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A generalization of step-up and step-down multiple test procedures is proposed. This step-up-down procedure is useful when the objective is to reject a specified minimum number, q, out of a family of k hypotheses. If this basic objective is met at the first step, then it proceeds in a step-down manner to see if more than q hypotheses can be rejected. Otherwise it proceeds in a step-up manner to see if some number less than q hypotheses can be rejected. The usual step-down procedure is the special case where q = 1, and the usual step-up procedure is the special case where q = k. Analytical and numerical comparisons between the powers of the step-up-down procedures with different choices of q are made to see how these powers depend on the actual number of false hypotheses. Examples of application include comparing the efficacy of a treatment to a control for multiple endpoints and testing the sensitivity of a clinical trial for comparing the efficacy of a new treatment with a set of standard treatments.  相似文献   

A common question in the analysis of binary data is how to deal with overdispersion. One widely advocated sampling distribution for overdispersed binary data is the beta-binomial model. For example, this distribution is often used to model litter effects in toxicological experiments. Testing the null hypothesis of a beta-binomial distribution against all other distributions is difficult, however, when the litter sizes vary greatly. Herein, we propose a test statistic based on combining Pearson statistics from individual litter sizes, and estimate the p-value using bootstrap techniques. A Monte Carlo study confirms the accuracy and power of the test against a beta-binomial distribution contaminated with a few outliers. The method is applied to data from environmental toxicity studies.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the Wald test statistic for testing equality between the sets of regression coefficients in two linear regression models when the disturbance variances may possibly be unequal. This test can be also used as a test for a structural break. However, it is well known that the test based on the Wald test statistic suffers from severe size distortion in small sample when the disturbance variances of the two regression models are unequal. Our simulation results show that substantial improvements are made when the bootstrap methods are applied.  相似文献   

The case of selecting between a set of fixed models is considered. The true model is assumed to be contained in the set of proposed models and errors are taken to be normally distributed. A sequential procedure which yeilds probabilities of incorrect selections is proposed. The procedure is shown to have optimal properties and is extended to the estimated model case by a bootstrap procedure.  相似文献   


In the present paper we develop bootstrap tests of hypothesis, based on simulation, for the transition probability matrix arising in the context of a multi-state model. The bootstrap test statistic is based on the paper of Tattar and Vaman (2008 Tattar, P. N., Vaman, H. J. (2008). Testing transition probability matrix of a multi-state model with censored data. Lifetime Data Anal. 14(2):216230.[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), which develops a statistic for the testing problems concerning the transition probability matrix of the non homogeneous Markov process.  相似文献   

This study considers a goodness-of-fit test for location-scale time series models with heteroscedasticity, including a broad class of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-type models. In financial time series analysis, the correct identification of model innovations is crucial for further inferences in diverse applications such as risk management analysis. To implement a goodness-of-fit test, we employ the residual-based entropy test generated from the residual empirical process. Since this test often shows size distortions and is affected by parameter estimation, its bootstrap version is considered. It is shown that the bootstrap entropy test is weakly consistent, and thereby its usage is justified. A simulation study and data analysis are conducted by way of an illustration.  相似文献   


Weibull mixture models are widely used in a variety of fields for modeling phenomena caused by heterogeneous sources. We focus on circumstances in which original observations are not available, and instead the data comes in the form of a grouping of the original observations. We illustrate EM algorithm for fitting Weibull mixture models for grouped data and propose a bootstrap likelihood ratio test (LRT) for determining the number of subpopulations in a mixture model. The effectiveness of the LRT methods are investigated via simulation. We illustrate the utility of these methods by applying them to two grouped data applications.  相似文献   

All-pairs power in a one-way ANOVA is the probability of detecting all true differences between pairs of means. Ramsey (1978) found that for normal distributions having equal variances, step-down multiple comparison procedures can have substantially more all-pairs power than single-step procedures, such as Tukey’s HSD, when equal sample sizes are randomly sampled from each group. This paper suggests a step-down procedure for the case of unequal variances and compares it to Dunnett's T3 technique. The new procedure is similar in spirit to one of the heteroscedastic procedures described by Hochberg and Tamhane (1987), but it has certain advantages that are discussed in the paper. Included are results on unequal sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this article, we consider the problem of testing for variance breaks in time series in the presence of a changing trend. In performing the test, we employ the cumulative sum of squares (CUSSQ) test introduced by Inclán and Tiao (1994, J.?Amer.?Statist.?Assoc., 89, 913 ? 923). It is shown that CUSSQ test is not robust in the case of broken trend and its asymptotic distribution does not convergence to the sup of a standard Brownian bridge. As a remedy, a bootstrap approximation method is designed to alleviate the size distortions of test statistic while preserving its high power. Via a bootstrap functional central limit theorem, the consistency of these bootstrap procedures is established under general assumptions. Simulation results are provided for illustration and an empirical example of application to a set of high frequency real data is given.  相似文献   

