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Denis Bouget 《Social Policy & Administration》2003,37(6):674-693
The history of the social welfare systems in Europe in the postwar period appears as autonomous national processes because the construction of Europe which imposed common rules in many areas was equally consistent with the national development of social welfare systems, within each national culture. However, the idea of a common system of social protection has always remained linked to political and economic European construction which would create a more cohesive society. Many studies have analysed the trend of specific social policies and their convergence or divergence in Europe. Therefore, global convergence is often conceived as resulting from the domestic dynamics of each social risk. The paper focuses on one specific topic: the quantitative evaluation of convergence among the EU and OECD countries at the macroeconomic level. In the first part we explain the construction of social indicators which can assess the convergence or divergence of social expenditure in EU and OECD countries. In the second part we show many methodological problems and difficulties of interpretation of the social indicators. Then we see that the analysis of national trajectories of social expenditure and the link with economic development can enrich the analysis of convergence in social protection. Finally, the empirical analysis supports the idea of “adjustment” reforms rather than radical changes in a transitional period. 相似文献
经济科学都是以经济活动及其关系作为自己的研究对象的 ;虽然在近 2 0年来经济活动发生了向其他领域的“延伸” ,但它本身的“经济”意义并没有丧失。因此还需要坚定地把握经济活动及其关系对各门具体经济学科所具有的这种统一性。 相似文献
根据科学发展史的大量事例,试图说明现代科技创新需要在一个开放的系统中,通过学科间交叉渗透来实现;涉及国民经济命脉的、事关全局的科技创新需要一个强有力的计划体制来保证。 相似文献
David B. Resnik 《Accountability in research》2013,20(2):123-135
This essay proposes a new definition of scientific "misconduct," which is broader than the definition recently adopted by the U.S. government. According to the proposed definition, misconduct is a serious and intentional violation of accepted scientific practices, commonsense ethical norms, or research regulations in proposing, designing, conducting, reviewing, or reporting research. Punishable misconduct includes fabrication of data or experiments, falsification of data, plagiarism, or interference with a misconduct investigation. Misconduct does not include honest errors, differences of opinion, or ethically questionable research practices. 相似文献
The main goal of this paper is to review the strategies developed across European health care systems during the 1990s to improve coordination among health care providers. A second goal is to provide some analytical insights in two fields. On the one hand, we attempt to clarify the relationships between pro‐coordination strategies and organizational change in health care. Our main conclusion is that the specific features of health care impede the operation of either market or hierarchical coordination mechanisms. These can, however, be selectively successful if applied as levers to promote the role and impact of the pro‐cooperative coordination strategies which are ultimately required to foster adequate inter‐professional and inter‐organizational coordination. On the other hand, we try to cast some light on the ongoing debate on convergence versus path dependency within the broader field of welfare state reform. Evidence on pro‐coordination reforms in health care apparently supports some insights from previous work on the centrality of the socio‐political structure to account for varying patterns of selective path dependency across countries. In particular, the informal power resources of specialist physicians vis‐à‐vis primary care professionals and the state are critical to explain the different rhythm and fate of pro‐coordination reforms across Europe. Against received wisdom, the evidence examined suggests that selective path dependency might apparently be compatible with a general trend towards convergence understood as hybridization. 相似文献
玉林市作为广西人口第二大城市,拥有600多万人口,基本等同海南省全省的人口。由于地域与大海隔绝,其耗水量大的工业及外向型经济的发展受到严重制约,不利于展现其作为广西东大门的形象。事实上,玉林市所辖的博白县龙潭镇距离北部湾的直线距离不到10公里,离玉林市区的车程约为一个半小时。若将北海市合浦县所辖的沙田、山口两镇划入玉林市的行政区域,设立县级滨海区,则可合理调整玉林市的产业资源,大力提升玉林市的工业发展后劲,从而促进北部湾经济区的开发建设。 相似文献
