes some loss of small sample efficiency. Thus, when computer costsand programming constraints are not binding, maximum likelihood search is to be recommended. In contrast, users who have access to only rudimentary least squares programs would be well served when using Hatanaka's two-step procedure with first 相似文献
Stochastic dominance is usually used to rank random variables by comparing their distributions, so it is widely applied in economics and finance. In actual applications, complete stochastic dominance is too demanding to meet, so relaxation indexes of stochastic dominance have attracted more attention. The π index, the biggest gap between two distributions, can be a measure of the degree of deviation from complete dominance. The traditional estimation method is to use the empirical distribution functions to estimate it. Considering the populations under comparison are generally of the same nature, we can link the populations through density ratio model under certain condition. Based on this model, we propose a new estimator and establish its statistical inference theory. Simulation results show that the proposed estimator substantially improves estimation efficiency and power of the tests and coverage probabilities satisfactorily match the confidence levels of the tests, which show the superiority of the proposed estimator. Finally we apply our method to a real example of the Chinese household incomes. 相似文献
Amparo Baíllo 《Statistics》2013,47(6):553-569
This work deals with estimating the vector of means of certain characteristics of small areas. In this context, a unit level multivariate model with correlated sampling errors is considered. An approximation is obtained for the mean-squared and cross-product errors of the empirical best linear unbiased predictors of the means, when model parameters are estimated either by maximum likelihood (ML) or by restricted ML. This approach has been implemented on a Monte Carlo study using social and labour data from the Spanish Labour Force Survey. 相似文献
A calibrated small area predictor based on an area-level linear mixed model with restrictions is proposed. It is showed that such restricted predictor, which guarantees the concordance between the small area estimates and a known estimate at the aggregate level, is the best linear unbiased predictor. The mean squared prediction error of the calibrated predictor is discussed. Further, a restricted predictor under a particular time-series and cross-sectional model is presented. Within a simulation study based on real data collected from a longitudinal survey conducted by a national statistical office, the proposed estimator is compared with other competitive restricted and non-restricted predictors. 相似文献
This article reviews four area-level linear mixed models that borrow strength by exploiting the possible correlation among the neighboring areas or/and past time periods. Its main goal is to study if there are efficiency gains when a spatial dependence or/and a temporal autocorrelation among random-area effects are included into the models. The Fay–Herriot estimator is used as benchmark. A design-based simulation study based on real data collected from a longitudinal survey conducted by a statistical office is presented. Our results show that models that explore both spatial and chronological association considerably improve the efficiency of small area estimates. 相似文献
Small area estimation of proportions under a spatial dependent aggregated level random effects model
This paper describes small area estimation (SAE) of proportions under a spatial dependent generalized linear mixed model using aggregated level data. The SAE is also applied to produce reliable district level estimates and mapping of incidence of indebtedness in the State of Uttar Pradesh in India using debt and investment survey data collected by National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) and the secondary data from the Census. The results show a significant improvement in precision of model-based estimates generated by SAE as compared to direct estimates. The estimates generated by incorporating spatial information are more efficient than the one generated by ignoring this information. 相似文献
In reliability analysis, accelerated life-testing allows for gradual increment of stress levels on test units during an experiment. In a special class of accelerated life tests known as step-stress tests, the stress levels increase discretely at pre-fixed time points, and this allows the experimenter to obtain information on the parameters of the lifetime distributions more quickly than under normal operating conditions. Moreover, when a test unit fails, there are often more than one fatal cause for the failure, such as mechanical or electrical. In this article, we consider the simple step-stress model under Type-II censoring when the lifetime distributions of the different risk factors are independently exponentially distributed. Under this setup, we derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the unknown mean parameters of the different causes under the assumption of a cumulative exposure model. The exact distributions of the MLEs of the parameters are then derived through the use of conditional moment generating functions. Using these exact distributions as well as the asymptotic distributions and the parametric bootstrap method, we discuss the construction of confidence intervals for the parameters and assess their performance through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we illustrate the methods of inference discussed here with an example. 相似文献
In reliability and life-testing experiments, the researcher is often interested in the effects of extreme or varying stress factors such as temperature, voltage and load on the lifetimes of experimental units. Step-stress test, which is a special class of accelerated life-tests, allows the experimenter to increase the stress levels at fixed times during the experiment in order to obtain information on the parameters of the life distributions more quickly than under normal operating conditions. In this paper, we consider a new step-stress model in which the life-testing experiment gets terminated either at a pre-fixed time (say, Tm+1) or at a random time ensuring at least a specified number of failures (say, r out of n). Under this model in which the data obtained are Type-II hybrid censored, we consider the case of exponential distribution for the underlying lifetimes. We then derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the parameters assuming a cumulative exposure model with lifetimes being exponentially distributed. The exact distributions of the MLEs of parameters are obtained through the use of conditional moment generating functions. We also derive confidence intervals for the parameters using these exact distributions, asymptotic distributions of the MLEs and the parametric bootstrap methods, and assess their performance through a Monte Carlo simulation study. Finally, we present two examples to illustrate all the methods of inference discussed here. 相似文献