In this paper, a bootstrap test based on the least absolute deviation (LAD) estimation for the unit root test in first-order autoregressive models with dependent residuals is considered. The convergence in probability of the bootstrap distribution function is established. Under the frame of dependence assumptions, the asymptotic behavior of the bootstrap LAD estimator is independent of the covariance matrix of the residuals, which automatically approximates the target distribution.  相似文献   

Under mild distributional assumptions,Langberg,Proshane,and Quinzi demonstrated the changing of a dependent competing failure mode system into an independent one.In this paper, their procedure is ultiized to construct dependent failure mode models.The common reliablity models, Exponential,Weibull and Extreme value, are examined with this procedure and an example is discussed.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of accounting for multiplicity for two correlated endpoints in the comparison of two treatments using weighted hypothesis tests. Various weighted testing procedures are reviewed, and a more powerful method (a variant of the weighted Simes test) is evaluated for the general bivariate normal case and for a particular clinical trial example. Results from these evaluations are summarized and indicate that the weighted methods perform in a manner similar to unweighted methods. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop a test to distinguish between heavy and super-heavy tailed probability distributions. These classes of distributions are relevant in areas such as telecommunications and insurance risk, among others. By heavy tailed distributions we mean probability distribution functions with polynomially decreasing upper tails (regularly varying tails). The term super-heavy is reserved for right tails decreasing to zero at a slower rate, such as logarithmic, or worse (slowly varying tails). Simulations are presented for several models and an application with telecommunications data is provided.  相似文献   

Given the regression model Yi = m(xi) +εi (xi ε C, i = l,…,n, C a compact set in R) where m is unknown and the random errors {εi} present an ARMA structure, we design a bootstrap method for testing the hypothesis that the regression function follows a general linear model: Ho : m ε {mθ(.) = At(.)θ : θ ε ? ? Rq} with A a functional from R to Rq. The criterion of the test derives from a Cramer-von-Mises type functional distance D = d2([mcirc]n, At(.)θn), between [mcirc]n, a Gasser-Miiller non-parametric estimator of m, and the member of the class defined in Ho that is closest to mn in terms of this distance. The consistency of the bootstrap distribution of D and θn is obtained under general conditions. Finally, simulations show the good behavior of the bootstrap approximation with respect to the asymptotic distribution of D = d2.  相似文献   

This paper considers p-value based step-wise rejection procedures for testing multiple hypotheses. The existing procedures have used constants as critical values at all steps. With the intention of incorporating the exact magnitude of the p-values at the earlier steps into the decisions at the later steps, this paper applies a different strategy that the critical values at the later steps are determined as functions of the p-values from the earlier steps. As a result, we have derived a new equality and developed a two-step rejection procedure following that. The new procedure is a short-cut of a step-up procedure, and it possesses great simplicity. In terms of power, the proposed procedure is generally comparable to the existing ones and exceptionally superior when the largest p-value is anticipated to be less than 0.5.  相似文献   

An attractive method of dealing with the multiplicity inherent in studies comparing multiple doses is to use a testing strategy in which hypotheses (or sets of hypotheses) are tested in a prespecified order, with rejection at each step a necessary condition for continuation to the next step. Such a strategy naturally lends itself to interim monitoring. We demonstrate how this may be achieved. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sequentially rejective (SR) testing procedure introduced by Holm (1979) and modified (MSR) by Shaffer (1986) is considered for testing all pairwise mean comparisons.For such comparisons, both the SR and MSR methods require that the observed test statistics be ordered and compared, each in turn, to appropriate percentiles on Student's t distribution.For the MSR method these percentiles are based on the maximum number of true null hypotheses remaining at each stage of the sequential procedure, given prior significance at previous stages, A function is developed for determining this number from the number of means being tested and the stage of the test.For a test of all pairwise comparisons, the logical implications which follow the rejection of a null hypothesis renders the MSR procedure uniformly more powerful than the SR procedure.Tables of percentiles for comparing K means, 3 < K < 6, using the MSR method are presented.These tables use Sidak's (1967) multiplicative inequality and simplify the use of t he MSR procedure.Several modifications to the MSR are suggested as a means of further increasing the power for testing the pairwise comparisons.General use of the MSR and the corresponding function for testing other parameters besides the mean is discussed.  相似文献   

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