文章介绍了分析哲学中关于同一性的本体论问题的一些解答,特别解释了奎因是怎样从日常生活言谈及科学理论言谈的角度出发得出一种相对同一性的观点的。奎因的工作展示了像同一性这样相对抽象的哲学理论概念如何能够在具体的日常生活及科学实践的语境中得到澄清。在讨论了奎因的非实在论方法在分析的形而上学中的广泛应用之后,作者介绍了麦克道尔对道德投射主义的批判,然后论证麦克道尔的工作可以被用来挑战上述的非实在主义的形而上学理论。 相似文献
以台阁体为明代文学之正统即“台阁正统”说,是《总目》明代文学批评的一个基本思想。台阁正统说,对明初以来直到明中期的文学坚持的是从宋濂到“三杨”再到李东阳的文学中心论,依此脉络在《四库全书》明人别集及提要所构建的明代文学体系中,台阁体中心以外的作家就不可避免地被四库馆臣作了淡化和边缘化的处理。《四库全书总目》虽然称茶陵为“派”,但并不把茶陵派看作一个独具创作风格的文学流派,而是把它归入台阁体在后三杨时代的一种代表。茶陵派归属台阁体之说,其可取之处是注意到了该派多数作家所共具的艺术风格及其渊源,但其缺憾和问题实非少有。《四库全书总目》所持的“立异起衰”说,与钱谦益的看法不尽相同,但都将茶陵派与复古派对立起来则是无异的。 相似文献
The study asks what kinds of interpretative repertoires do socialwelfare workers use and produce when describing their work,and how is the practitioner–client relationship describedin the different repertoires? Social welfare work is approachedthrough a single organization targeted for homeless women. Theresearch data consist of a free-form diary kept by the workers.The analysis shows that the workers construct six differentinterpretative repertoires: repertoire of care, repertoire ofassessment, repertoire of control, repertoire of therapy, repertoireof service provision and repertoire of fellowship. The repertoiresare not anchored to given workers or homeless women. Individualworkers adopt different repertoires, and a single homeless womanmay be encountered in several ways. The variation in the repertoiresand the movement between them make the work flexible. The quantitativelymost frequent repertoire is the repertoire of care based onthe ethics of care. As a carrying principle of the daily work,it may create a climate of trust and confidence which makesthe other repertoires possible. Due to its variation and commitmentto long-term care, the work with homeless women can be saidto challenge predominant policies that emphasize the citizensown responsibility and the managerialist mode of operation. 相似文献
周恩来在主持政府的工作中 ,非常重视首都北京的城市建设。他从实际出发 ,在改造旧北京、建设新北京 ,加强北京城市总体规划以及保护北京城的历史文物及古迹等方面 ,做出了一系列指示 ,并提出了北京城市建设要遵循“实用、经济、美观”的原则 ,为北京城市建设作出了不可磨灭的贡献。 相似文献
邓小平同志在十一届三中全会后恢复了党的实事求是的思想路线,在建设中国特色社会主义的实践中,江泽民和胡锦涛同志都对党的思想路线作出了新贡献,是对中国特色社会主义理论的重大发展。 相似文献
Bart Penders 《Accountability in research》2016,23(2):136-138
Evaluations of authorship and recommendations for authorship policies best heed the plurality of valuation cultures that traverse scientific practices and respect the messiness of scientific practices, for those are reflected in authorship and authorship sequence decisions. 相似文献
Pilar González Luis Delfim Santos Maria Clementina Santos 《Social Policy & Administration》2008,42(2):125-142
Since the implementation of the European Employment Strategy in the 1990s, the issue of gender gaps in the European Union labour markets has been granted a high profile. The Portuguese labour market has performed well on various indicators relating to gender equality, namely, participation and employment rates. Nevertheless, a persistent pay gap remains despite the recent evolution of the labour market, especially concerning the average education level of workers. This article investigates the main factors explaining the gender pay gap across two decades and the way those factors perform along time. We also discuss the means of closing the gap in the context of the European Employment Strategy, considering the lessons from other member states. We used wage decomposition techniques to analyse the relative importance of differences in the productive characteristics of workers, differences in the way men and women are distributed among jobs and the relative importance of discrimination practices. Our findings suggest that most of the pay gap is due to discrimination practices. Individual action by economic agents is insufficient to solve the persistent pay gap. Social partners must incorporate this issue within collective bargaining in order to construct an adequate strategy for reducing the gap, which can only be done by engaging men and women, employees and employers. 相似文献
基于一个动员框架发生显著变化的社会运动案例,本文分析了主导运动前后两个阶段的动员框架及其转变机制。研究发现,框架转变源于社会运动领袖的策略性选择,转变背后体现的是动员框架与运动所处的宏观文化情境之间的微妙联系。具体而言,第一阶段的动员框架使用了文化情境中的边缘价值,动员效果并不理想;第二阶段,社会运动领袖对动员框架进行策略性的调整,将其与文化情境中的主流价值靠拢,在动员取得突破之后,又将边缘价值带回动员框架。随着运动的扩大,这些边缘价值被广泛传播与推广,并在运动之后延续下来,重塑了文化情境。 相似文献